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Lamport L. — A document preparation system LaTeX |
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Enumerate environment, counters, suppressing advance of 185
Enumerate environment, cross-reference to item number 68
Enumerated list, long 137
Enumi, enumiv counters 97 184
Environment 23 33 167
Environment, *-form of 167
Environment, blank line above or below 23
Environment, defining in terms of a command 108
Environment, definition 55-56 192-193
Environment, definition, with optional argument 193
Environment, invisible 169
Environment, list-making 24-25 112-115
Environment, made from declaration 27 33
Environment, math mode 187-189
Environment, nested too deeply 144
Environment, paragraph-making 183-187
Environment, parameter 56 193
Environment, redefining 56
Environment, theorem-like 56-57 193-194
Environment, theorem-like, as displayed paragraph 183
Environment, theorem-like, cross-reference to 68
Environment, undefined 137
Environment, \begin of nonexistent 137
Eqnarray environment 47 188
Eqnarray environment, anomalous vertical space after 184
Eqnarray environment, cross-reference to equation number 68
Eqnarray environment, formula numbers in 88
Eqnarray environment, in leqno document-class option 177
Eqnarray environment, space between rows in 188
Eqnarray environment, too many columns 139
Eqnarray environment, \\ in 169
Eqnarray* environment 48 188
Equation counter 97 188
Equation environment 26 34 39 188
Equation environment, anomalous vertical space after 184
Equation environment, cross-reference to number 68
Equation environment, formula numbers in 88
Equation environment, in leqno document-? lass option 177
Error 133-147
Error finding 134-136
Error indicator 29 134
Error locator 29 134 135
error message 29-30
Error message, 136-140
Error message, 140-145
Error message, MakeIndex 154
Error, versus 29
Error, versus 29
Error, catching with text editor 32
Error, common 31
Error, in cross-referencing file 66
Error, outputting 135
Error, typographic 91
Errsam.tex file 28
Et al 158
Ex (unit of length) 99 215
Exception dictionary 143
Exclamation point see !
Executive paper size 177
Executivepaper document-class option 177
Extension, file 12
Face example 108-110
Family of type 36
Fat, making things 129
Field, bibliography entry 156 160-164
figure 58-59 197-200
Figure counter 97
figure environment 58-59 197
Figure environment, in parbox 138
Figure environment, misplaced 138
Figure environment, parbox made by 104
Figure environment, space around 169
Figure environment, too many 139
Figure* environment 197
Figure, centering 112
Figure, in two-column format 197
Figure, placement of see float
Figure, too tall 145
Figure, vertical space in 58
Figures, list of 67 175-176
Figures, list of, generated from lof file 208
FILE 207-209
File contents* environment 211
File input see input
File inserting 72
file name 12
File, ascii 144
File, auxiliary, error when reading 135 228
File, bibliographic database see bib file
File, chapter in separate 74
File, cross-referencing 66
File, device-independent see dvi file
File, extension 12
File, needs format error 139
File, nonexistent 137 141
File, not found error 137
File, of declarations 73
File, prepended 170
File, root 72
File, sample input 2 8
File, sending by e-mail 32
File, text 12 144
File, \include'd 73
Filecontents environment 77 170 211
Files, listing ones used 77
Files, multiple input 72-74
Final document-? lass option 177
Final package option 131
Finding an error 134-136
First name of file 12
First page, right head for 180
Fleqn document-class option 88 177 188 189
Fleqn document-class option, indentation in 178. 188
float 58-59 199
Float, page 199
Float, page, made by \cleaxpage 97
Float, placement of 59 197
Float, specifier 197
Float, too tall 145
Floats, too many 139
Floppy disk see diskette
Flush left, array column 45
Flush left, text 111
Flush right, array column 45
Flush right, in tabbing environment 203
Flush right, text 111
flushleft environment 111
Flushleft environment, as displayed paragraph 183
Flushleft environment, as list 112
Flushleft environment, \\ in 169
flushright environment 111
Flushright environment, as displayed paragraph 183
Flushright environment, as list 112
Flushright environment, \\ in 169
Font 115-116 225-226
Font, Computer Modern 115
Font, for slides 81
Font, length dependent on 99
Font, selecting in Plain 233
Font, shape not available 145 146
Font, special 116
Font, warning caused by \boldmath 52 145
Foot, page 89 179
Footnote 17 172-173
Footnote counter 97
Footnote counter, for minipage environment 97
Footnote, colors in, when split across pages 132
