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Allen J. — Natural language understanding |
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numeric quantifiers 477
O-Apply, a function in semantic interpretation 262
OBJ + ADJ, a feature 93
OBJ + INF, a feature 94
OBJ + PP, a feature 93
OBJ + THAT, a feature 94
OBJ + TO-INF, a feature 94
OBJ + WH-COMP, a feature 95
OBJ, a feature 93
OBJ, a register 82
Object 32
Object, direct 33
Object, indirect 33
Object, of a preposition 34
OBJECTIVE, a case of Fillmore's 206
Obstacles, in plans 448
One-anaphora 351—353
Opaque operators 289 434
Operators, in FOPC 14
Ordinals 28
Organization, of systems 17—18
Parallel, a discourse relation 421
Paraphrases, and representation 15
PARSIFAL see "Marcus parser"
Parsing 8 41
Parsing preferences 161—166
Parsing preferences, in ATNs 165
Parsing preferences, in CFGs 165
Parsing, and lookahead 176—178
Parsing, as a search process 56—57
Parsing, augmented chart 102—107
Parsing, bottom-up 42 60—65
Parsing, chart 60—65
Parsing, Marcus 178—185
Parsing, mixed-mode CFG 65—72
Parsing, mixed-mode with RTN 73
Parsing, semantically driven 270—276
Parsing, shift-reduce 166—171
Parsing, top-down 42 50—59
Parsing, top-down for CFGs 54
Parsing, top-down for RTNs 50—54
Parsing, top-down using Horn clauses 54—59
Parsing, top-down with chart 65—72
Part-of hierarchy, in semantic networks 210
PART-OF, use in reference 346
Partial descriptions 223
Particles 34
Particles, and prepositions 48
Particles, differing from prepositions 34
passive 30—33
Passive, grammar for 128—129
Patel-Schneider, Peter 464
Pelletier, Jeffrey 219 280
Pereira, Fernando 74 116 152 186 279 308 488
Perfect tenses, in logical form 306—308
Performatives 450
Perlis, Donald 463
Perlmutter, David 365
Perlocutionary acts 450
Perrault, Raymond 393 462 464 512
Person 29
Peters, Stanley 279
Phonetics 6
Phonology 6 24
Plan inference 378
Plan inference, an algorithm for 384
Plan-based filter, in discourse 416—418
Planes 277
Planning 327
Planning, and generation 493—496
Plans, and discourse structure 416—418
Plans, and story understanding 378—385
Plausibility of semantic analyses 256—260
Plural NPs, the different uses 364
Plural reference 336
Polanyi, Livia 428
Pollack, Jordan 309
Pollack, Martha 464
Pollard, Carl 153
Pop arc, in RTNs 44
POP, a type of cue phrase 403
Pop, in semantically driven parsers 273
Possessives 28
Possible world semantics 459—461
Possible world semantics, as a computational model 463
PP modifiers, and quantifier scoping 286
PP modifiers, semantic interpretation of 293
PP-NOUNS, a word class 97
Pragmatics 6
Pragmatics, syntax and semantics 7
Preconditions, of actions 325
Predicate adjectives, semantic interpretation of 298
Predicate name, in FOPC 515
Predicates, in FOPC 14
Predicates, in KR 316
Preferences see "Parsing preferences"
Preferences, in semantic interpretation 256—260
Prefix 24
Premises, in FOPC proofs 518
Preposing, in TG 132
Prepositional phrase 34—35
Prepositional phrase, attachment 34
Prepositions, and particles 34 48
Presetting registers 99—102
Presupposition 485
Primitives 317
Primitives, in CD 214
Prior, Alfred 309
Priority stack, in parsing with preferences 258
Problem solving, and story understanding 389—392
Procedural representations 319
Procedural semantics 469—475
Progressive aspect 30
Progressive aspect, in logical form 306—308
PROLOG 54 321 479
Pronouns 29
Pronouns, and focus in discourse 408
Pronouns, and selectional restrictions 344
Proof by failure 321
Proofs, in FOPC 518
PROPEL, in CD 214
Proper noun 26
Propositional calculus 521
Propositional content 444
Propositions, in FOPC 515
Psycholinguistics, relationship with 2
PTRANS, in CD 214
Push arc, in RTNs 45
PUSH, a type of cue phrase 403
Quantification over belief 460
Quantified variables 14
Quantifier collars, in LUNAR 476
Quantifier scoping 283—288
Quantifiers 27
Quantifiers, and reference 356
Quantifiers, formal semantics 526
Quantifiers, in FOPC 14
Quantifiers, interpreting as DCW clauses 481
Quantifiers, procedural interpretation of 469—475
Question answering, and user models 485—488
Question answering, in logic-based systems 478—483
Question answering, in scripts 375—376
Question answering, systems 469—489
Queues, as data structures 533
Quillian, M.Ross 218 309
Quirk, Randolph 38
R-Apply, a function in semantic interpretation 262
| Radford, Andrew 38 152
Realization rules, in generation 497
Recursive Transition Network 44
Recursive transition network, compared with CFG 46
Recursive transition network, top-down parsing 50—54
Reduce action, in shift-reduce parsers 169
Reduced relative clauses 36 138
