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Allen J. — Natural language understanding |
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Предметный указатель |
, the iota operator 338
, in semantic interpretation rules 223
, in semantic interpretation rules 223
A over A constraint, in TG 150
Abelson, Robert 393
Accessibility relation, in possible world semantics 459
Action definitions, and inference 330
Action-effect-based inference 382—384
Actions, as activities 328—332
Actions, as state change 325—327
Actions, different ways to represent 213
Actions, in ATNs 82
Actions, representing 324—332
Actions, using knowledge of 366—393
Active arcs, in bottom-up parsing 60
Actor see "AGENT"
Add list, in action definitions 326
ADJ, a feature 93
Adjective 24 28
Adjective phrases 37
Adjective-adjective modification 294—297
Adjectives, as predicates 298
Adjectives, scoping ambiguity 294—297
Adjectives, semantic interpretation of 291
Adjoining, in TAG 153
Adverb preposing, in TG 132
AGENT, a case 199
AGENTIVE, a case of Fillmore's 206
Agr, an agreement function 90
Agreement, and ambiguity 10
Agreement, auxiliary-verb 90—92
Agreement, subject-verb 89—90
Aho, Alfred 186
Airline schedule query system, grammar for 245—250
Allen, James 393 462 464
Ambiguity 8
Ambiguity, and agreement 10
Ambiguity, and logical form 12
Ambiguity, and representation 9
Ambiguity, and shift-reduce parsers 171—176
Ambiguity, in partial descriptions 224
Ambiguity, scope in logical form 217
Anaphor 339
Anaphoric reference 335 339—354
Antecedent 339
Appelt, Douglas 512
Append, a list operation 532
Apply, a function in semantic interpretation 262
Arcs, active in bottom-up parsing 60
Arcs, in transition networks 44
Aristotle 197
ASKREF, a discourse act 456
Aspect, and tense in logical form 306—308
AT-LOC, a case 200
AT-POSS, a case 201
AT-TIME, a case 201
AT-VALUE, a case 201
ATN see "Augmented transition network"
ATRANS, in CD 214
Attach action, in Marcus parser 178
Attention shifting, in Marcus parser 182
Attentional state, and cue phrases 401—404
Attribute grammars 117
Attributive NPs 355
Augmentation, and logic grammars 106—110
Augmented chart parsers 102—107
Augmented context-free grammars 102—107
Augmented grammars 81—116
Augmented logic grammars 106—110
Augmented Transition Networks 81—89
Augmented transition networks, as a discourse model 423
Augmented transition networks, examples 86—87 95—99
Augmented transition networks, for generation 502—504
Augmented transition networks, in LISP 88—89
Austin, John 464
AuxAgree, an agreement function 91
Auxiliary verb 30
Auxiliary-verb agreement 90—92
Backtracking 50 539
Backward chaining, a planning strategy 327
Backward-looking center 425
Ballard, Dana 309
Bates, Madeleine 116 151 363
Becker, Joseph 513
BEL, the belief operator 438
Belief spaces 435
Belief, as a modal operator 457—458
Belief, formal models of 457—462
Beliefs, and speech acts in story understanding 433—435
Beliefs, motivation for 433
Benefactive verbs 93
BENEFICIARY, a case 201
Berwick, Robert 186
Binding variables, in matching lists 535—536
Binot, Jean-Louis 279
Birnbaum, Lawrence 276 280
Bitransitive verbs 93
Bobrow, Daniel 332
Bobrow, Robert 186 240 278
Bottom-up parsing 42
Brachman, Ronald 218 331
Breadth-first search 56
Bresnan, Joan 118 152 186 279
Brown, John S. 277 364
Bruce, Bertrand 218 393 464
Buffer, in Marcus parser 178
BUILDQ, in ATNs 88
Burton, Richard 277 264
Canned text, in generation 498
Carbonell, Jaime 393
Cardinals 28
Carlson, Gregory 364
Case frames, in semantic networks 207
Case grammar 198—203
Case grammar, as defined by Fillmore 206
Case relations 198—203
Case role assignment 230—233
Case role identity hypothesis 368
Case, in case grammar 199
Case, traditional definition of 29
Cases, a summary of 203
Cases, and subcategorization 207
Cases, differing from roles 368
Cases, inner 204
Cases, primary and secondary 202
Cases, syntactic restrictions on 206
Cat arc, in RTNs 45
Causality 326
Causality/effect, a discourse relation 420
CD see "Conceptual dependency"
CFG see "Context-free grammar"
Chafe, Wallace 426
Charniak, Eugene 74 186 218 309 363 393
Chart 60
Chart parsing, augmented 102—107
Chart parsing, bottom-up 60—65
Chart parsing, top-down 65—72
CHAT-80 479—483 488
Chomsky hierarchy 47
Chomsky, Noam 47 74 151 152
Clark, Herbert 462
Clause form, in a logic-based representation 320
Clocksin, W. 332
Closed world assumption 479
CO-AGENT, a case 202
CO-THEME, a case 202
Cohen, Philip 462 464 512
Coherence relations 426
Coherence, in discourse 428
Colby, Kenneth 19
| Collars, in LUNAR 476
