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Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics
Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics

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Название: Schaums outline of genetics

Автор: Stansfield W.D.


In Genetics, Third Edition, students learn the underlying concepts and applications of genetics. They will also find up-to-date coverage of molecular genetics and the molecular biology of eucaryotic cells and their viruses. Numerous illustrations, 209 problems solved step-by-step, 1,000 additional practice problems, and 433 review questions make key points memorable and prepare readers for all kinds of typical genetics exams.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 453

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Pachynema      9
Packing ratio      415
Palindrome      356—357
Panmixis      224 250
Paracentric inversion      183
Paramecium      80
PARAMETER      212
Parental ditype tetrad      129
Parental-type gamete      9 111
Parthenogenesis      82
Partial diploids      see Merozygote
Partial dominance      26 215
Partial sex linkage      see Incomplete sex linkage
Pauling, L.      354
PCR      366—368
Pea (Pisum sativum): chromosome number      4 57
Pea (Pisum sativum): cotyledon color      169
Pea (Pisum sativum): dwarf      57
Pea (Pisum sativum): flower color      54
Pea (Pisum sativum): flower position      54
Pea (Pisum sativum): pod shape      169
Pea (Pisum sativum): seed color      10 52
Pea (Pisum sativum): seed shape      10 52 57
Peach      55
Pedigree      31 225
Pedigree selection      224
Penetrance      27
Penicillin enrichment technique      303
Peptide bond      272—273
Peptidyl transferase      272 303
Perfect flower      80
Pericarp      14 192
Pericentric inversion      182
Perithecium      127
Permease      see Enzymes
Petri dish      301
Phage      see Bacteriphage
Phenotype      24
Phenotypic lag      306
Phenylketonuria      263
Phenylthiocarbamide (PTC)      263 264
Philadelphia chromosome      189
Photoreactivation      286
Photosynthesis      3
Physical gene map      116
Phytochrome      398
Pig      see Swine
Pigeon      98
Pilin      311
Pilus      311
Pistillate flower      80
Plaques      326 346
Plasma cell      401
Plasma membrane      2—3
Plasmagenes      405
Plasmid      311 363
Plasmid, colicinogenic      313
Plasmid, cosmid      366
Plasmid, R-type      313 321
Plasmid, sex(F)      311
Plasmon      405
Plastid      See also Chloroplasts
Plastid functions      3
Plating of bacteria      301
Pleiotropism      64 209 286
Ploidy      4 177—179
Plus technique of DNA sequencing      370—372
Point mutations      see Mutations
Poisson distribution      161 171 334
Polar body      12
polar molecules      272
Polar mutation      320
Polar nuclei      13
Polar regions      6
Polarity of DNA chains      269
Pollen      13
Pollen mother cell      see Microsporocyte
Pollen tube      13
Pollenlethals      181
Poly-A tail      277
Polycistronic mRNA      309 314
Polydactyly      27
Polyethylene glycol      130
Polygenes      209 (See also Quantitative genetics)
Polyhybrid      25
Polymer      271 275
Polymerase chain reaction      366—368
Polymorphism      369
Polypeptide      see Protein
Polyploidy      178
Polyprotein      400
Polyribosome      310
Polysome      310
Polytene chromosome      179 415 420 421
Population genetics      249—268
Position effect      181 185
Poultry      see Chickens; Turkeys
Preadaptation      333
Prenatal chromosome analysis      188
Pribnow box      306
Primary cell culture      411
Primase      280
Primed synthesis method of DNA sequencing      370—372
Primrose: Chinese      40
Primrose: evening      see Oenothera
Primula      103
Principle of allelic segregation      10
Principle of independent assortment      10
Prion      409
Probability laws: independent events      32
Probability laws: mutually exclusive events      32
Probe      409
Procaryote      1 301
Product ratio      120
Progenote      404
Progeny      7
Progeny test      224
Prokaryote      see Procaryote
Promoter: of cancer      411
Promoter: of transcription      277
Prophage      329 (See also Lysogenization)
Prophage induction      329 343
Prophase: meiotic      8—9
Prophase: mitotic      6
Proteins      See also Enzymes
Proteins: active sites      292 294
Proteins: alpha helix      273
Proteins: histones      291
Proteins: single-stranded binding      281
Proteins: structure      272—275
Proteins: synthesis      277—279
Proteins: unwinding      281
Protooncogenes      413 423
Protoperithecium      127
Prototrophy      302
Pseudodominance      184
Pseudogene      393 421
PTC taster phenotype      263—264
Pterin pigment      64
Puff (chromosomal)      421
Punnes      270
Punnett square      30
Pure line      24
Pyrimidines      270
Q bands      187
Quadrivalent      177
Quadruplex      190
Qualitative characters      210
Quantitative characters      209—210
Quantitative inheritance      209—248
Quantitative inheritance, characteristics      210
Quantitative inheritance, heritability estimates      217—222
Quantitative inheritance, types of gene action      215—217
Quasi-quantitative traits      210—211
Quinacrine      187
R plasmid      313
Rabbit: agouti      41 151
Rabbit: albino      28 150 258
Rabbit: black      41 54 150 151
Rabbit: body weight      232
Rabbit: brown      150
Rabbit: chinchilla      28 37
Rabbit: dwarf      151
Rabbit: fat color      263
Rabbit: Flemish breed      232
