Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hazel P. — Exim. The Mail Transfer Agent |
Предметный указатель |
fallback_hosts option 112 115 190 192
fallback_hosts option, allow_localhost option and 191
fallback_hosts option, dns_qualify_single option and 192
fallback_hosts option, dns_search_parents option and 192
fallback_hosts option, gethostbyname option and 193
fallback_hosts option, mx_domains option and 194
fcntl() 210 221
fcntl(), mailboxes, locking 515
fcntl(), non-MBX mailbox locking 212
FIFOs see "Named pipes"
File attributes, checking 144
File mode (appendfile transport) 203
File option 137 144 219 234 254
File option, autoreply transport and 236
File option, data option and 144
File option, directory option and 214 219
File option, file existence, testing for 404
File option, file_expand option and 236
File option, file_must_exist option and 219
File option, file_optional option and 236
File option, mailbox in home directory, setting up 204
File value (search_type option) 134
Filenames in system filters 251
Filenames, .db extension 270
Filenames, .dir extension 270
Filenames, .lock extension 270
Filenames, .pag extension 270
Files, -D 268
Files, -D, reception processes and 277
Files, -H 266 268
Files, -H, reception processes and 277
Files, -J 268
Files, .forward 34 138
Files, .forward, aliasing and 123
Files, .forward, as filter file 242
Files, .forward, bypassing 119
Files, .forward, expansion variables and 538
Files, .forward, filenames in, specifying 51
Files, .forward, filtering instructions in 238
Files, .forward, forwardfile director and 37 118
Files, .forward, nonaddress items and 124
Files, .forward, outside home directory 143
Files, .forward, owners of, specifying 132
Files, .forward, pipe commands from 227
Files, .forward, pipe deliveries from 222
Files, .forward, restricting contents of 128
Files, .forward, root privilege and 438
Files, .forward, specifying 139
Files, .forward, syntax errors in 80
Files, .vacation.msg 239
Files, /etc/aliases see "System alias file"
Files, alias, local parts without domains in 76
Files, alias, maintaining 511
Files, alias, owners of, specifying 132
Files, alias, single-key lookups and 389
Files, appending, locking for 209—213
Files, appending, messages to 251
Files, appending, multimessage 204
Files, attributes of, checking 126
Files, cdb format 75
files, configuration 34 54—61
Files, configuration, address rewriting 341
Files, configuration, comsat, setting 218
Files, configuration, domains and 74
Files, configuration, drivers and 37
Files, configuration, gids/uids, defining 436
Files, configuration, hostname in 543
Files, configuration, hosts, using on different 456
Files, configuration, IP domain literal addresses and 169
Files, configuration, log destination 484
Files, configuration, lookups 59
Files, configuration, macros in 58 470
Files, configuration, name of, changing 469
Files, configuration, options in 57 101
Files, configuration, overrides, options for 469
Files, configuration, qualify_domain/qualify_recipient options and 543
Files, configuration, sections of 55
Files, configuration, string expansion in 59
Files, configuration, testing 474
Files, configuration, updating 511
Files, DBM 38 72
Files, DBM, maintaining 512
Files, delivering to separate 213
Files, delivering to separate, maildir format 214 220
Files, disabling 128 131—132
Files, exim-daemon.pid 273
Files, exim-process.info 502
Files, existence of, restricting drivers by 104
Files, existence of, testing 116 404
Files, extracting from, named fields 410
Files, extracting from, unnamed fields 412
Files, filter, error_message condition and 261
Files, filter, expansion variable for 541
Files, filter, format of 246
Files, filter, significant actions and 248 261
Files, filtering 2
Files, filtering, testing 244—246
Files, format of, checking 209 219
Files, hints 266 269
Files, hints, exim_tidydb utility 270
Files, indexed 72
Files, journal 268
Files, list items in 422
Files, local, deliveries to 131
Files, location of, appendfile transport and 219
Files, lock files 221
files, locking 219
files, log 54 249 266 271
Files, log, $tod_full variable 547
Files, log, build-time options and 34
Files, log, cycling 482 493
Files, log, extracting information from 494—500
Files, log, mail commands and 255
Files, log, main log 488—493
Files, log, of filtering actions 256
Files, log, types of 483
Files, log, writing to spool files 450
Files, lookups see "Lookups"
Files, mainlog 54
Files, maintaining 511
Files, Makefile 518—524
Files, Makefile, contents of 519
Files, Makefile, driver choices in 520
Files, Makefile, minimal required 522
Files, Makefile, module choices in 521
Files, Makefile, settings, optional 524
Files, Makefile, settings, recommended 521
Files, Makefile, settings, system-related 523
Files, message 266
Files, message, locking 268
Files, message, names of 266
Files, missing 129
Files, modes of 207 220
Files, nonexistent, creating 206
Files, nsswitch.conf 90
Files, OptionLists.txt 518
Files, paniclog 54
Files, password, on large installations 67
Files, rejectlog 54
Files, routing information in 162
Files, shared, processes and 265
Files, spool see "Exim queue"
Files, system alias 34 36
Files, system alias, pipes specified in 51
Files, system alias, specifying filenames in 51
Files, tidy_alldb 514
Files, transport drivers for 127
Files, writing messages to 203
file_directory option 139 144
file_directory option, $home variable and 142
