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Hazel P. — Exim. The Mail Transfer Agent |
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Messages in queue, listing 31 470 480
Messages in queue, modifying 472
Messages in queue, removing 471
Messages, appending, format of 207
Messages, appending, MBX format 208 212 220 222
Messages, appending, to files 251
Messages, attachments to see "Attachments"
Messages, automatic reply 145 232 240 see
Messages, automatic reply, disabling use of 253
Messages, automatic reply, logging 235—236
Messages, automatic reply, once-only 235—236
Messages, automatic reply, parameters 233
Messages, automatic reply, user filters and 259
Messages, batched 199—202 232
Messages, batched, multiple files for 201
Messages, blocks in, timeout for transmission of 192
Messages, body of 11
Messages, contents of, inspecting options for 470
Messages, deferred 47
Messages, envelopes 13
Messages, error, customized 540
Messages, error, options for 465
Messages, files for see "Message files"
Messages, format of 11 197—199
messages, forwarding see ".forward file"
Messages, freezing 47 62
Messages, freezing, allow_localhost option and 191
Messages, freezing, delivery processes and 281
Messages, freezing, Exim monitor and 510
Messages, freezing, options for 466
Messages, handling, options for 471—473
Messages, handling, processes for 283
Messages, header see "Headers"
Messages, incoming processing 333—338
Messages, line termination in 11 199
Messages, lines in, escaping 198
Messages, lines in, number of 538
Messages, lists of, monitoring 501
Messages, lists of, operations on 471
Messages, modifying 99
Messages, parts of, local, unrecognized 17
Messages, parts of, transporting 174
Messages, processing 280
Messages, processing, options for 468
Messages, prohibition 543
Messages, prohibition, customizing 332
Messages, rejection, RBL 312
Messages, relaying 302
Messages, relaying, control of 326—331
Messages, relaying, encryption, using 330
Messages, relaying, for MX backups 329
Messages, relaying, from authenticated hosts 330
Messages, relaying, from specific senders 330
Messages, relaying, incoming/outgoing 327—328
Messages, relaying, options for 331
Messages, relaying, outgoing 329
Messages, relaying, permitting 330
Messages, relaying, relay checking 327
Messages, relaying, with incomplete domains 328
Messages, separating 197
Messages, separating, Berkeley mailbox format 197
Messages, separating, MMDF format 198
Messages, size of 188 194 542
Messages, size of, controlling 175 183 303
Messages, size of, limiting 65
Messages, sources of 303
Messages, Spool file is locked 268 493
Messages, start/end queue run, setting log level for 487
Messages, transmitting 13—15
Messages, warning, alerting postmaster 453
Messages, warning, copies of, taking 452
Messages, warning, customizing 455
Messages, warning, delay 453
Messages, warning, handling 451—454
Messages, warning, replying to 452
Messages, warning, writing to files 203 see
message_age/$message_body variables 541
message_filter option 243
message_filter option, filtering and 242
message_filter_directory_transport option 243
message_filter_directory_transport option, save command and 251
message_filter_file_transport option 243
message_filter_group/message_filter_user options 243
message_filter_pipe_transport option 243—244
message_filter_reply_transport option 243—244
MESSAGE_ID variable 226
message_id/$message_precedence variables 542
message_size_limit option 175 183 303
message_size_limit option, transport option 303
metacharacters in regular expressions 550
MIME (Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions) 94
mimencode command 362
MMDF format, message separation 198
mode option 220 236
mode option, file modes and 207
modemask option 126 167
mode_fail_narrower option 220
more option 116
msglog directory 268 483
msglog.OLD directory 268
MTAs (Mail Transfer Agents) xiii 1 5
MTAs (mail transfer agents), administering 29
MTAs (mail transfer agents), as open relays 21
MTAs (mail transfer agents), authentication and 9
MTAs (mail transfer agents), EHLO command (SMTP) and 16
MTAs (mail transfer agents), incoming email 6
MTAs (mail transfer agents), incoming email, checking 19
MTAs (mail transfer agents), mailbox files and 209
MTAs (mail transfer agents), message store and 231
MTAs (mail transfer agents), messages transmitted between 13—15
MTAs (mail transfer agents), modifying message bodies and 99
MTAs (mail transfer agents), MUAs and 6
MTAs (mail transfer agents), outgoing email 6
MTAs (mail transfer agents), relaying 302 326 see
MTAs (mail transfer agents), routing and 18
MTAs (mail transfer agents), run by ISPs 10
MTAs (mail transfer agents), types of 10
MUAs (Mail User Agents) 5
MUAs (mail user agents), Exim processes and 32
MUAs (mail user agents), mailbox files and 209
MUAs (mail user agents), MBX-format mailboxes and 213
MUAs (mail user agents), MMDF format and 198
MUAs (mail user agents), MTAs and 6
MUAs (mail user agents), running locally 9
MUAs (mail user agents), spam and 10
Multihomed hosts 186
Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) 94
multi_domain option 194
MX backups, automatic relaying for 329
MX records 24 194
MX records, broken 448
MX records, conditions for 155
MX records, DNS errors and 27
MX records, DNS lookups 388
MX records, required by domain names 191
MX records, wildcard 155
mx_domains option 155 157 191 194
mx_domains option, gethostbyname option and 156
MySQL database, list of domains in 72
MySQL database, lookups 386
MySQL database, quoting characters in 415
mysql_servers option 387
n0-$n9 variables 542
