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Scott A. — Neuroscience: a mathematical primer |
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Synapses chemical 35—39
Synapses electrical 39—40
Synaptic cleft 35 36 37
Synaptic cleft delay 37 42 235 266 271
Tapered fibers 199—201
Tasaki, Ichiji 142 148 150 151 155 156 157
Temperature control 13 14
Temperature parameter 124 125
Temporal lobes 307
Tetraethylammonium (TEA) 62
Tetrakaidekahedron 51
Tetrodotoxin (TTX) 61
Thermal equilibrium 58 59
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth 49 206 311
Thought process 17 258—259 308
Threshold 6 249 267 268 287 306
Threshold charge 33 110 112
Threshold for cell assembly 267 268 280
Threshold for cell assembly M-P model 9 41 42
Threshold for cell assembly sodium ion current 97 100 143
Threshold for cell assemblysquid axon 84 110
Threshold impulse 84 106—107
Threshold logic unit (TLU) 42—43
Tien, Ti 52
Time, nature of 31 45 129 301 310
Train of thought see Phase sequence
Training algorithm 237
Training algorithm theorem 240
Translation mode 135 327 329
Transmembrane ionic current 31—32 55—59 96—97
Transmembrane ionic current calcium 62—63 210
Transmembrane ionic current potassium 62 69 70—73
Transmembrane ionic current sodium 61 69 70—73
Transmembrane voltage 31 54
Tsien, R.W. 199
Tuckwell, H.C. 199
Turing patterns 5 250 251
Turing, Alan 5 251 302
Unstable traveling wave 86 106—107
| Unstable traveling wave H-H system 84 85 86
Unstable traveling wave in F-N model 125 126
Unstable traveling wave M-C model 121
Utah electrode array (UEA) 18
Vacuum permittivity 55
Varicosity (local enlargement) 33 199 201
Verhulst function see Logistic equation
Verhulst, Pierre Francois 15
Vesicle(s) 35 36 37
Vesicle(s) release probability 38
Volta, Alessandro 1
Voltage clamping 67 68—69 91
Voltage clamping sensitive dyes 18
Voltage clamping source, ideal 68
Voorhees, Burt 309
Watt, James 13
Wave equation 317 318
Wave equation front 4 95—112 130—132
Wave equation of activity 2 3 10 251
Wave equation of activity information 248—252 270
Waxman, Steven 10 43 46 222
Weinberg, A. 103
Weinberg, Steven 296
Wescott, William 52
Widening at branchings 87 202 204
Wiener, Norbert 13 299
Wilson — Cowan equations 250—251
Wilson, Hugh 76 77 207 249 251
Wilson, M.A. 287
Wu, J.Y. 284
Yajima, S. 243
Yanagida, E. 136
Yoshizawa, S. 123
Young, C. 103
Young, John Zachary 3 6
Zeldovich, Yakov 4 102 108 324
“Causal-power actuality principle” 303—304
“Coney Island for rats” 264
“Neural Darwinism” 18
“Three dimensional fish-net” 18 259 282 308
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