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Hazel P. — Exim. The Mail Transfer Agent |
Предметный указатель |
! (exclamation mark) in expansion strings 535
! (exclamation mark) in ident strings 431
! (exclamation mark) in lists 78
! (exclamation mark) in string expanions 400
" (double quote) in lists 122
" (double quote) in lists, of hosts 163
" (double quote) in named field extractions 410
" (double quote) in options 57
" (double quote) in pipe commands 124 252
" (double quote) in query-style lookups 383
" (double quote) in regular expressions 258 548
" (double quote) in rewriting rules 344
" (double quote) in string expansions 393
" (double quote), data values and 247
" (double quote), ldap_default_servers option and 385
" (double quote), quoting and 414
# (hash mark) in .forward files 138
# (hash mark) in configuration file 57
# (hash mark) in filter files 247
# (hash mark) in lists 423
# (hash mark) in Makefile 519
# (hash mark), ETRN command format 375
# (hash mark), key/value pairs 380
$ (dollar sign) in configuration file 59
$ (dollar sign) in domains option 114
$ (dollar sign) in regular expressions 548
$ (dollar sign) in regular expressions, matching 401
$ (dollar sign) in string expansions 392
$ (dollar sign), data values and 247
$ (dollar sign), incremented variables and 250
1, $2, etc. variables 159 335 538
1, $2, etc. variables, authentication and 364
host/$host_address variable 181 200
message_age/$message_body variables 541
message_id/$message_precedence variables 542
n0-$n9 variables 542
qualify_domain/$qualify_recipient variables 543
sn0—$sn9 variables 546
$(dollar sign) in maildir files 215
$(dollar sign), as metacharacter 550 554
$0 variable 163 538
$address_file variable 538
$address_pipe variable 538
$authenticated_id variable 364 538
$authenticated_sender variable 538
$body_linecount variable 538
$caller_gid variable 538
$caller_uid variable 539
$compile_date variable 539
$compile_number variable 539
$domain variable 539
$domain variable in delay warning messages 454
$domain variable, address rewriting 345
$domain variable, batch option and 200
$domain variable, bounce messages, replying to 452
$domain variable, local_parts option and 106
$domain variable, smtp_etrn_command option and 376
$domain_data variable 426 539
$errmsg_recipient variable 454 540
$home variable 121 540
$home variable, appendfile transport and 196
$home variable, forwardfile director and 142
$host variable 540
host_address variable 181 200
$host_address variable 540
$host_lookup_failed option 540
$interface_address variable 540
$key variable 388 540
$localhost_number variable 541
$local_part variable 200 394 541
$local_part variable, address rewriting 345
$local_part variable, bounce messages, replying to 452
$local_part_data variable 426 541
$local_part_prefix variable 541
$local_part_suffix variable 87 541
$message_body_end variable 541
$message_body_size variable 542
$message_headers variable 542
$message_size variable 542
$message_size variable, maildir format and 215
$original_domain variable 542
$original_local_part variable 542
$parent_domain variable 543
$parent_local_part variable 543
$pipe_address variable 181 225
$pipe_addresses variable 543
$primary_hostname variable 543
$prohibition_reason variable 332 543
$rbl_domain variable 543
$rbl_text variable 544
$received_for variable 544
$received_protocol variable 95 113 544
$received_protocol variable, server authentication 360
$recipients variable 238 544
$recipients variable, system filters 262
$recipients_count variable 544
$reply_address variable 544
$return_path variable 544
$return_size_limit variable 454 544
$return_size_limit variable and 544
$route_option variable 200 544
$self_hostname variable 152 545
$sender_address variable 180 545
$sender_address variable, address rewriting 341
$sender_address_domain variable 545
$sender_address_local_part variable 545
$sender_fullhost variable 545
$sender_helo_name variable 545
