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Lamport L. — A document preparation system LaTeX |
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Tabular environment, example 204
Tabular environment, extra space around 205
Tabular environment, footnoting item of 105
Tabular environment, illegal character in argument 137
Tabular environment, in parbox 218
Tabular environment, interrow space in 169
Tabular environment, large 143
Tabular environment, making tables with 58
Tabular environment, strut in 169
Tabular environment, versus array 46 60
Tabular environment, versus tabbing 60
Tabular environment, \\ in 169
Tabular* environment 204-207
Techreport bibliography entry type 162
Ten-point type 19 115
Term, invisible 48
Terminal 28
Terminal, defining command from 76
Terminal, input 76-77 212-213
Terminal, message, spaces in 212
Terminal, output 76-77 212-213
Terminal, output, written on log file 208
Terminal, printing command on 212
Text editor 12 32
text file 12 144
text, emphasized 16 171
Text, invisible 82 97
Text, math style 52 187
Text, positioning of 107 121
Text, typed, simulating 63-64
Text-generating command 15
thebibliography environment 71-72 209
Thebibliography environment, as list 112
Thebibliography environment, missing argument in 138
theindex environment 75-76 211
Theindex environment, \item in 75
Theorem 56
Theorem, named 57
Theorem-like environment 56-57 193 194
Theorem-like environment, as displayed paragraph 183
Theorem-like environment, as list 112
Theorem-like environment, counter for 97. 193
Theorem-like environment, cross-reference to 68
Theorem-like structure 56-57
Thick space 51 191
Thickness see width
Thin space 14 33 51 170 191
Thin, making things 129
Tick marks 184
tilde (~) 12 17.
Time, printing on notes 83
Title 20-21
Title field (in bib file) 163
Title, acknowledgment of support in 181
Title, author's address in 181
Title, date in 20
Title, example 183
Title, ill bib file 158
Title, page 20-21 88 90 177 181-183
Titlepage document-class option 88 90 177
titlepage environment 90 183
Titlepage environment, making blank page with 180
Toc (table of contents) file 66 67 175 209
Toc (table of contents) file, editing 67
Toc (table of contents) file, error in 135
Tocdepth counter 176
Topnmnber counter 199
Totalnumber counter 200
Trahison des Images, La 131
Transformation, geometric 129
Trivlist environment 112 115 186
Truman, Harry 24
Twelve-point type 19 115
Two-column format 20 88 180
Two-column format, figures and tables in 197
Two-column format, marginal notes in 59
Two-column format, \cleardoublepage in 97
Two-column format, \clearpage in 97
Two-column format, \nevpage in 97
Two-column format, \pagebreak in 97
two-sided printing 19 177
Two-sided printing, increasing page height in 214
Two-sided printing, marginal notes in 59
Two-sided printing, page heading in 89
Twocolumn document-class option 20 177
Twocolumn document-class option, marginal notes in 59
Twoside document-class option 19 177
Twoside document-class option, default in book class 80
Twoside document-class option, evens page bottoms 88
Twoside document-class option, marginal notes in 59
Twoside document-class option, page heading in 90
Type field (in bib file) 164
Type, bibliography entry 156 160-162
Type, eleven-point 19 115
Type, family 36
Type, family, roman 37 51 191 226
Type, family, sans serif 37 51 191 226
Type, family, typewriter 37 51 191 226
Type, font see font
Type, series 36
Type, series, boldface 37 51 191 226
Type, series, medium 37 226
Type, shape 36
Type, shape, italic 37 51 191 226
Type, shape, slanted 37 226
Type, shape, small caps 37 226
Type, shape, upright 37 226
Type, size 226
Type, size, changing 115-116
Type, size, default 115
Type, size, in footnote 116
Type, size, of sub- and superscripts 52 116
Type, style 36-37 225-226
Type, style, calligraphic 51 191
Type, style, in math mode 51-52 191
Type, style, substituted 37
Type, style, unavailable 37 116
Type, ten-point 19 115
Type, twelve-point 19 115
Typed text, simulating 63-64
Typesetter 6
Typewriter type family 37 226
Typewriter type family, in math mode 51 191
Typewriter type family, no accents or symbols in 38
Typewriter, simulating 63-64
Typing, saving 54
typographic design 91
Typographic designer 5
Typographic error 91
Unary and 48
Unavailable type style 37 116
Unbalanced braces, error caused by 136
Undefined citation 145 147
Undefined color 140
Undefined color model 140
Undefined control sequence error 144
Undefined environment error 137
Undefined reference 146 147
Undefined tab position 140
Undefined \pageref 146
Undefined \ref 146
Underfull \hbox message 95 147
Underfull \hbox message, caused by sloppy par 147
Underfull \hbox message, caused by \linebreak 147 213
