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Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics
Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics

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Название: Schaums outline of genetics

Автор: Stansfield W.D.


In Genetics, Third Edition, students learn the underlying concepts and applications of genetics. They will also find up-to-date coverage of molecular genetics and the molecular biology of eucaryotic cells and their viruses. Numerous illustrations, 209 problems solved step-by-step, 1,000 additional practice problems, and 433 review questions make key points memorable and prepare readers for all kinds of typical genetics exams.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 453

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Line (genetic)      24
Linebreeding      227
Linkage      1 110—158
Linkage, $F_2$, method of estimation      118—120
Linkage, coupling phase      111
Linkage, crossing over      110—112
Linkage, group (chromosome)      1
Linkage, product ratio method of estimation      120—121
Linkage, repulsion phase      111
Linked genes      1
Linker DNA      391
Linkers      361
Liverwort      15
Locus (genetic)      1
Luria — Delbriick fluctuation test      333
Luxury genes      399
Lyon's hypothesis      187
Lysis (bacterial)      310
Lysogeny      329
Lysosome      2—3
Lysozyme      328 365
Lytic phage life cycle      327—329
M period of cell cycle      7
M-N blood group system      26 38 263
Macronucleus      397
Maize      see Corn
Male sterility      419 422
MAN      see Human genetics
Map distance      113 116
Map unit      113
Mapping techniques for human genome project      374
Marker, genetic      see Phenotype
Masked mRNA      400
Mass selection      222
Master plate      see Replica plating technique
Maternal effect genes      401
Maternal influence      401
Maternal inheritance      405
Mating systems      224—230
Mating systems, crossbreeding      228
Mating systems, inbreeding      225
Mating systems, linebreeding      227
Mating systems, negative assortment      228—230
Mating systems, outcrossing      224
Mating systems, panmictic (random)      224 250
Mating systems, positive assortment      225—228
Maturation of gametes      11
Maxam, A.      372
McClintock, В.      394
Mean: arithmetic      211
Mean: geometric      216
Mean: Poisson      161
Mean: weighted      117
Media (bacterial)      15
Megagametophyte      15
Megasporangium (nucellus)      13
Megaspore      13
Megasporocyte      13
Megasporogenesis      13—14
Meiosis      7—10
Meiosis disjunction      177
Meiotic drive      250
Melandrium      87 97 102
Melting temperature of DNA      355
Mendelian laws      10 47
Mendelian population      249
Meromyxis      310
Merozygote      374
Meselson, M.      374
Mesosome      305
Messenger (first, second)      319
Messenger RNA (mRNA)      see Ribonucleic acid messenger
Meta-females      see Superfemales
Meta-males      see Supermales
Metabolic block      61—62
Metabolism      61
Metacentric chromosome      4
Metaphase: meiotic      9
Metaphase: mitotic      6—7
Metaphase: plate      6
Metasexes      87 189
Metastasis      410
Methionine      278
Metric traits      see Quantitative characters
Mice (Mus musculus): adipose      57
Mice (Mus musculus): agouti      37 56 57 68 73 171
Mice (Mus musculus): albino      68 72—74 150 171
Mice (Mus musculus): bent tail      139
Mice (Mus musculus): black      57 68 72 74 171
Mice (Mus musculus): body weight      239
Mice (Mus musculus): breast cancer      424
Mice (Mus musculus): brown      see chocolate
Mice (Mus musculus): carcinogen tests      239
Mice (Mus musculus): cell hybridization      130
Mice (Mus musculus): chocolate (brown)      57 68 72 74 171
Mice (Mus musculus): chromosome number      16
Mice (Mus musculus): cinnamon      68 171
Mice (Mus musculus): dilute and dilute lethal      41 57
Mice (Mus musculus): drug sensitivity      239
Mice (Mus musculus): fat      57
Mice (Mus musculus): frizzy      150
Mice (Mus musculus): Himalayan      57
Mice (Mus musculus): jittery      141
Mice (Mus musculus): kinked tail      56
Mice (Mus musculus): lethal yellow      37 56 73
Mice (Mus musculus): milk factors      424
Mice (Mus musculus): obese      57
Mice (Mus musculus): spotting      74
Mice (Mus musculus): sterility      57
Mice (Mus musculus): syngeneic      412
Mice (Mus musculus): tabby      139
Mice (Mus musculus): waltzer      141 201
Microfilaments      3
Microgametophyte      13 15
Micronucleus      397
Micropyle      13
Microspore      13
Microspore mother cell      13
Microsporocyte      13
Microsporogenesis      13
microtubules      3 6
Midparent index      224 227
Milk factors      424
Milk production      see Cattle
Miller trees      421
Minimal medium      302
Mink      74
Minus technique of DNA sequencing      370 372
Mirabilis jalapa      405
Missense: codon      276 283
Missense: mutation      285
Mitochondrion      403—404 423
Mitosis      5—7 10
MOI (multiplicity of infection)      329
Mold      see Neurospora
Mongolian idiocy      see Down syndrome
Monoclonal antibodies      412
Monoecious plant      80
Monofactorial cross      28
Monohybrid      30
Monomers      271
Monoploid      177