$sender_host_address variable 403 545
$sender_host_address variable, address rewriting conditionally 345
$sender_host_authenticated variable 545
$sender_host_authenticated variable, server authentication 360
$sender_host_name variable 309 546
$sender_host_port variable 546
$sender_ident variable 546
$sender_rcvhost variable 546
$spool_directory variable 546
$thisaddress variable 546
$tls_cipher variable 370 546
$tls_peerdn variable 370 547
$tod_bsdinbox variable 197 547
$tod_full variable 547
$tod_log variable 405 547
$value variable 159 407 547
$version_number variable 547
$warnmsg_delay variable 456 547
$warnmsg_recipients variable 547
% (percent sign) in local parts 328
' (single quote) in hosts lists 163
' (single quote) in pipe commands 124
() (parentheses) in headers 12
() (parentheses), (?! 563
() (parentheses), (?# 568
() (parentheses), (?<! 563
() (parentheses), (?<= 563
() (parentheses), (?= 563
() (parentheses), (?> 565
() (parentheses), (?>) option 549 565
() (parentheses), (?i) option 554 559 562
() (parentheses), (?im) option 554
() (parentheses), (?s) option 555 561 569
() (parentheses), (?U) option 560
() (parentheses), (?x) option 551 562
() (parentheses), as metacharacters 550 558
() (parentheses), if command and 247 257
(dollar sign), $0 variable 163 538
(dollar sign), $address_file variable 538
(dollar sign), $address_pipe variable 538
(dollar sign), $authenticated_id variable 364 538
(dollar sign), $authenticated_sender variable 538
| (dollar sign), $body_linecount variable 538
(dollar sign), $caller_gid variable 538
(dollar sign), $caller_uid variable 539
(dollar sign), $compile_date variable 539
(dollar sign), $compile_number variable 539
(dollar sign), $domain variable 539
(dollar sign), $domain variable, address rewriting 345
(dollar sign), $domain variable, batch option and 200
(dollar sign), $domain variable, bounce messages, replying to 452
(dollar sign), $domain variable, delay warning messages 454
(dollar sign), $domain variable, local_parts option and 106
(dollar sign), $domain variable, smtp_etrn_command option and 376
(dollar sign), $domain_data variable 426 539
(dollar sign), $errmsg_recipient variable 454 540
(dollar sign), $home variable 121 540
(dollar sign), $home variable, appendfile transport and 196
(dollar sign), $home variable, forwardfile director and 142
(dollar sign), $host variable 540
(dollar sign), $host_address variable 540
(dollar sign), $host_lookup_failed option 540
(dollar sign), $interface_address variable 540
(dollar sign), $key variable 388 540
(dollar sign), $localhost_number variable 541
(dollar sign), $local_part variable 200 394 541
(dollar sign), $local_part variable, address rewriting 345
(dollar sign), $local_part variable, bounce messages, replying to 452
(dollar sign), $local_part_data variable 426 541
(dollar sign), $local_part_prefix variable 541
(dollar sign), $local_part_suffix variable 87 541
(dollar sign), $message_body_end variable 541
(dollar sign), $message_body_size variable 542
(dollar sign), $message_headers variable 542
(dollar sign), $message_size variable 542
(dollar sign), $message_size variable, maildir format and 215
(dollar sign), $original_domain variable 542
(dollar sign), $original_local_part variable 542
(dollar sign), $parent_doinain variable 543
(dollar sign), $parent_local_part variable 543
(dollar sign), $pipe_address variable 181 225
(dollar sign), $pipe_addresses variable 543
(dollar sign), $primary_hostname variable 543
(dollar sign), $prohibition_reason variable 332 543
(dollar sign), $rbl_domain variable 543
(dollar sign), $rbl_text variable 544
(dollar sign), $received_for variable 544
(dollar sign), $received_protocol variable 95 113 544
(dollar sign), $received_protocol variable, server authentication 360
(dollar sign), $recipients variable 238 544
(dollar sign), $recipients variable, system filters 262
(dollar sign), $recipients_count variable 544
(dollar sign), $reply_address variable 544