Footnote, example of difficult 173
Footnote, in minipage environment 105 218
Footnote, in parbox 105
| Footnote, line above 173
Footnote, mark 172
Footnote, symbols 195
Footnote, symbols, too many 137
Footnote, type size in 116
Foreign language see non-English language
Forests, preserving 6
Form, command 166
Format, open bibliography 177
Format, this file needs 139
Format, two-column 20 59 88 180 197
Formatting the input file 31
Formatting, visual 64
Formatting, visual, for slides 81
Formula, math 18 33 39^53 187-191
Formula, math, aligning on left 88 177
Formula, math, arrow in 53
Formula, math, blank line not allowed in 142 171
Formula, math, bold subformula of 52
Formula, math, box in 103
Formula, math, center line of 46
Formula, math, changing type size in 116
Formula, math, complicated 52
Formula, math, delimiter in 190
Formula, math, displayed see displayed formula
Formula, math, formatting with picture environment 52
Formula, math, lines in 53
Formula, math, logical structure of 50
Formula, math, multiline 47-49
Formula, math, number on left 177
Formula, math, numbered 39
Formula, math, overprinting of number 188
Formula, math, space character in 18 50
Formula, math, space in 50-51
Formula, math, splitting across lines 188
Formula, math, using graphics package for 53
Formula, math, vertical space in 106
Formula, math, visual formatting of 49 52
Formula, math, \mbox in 38 39
Fragile command 22 25 26 33 167-168
Fragile command, in @-expression 168
Fragile command, in moving argument 135
Fragile command, protecting 22
Framed box 104 217
Framed box, in picture environment 222
Framing 125
From_, line beginning with 32
Front matter (of a book) 80
Function, log-like 44-45 190
Galley 135
Geometric transformation 129
Geometry, coordinate 118
Gilkerson, Ellen iii xv 130
Glo (glossary) file 75 208
Glo (glossary) file, suppressed by \nofiles 212
Glo (glossary) file, written by \makeglossary 212
Global declaration 168
Global option, unused 147
Glossary 74-76 211-212
Gnomonly 93
GNU 37
Goossens, Michel xv 2
Gordon, Peter xvi
Graphic, determining size of 137
graphics package 129-131 178 223-224
Graphics package, making figures with 58
Graphics package, making formulas with 53
Graphics, unknown extension 140
Graphpap package 126 178 221
Gray color model 132 225
Greek letter 41
Green 132 225
Grid, coordinate 126-127
H float specifier 197
H float specifier, changed 146
Half oval 124
Hash size 143
Head, of arrow 123
Head, page 89 179
Head, page, in two-sided printing 89
Head, page, set by sectioning command 22 90 174
Heading see head
Headings page style 89 179 180
Height, changing apparent 107
Height, of a box 103
Height, of page body 100 214
Helvetica see sans serif type family
Hexadecimal character code 116
Horizontal brace 49
Horizontal line, drawn with \rule 106
Horizontal line, in array or tabular environment 206
Horizontal line, space-filling 102
horizontal mode 36
Horizontal positioning of text 121
Horizontal space 101
Horizontal space, around array or tabular environment 205
Horizontal space, in formula 51 191
Howpublished field (in bib file) 163
Hyphen 14
Hyphen, inserted by 17
hyphenation 93
Hyphenation, correcting error in 94
Hyphenation, of non-English words 94
Hyphenation, permitting with \- 213
Hyphenation, suppressed in typewriter style 226
I, dotless (for accents) 38 43 50 190
Idx (index) file 74 150 208
Idx (index) file, suppressed by \nofiles 212
Idx (index) file, written by \makeindex 212
ifthen package 178 195-196
Ignored bibliography field 161
Ignoring input 19
Illegal character in array argument 137
Illegal parameter number 141
Illegal unit of measure 141
In (inch) 99 215
In-text formula 39
Inbook bibliography entry type 161
Inch (in) 99 215
Incollection bibliography entry type 161
Ind file 150 208
Ind file, read by \printindex 211
Indentation, in fleqn option 178
Indentation, paragraph see paragraph
INDEX 30 74-76 150-154 211-212
Indicator, error 29 134
infinite loop 252
Infinitely stretch able length 100 102 215
Information, moving 65-77 207-209
Ink, rectangular blob of 106
Inproceedings bibliography entry type 161
Input character 32
Input file 12
Input file, displaying logical structure 53
Input file, formatting 31
Input file, page of 13
Input files, multiple 72 74
Input files, multiple, finding error in 134
Input from terminal 76-77 212-213
Input ignoring 19
Input processing part of 73-74
Input sample 2 8
Inserting a file 72
Institution field (in bib file) 163
Integral sign, space around 51
Interaction 76-77
Intercolumn space 178
Intercolumn space, in array or tabular environment 205
Interrow space in array or tabular environment 169 207
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