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Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics
Stansfield W.D. — Schaums outline of genetics

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Название: Schaums outline of genetics

Автор: Stansfield W.D.


In Genetics, Third Edition, students learn the underlying concepts and applications of genetics. They will also find up-to-date coverage of molecular genetics and the molecular biology of eucaryotic cells and their viruses. Numerous illustrations, 209 problems solved step-by-step, 1,000 additional practice problems, and 433 review questions make key points memorable and prepare readers for all kinds of typical genetics exams.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Биология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 453

Добавлена в каталог: 11.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Gene symbols      25—26
Gene synthetic      360
Gene wild type      25—26
Generative nucleus      13
Genetic advance      221
genetic code      275—277
Genetic code, degeneracy      276 278
Genetic code, table of mRNA codons      277
Genetic code, universality      276
Genetic disequilibrium      251
genetic engineering      357—389
Genetic equilibrium      250
Genetic gain      221
Genetic interaction      61—79
Genetic linkage      110—158
Genetic locus      1
Genetic mapping      113 116
Genetic recombination      see Recombination
Genetic relationship      218—220 225—229
Genetic symbols      25—26
Genetic variability      see Variance
Genetics: classical      354
Genetics: defined      1
Genetics: developmental      400—403
Genetics: forensic      370
Genetics: formal      354
Genetics: medical      369
Genetics: Mendelian      10
Genetics: molecular      354—389
Genetics: population      249—268
Genetics: quantitative      209—248
Genie balance      82
Genome      4
Genophore      301
Genotype      24
Genotype, dihybrid      47
Genotype, heterozygous      25
Genotype, homozygous      24
Genotype, monohybrid      30
Geometric gene action      216
Geometric mean      216
Germ cell formation      see Gametogenesis
Germ line      7
Ghost (viral)      327
Giant chromosome      179
Giemsa stain      187
Gigantism      178
Gilbert, W.      372
Glucose effect      39
Goat      99
Goldfish      102
Golgi body      2—3 423
Gonad      7
Gorilla      187
Gossypium      see Cotton
Grasshopper      81 97
Griffith, F      311
Growth factor, platelet-derived      414
Growth, density dependent      411
GTP      309
Guanine      270
Guanine cap      277
Guanosine triphosphate (GTP)      309
Guinea pig: hair color      28 39 53 171 173
Guinea pig: hair length      47 53 173
Guinea pig: hair texture      131
Guinea pig: pollex      132
Gymnosperm      15
Gynotermone      102
Habrobracon juglandis      see Bracon hebetor
Haplodiploidy      82
Haploid      4
Hardy — Weinberg law      250
HAT medium      130 412
Headful mechanism      328
Helicase      281
Helix-turn-helix      401
Hemizygous      84
Hemoglobin      1 283
Hemoglobin, structure      274
Hemophilia      89 131 264
Hemp      80 101
Heredity      see Genetics
Heritability      217—222
Hermaphrodite      80
Hershey — Chase experiment      355
Heteroalleles      288
Heterocapsidic virus      410
Heterochromatin      187 391
Heterocytosome      422
Heteroduplex      282 311
Heterogametic sex      80—81
Heterogenote      see Merogenote
Heterokaryon      127 422
Heteromorphic chromosomes      4
Heteromorphic flowers      103
Heteroplasmic cell      406
Heteroplasmon      422
Heteropolymer      275
Heterosis (hybrid vigor)      228—229
Heterozygote (hybrid)      25
Heterozygote (hybrid), superiority      see Heterosis Overdominance
Hexaploid      178
Hfr bacteria      311
HGPRT      130 412
Himalayan color pattern      24
histogram      210
Histones      391
Hogness box      395
Holandric genes      85
Holoenzyme      306
Homeobox      401
Homeostasis      229 396
Homeotic genes      401
Homoalleles      288
Homocaryon      306
Homoeotic genes      401
Homogametic sex      80
Homologous chromosomes      1 4
Homologues      4
Homoplasmic cell      406
Homopolymer      275 360
Homozygote      24
hops      80
Hormones      86 398
Horse: anemia      40 264
Horse: hybrids      15 187
Host range      326
Host restriction      326
Hot spots      333
Housekeeping genes      399
Human genetics: ABO blood groups      28 37—38 259 264
Human genetics: albinism      25 75
Human genetics: anemia      see sickle cell anemia; thalassemia
Human genetics: baldness      86 92—93 100 263
Human genetics: birth weight      213
Human genetics: body height      240
Human genetics: brachyphalangy      56
Human genetics: cancer      189 410—414
Human genetics: cell hybridization      130—131
Human genetics: chromosome anomalies      187—189 202—203
Human genetics: chromosome number      4 187
Human genetics: color blindness      97 100 131 200 202 264
Human genetics: cri du chat syndrome      189 202
Human genetics: cytogenetics      187—189
Human genetics: deafness      74
Human genetics: Denver system of chromosome classification      187
Human genetics: Down syndrome      189 200 203