name servers 23
Name servers, masters 23
Name servers, minimizing delays on 69
Name servers, slaves 23
Name servers, zones and 23
Name servers, zones and, finding 28
Named pipes, delivering to 206 218
| Names of senders, options for 463
ndbm library 381
ndbm routines 512
net- prefix in search types 430
Network group 195
never_users option 440
Newlines in alias expansions 125
Newlines in Exim output 245
Newlines in lists as separators 122
Newlines, headers_add option and 109
Newlines, message separation and 198
new_address option 147 149
new_address option, address rewriting 341
new_director option 47 78 121
NFS (Network File System), files mounted on, MBX locking and 208
NFS (Network File System), files mounted on, no_freeze_missing_include option and 129
NFS (Network File System), mailing lists mounted on 80
nhash operator 397
NIS lookups 382
nis value (search_type option) 134
NIS+ lookups 383
NIS+ lookups, quoting characters in 415
nobody_group/nobody_user options 170 440
noerror value 253
notify_comsat option 218 220
no_check_local_user option, mailing lists and 79
no_check_owner option 207
no_check_owner option, unprivileged Exim, running 441
no_deliveiy_date_remove option 176
no_dns_check_naines option 451
no_dns_qualify_single option 190
no_envelope_to_remove option 176
no_expn option 120
no_freeze_missing_include option 129
no_freeze_missing_include option, aliasfile director and 80
no_headers_checks_fail option 326
no_keepalive option 187
no_local_from_check option, -f option and 463
no_mode_fail_narrower option 207
no_more option 74 102
no_more option, pass_on_timeout option and 151
no_multi_domain option 185
no_panic_expansion_fail option 148
no_prod_requires_admin option 443
no_qualify_single option 154 167
no_queue_list_requires_admin option 443
no_retry_include_ip_address option 191
no_retry_include_ip_address option for retries based on hostname 299
no_retry_use_local_part option 202
no_return_path_remove option 176
no_rewrite_headers option 157
no_sender_verify_reject option 317
no_verify option 103 316
no_verify_recipient option 104
no_verify_sender option 104 316
nslookup command 28
nsswitch.conf file 90
Numbers, comparisons 403
Numbers, testing conditions 259
once/once_repeat options 235—236 254—255
once/once_repeat options, vacation command and 255
one_time option 31 129 132
one_time option, forwardfile director and 81
OOB (out-of-band) data 193
open relays 21 302
Openssl dhparam command 369
OpenSSL, Diffie-Hellman ciphers 369
Operators for numeric comparisons 535
Operators for query-style lookup types 415
Optional option 134 137
OptionLists.txt file 518
Options for address lookups 160
Options for aliasfile director 126—133
Options for appendfile transport 196—222
Options for authentication 363
Options for autoreply transport 232—237
Options for daemon process 276
Options for directors 101—121
Options for directors, summary of 114—117
Options for domainlist router 158—168
Options for exim_lock utility 515
Options for forwardfile director 126—133
Options for lmtp transport 232
Options for pipe transport 196—203 222—231
Options for recipient rejection 325
Options for relay control 331
Options for routers 101—117 150—153
Options for routers, summary of 114—117
Options for smtp transport 184—194
Options for system filters 243
Options for transports 174—184
Options, as arguments to -bP option 474
Options, build-time 34
Options, command-line 458—481
Options, command-line, daemon process, starting 459
Options, command-line, for BSMTP reception 460
Options, command-line, for configuration overrides 469
Options, command-line, for debugging 478
Options, command-line, for delivery control, immediate 464
Options, command-line, for error routing 465
Options, command-line, for hosts, remote 463
Options, command-line, for input mode control 459—462
Options, command-line, for message control 471—473
Options, command-line, for non-SMTP reception 460
Options, command-line, for queue inspection 470
Options, command-line, for queue runner processes 466—469
Options, command-line, for sender addresses 462
Options, command-line, for sender names 463
Options, command-line, for Sendmail compatibility 479
Options, command-line, for SMTP reception, interactive 460
Options, command-line, for testing 464 473—478
Options, command-line, for testing retry rules 477
Options, command-line, terminating 479
Options, configuration, outputting list of 474
Options, for logging 486
Options, generic 101—117
Options, generic, summary of 114—117
Options, hide setting in 59
Options, interaction of 106
Options, outputing values of 59
Options, RBL 313
Options, sender-checking 321
Options, syntax 57
Options, time intervals in, specifying 57
Options, writing to main log 486
OR operator 405 537
originator_gid/$originator_uid variables 543
out-of-band (OOB) data 193
Outgoing relaying see "Relaying messages"
owners/owngroups options 126 132 167
P field (message reception logging) 489
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) 402 537
pam condition 402
panic log 483
panic log, mapping 484
Paniclog file 54
panic_expansion_fail option 149
Parallelism 32
parentheses () see "() (parentheses)"
Partial-setting in domain lists 425
Partial-setting in single-key lookup types 390
Pass value, host_find_failed option 161 167
Pass value, self option 152
Password files on large installations 67
Password files, unnamed fields in, extracting 412
Passwords 358 see
Passwords in query option 385
Passwords with PAM authentication 402
Passwords, authentication mechanisms and 359
Passwords, CRAM-MD5 authentication and 358
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