Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Lamport L. — A document preparation system LaTeX |
Предметный указатель |
! (exclamation point) 12 32 33
! (exclamation point), in error message 29
! (exclamation point), in figure or table argument 197
! (exclamation point), in \index argument 152
! (exclamation point), in \resizebox argument 129 224
!' ( ) 39
!h float specifier changed 146
" (double quote) 12
" (double quote), in bib file 156
" (double quote), in index entry 154
" (double quote), specifying hexadecimal number 226
"see" index entry 152
xv 2 118 132
2.09 versus 2 228-229
Companion, The 2
on part of document 31 73-74
, bug 139
, distinguished from 5
, error message 136-140
, error versus error 29
, logo 5 15 33 171
, pronunciation of 5
, running on part of document 31 73-74
, running unattended 30
, stopping 30 136
, version 2
, warning message 135 145-147
5 231-233
, distinguished from 5
, error message 140-145
, error versus , error 29
, logo 5 15 33 171
, pronunciation of 5
, warning message 147
( command) 233
( ) 15 39 171
(dollar sign) 12 32 166
(dollar sign), delimiting formula 18 33 39 187
(dollar sign), delimits scope of declaration 168
(dollar sign), missing 142
(dollar sign), not fragile 22
(dollar sign), printing 15 171
(dollar sign), unmatched 141
(percent sign) 12 19 32 166
(percent sign), for ending line without adding space 33 109
(percent sign), in \index argument 154
(percent sign), printing 15 171
(space character) 13 32
(space character), ignored in math mode 36 50
(space character), in LR mode 36
(space character), printing 64
From 32
Front 32
(circumflex) 12 32 166
(circumflex), for superscript 18 33 40 189
(interword space) 14 16 32 33 51 170
(interword space), used with \thanks 181
& (ampersand) 12 32 166
& (ampersand), in array or tabular environment 45 206
& (ampersand), misplaccd 141
& (ampersand), printing 15 171
& (ampersand), too many in row 141
' (left quote) 12 13 32 33 170
' (right quote) 12 13 32 33 170
' (right quote), in formula 18 189
' (right quote), period before 15
' (right quote), specifying octal number 226
( (left parenthesis) 12 32
( (left parenthesis), delimiter 47
( (left parenthesis), in terminal output 134
(hash mark) 12 32 166
(hash mark), in definition 54 56 192 193
(hash mark), misplaced 141 145
(hash mark), printing 15 171
(letter el) 12
) (right, parenthesis) 12 32
) (right, parenthesis), delimiter 47
) (right, parenthesis), in terminal output 134
) (right, parenthesis), period before 15
* (asterisk) 12 32 167
* (asterisk), acts like optional argument 26
* (asterisk), after command name 26
* (asterisk), argument to \nocite 70
* (asterisk), written on terminal 30
* (asterisk),in array or tabular argument 205
*-expression 205
*-form of command 26 33 167
*-form of environment 167
*-form of sectioning command 174
+ (plus) 12 32
+ (plus), space around 48
+ (plus), unary 48
, (comma) 12 32
, (comma), not allowed in citation key 69
- (dash or minus) 12 14 32 33 170
- (dash or minus), in overfull \hbox message 93
- (dash or minus), space around 48
- (dash or minus), unary 48
-- (number-range dash) 14 33 170
---(punctuation dash) 14 33 170
. (period) 12 32 33
. (period), invisible delimiter 47
/ (slash) 12 32
/ (slash), delimiter 47
/ (slash), quotient symbol 40 51
0 incorrect use as length 99 141
0(zero) 12
1 (one) 12
10pt document-class option 177
11pt document-class option 19 115 177
12pt document-class option 19 115 177
2.09 2
: (colon) 12 32
: (colon), (medium space) 51 191
; (semicolon) 12 32
< (less than) 12 32
< (less than), in ifthen package expression 195
< (less than), in \lengthtest expression 196
<output> printed on terminal 135
= (equals) 12 32
= (equals), in bib file 156
= (equals), in ifthen package expression 195
= (equals), in \lengthtest expression 196
> (greater than) 12 32
> (greater than), in ifthen package expression 195
> (greater than), in \lengthtest expression 196
? (question mark) 12 32 33
? (question mark), in error message 29
?' ( ) 39
@ (at sign) 12 32
@ (at sign), command name with 91 166
@ (at sign), in \index argument 153
@ (at sign), regarded as letter in sty file 91
@-expression 205
@-expression, error in 145
@-expression, fragile command in 168
@-expression, missing 138
@string 159
A4 paper size 177
A4paper document-class option 177
A5 paper size 177
A5paper document-class option 177
Abbreviation 14
Abbreviation, in bib file 158-159
Abbrv bibliography style 70
abstract 90 181-183
Abstract environment 90 183
Abstract environment, effect of titlepage option 88
| Abstract, not in book document class 183
Abstract, on separate page 88 177