Rabbit: hair length      39 54 150
Rabbit: Himalayan      24 28 258
Rabbit: lethal gene      41
Rabbit: light gray      28 37
Rabbit: multiple alleles      28 37 41
Rabbit: Pelger anomaly      40
Rabbit: rex      150
Rabbit: spotted      42
Race      238 250
Radiation      see Ionizing radiation: Ultraviolet light
Radiation hybrid mapping      374
Radiation-induced gene segregation      130
Radioactive elements      172 293 355—356
Radioactive elements, beta ray      356
Radioactive elements, gamma ray      356
Radioactive elements, half-life      356
Radioactive elements, tritium      356
Radioautography      356
Radish      40 56 171
Random assortment      see Independent assortment
Random mating      see Panmixis
Raspberry      198
Rat: body weight      238
Rat: coat coIors      70 71 171 172
Rat: kinky hair      150
Rat: stubby tail      150
Re      see Restriction endonuclease
RecA protein      310 329 343
Receptors (viral)      326
Recessive genes      25
Reciprocal crosses      84
Reciprocal translocations      see Translocations
Recombinant DNA technology      see Genetic engineering
Recombinant gametes      [see Crossover-type gamete
Recombination      282—283
Recombination in bacteria      310—313 322—323
Recombination, limits of      112
Recombination, linked genes      110—112
Recombination, percentage vs. map units      116 167
Recombination, unlinked genes      see Independent assortment
Recombinationmodels of      282—283
Recon      333
Reductional division      7 (See also Meiosis)
Regression      218—219
Regulation of genetic expression: bacterial      314—319
Regulation of genetic expression: eucaryotic      396—400
Regulative development      416
Regulatory genes      314
Regulatory proteins      314
Release factors      310
Renaturation of DNA      355
Renner complex      181
Repair mechanisms      286 329
Repetitive DNA      390
Repetitive DNA, Replica plating technique      303
Repetitive DNA, variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR)      370
Replication: bacterial      303—306
Replication: bidirectional      392
Replication: chromosomal      5 392—393
Replication: conservative      374
Replication: discontinuous      281
Replication: DNA      280—281
Replication: fork      281
Replication: origin of (ori site)      281
Replication: rolling circle      305
Replication: semi-conservative      280 374
Replication: sigma      305
Replication: theta      305
Replicative intermediate      340
Replicon      281 392
Repression      314 317
Repressor: lambda      340 343 401
Repressor: proteins      314
Reproduction: asexual      see Binary fission; Budding; Mitosis
Reproduction: differential      see Selection
Reproduction: sexual      see Gametogenesis; Meiosis
Reproductive isolation      250
Repulsion linkage      111
Resistance transfer factor      313
Restricted transduction      330
Restriction and modification      326
Restriction endonuclease      356—357
Restriction enzyme mapping      357 377—378
Restriction fragment length polymorphism      369
Retrovirus      413—414
Reverse transcriptase      360
Rhesus (Rh) blood group system      146 263
Rho $(\ro)$ factor      308
RIA (radioimmunoassay)      365
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): activated tRNA      278
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): anticodon      278
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): charged tRNA      278
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): codons      277
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): loaded tRNA      278
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): masked mRNA      400
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): messenger (mRNA)      272
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): mRNA half-life      421
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): polycistronic      309
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): polymerase      277 306 395
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): post-transcriptional processing      395
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): primer      280
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): ribosomal (rRNA)      272
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): structure      271—272
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): synthesis      see Transcription
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): transfer (tRNA)      272 278
Ribonucleic acid (RNA): viruses      409 413—414
Ribose      270
Ribosomal RNA (rRNA)      272
Ribosomes      2—3
Ribosomes, amphibian oocyte      420
Ribosomes, eucaryotic      395
Ribosomes, procaryotic      308
Ribozymes      275 309 395
Ring chromosome      186 198 202
RNA      see Ribonucleic acid
Robertsonian translocation      186—187
RTF (resistance transfer factor)      313
S      see Svedberg unit
S phase of cell cycle      7
Saccharomyces cerevisiae      see Yeast
Salivary gland chromosomes      179
Salvage pathway      130
Samesense codon      276
Samesense mutation      285
Sample size      162
sampling errors      162
Sampling theory      162
Sanger and Coulson technique      370
Satellite (chromosomal)      4
Satellite nucleotide sequences      392
Scaffold      392
Scintillation counter      356
Second division segregation      128
Second messenger      319
Secondary sexual characteristics      102
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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