(dollar sign), $return_path variable 544
(dollar sign), $return_size_limit variable 454 544
(dollar sign), $route_option variable 200 544
(dollar sign), $self_hostnaine variable 152 545
(dollar sign), $sender_address variable 180 545
(dollar sign), $sender_address variable, address rewriting 341
(dollar sign), $sender_address_domain variable 545
(dollar sign), $sender_address_local_part variable 545
(dollar sign), $sender_fullhost variable 545
(dollar sign), $sender_helo_name variable 545
(dollar sign), $sender_host_address variable 403 545
(dollar sign), $sender_host_address variable, address rewriting conditionally 345
(dollar sign), $sender_host_authenticated variable 545
(dollar sign), $sender_host_authenticated variable, server authentication 360
(dollar sign), $sender_host_name variable 309 546
(dollar sign), $sender_host_port variable 546
(dollar sign), $sender_ident variable 546
(dollar sign), $sender_rcvhost variable 546
(dollar sign), $spool_directory variable 546
(dollar sign), $thisaddress variable 546
(dollar sign), $tls_cipher variable 370 546
(dollar sign), $tls_peerdn variable 370 547
(dollar sign), $tod_bsdinbox variable 197 547
(dollar sign), $tod_full variable 547
(dollar sign), $tod_log variable 405 547
(dollar sign), $value variable 159 407 547
(dollar sign), $version_number variable 547
(dollar sign), $warnmsg_delay variable 456 547
(dollar sign), $warnmsg_recipients variable 547
(dollar sign), originator_gid/$originator_uid variables 543
* (asterisk) in delivery logs 492
* (asterisk) in domain names 157
* (asterisk) in prefixes/suffixes 120
* (asterisk) in retry rules 290
* (asterisk) in rewriting rules 344
* (asterisk) in route_list option 89 160
* (asterisk) in search types 76
* (asterisk), ** flag 488
* (asterisk), *> flag 488 492
* (asterisk), as metacharacter 550
* (asterisk), in lists, of domains 424
* (asterisk), in lists, of hosts 313 426 430
* (asterisk), lookups, partial matching 391
* (asterisk), lookups, single-key lookup type names 389
+ (plus sign) with filenames 105
+ (plus sign), +allow_unknown/+warn_unknown settings 429
+ (plus sign), +allow_unknown/+warn_unknown settings, with ident prefix 431
+ (plus sign), as metacharacter 550
+allow_unknown/+warn_unknown settings 429
+allow_unknown/+warn_unknown settings with ident prefix 431
+warn_unknown/+allow_unknown setting with ident prefix 431
+warn_unknown/+allow_unknown settings 429
, (comma) in headers 12
, (comma) in lists, as separator 122
, (comma) in lists, of addresses 432
, (comma) in lists, of domains 424
, (comma) in lists, of hosts 428
, (comma) in local parts 328
, (comma) in source pattern of rewriting rules 345
- (hyphen) in exim_dbmbuild utility 512
- (hyphen) in keywords 254
- (hyphen), -- option 479
- (hyphen), -> flag 488 491
- (hyphen), as metacharacter 550
-bd option 273 283 459 462
-bd option, -q option with time value and 467
-be option, expansion string testing and 418
-bf option, -oM options and 464
-bf option, filter files 244 262
-bF option, system filters, testing 246
-bfd option, changing recipient domain 245
-bfl option, changing recipient local part 245
-bfp option, specifying local part prefix 245
-bfs option, specifying local part suffix 245
-bh option 476 529
-bh option, -oM options and 464
-bh option, server authentication, testing 361
-bm option 462
-bm option, message reception and 460
-bP option 59 387 474
-bp option, exiqsumm utility 501
-bP option, security and 385
-bp option, user privilege and 443
-bpr option 471
-bpu option 470
-brt option 477
-brw option 354 478
-bS option 283 377 462 480
-bs option, local SMTP 376
-bS option, message reception and 305 460
-bt option 475
-bt option, -d option and 478
-bt option, verify_only option and 117
-bV option 527
-bv option, -bvs option and 319 324
-bv option, verify_only option and 117
-bvs option 319 475
-C option 469
-C option, log_arguments option and 487
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