Collective reading of NPs 364
Colmerauer, Alain 116
Comparative adjectives 298
Comparatives, and reference 349
Comparatives, semantic interpretation 298—300
Complement 36—37
Completeness, of a set of inference rules 524
Complex goals, and understanding 389—392
Complex-NP constraint, in TG 150
Compositionality, of semantic interpretation 230
CONC, in CD 214
Conceptual analysis 276
Conceptual Dependency 214
Conjunction, as a test for constituents 48
Conjunction, in FOPC 516
Conjunctive reading of NPs 364
Conklin, Jeffrey 512
Connectionist Models 309
Consistency, of a set of formulas 523
Constants, in FOPC 14 515
Constituents 48
Constituents, identifying 48
Constituents, represented as DAGs 113
Constraints, on movement 150
Construction flag 68
Construction flag in augmented CFG parsers 103
Context spaces, in discourse 427
Context-free grammar 41
Context-free grammar, augmented 102—107
Context-free grammar, compared with RTNs 46
Context-free grammar, top-down parsing 54
Context-sensitive grammar 47
Continuation of a discourse segment 401
CONTINUE, a type of cue phrase 403
Contrast, a discourse relation 420
Cooper, Robin 218
Corefer 335
Cottrell, Garrison 309
Count nouns 27
Counterfactuals 326
Create action, in Marcus parser 179
Cresswell, M. 462
Cue phrases 398
Cue phrases, and attentional state 401—404
Cue phrases, and discourse segmentation 400
Cullingford, Richard 393
Current node, in RTN parsing 50
Current position, in RTN parsing 50
DAGs see "Directed acyclic graphs"
Database model of belief 438—442
Database query systems 469—489
DATIVE, a case of Fillmore's 206
Davey, A. 513
Davidson, Donald 213
DCW clauses see "Definite closed world clauses"
De Morgan's laws, in logic 520
Declarative representations 318
Decomposition chaining, in plan inference 378—381
Deduction, in KR 317
Deductive closure, and belief models 461
Deductive inference 317
Deep structure, in TG 126
Defaults, and proof by failure 321
Defaults, in a frame-based system 324
Definite closed world clauses, in CHAT-80 480
Definite descriptions, and focus 411
Definite reference 336
Definite reference and focus 413—414
Definite reference and sets 348
DeJong, Gerald 393
Delete list, in action definitions 326
Demonstratives 27
Depth-first search 56
Derived objects, on history list 346
Descriptions, generating 494
DESTINATION, a case see "TO-LOC"
Determining semantic content, of answers 492
Deterministic parsing 161—186
Deterministic parsing, Marcus parser 178—185
Deterministic parsing, shift-reduce parsers 166—171
Diagram 279
Direct mapping, in generation 496—499
Direct object 33
Directed acyclic graphs, to represent constituents 113
Discourse grammars 421—424
Discourse relations 419
Discourse relations, the debate about 422
Discourse segmentation 398—401
Discourse segments 399
Discourse segments, representation of 402
Discourse segments, the need for 397
Discourse structure, and speech acts 454—456
Disjunction, in FOPC 516
Distributive reading of NPs 364
Domain, in model-theoretic semantics 525
Donnellan, Keith 364
Dot notation, in FOPC 517
Dowty, David 187 279 425
Drop action, in Marcus parser 179
Dyer, Michael 393
Early, Jay 74
Edwards, Paul 197
Effects, of actions 325
Elements, of a list 531
Elimination rules, in FOPC 518
ELIZA 3 19
Ellipsis 357—362
Embedded sentences 35—36 234—236
Enablement, a discourse relation 420
Entailment, in logic 524
Equivalence, in FOPC 516
Etherington, David 331
Evaluating theories and programs 2—5
Event verbs 195
Excluded middle, in logic 520
Exclusive-or, in FOPC 516
Exemplification, a discourse relation 420
Existential node, in semantic networks 207
Existential quantification, in KR 320
Existential quantifier, in FOPC 516
Expectations, in plan inference 380
Expected future plan 387
Expected goals and plan inference 382
Expected past plan 388
EXPEL, in CD 214
EXPERLENCER, a case 201
Explanation-based understanding see "Plan inference"
Explicit beliefs 436
Explicit discourse relations 419—424
Explicit performatives 450
Extraposition grammars 152
Extraposition, in TG 132
FACTITIVE, a case of Fillmore's 206
Failure of substitutivity 434
Fass, Daniel 279
Feature checking in ATNs 83
features 83
Feldman, Jerome 309
FIFO queue 534
Fikes, Richard 332
Fillmore, Charles 206 218
Filter, in discourse processing 401
Final meaning representation 13
Finin, Timothy 309
First, a list operation 532
First-order predicate calculus, an overview 515—527
First-order predicate calculus, as a meaning representation 13
Flickinger, Daniel 240
Focus 407
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