Monosomic      178
Monozygotic twins      see Identical twins
Morphogen      401
Mosaic      189 202
Mosaic development      416
Moths      81
Mouse      see Mice
Mule      15 187
Muller, H.      289
Muller-5 strain      293—294
Multigene family      393
Multihybrid      see Polyhybrid
Multinomial distribution      160
Multiple alleles      27 252
Multiple genes      See also Polygenes
Multiple genes, additive effects      210
Multiple genes, estimation of numbers      210—211 214
Multiple genes, multiplicative effects      216
Multiplicative gene action      216
Multiplicity of infection      329
Mus museulus      see Mice
Mutagens      285 343
Mutagens, ethyl-methane sulfonate      166
Mutant type      25—26
Mutation      283—286
Mutation, background      285
Mutation, backmutation      286
Mutation, base addition or deletion      see frameshift
Mutation, classification      285—286
Mutation, copy error      285
Mutation, definition      1
Mutation, deletion      285 (See also Deletions)
Mutation, forward      286
Mutation, frameshift      275—276 285
Mutation, frequency      284
Mutation, gametic      286
Mutation, genetic control      284 285
Mutation, germinal (gametic)      286
Mutation, hot spots      333
Mutation, hypermutation      403
Mutation, induction by ionizing radiations      285
Mutation, induction by UV light      285
Mutation, insertion (base addition)      285
Mutation, insertional inactivation      363
Mutation, intragenic      285
Mutation, lethals      286 (See also Lethal mutations)
Mutation, missense      285
Mutation, nonsense      285
Mutation, origin of alleles      27
Mutation, point      285
Mutation, polar      320
Mutation, preadaptive      333—334
Mutation, rate      284 285
Mutation, reversibility      286
Mutation, samesense      285
Mutation, semilethal      286
Mutation, site-specific      368
Mutation, somatic      286
Mutation, spontaneous      285
Mutation, sterility      285
Mutation, structural      285
Mutation, subvital      286
Mutation, suppressors      286
Mutation, transitions      285
Mutation, transversions      285
Mutation, viability effects      286
Mutator gene      284
Muton      288 333
Mutually exclusive events      32
Mycellium      126
Myeloma      412
Natural selection      284 (See also Selection)
Neoplasm      411
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): adenineless      152
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): arginineless      152
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): colonial growth      127
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): cytoplasmic inheritance      406 418 422
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): life cycle      126—127
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): mating type      83 127
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): methionineless      142
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): poky      418 422
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): riboflavineless      153
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): tetrad analysis      126—129 152—153
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): thiamineless      152
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): tryptophaneless      153
Neurospora crassa (bread mold): yellow conidia      152
Nick      281
Nicotiana      103 230 234
Nitrocellulose      355
Nitrous acid      285
Non-Mendelian segregation      see Extranuclear heredity
Nondisjunction      see Disjunction
Nonparental ditype tetrad      129
Nonsegregation      405
Nonsense codons      276
Nonsense codons, suppression of      294—295
Normal distribution      211
Northern blotting      370
Nucellus      13
Nuclear membrane      2—3
Nuclear segregation      306
Nuclease      280 309 356
Nucleic acids      see Deoxyribonucleic acid; Ribonucleic acid
Nucleoid      301
Nucleolar organizing region      395
Nucleolus      394
Nucleoplasm      2—3
Nucleoprotein      1 9 391
Nucleoside      270
Nucleosome      6 391
Nucleotide      270
Nucleotide, sequencing      357
Nucleotide, unusual (rare) forms      278
Nucleus      1
Nucleus, antipodal      13
Nucleus, cell      1—3
Nucleus, egg      13
Nucleus, fusion      13
Nucleus, generative      13
Nucleus, polar      13
Nucleus, segregation      306
Nucleus, sperm      13
Nucleus, triploid      14
Nucleus, tube      13
Null hypothesis      162
Nulliplex      190
Nullisomic      179
OATS      198
Oenothera (evening primrose)      181
Okazaki fragment      281
Ommochrome pigment      64
Oncogene      413 423
Oncogenes      411
Oncogenic virus      413—414
Oncology      411
One gene—one enzyme hypothesis      287
One gene—one polypeptide hypothesis      287
Onions      71 72 74
Ontology      400
Oocyte      12
Oogenesis      12
Oogonia      12
Ootid      12
Operator      314
Operon      314
Orangutan      187
Ordered tetrads      129
Organelles      1—3 403—406
Organizer      401
Orthoptcra      81
Outcrossing      224
Ovaries: animal      7 12
Ovaries: plant      13
Overdominance      215 229
Overwinding of DNA      304
Ovum      7 12
Owls      264
P (parental generation)      28
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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