Underfull \hbox message, caused by \sloppy 147 214
Underfull \hbox message, caused by \\ and \newline 213
Underfull \vbox message 147
Underfull \vbox message, caused by \pagebreak 214
underlining 49 190
Unit length 118
| Unit of length 215
Unit of measure, illegal 141
Unit paragraph 94
Unit, sectional see sectional unit
Unix, e-mail in 32
Unix, stupidity in 32
Unknown graphics extension 140
Unknown option 140
Unmatched 138
Unmatched (dollar sign) 141
Unmatched brace 31
Unmatched math mode delimiter 141
Unmatched \begin 136
Unmatched \end 136
Unmatched \poptabs 138
Unmatched \pushtabs 138
Unmatched } 141
Unpublished bibliography entry type 162
Unsrt bibliography style 70
uppercase letter 12
Upright type shape 37 226
Use doesn't match definition error 145
User-defined command or environment, scope in argument of 55 56 192
Value of counter 194
Van Leunen, Mary-Claire 8
Variable-sized math symbol 42 52
Variant Greek letters 41
Vbottomfraction 200
verbatim environment 63-64 186
verbatim* environment 64 186
Verse environment 25-26 34 184
Verse environment, as list 112
Verse environment, \\ in 169
Version, of 2 228-229
vertical alignment 46 60-63 201-207
Vertical ellipsis 40 189
Vertical line, drawn with \rule 106
Vertical line, in tabular environment 62
vertical mode 36
Vertical positioning of array environment 46
Vertical positioning of array item 46
Vertical positioning of text 107 121 219
Vertical space 102
Vertical space, above displayed formula 188 189 218
Vertical space, adding 106 216
Vertical space, at top or bottom of page 102
Vertical space, below displayed formula 183 189
Vertical space, in math formula 106
visual design 7 88
Visual design, of marginal notes 60
Visual formatting 64
Visual formatting, for slides 81
Visual formatting, of formula 49 52
Visual formatting, with boxes 108-111
Visual property 37
Volume field (in bib file) 164
Warning message 30
Warning message, 145-147
Warning message, 147
White 132 225
Wide math accent 49
Width of a box 103
Width of line 91 171
Width of line, for \fbox and \framebox 219
Width of line, in array or tabular environment 207
Width of line, in picture 118 223
Width of paragraph indentation 99
Width of text on page 100 171
Width, box with specified 104
Wiles, Andrew 57
Window 28
Word 13
Word, index 150
Writing 8
Wrong number printed by \cite, \pageref, and \ref 146
Year field (in bib file) 164
Yellow 132 225
Zero (0) 12
Zero length 99
Zero-length arrow 123
Zero-width box 121
[ (left bracket) 12 32 33 166
[ (left bracket), ambiguous 25
[ (left bracket), delimiter 47
[ (left bracket), printed on terminal 135
\ (backslash) 12 16 32 166
\ index space 75
\! (negative thin space) 51 191
\" ( accent or tabbing command), in parbox 203
\" ( accent or tabbing command), too many 139
\" ( accent) 38
\# ( ) 15 39 171
\% ( ) 15 39 171
\& ( ) 15 39 171
\' ( accent or tabbing command) 38 203
\' ( accent or tabbing command), in parbox 203
\' ( accent or tabbing command) 38 203
\' ( accent or tabbing command), in parbox 203
\( (begin formula) 18 33 39 187
\( (begin formula), in ifthen package expression 196
\( (begin formula), in math mode error 136
\( (begin formula), is fragile 22 33
\) (end formula) 18 33 187
\) (end formula), delimits scope of declaration 168
\) (end formula), in ifthen package expression 196
\) (end formula), is fragile 22 33
\) (end formula), not in math mode error 136
\+ (tabbing command) 202
\+ (tabbing command), error in 140
\+ (tabbing command), in Plain 232
\, (thin space) 14 33 51 170 191
\- (hyphenation or tabbing command) 93 202 213
\- (hyphenation or tabbing command), error in 140
\- (hyphenation or tabbing command), in parbox 203
\- (hyphenation or tabbing command), in tabbing environment 203
\- (hyphenation or tabbing command), instead of \ hyphen at ion 143
\- (hyphenation or tabbing command), needed in typewriter style 226
\. ( accent) 38
\11 ( ) 43
\; (thick space) 51 191
\< (tabbing command) 202
\< (tabbing command), error in 140
\= ( accent or tabbing command) 38 201 202
\> (tabbing command) 61 201 202
\> (tabbing command), error in 140
\@ 14 33 170
\@array 145
\@chapter 92
\@makechapterhead 92
\@schapter 92
\a' (' accent in tabbing environment) 203
\a= (' accent in tabbing environment) 203
\AA ( ) 39
\abovedisplay short skip 189
\abovedisplayskip 188
\acute ( math accent) 50
\addcontentsline 175
\addcontentsline, argument too long 143
\addcontentsline, moving argument of 168
\address 84
\addtime 83
\addtocontents 67 176
\addtocontents, argument too long 143
\addtocontents, moving argument of 168
\addtocounter 98 194
\addtocounter, error in 138
\addtocounter, scope of 98 168
\addtocounter, \protect not used in argument of 168
\addtolength 101 2l6
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