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Allen J. — Natural language understanding |
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Focus hypothesis 408
Focus spaces 429
Focus, and definite descriptions 411
Focus, and pronominalization 408
Focus, and thematic roles 407
Fodor, Janet 186 218
Fodor, Jerry 218
FOPC see "First-order predicate calculus"
FOR-TO-INF, a feature 94
Ford, Marilyn 186
Formal languages 46
Formal semantics, for FOPC 525—527
Formal semantics, for propositional logic 521—524
Formal semantics, possible worlds 459—461
forward reference 357
frames 321
Frames, and defaults 324
Frames, and inheritance 324
Frazier, Lyn 186
Frege, Gottlob 515
Frisch, Alan 464
FROM, a case 200
FROM-LOC, a case 200
FROM-POSS, a case 201
FROM-TIME, a case 201
FROM-VALUE, a case 201
FUG see "Functional unification grammar" "Unification-based
Functional Unification Grammar 508
Functions, in FOPC 14 515
gaps 131
Gazdar, Gerald 152
Gender 29
Generalization, a discourse relation 420
Generalized feature manipulation 110—116
Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar 152
Generalized subject, and reflexives 341
Generating directly from a representation 500—504
Generation of language 491—513
Generative capacity 46
Generics, and reference 356
Gerunds, in complements 95
GETF, in ATNs 88
GETR, in ATNs 88
Global focus 429
Goal state, in planning systems 327
Goldman, Neil 512
Goodman, Bradley 277
Government and binding theory 127
GPSG, generalized phrase structure grammar 152
Grammar 41
Grammar, and generation 504—512
Grammar, attribute 117
Grammar, context-free 41
Grammar, context-sensitive 47
Grammar, discourse 421—424
Grammar, extraposition 152
Grammar, Functional Unification 508
Grammar, generative capacity 46
Grammar, lexical functional 118
grammar, regular 47
Grammar, semantic 250—253
GRASP, in CD 214
Grice, H.P. 464
Grimes, Joseph 426
Grosz, Barbara 308 344 363 424 429 464 488
Groundedness assumption, in CHAT-80 479
Gruber, Jeffrey 206 218
Haas, Andrew 463
Halliday, M.A.K. 428 506
Hasan, Ruqaiya 428
Hayes, Patrick 332 463
Head analysis, a phase of semantic interpretation 228
Head, of verb phrase 30
Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar 153
HELD, a register 146
Helpful responses 483—484 487—488
Helpful responses, and indirect speech acts 452—454
Hendler, James 309
Hendrix, Gary 277 363 462
Hewitt, Carl 332
HIDE action, in ATNs 149
Hierarchical planners 328
Hierarchical rules for semantic interpretation 236—238
Hintikka, Jaakko 462
Hirst, Graeme 240 309 363
History list 343
History list, and discourse 406
History list, how long objects stay on 344
Hobbs, Jerry 219 308 344 363 426
Hold action 133
Hold list 132
Hold list, in a CFG 139—141
Hold list, in a mixed-mode parser 139—141
Hold list, in ATNs 132—136
HOLD(C), in CFGs 139
HOLD, an action in ATNs 133
Horn clause 536
Horn clause prover 536—539
Horn clause prover, as a parser 54—59
Horn clause prover, in knowledge representations 320
Horn, Berthold 533 542
Hovy, Edward 513
HPSG, head-driven phrase structure grammar 153
Hughes, George 462
IDENTIFY, a speech act 495
Identifying constituents, conjunction test 48
Ill-formed input 279
Illocutionary acts 450
Illocutionary force 444
Implication operator, in FOPC 516
Implicit beliefs 436
Indefinite NPs, and negation 355
Indefinite reference 336
Indirect object 33
Indirect speech acts 450—454
Indirect speech acts, and helpful responses 452—454
Inference engine, in a knowledge representation 316
Inference rule, in FOPC 518
Inference, deductive 317
Inference, in FOPC 517—521
Inference, monotonic 317
Inference, nondeductive 317
Inference, of plans 378
INFORM, a speech act 443
Informative answers, in LUNAR 478
INFORMIF, a speech act 445
INFORMREF, a speech act 445
INGEST, in CD 214
Inheritance, in a frame-based representation 324
Inheritance, in procedural and declarative representations 319
Inheritance, in semantic networks 209
Inner cases, of NPs 293
Input fragment, with ellipsis 358
Insert, a list operation 532
Instance, in a frame-based representation 322
Instantiating scripts 372
INSTRUMENT, a case 201
Instrument, treatment in CD 214
Instrumental causation, a discourse relation 419
INSTRUMENTAL, a case of Fillmore's 206
Interleaved semantic interpretation 253—256
Intersective adjectives 291
Intersentential anaphora 343—346