| file_expand option 236
file_expand option, file option and 234
file_format option 219
file_must_exist option 206 219
file_must_exist option, unprivileged Exim, running 441
file_optional option 236
file_optional option, file option and 234
file_transport/pipe_transport options 127 131
Filter commands 239—241
Filter commands, conditional 257—262
Filter commands, error message testing 261
Filter commands, number testing 259
Filter commands, personal mail testing 259
Filter commands, significant actions testing 261
Filter commands, string testing 258
Filter commands, testing address list 261
Filter commands, testing delivery status 261
Filter files, error_message condition and 261
Filter files, expansion variable for 541
Filter files, format of 246
Filter files, lookups and 145
Filter files, significant actions and 248
Filter files, significant actions and, testing for 261
Filter files, string expansions in, exists condition and 145
Filter files, system, $recipients variable and 544
Filter files, testing 244—246
Filter option 144 242
Filter option, forwardfile director and 138
Filters, string expansions in 141
Filters, system 238
Filters, system, $recipients variable 262
Filters, system, options for 243
Filters, system, setting up 242
Filters, system, testing 246
Filters, transport 180
Filters, transport, modifying messages and 99
Filters, user 238
Filters, user, setting up 242
final_timeout option 187 193
finish command 241 248—249 257
Firewalls 8
Firewalls, mail hubs and 165
first_delivery condition 261 404 536
foranyaddress command, $thisaddress variable and 546
forbidfile option 128 131—132
forbidfile option, mailing lists and 79
forbid_domain_literals option 447
forbid_filter_existstest option 141 145
forbid_filter_logwrite option 141 145
forbid_filter_lookup option 141 145
forbid_filter_perl option 141 145
forbid_filter_reply option 141 145
forbid_filter_reply option, automatic messages and 253
forbid_include option 131
forbid_log option 256
forbid_pipe option 128 131—132
forbid_pipe option, mailing lists and 79
forbid_special option 137
Forced expansion failure error 59
Forgery 18
Forward lists, duplicate addresses and 122
Forward lists, syntax errors in 129
forward slash (/) see "/ (forward slash)"
Forwardfile director 37 118 121—133 138—146
Forwardfile director, $home variable and 142
Forwardfile director, address_file/pipe_transport options and 242
Forwardfile director, check_local_user option and 111 115 121
Forwardfile director, error handling 140
Forwardfile director, filter option and 138
Forwardfile director, group/user options and 111 115
Forwardfile director, mailing lists and 78
Forwardfile director, options for 126—133
Forwardfile director, require_files option and 105
Forwardfile director, save command and 252
Forwardfile director, skip_syntax_errors option and 130
Forwardfile director, special-purpose transports and 49
forwarding email 250 see
forwarding list, inline 139
FreeBSD, Exim installation and 516
freeze command 142 249 263
freeze value (host_find_failed option) 161
freeze_exec_fail option 229
freeze_missing_include option 132
freeze_tell_mailmaster option, errors_address option and 453
from inetd option 283
FROM keyword 255
from option 234 236
From: header, automatic reply messages 234 236
From: header, processing messages with 334
From: header, rewriting 348
From: header, sender names and 463
gcc (GNU C Compiler) 517
gecos field (passwords) 334
gecos_name option 334
gecos_pattern option 334
gethostbyaddr(), host-checking and 428
gethostbyname option 156—157 190 193
gethostbyname() 156 190 193
gethostbyname(), host checking and 428
gethostbyname2() 156
getipnodebyname() 156
getpwnam() 456
gids (group ids) 543
gids (group ids) for processes 271
gids (group ids) for processes, calling Exim 538
gids (group ids), batch option and 200
gids (group ids), local transports and 195
gids (group ids), pipe commands 224
gids (group ids), security and 436
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 449
GNU C compiler 517
GNU General Public License (GPL) 1
GNU/Linux 3
GNU/Linux, Exim installation and 516
GPL (GNU General Public License) 1
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) 449
grep command with ps command 502
Group IDs see "Gids"
group/user options 110 115 117 232
group/user options, delivery environment, controlling 197
group/user options, gids/uids 224
group/user options, initgroups option and 111
group/user options, local transports and 195
group/user options, unprivileged Exim, running 441
H field, delivery logging 491
H field, message reception logging 489
h flag (rewriting mles) 348
hash mark (#) see "# (hash mark)"
hashing operators 397
hash_1 operator 397
Headers 11
Headers add/remove commands 264
headers command 249
Headers from RBL domains, logging 487
Headers in quota warnings 217
headers option 234
Headers, $reply_address variable and 544
Headers, adding/removing 175 249
Headers, adding/removing, forcing expansion failure and 405
Headers, adding/removing, while transporting 109
Headers, addresses in 304
Headers, addresses in, rewriting 177
Headers, Bcc: 305
Headers, Bcc:, processing messages with 336
Headers, Bcc:, rewriting 347
Headers, Cc:, processing messages with 336
Headers, Cc:, rewriting 347
Headers, commas in 12
Headers, concatenation of during processing 542
Headers, Date:, processing messages with 337
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