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Lamport L. — A document preparation system LaTeX
Lamport L. — A document preparation system LaTeX

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Название: A document preparation system LaTeX

Автор: Lamport L.


This authoritative user's guide and reference manual for the LATEX computer typesetting system has been revised to document features now available in the new standard software release - LATEX2e. The new edition features additional styles and functions, improved font handling, and enhanced graphics capabilities. Other parts of the book have been revised to reflect user comments and suggestions. Selected sections have been rewritten to explain challenging concepts or functions, and the descriptions of both MakeIndex and BibTEX have been updated. New LATEX users will want to start with this book, and current users, particularly as they upgrade to the LATEX2e software, will be eager to obtain the most up-to-date version of its associated manual.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/TeX, LaTeX/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 1994

Количество страниц: 272

Добавлена в каталог: 02.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Interrow space in eqnarray environment      188
Interrow space in \shortstack      124
Interword space      14 170
Interword space, before or after \hspace command      101
Interword space, in math mode      51
Interword space, produced by invisible command      169
Interword space, too much with \sloppy      214
Interword space, without line break      17 170
Intraword dash      14 170
Invalid character error      144
Invisible character      12 32
Invisible command      169
Invisible delimiter      47
Invisible environment      169
Invisible term made with \mbox      48
Invisible text      82. 97
Italic type shape      16 37 226
Italic type shape, in math mode      51 191
Italic type shape, used for emphasis      171
Item, label      24-25 184
Item, label, extra-wide      114
Item, label, positioning with \hfill      114
Itemize environment      24-25 34 184
Itemize environment, as list      112
Itemize environment, default labels of      184
J, dotless (for accents)      38 43 50 190
Journal field (in bib file)      163
Jr      157
Justifying lines      95 100
Kernighan, Brian      7
Key citation      69 71 156
Key cross-reference      67
Key enter      12
Key field (in bib file)      162. 163
Key return      12
Keyboard      see terminal
Keys, listing      69
Knuth, Donald Ervin      xvi 5 115
L (left), oval-part argument      124 223
L (left), positioning argument      45 217 221
L (left), positioning argument, in array or tabular argument      205
L (left), positioning argument, of \makebox      104 121
L (left), positioning argument, of\shortstack      124
Label, item      24-25 184
Label, item, extra-wide      114
Label, item, positioning with \hfill      114
Label, mailing      86
Label, multiply-defined      146
Label, produced by \cite      210
Label, source      69
Labelitemi… labelitemiv counters      184
Labels may have changed warning      146
Labels, cross-reference, too many      143 144
Lablst.tex file      69 208
Lamport, Jason      131
Lamport, Leslie      131
Landscape document-class option      177
Landscape printing      177
Language, non-English      38 94
Latexsyre package      42 178
Law (mathematical)      56
Leaving math mode      36
Left margin, prevailing      201
Left, flush      see flush
Left-hand page      179
Left-to-right mode      see LR mode
Left_margin_tab      201
Legal paper size      177
Legalpaper document-class option      177
Lemma      56
Length      99-101 215-216
Length, command      99
Length, command, defining      101
Length, command, not preceded by \protect      168
Length, font-dependent      99
Length, infinitely stretch able      100 215
Length, natural      100
Length, of line in picture      122
Length, parameter      100
Length, rigid      100
Length, rubber      100
Length, rubber, in \hspace or \vspacs      102
Length, rubber, in \lengthtest expression      196
Length, rubber, infinitely stretch able      102
Length, unit (in picture environment)      118
Length, unit of      2l5
Length, zero      99
Leqno document-class option      88 177 188
letter      32
Letter document class      84-86 176
Letter document class, \parskip in      100
Letter environment      85
Letter environment, moving argument of      168
Letter paper size      177
Letter, case of      68 69
Letter, for mailing      84- 86
Letter, Greek      41
Letter, lowercase      12
Letter, not a      142
Letter, script      42
Letter, uppercase      12
Letterpaper document-class option      177
Level number of sectional unit      176
Line, blank      see blank line
Line, bottom of      107
Line, break      see break line
Line, horizontal      see horizontal line
Line, in formula      53
Line, in picture      122-123
Line, in picture, thickness of      118
Line, justifying      95 100
Line, none to end error      139
Line, slanted, minimum size of      123
Line, space at beginning or end of      102
Line, vertical      see vertical line
Line, width      see width
Lines, distance between      100
Lining up      see aligning
LIST      24-25 34
List counter, defining      114
List environment      112-114 185
List environment, style parameters for      185
List, long enumerated      137
List, margins of nested      114
List, of figures or tables      67 175-176 208
List, of figures or tables, adding an entry      175
List, of figures or tables, adding commands to      67 176
List, of figures or tables, error in      135
List, source      70
List-making environment      24-25 112-115
List-making environment, defining      114
List-making environment, in parbox      105 218
List-making environment, nested too deeply      139
