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Hazel P. — Exim. The Mail Transfer Agent |
Предметный указатель |
Transport filters, encryption and 180
Transport filters, modifying messages and 99
Transport Layer Security see "TLS"
Transport option 49 101 135 146
Transport option, bsmtp value 164
Transport option, ipliteral router and 169
Transport setting (-bP option) 474
transport_filter option 180 184
transport_list setting (-bP option) 474
Trusted users 442
trusted_users option 84 442
TZ environment variable 450
U field (message reception logging) 489
uc operator 398
UDP (User Datagram Protocol), syslog and 483
UIDs (user IDs) 543
Uids (user ids) for processes 271
Uids (user ids) for processes, calling Exim 539
Uids (user ids), batch option and 200
Uids (user ids), effective/real/saved 437
Uids (user ids), local transports 195
Uids (user ids), no_check_owner option and 207
Uids (user ids), pipe commands 224
Uids (user ids), privilege control by 437
Uids (user ids), security and 436
Ultimate address timeout 297
Umask option 231
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), quoting characters in 415
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) 449
Unix, file locking in 209
Unix, line termination 11
Unix, uptime command 274
Unix-to-Unix Copy see "UUCP"
Unknown local part eixor message 108
Unknown user error message 48
Unprivileged setting (security option) 441
Unseen option 107 116
Unseen option, headers_add option and 110
Unseen option, noerror value 253
Unseen option, pipe command and 239
Unseen option, significant actions and 248
Unsolicited junk mail see "spam"
untrusted_set_sender option 443 462
Update action button (Exim monitor) 508
Upgrading Exim 530
uptime command (Unix) 63
Uptime command (Unix), system load averages 274
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), quoting characters in 415
User Datagram Protocol see "UDP"
User filters 238
User filters, deliver command and 250
User filters, save command and 251
User filters, setting up 242
User filters, significant actions and 248
User IDs see "uids"
user variable 226
user variables 249
User/group options 110—111 115 117 232
User/group options, delivery environment, controlling 197
User/group options, gids/uids 224
User/group options, local transports and 195
User/group options, unprivileged Exim, running 441
Userforward director 87
Usernames 13 see
Usernames, length of 456
Usernames, prefixes/suffixes with 87
users, Admin see "System administrators"
Users, checking local 139
Users, privileged 442—444
Users, trusted 306 442
use_crlf option 199 203
use_fcntl_lock option 211 221
use_fcntl_lock option, use_mbx_lock option and 212
use_lockfile option 211 222
use_mbx_lock option 222
use_mbx_lock option, use_fcntl_lock option and 212
use_shell option 225 231
use_shell option, allow_commands option and 227
UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) 449
UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy), batched delivery and 199
UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy), Berkeley mailbox format 197
UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy), email deliveries to 90 164
UUCP (Unix-to-Unix Copy), From line, processing 334
uucp_from_pattern option 306
uucp_sender_address 306
vacation command 146 233 239 249 254
Vacation command, once keyword 255
| Variable envelope return paths see "VERPs"
Variables in expansion strings 538—547
Variables, empty 403
Variables, environment, EXIMON_prefix 504
Variables, environment, for pipe commands 226
Variables, environment, pipe transport and 195
Variables, expansion 536
Variables, HOME 196
Variables, local transports and 196
Variables, set for TLS connection 370
Variables, substitution 394
Variables, user 249
Variables, values of, checking 174
Variables, values of, printing 256
Verification callback 315
Verify option 117
Verifying addresses see "Addresses verifying"
Verify_only option 104 117 316
Verify_only option, lookuphost router and 154
Verify_recipient option 117
Verify_recipient option, -bv/-bvs options and 475
Verify_sender option, -bv/-bvs options and 475
VERPs (variable envelope return paths) 177
VERPs (variable envelope return paths), max_rcpt option and 185
vertical bar (|) see "| (vertical bar)"
virtual domains 74—78
Viruses see "Security viruses"
VISUAL environment variable 472
VRFY command (SMTP) 374
w flag (rewriting rules) 349
wait- database 269 513
Warning messages, alerting postmaster 453
Warning messages, copies of, taking 452
Warning messages, customizing 455
Warning messages, delay 453
Warning messages, handling 451—454
Warning messages, handling, replying to 452
warnmsg_file option 455
Web servers, local_interfaces option and 276
Web servers, virtual 273
Web site, Exim 517
white lists 313
Whitespace in string expansions 393 533
widen_domains option 156 158
Wildcards in host lists 428
Wildcards, exceptions to in lists 421
X field (message reception logging) 489
X Window System 3
X Window system, Exim monitor and 503—511
X Window System, server 470
X-RBL-Warning: header 311
xinetd 32
Zeros, termination, DBM lookups and 381
Zombie processes 275
Zones 23
Zones, name servers and 23
Zones, name servers and, finding 28
Zones, types of 25
[] (square brackets) in domain-literal addresses 447
[] (square brackets) in PTR records 26
[] (square brackets), metacharacters and 550 555
\ (backslash) in configuration file 38
\ (backslash) in options 57
\ (backslash) in options, domains option 114
\ (backslash) in pipe commands 252
\ (backslash) in PTR records 26
\ (backslash) in qualified addresses 123
\ (backslash) in regular expressions 258 548 551—553 561
\ (backslash) in string expansions 392
\ (backslash) quoting and 414
\ (backslash) quoting and, URLs 415
\ (backslash), data values and 247
^ (circumflex) as metacharacter 550 554
^ (circumflex) in lists, of addresses 432
^ (circumflex) in lists, of domains 424
^ (circumflex) in lists, of hosts 430
_ (underscore) in domain names 310
_ (underscore) in keywords 254
{} (curly braces) as metacharacters 550
{} (curly braces) in conditional operators 405
{} (curly braces) in headers 394
{} (curly braces) in LDAP encryption 402
{} (curly braces) in regular expressions 548
{} (curly braces) in regular expressions, matching 401
{} (curly braces) in string expansions 392 537
{} (curly braces) in substrings 75
| (vertical bar) as metacharacter 550 558
| (vertical bar) in addresses 132
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