Human genetics: ear hair      99
Human genetics: eliptocytosis      146
Human genetics: familial mongolism      203
Human genetics: family composition      170
Human genetics: finger length      99 257
Human genetics: hair color      41
Human genetics: haptoglobin      260
Human genetics: hemoglobin      1 64 292
Human genetics: hemophilia      89 131 264
Human genetics: holandric genes      99
Human genetics: infantile amaurotic idiocy      56
Human genetics: intelligence quotient      239—240
Human genetics: juvenile amaurotic idiocy      56
Human genetics: Klinefelter syndrome      189 200 202
Human genetics: leukemia      189
Human genetics: Lewis blood group      69
Human genetics: M-N blood groups      26 38 263
Human genetics: mapping      130 374
Human genetics: mosaics      189 202
Human genetics: ovalocytosis (eliptocytosis)      146
Human genetics: pedigree analysis      41—42 131—132 146—147
Human genetics: phenylketonuria      263
Human genetics: Philadelphia chromosome      189
Human genetics: polydactyly      27
Human genetics: polyploid cells      178
Human genetics: porcupine man      99
Human genetics: PTC tasting      263
Human genetics: racial hybrids      238
Human genetics: retinitis pigmentosum      146
Human genetics: Rh blood groups      146 263
Human genetics: secretor of ABO substances      69
Human genetics: sex determination      80—81
Human genetics: sickle-cell anemia      283 370
Human genetics: skin color      75 238
Human genetics: somatic cell hybrids      130—131
Human genetics: tall-aggressive syndrome      189
Human genetics: Tay — Sachs disease      56
Human genetics: testis-determining factor      81
Human genetics: thalassemia      40 75
Human genetics: translocation mongol      194
Human genetics: triplo-X      181
Human genetics: Turner syndrome      189 200 202
Human genetics: twins      233
Human genetics: vitiligo      75
Human genetics: white forelock      99
Human genetics: xeroderma pigmentosum      411
Human genetics: XXX      189
Human genetics: XYY      189 202
Human genome project      374
Hyaloplasm      3
Hybridoma      412
Hybrids: colony      364
Hybrids: DNA      355
Hybrids: double-cross      419
Hybrids: genetic      25
Hybrids: in situ      364
Hybrids: interspecific      see Allopolyploidy
Hybrids: monohybrid      30
Hybrids: mule      15
Hybrids: vigor      see Heterosis
Hydrangea      24
Hydrogen bond      270
Hydrophilic binding force      275
Hymenoptera      82 98
Hyphae      126
Hypostasis      61
Hypoxanthine      130
Identical twins      233 421
Idiogram      187
Immortilization      411
Immunoglobulin (antibody): IgM      399
Immunoglobulin (antibody): monoclonal      412
Immunoglobulin (antibody): structure      401—403
In situ hybridization      364 374
In vitrophage packaging      366
Inbreeding      225 419
Inbreeding coefficient (F)      226
Inbreeding depression      228
Incomplete dominance      26 215
Incomplete sex linkage      85
Independent assortment      1 10 47
Independent events and probability      32
Induced mutations      285
Inducer (of gene activity)      314
Induction (embryological)      401
Induction of enzyme production      314—315
Induction of phage      329
Infantile amaurotic idiocy      see Tay — Sachs disease
inheritance      see Genetics
Initiation      309 314
Initiation cancer      411
Initiation codon      278
Insertion sequences      320
Insertional inactivation      363—414
Insulin      396
Integration      329
Integuments      13
Intelligence      239—240
Interference      117—118
Interference negative      323
Interferon      357 415
Interkinesis      9
Intermediate filaments      3
Interphase      5
Intersex      98
Intervening sequences      see Introns
Introns      277
Inversions      181
Inversions, paracentric      183
Inversions, pericentric      182
Inversions, suppressors of crossing over      125 182
Inverted terminal repeats      320
ionic bond      273
Ionizing radiation      285
Isoalleles      286
Isocapsidic virus      410
Isochromosome      185
Isogametes      84
Isomerization      282
Isozyme      354
Jumping genes      see Transposons
Junctional diversity      403
Junglefowl      100
Juvenile amaurotic idiocy      56
Karyo-      See also Caryo-
Karyokinesis      13
Karyotype      187
Kinetochore      see Centromere
Klinefelter syndrome      189 200 202
Krebs cycle      3
Kynurenine      401
Label      365
Lactose operon      314—317 344—345
Lagging DNA strand      281 392
Lambda phage      see Bacteriophage
Lawn (bacterial)      302
Leader DNA sequence      306
Leader peptide      318
Leading strand      281 392
Leptonema      9
Lethal mutations      26 263 286
Leukemia      189
Lewis blood group      69
Library (gene)      359
Life cycles: angiosperms (flowering plants)      14—15
Life cycles: bacteria      307
Life cycles: bacteriophage      326—330
Life cycles: Chlamydomonas (alga)      83
Life cycles: Neurospora (fungus)      127
Life cycles: Saceharomyces (yeast)      126
Ligase(DNA)      281
Limnaea (snail)      401 416
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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