Accent 38
Accent, dot less i and j for 38. 50 190
Accent, in bib file 158
Accent, in tabbing environment 203
Accent, math mode 49 -50 190
Accent, not available in typewriter style 38
Accent, wide math 49
Acknowledgment of support 181
Address field (in bib file) 162
Aligning formulas on left 88 177
Aligning in columns 60-63 201-207
Alignment tab error 141
Alltt environment 187
Alltt package 178 187
Alpha bibliography style 70
Alphabetic page numbers 180
Ambiguous [ or ] 25
American Mathematical Society 52
ampersand see &
amstex package 52 178
And others 158
And separating names in bib file field 158
Annote field (in bib file) 162
Appendix 22 175
Arabic page numbers 89 180
Argument (of command) 16 33 166-167
Argument (of command), braces enclosing 33 55 166
Argument (of command), coordinate pair as 119
Argument (of command), mandatory 166
Argument (of command), missing 142
Argument (of command), missing, in thebibliography environment 138
Argument (of command), moving see moving argument
Argument (of command), of picture command 119
Argument (of command), omitted 141
Argument (of command), optional see optional argument
Argument (of command), positioning 205 217-218 221-222
Argument (of command), processed multiple times 110
Argument (of command), scopc of declaration in 27 168
Argument (of command), \verb in 140
Array 45-46
Array environment 45-46 204-207
Array environment, box made by 103
Array environment, error in 137 138 141 145
Array environment, extra space around 205
Array environment, illegal character in argument 137
Array environment, interrow space in 169
Array environment, large 143
Array environment, making symbol with 42
Array environment, scope of declaration in 45
Array environment, strut in 169
Array environment, versus tabular 46 60 62
Array environment, \\ in 45 169
Arrow accent see \vec
Arrow in formula 53
Arrow in margin 59
Arrow in picture 123 222
Arrow symbols 43
Arrow, zero-length 123
arrowhead 123
Article bibliography entry type 161
Article document class 19. 176
Article document class, appendix in 175
Article document class, default page style 89
Article document class, thebibliography environment in 209
Article document class, used in examples 21
Article document class, \chapter not defined in 21. 174
ascii file 144
Assumption 56
At sign see @
Author 20
Author field (in bib file) 162
Author's address in title 1S1
Authors, multiple 21
Aux file 208
Aux file, entry generated by \label 209
Aux file, entry written by \cite and \nocite 210
Aux file, error when reading 135 138
Auxiliary file, error reading 135 228
Axiom 56
B (bottom), float specifier 197
B (bottom), oval-part argument 124. 223
B (bottom), positioning argument 46 105. 218 222
B5 paper size 177
B5paper document-class option 177
babel package 38. 94. 178
Back matter (of a book) 80
backslash 12 16 32 166
Backspacc 51 101
Bar over a symbol 49
Bbl file 71 156 208
Bbl file, read by \bibliography 209
Bezier curve 125 126 221
Bib file 70 156-164
Bib file, abbreviations in 158-159
Bib file, entry 156
Bib file, keeping data in 161
Bib file, specified by \bibliography 156 209
Bib 69-71 155-164
Bib , bbl file written by 208
Bib , producing bibliography with 209
Bibliographic database see bib file
Bibliography 69-72 209-210
Bibliography, open format 71 177
Bibliography, produced by thebibliography environment 209
Bibliography, style 70 71
Big delimiter 46
black 132 225
blank line 13 33
Blank line, above or below environment 23
Blank line, before displayed formula 26
Blank line, in formula 142 171
Blank line, in input 166
Blank line, in sectioning command 171
Blank line, paragraph-ending 95 166 171
Blank line, \par equivalent to 171
Blank page 97
Blank page, made by \cleardoublepage 215
Blank page, with titlepage environment 180
Blob of ink, rectangular 106
blue 132 225
Body, page 89 179
Body, page, height of 100
Boldface type series 37 226
Boldface type series, in math mode 51 191
Book 80
Book bibliography entry type 161
Book document class 80 176
Book document class, appendix in 175
Book document class, no abstract in 183
Book document class, thebibliography environment in 209
Booklet bibliography entry type 161
Booktitle field (in bib file) 162
Boolean register 196
Bottom of line 107
Bottomnumber counter 199
box 103-108 217
Box, dashed 121 222
Box, declaration local to 103
Box, dimensions of 103
Box, displaying 104
Box, framed 104 217
Box, framed, in picture environment 222
Box, in formula 103
Box, LR 103-104 107
Box, rule 103 106
Box, saving 107 127 218
Box, typeset in paragraph mode 104
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