Reference filter, in discourse processing 406—411
Reference, algorithm for 345
Reference, and generation 494
Referential, and attributive NPs 355
Referentially opaque operators 289 434
Referentially transparent operators 289
Referring phrases, summary of uses 340
Reflexives, constraints on use 341
Registers, in ATNs 82
Registers, in augmented context-free grammars 102
Registers, presetting 99—102
Regular grammar 47
Reichenbach, Hans 307 309
Reichman, Rachel 426
Reinhart, Tanya 365
Reiter, Raymond 331 364
Reiteration, a proof step in FOPC 519
Relative clause 35
Relative clause, and quantifier scoping 286
Relative clause, grammar for 136—139
Relative clause, reduced 36 138 139—141
Relative pronoun 35
Relaxation, of semantic constraints 256—260
Repetitive goals, in stories 392
Representations, of final meaning 13
Representations, properties of 9
REQUEST, a speech act 445
Requests, in conceptual analysis 276
Resolution rule 320
Response selection 447—448
Rest, a list operation 532
Return points, in RTN parsing 50
Rewrite rules 41
Rhetorical predicates see "Discourse relations"
Rich, Elaine 74
Rieger, Charles 393
Riesbeck, Christopher 214 218 280 331
Right association, a parsing preference 162
Rigid designators 460
Ritchie, Graeme 278
Robinson, J.A. 332
Robinson, Jane 118 152 279
Role nouns, semantic interpretation of 292
Role restrictions 323
Roles, differing from cases 368
Roles, in a frame-based representation 322
Root, of a word 24
Rosenschein, Stanley 280
RTN see "Recursive transition network"
Rule-by-rule semantic interpretation 260—269
Rule-by-rule semantic interpretation, in logic grammars 269—270
Rumelhart, David 309 428
RUS 278
Russell, Bertrand 338 364
Sacerdoti, Earl 332
Sag, Ivan 153
Sager, Naomi 38 118 278
Satisfaction, of a set of formulas 523
Scha, Remko 428
Schank, Roger 19 214 218 280 331 393
schemas see "Scripts" "Frames"
Schiffer, Steven 462
Schubert, Lenhart 186 219 280 309
Scope ambiguity, and logical form 217
Scope of operators in FOPC 517
Scoping, of quantifiers 283—288
Scripts 369—378
Scripts, and generation 495
Search, breadth-first 56
Search, depth-first 56
Segment stack 403—404
Segment stack, an algorithm for incorporating a new sentence 403
Segment tracking, an example 411—413
Segmentation, of discourse 398—401
Selection of scripts 377—378
Selectional restrictions 197—198
Selectional restrictions, in semantic interpretation 238
Selectional restrictions, in semantic networks 238
Selectional restrictions, use in anaphoric reference 344
Selfridge, Mallory 276 280
SEM, a slot 224
Semantic closeness, using a type hierarchy 303
Semantic decomposition, in KR 316—317
Semantic grammar 250—253
Semantic grammars, and reference 364
Semantic interpretation 8
Semantic interpretation, algorithm 227—230 231
Semantic interpretation, and compositionality 230
Semantic interpretation, form of rules 223
Semantic interpretation, hierarchical organization 236—238
Semantic interpretation, interleaved 253—256
Semantic interpretation, merging 224—227
Semantic interpretation, of cases 230—233
Semantic interpretation, of embedded sentences 234—236
Semantic interpretation, of wh-questions, example 247—250
Semantic interpretation, rule-by-rule 260—269
Semantic interpretation, using selectional restrictions 238
Semantic interpretation, with preferences 256—260
Semantic networks 206—212
Semantic networks, and generation 500—504
Semantic preferences, and ellipsis 360—362
Semantic returns, in discourse 415
Semantically driven parsers 270—276
Semantics 6
Semantics, syntax and pragmatics 7
SENDR, in ATNs 99
Sentence, as a noun phrase 35
Sentence, as a relative clause 35
Sentence, embedded 35—36
Sentence, logical form of 216
Sentence, structure 30—34
Sentential operators, and quantifier scoping 289
Sentential-subject constraint, in TG 150
Sequencing, a discourse relation 421
Set-theoretic semantics for FOPC 525—527
Sethi, R. 186
SETR, in ATNs 88
Sets, as referents 348—351
Shapiro, Stuart 512 513
Shared knowledge 437—438
Shieber, Stuart 118 186 219 240 280 308
Shift action, in shift-reduce parsers 169
Shift-reduce parsers 166—171
Shift-reduce parsers, and ambiguity 171—176
Sidner, Candy 424 464
Simmons, Robert 513
Simple past tense, in narrative 386
Simple transition networks 44
Singular reference 336
Situation setting, in discourse 420
Skolem Functions 320
Skolemization 320
Slashed categories 145—147
Slocum, Jonathan 513
Slot-filler notation, for grammatical structure 81
Slot/value notation 10
Small, Steven 309
Soames, S. 365
Sondheimer, Norman 279
SOPHIE 277 364
Sorted logic 525
Soundness, of inference rules 523
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