List-making environment, primitive      112
Listing keys      69
Local coordinates      129
Local Guide      2 6 8 12 20 28 30 69 71 77 86 88 91-93 115 116 118 124 132 136 139 140 151 156 159 163 178
Locator, error      29 134 135
Lof (list of figures) file      67 175 208
Lof (list of figures) file, editing      67
Lof (list of figures) file, error in      135
Log file      28 76 208
Log-like function      44-45 190
Logical design      7
Logical structure      6 88
Logical structure, displaying in input file      53
Logical structure, of formula      50
Logical structure, repeated      53
Logo, $L^{A}T_{E}X$      5 15 33 171
Logo, $T_{E}X$      5 15 33 171
Lonely \item      137
Lot (list of tables) file      67 175 208
Lot (list of tables) file, editing      67
Lot (list of tables) file, error in      135
Low ellipsis      40 189
lowercase letter      12
Lowering text      107
LR box      103-104 107
LR mode      36 39
LR mode, in tabbing environment      201
LR mode, space character in      36
LR mode, tabular item processed in      62
Lrbox environment      108 218
Macho $T_{E}X$ programmer      92
Macro parameter character error      145
Magenta      132 225
Magnification of output      233
Magnifying a picture      118
Magritte, Ren$\acute{e}$      131
Mailing label      86
Main matter (of a book)      80
Main memory size      143
makeidx package      150
Makeidx package, defines \printindez      211
Makelndex      74 150-154
Makelndex, ind file written by      208
Mandatory argument      166
Manual bibliography entry type      162
Marge      115 226
Margin, arrow in      59
Margin, changing in tabbing environment      202
Margin, determined by \textvidth and \textheight      100
Margin, of nested lists      114
Margin, prevailing      201 203
Marginal note      59-60 200-201
Marginal note, moved      146
Marginal note, overprinting of      201
Marginal note, \hfill in      59
Marginpar moved warning      59 146
Mark, footnote      172
Mastersthesis bibliography entry type      162
Math environment      18 39 187
Math formula      see formula math
Math formula mode      36 39
Math formula mode, accent in      see accent
Math formula mode, bad command in      137r 145
Math formula mode, blank line not allowed in      142 171
Math formula mode, defining commands for use in      53
Math formula mode, environment      187-189
Math formula mode, leaving      36
Math formula mode, space character ignored in      36 50
Math formula style      52 191
Math formula style, display      52 188 191
Math formula style, for sub- and superscripts      52. 191
Math formula style, of array environment item      191
Math formula style, text      52 187 191
Math formula symbol      41-45
Math formula symbol, variable-sized      42 52
Mathematical      see math
Matrix      45
Medium space      51 191
Medium type series      37 226
Memory size      143
Message, $L^{A}T_{E}X$ error      136 140
Message, $L^{A}T_{E}X$ warning      145-147
Message, $L^{A}T_{E}X$ warning, page number in      135
Message, $T_{E}X$ error      140-145
Message, $T_{E}X$ warning      30 147
Message, Makelndex error      154
Message, printing on terminal      76
Millimeter (mm)      99 215
Mini page environment      104 105 218
Mini page environment, footnote counter for      97
Mini page environment, footnote in      172
Mini page environment, in p column of array or tabular environment      205
Mini page environment, nested      106
Mini page environment, tabbing environment in      106
Mini page environment, versus \parbox      105
Minus sign      14
Mirror image      130
Misc bibliography entry type      162
Misplaced #      141 145
Misplaced figure environment      138
Misplaced table environment      138
Misplaced \includeonly      136
Misplaced \makeindex      136
Misplaced \marginpar      138
Misplaced \nofiles      136
Misplaced \usepackage      136
Misplaced, $\$      141
Misplaced, alignment tab      141
Missing $\$ error      142
Missing @-expression      138
Missing argument      138 142
Missing brace      142
Missing control sequence error      142
Missing number error      142
Missing p-arg error      138
Missing \begin{document} error      138
Missing \documentclass      144
Missing \end{document}      30
Missing \item      138
Missing \label      146
Missing \usepackage      144
Missing \\      141
Missing { error      142
Missing } error      142
Misspelled command name      31
Misspelled command name, correcting      144
Mittelbach, Frank      xv 2
Mm (millimeter)      99 215
MOD      44 190
MODE      36
Mode, compatibility      228
Mode, horizontal      36
Mode, left-to-right      see LR mode
Mode, LR      see LR mode
Mode, math      see math
Mode, paragraph      see paragraph
Mode, picture      120. 220-221
Mode, vertical      36
Model, color      132 224
Model, color, undefined      140
MODULO      44 190
Month field (in bib file)      163
Moved marginal note      146
Moving argument      22 33 167
Moving argument, fragile command in      135
Moving argument, of @-expression      205
Moving argument, of letter environment      85
Moving argument, of \bibitem      72
Moving argument, of \caption      58
Moving argument, of \markbcth and \markright      90
Moving argument, of \typein and \typeout      77 212 213
Moving information around      65-77 207-209
Mpfootnote counter      97
Multilanguage document      38
Multiline formula      47-49
Multiple authors      21
Multiple captions      59
Multiple column item      62 206
Multiple input files      72-74
Multiple input files, finding error in      134
Multiple names in bib file field      158
Multiply-defined label warning      146
Myheadings page style      89 179
Name command      see command
Name in bib file field      157-158
Name of file      12
Named theorem      57
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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