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Scott A. — Neuroscience: a mathematical primer |
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Eigenvalues, continuous discrete (point) 134 326
Einstein, Albert 58
Einstein’s relation 58—59 60—61 65
Electric field in capacitor 54
Electricity, atmospheric, chemical, and electrical 1
Electrochemical potential 61
Electronic charge 56
Elsasser, Walter 74 222 243 297
Emergence 43 234 297 301 301 302 304
Emergence of biological levels 294 298 303 306
Emergence of biological levels cell assemblies 18 268
Emergence of biological levels nerve impulses 78 119
Emergence of biological levels patterns 13 234 241
Emergence, ontological nature of 294
Emmeche, Claus 302
Emotion 17 258 311
Enhancement zone 87—89 90 91 278
Ephaptic interactions 45 165—183 270 335—340
Ephaptic interactions assemblies of impulses 182
Ephaptic interactions coupling parameter 169 179 335
Ephaptic interactions FitzHugh — Nagumo model 174—177 182 337—340
Ephaptic interactions impulse synchronization 166—167 182 183
Ephaptic interactions leading-edge analysis of 169—171 173 182 335—337
Ephaptic interactions lowering of threshold 166
Ephaptic interactions Markin — Chizmadzhev analysis of 167—169
Ephaptic interactions on myelinated nerves 177—181 182—183
Ephaptic interactions on myelinated nerves continuum limit 179—180
Ephaptic interactions on myelinated nerves dynamics 180—181
Ephaptic interactions on myelinated nervesfailure 180
Ephaptic interactions physiological implications 181—182
Ephaptic interactions, qualitative analysis of 171—174
Ephaptic interactions, stability of 172—174 176
Equilibrium (Nernst) potential 37 97 142 143 144
Equivalent cylinder 195—199 224
Ermentrout, G.B. 251
Euler equations see Lagrange — Euler equations
Evans function 135 136
Evans, John 135 328
Evolutionary explanation for squid axon branching 218
Excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) 37
Exocytosis 37 38
Exponential growth 15 18 269 294
Facilitation and extinction 235
Failure of impulse propagation 7 10 140 149 180
Falk, C.X. 284
Fanselow, E.E. 282
Faraday, Michael 2—3
Fatty (lipid) molecules 50 51
feedback control systems 13—14 68 299—300
Feedback control systems loop see Positive feedback
Fiber geometry 6 199—206
Field theories of neocortex 248—252
Fife, Paul 135
Final cause 299 310
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo (F-N) nerve model 5—6 122—124 136
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model ephaptic coupling 174—177 337—340
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model equation 123
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model homoclinic trajectories for 131
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model impulse, perturbation theory for 331—333
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model impulse, perturbation theory for mathematical stability 134—136
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model impulse, perturbation theory for numerical stability 132—133
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model impulse, perturbation theory for qualitative stability 133—134
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model impulse, perturbation theory for, stability of 132—136 328
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model leading edge of 130 131 133 136
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model periodic solutions of 125—126
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model stability of impulse 132—136
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model structure of impulse 130—131
Fitz Hugh — Nagumo nerve model, trailing edge of 131 132 133—134
FitzHugh, Richard 5 87 123 125 136 143 219
Flame-front propagation 4 102—103
Flip-flop circuit 273
Flourens, Marie-Jean-Pierre 11
Flow of conserved quantity 315