Intrans, a feature test 95
Intransitive verb 32 93
Introduction rules, in FOPC 518
IOBJ + OBJ, a feature 93
Iota operator 338
ISA, in semantic networks 210
Island constraints, in TG 150
| Jackendoff, Ray 218
Jacobs, Paul 513
Jensen, Karen 279
Joshi, Aravind 153 452
Jump arc, in RTNs 45
Kamp, Hans 365
Kaplan, Jerrold 488
Kaplan, Ronald 116 118 151 186 279
Katz, Jerrold 218
Kay, Martin 74 118 279 513
Key, in bottom-up parsing 60
Keyword approach 4
Kimball, John 186
KNOWIF, a knowledge operator 441
Knowledge about others' beliefs 439—442
Knowledge base 316
Knowledge representation 315—332
Knowledge, and language 6—8
Knuth, Donald 117
Konolige, Kurt 463
Kowalski, Robert 117
KR see "Knowledge representation"
Kripke, Saul 462
Labeled arcs, in transition networks 44
Lambda calculus, notation 262
Lambda expressions, on history lists 354
Late closure, a parsing preference 162
Law of excluded middle, in logic 520
Lehnert, Wendy 393
Levesque, Hector 218 331 462
Lewis, David 325
Lexical ambiguity 301—306
Lexical ambiguity, and spreading activation 303—306
Lexical ambiguity, and syntax and semantics 301—302
Lexical association 301—306
Lexical choice, in generation 496—499
Lexical Functional Grammar 118 279
Lexical preference 163
Lexically driven parsers 270—276
Lexicon 42 81
Lexicon, an example 96
LFG see "Lexical functional grammar"
LIFO, last in first out 534
Linde, Charlotte 429
Linguistics, relationship with 1
Lists, as data structures 531
Literal interpretation 435
Litman, Diane 464
Local focus 429 see
Local movement 124—130
LOCATION, a case see "AT-LOC"
Locutionary acts 450
Logic 515—527
Logic and language 515—517
Logic grammars, and augmentations 106—110
Logic grammars, and semantic interpretation 269—270
Logic, sorted 525
Logic-based question answering 478—483
Logic-based representations 320—321
Logical form 8 212—217
Logical form, and ambiguity 12
Logical form, and context 193
Logical form, and scope ambiguity 217
Logical form, mapping to frame-based representations 367—369
Logical form, motivation for 12 193—194
Logical form, of noun phrases 212—216
Logical form, of sentences 216
Logical form, of verb phrases 262
logical operators 14
Logical variable, in FOPC 14 516
Lookahead, in Marcus parser 180
Lookahead, in parsing 176—178
LR parsers see "Shift-reduce parsers"
LSP 278
LUNAR 19 239 363 488 475—478
Lyons, John 218
Lytinen, Steve 280 393
Mann, William 513
Marcus parser 178—185
Marcus parser, and psychological validity 184—185
Marcus, Mitch 186
Marshall, Catherine 462
Mass nouns 27
Matching lists 535—536
Matching, into plans 382
Matching, into scripts 372
Mathiesson, Christian 513
MBUILD, in CD 214
McCarthy, John 332 463
McCawley, James 485 527
McClelland, Jay 309
McCord, Michael 117 279 308
McDermott, Drew 74 393
McDonald, David 512 513
McKeown, Kathleen 512
Mellish, Christopher 332
Member, a list predicate 532
Merging, explicit operator 272
Merging, in semantic interpretation 224—227
Metarules, in GPSG 153
Milne, Robert 186
Minimal attachment, a parsing preference 162
Minsky, Marvin 332
Modal operators, in logic 458
Model theory, for logic 521
Models, in model theory 521
Modifier analysis, a phase of semantic interpretation 229
Monotonic inference 317
Montague, Richard 279
Mood 30
Mood, in semantic interpretation 235
Moore, Robert 462 463
Morphology 6 24
Most general unifier 535
Move- , in TG 127
Movement see "Unbounded movement"
MTRANS, in CD 214
Mutual belief see "Shared knowledge"
Names, in representations 16—17
Negation, and indefinite reference 355
Negation, and quantifier scoping 288
Negation, in FOPC 516
Nested beliefs 436—437
NIL see "NIL"
NIL, the empty list 532
Nilsson, Nils 332
Nodes, in transition networks 44
Nonanaphoric reference 335
Nondeductive inference 317
NONE, a feature 93
Nonintersective adjectives 291
Nonstandard quantifiers, interpretation of 477
Nonterminal symbol 42
Noun 24
Noun modifiers 28
Noun phrase, as a sentence fragment 449—450
Noun phrase, head 27
Noun phrase, logical form of 212—216
Noun phrase, qualifiers 27
Noun phrase, quantifiers 27
Noun phrase, specifiers 27
Noun phrase, structure 25—28
Noun-noun modification, parsing 176
Noun-noun modification, semantic interpretation 300—301
Now point, in scripts 370
Null, a list predicate 532
NUM, a register 10
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