Fontana, Walter 309
Forces, interatomic 29 49—50
Formal cause(s) 298—299 300 301 302 306
Frank—Kamenetsky, David 4 102
Fransen, Erik 278 280 282
Fraser, J.T. 34
Fredholm’s theorem 321—322 332 336 338 339
Free charge 53 55
Free running multivibrator 242
Frog (Rana pipiens), enhancement zone for 90
Frog, enhancement zone for impulse velocity 2 142 149
Frog, enhancement zone for internode distance 142 150
Frog, enhancement zone for standard axon 142—143 148—151
Frog, enhancement zone for “three-eyed” 251
Frontal lobes 258 307
Fujita, M. 155 156 157
Fundamental equation of neuroscience 31 33
Gage, Phineas 258
Galileo Galilei 294 299
Galvani, Luigi 1 2 6 139 158
Gap junctions 39—40 45 170
Gap junctions, resistance 39—40
Geometric ratio 205—206 217 224
George, S.A. 90
Gerstein, G.L. 286
Gerstner, W. 42 116
Gestalt psychology 234 262
Ghazanfar, A.A. 282
Goldfinger, Mel 223
Goldstein, S.S. 205
Golgi stain 209
Goodsell, David S. 51
Goodwin, Brian 302
Googol 241 243 297
Governor 13
GR see Geometric ratio
Green function 193—194 195 221 223
Green function for impulse stability 328—328
Green, George 193
Greenland shark (Somniosus microcephalus) 158
Griffith, J.S. 249 276
Grossman, Y. 219
Gurovich, V.T. 115
H-H see Hodgkin — Huxley
Habituation effects 263 270
Hadean oceans 14 52
Haken, Hermann 273
Hallucinations 251 264
Hamiltonian formulation 32 317
Harth, Erich 12
Hausser, Michael 45
Head group 50 51
Heaviside step function 42 237 238
Hebb, Donald 17 252 257 259 262 271 272 278 287 310
Hebbian synapse 259—260
Helmholtz, Hermann 1—2 158 296
Hering, Ewald 165
Heron, W. 264
Heterogeneous sets 243 244 298
Hierarchical dynamics 10 45
Hierarchical dynamics of neurons 41
Hierarchical dynamics organization of memory 261—262 274 287
Hierarchical dynamics, biological 293—296
Hierarchical dynamics, cognitive 305—309
Higgs boson 296
Hodgkin — Huxley (H-H) model 5 9 295 319—320
Hodgkin — Huxley model axon 67—84
Hodgkin — Huxley model axon, leading-edge approximation for 95—97 105
Hodgkin — Huxley model condition for AND bifurcation 209
Hodgkin — Huxley model condition for AND bifurcation for block 201—202
Hodgkin — Huxley model equations, traveling-wave solutions of 79—84
Hodgkin — Huxley model experimental techniques 70—74
Hodgkin — Huxley model impulse, ignition of 109—110
Hodgkin — Huxley model impulse, ignition of, speed of 83 84 119
Hodgkin — Huxley model impulse, ignition of, stability of 83—84 328
Hodgkin — Huxley model measurements 40 70—74
Hodgkin — Huxley model membrane oscillations 90—91
| Hodgkin — Huxley model parameters 83 98 120
Hodgkin — Huxley model results 5 70—74
Hodgkin — Huxley model, dynamics 319—320
Hodgkin, Alan 5 142 159
Holograph 277
Holograph-like recall 248
Homoclinic trajectory in phase plane 106 107
Homogeneous sets 243 298
Honeybee (Apis mellifera) 195
Hopfield model 244—248 307
Hopfield, John 234 244
Human culture 308—309
Humboldt, Frederic von 1
Hunger 13
Hutchinson, N.A. 153 155 157
Huxley, Andrew 5 158
Hyperpolarization 37
Hysteresis in ionic conduction 105
Ignition of cell assembly 18
Immense numbers 243 305
Impulse 4 84 118 131 212
Impulse ignition 109—111
Impulse propagation 45 79—84
Impulse stability of 6 132—136 323—330
Impulse stability of in leading-edge approximation 108—109
Impulse steering 219 224
Impulse synchronism 45 165—182
Impulse, blocking of 201—204
Impulse, blocking of, on dendrites 206—213
Independent variable transformations 134 323
Inductance, phenomenological 91 128
Information, meaningful 310
Information, meaningful processing 8
Information, meaningful processing in axons 217—220
Information, meaningful processing in dendrites 206—217
Information, meaningful, measure of 310
Inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) 37
Inhomogeneous active fibers 199—206 223 224
Initial segment 9 27
Inner (dot) product 239 283 321
Instability see Stability
insulators 53 55
Integrate and fire model 116 146
Intentionality 310
Interconnection matrices 18
Interconnection matrices in associative memories 277
Interconnection matrices in associative memories attractor neural network 245 247
Interconnection matrices in associative memories McCulloch — Pitts model 42 237 238
Interconnection matrices probabilities 250
Internal feedback loop 13 306—307
Intrinsic membrane proteins 10 53 57 61
Ionic batteries see Membrane batteries
Ionic conductance 4 56 73
Ionic conductance current 5 37 56—60
Ionic conductance current total 63 73
Ionic conductance current transmembrane 56—60 68—69 70—74
Jack, J.J.B. 157 199
James, William 16—17
Japanese puffer fish (Spheroides rubrides) 61
Jefferys, J.G.R. 166
Jones, Chris 135 136
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot 304
Kalu, K.U. 157
Katz, B. 166 169
Kauffman, Stuart 302
Keat, J. 42
Keener, James 147 199
Keller, J.B. 126
Kelvin, Lord (William Thomson) 51
Khodorov, Boris 201—202 210 211 212 219 224
Kim, Jaegwon 295 303 304
kinetic energy 30 34
Kirchhoff’s circuit laws 77—78 167 177
Kleinfeld, D. 251
Koch, Christof 44 187 199 211 213 221
Kompaneyets, A.S. 115
Kunov, Hans 146
Lagerstrom, P. A. 331
Lagrange — Euler equations 128 317
Lagrangian density 127 316 317 318
Lagrangian density formulation 32 316—318
Langmuir, Irving 50
Lansner, Anders 278 280 282
Laplace transform 221 329
Laurent, G. 284 285
Law, Margaret 251
Leading edge of squid impulse 4
Leading edge of squid impulse approximation 95—97 111
Leading edge of squid impulse charge 109—111 116
Leading edge of squid impulse of FitzHugh — Nagumo impulse 130—132
Leading edge of squid impulse waveforms 102—104
Leakage current 73
Learning Curve 259
Learning curve machines 234—241 252
Learning curve phase 12 260—261
Learning curve to see 259 260
Legendy, Charles 274 276 277
Leonardo da Vinci 206
Leonardo’s law 206 211 218
Lettvin, Jerry 10
Liebovic, K.N. 91
Lindbergh, Charles 265
Lindgren, A.G. 199—200 324
Linear diffusion 32 318
Linear diffusion across synaptic cleft 37
Linear diffusion in dendritic models 188—194 224
Linear discriminant plane 238
Linear discriminant plane stability analysis 108—109 112
Linear discriminant plane stability analysis criteria 325
Linear discriminant plane stability analysis theorem 108
Linear discriminant plane stability analysis threshold unit (LTU) 42 238
Linear discriminant plane stability analysis versus nonlinear 300—301
Linear separability 240
Linearization about a traveling wave 134 324—325
Lipid bilayers 50—53
Lipid bilayers artificial 52—53
Lipid bilayers, capacitance of 52
Lipid bilayers, permeability of 53
Llinas, Rodolfo 207 208
Locust (Schistocerca americana) 284—285
Logical computations 33 206—213 235—237
Logistic equation 15 16 269 271 294
Longitudinal resistance 31 77 83 98
Longitudinal resistance of myelinated nerve 142 143
Lorente de No, Rafael 11 12 86
Louie, K. 287
Luther, Robert 3 97
Luther’s factor 97 98 104 132
Luzader, Steve 170 174
Lyapunov functional 246 252
M-C see Markin — Chizmadzhev
M-P see McCulloch — Pitts
MacGregor, R 279
Maginu, K. 324
Maldonado, P.E. 286
Malsburg, C. von der 282
Mandelbrot, B.B. 206
Markin — Chizmadzhev (M-C) model 223 224
Markin — Chizmadzhev model analysis of block 202 205
Markin — Chizmadzhev model of ephaptic coupling 167—169 182
Markin — Chizmadzhev model of ephaptic coupling nerve impulse 115—122 136
Markin, V.S. 105 115 136 167 168 202
Material cause 298 299 300 301
Mauro, Alex 91
Maxwell’s equations 78 295
McCulloch — Pitts network 12 222 233 235—237 244
McCulloch — Pitts network neuron 9 10 46 300
McCulloch — Pitts network neuron in cell assembly model 266 267 270 271 272 274
McCulloch — Pitts network neuron in perceptron 238
McCulloch — Pitts network neuron, definition of 41—43
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