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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 3 Sorting and Searching) |
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Isomorphic invariants 590
Isomorphism testing 9
Itai, Alon 707 711
Iverson, Kenneth Eugene 110 142 388 396 422 423 454 704
JACM: Journal of the ACM, a publication of the Association for Computing Machinery since 1954 440
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob 20—21
Jacquet, Philippe Pierre 726
JAE (Jump if rA even) 125—126
Jainism 23
Janson, Carl Svante 627 734
JAO (Jump if rA odd) 125—126
Jensen, Johan Ludvig William Valdemar 711
John, John Welliaveetil 213 663 666
Johnsen, Robert Lawrence 512
Johnsen, Thorstein Lunde 297
Johnson, Lyle Robert 502 578
Johnson, Selmer Martin 184 186
Johnson, Stephen Curtis 555
Johnson, Theodore Joseph 488
Joke 571
Jonassen, Arne Tormod 713
Josephus, Flavius, son of Matthias 17 21
Josephus, problem 17—18 592
Juille, Hugues Rene 226
Jump operators of MIX 6
k-d trees 565—566 581 745
k-d tries 576
Kaas, Robert 152
Kabbala 23
Kaehler, Edwin Bruno 658
Kalai, Gil 676
Kaman, Charles Henry 531 532
Kant, Immanuel 395
Kaplan, Aryeh 23
Kaplan, Haim 615
Karlin, Anna Rochelle 549
Karp, Richard Manning 105 198 287 302 306 308—311 315 347 352 353—354 356 636 669 707
Katajainen, Jyrki Juhani 649
Kaufman, Marc Thomas 483
Kautz, William Hall 572 581 670
Kececioglu, John Dmitri 614
Kelly, Wayne Anthony 213
Kemp, Rainer 287 645
Kempner, Aubrey John 611
Kerov, Sergei Vasilievich 611
Keys 4 392
Keysorting 74 335 373—376 378
Khizder, Leonid Abramovich 479
Kingston, Jeffrey H. 454
Kipling, Joseph Rudyard 74
Kircher, Athanasius 23—24
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, first law 118 127
Kirkman, Thomas Penyngton 577 580
Kirkman, triple systems 580—581
Kirkpatrick, David Galer 213 218 663
Kirschenhofer, Peter 576 634 644 726 726
Kislitsyn, Sergei Sergeevich 197 209 210 212 217 661
Klarner, David Anthony 585
Klein, Christian Felix 745
Klein, Rolf 714
Kleitman, Daniel J 452 454 669 744
Klerer, Melvin 297 388
Knockout tournament 141—142 207 210 212
Knott, Gary Don 21 434 519 529 709 710
Knuth, Donald Ervin ii iv vii 8 58 152 226 297 385 389 395 398 420 422 454 478 536 585 594 600 604 627 634 658 670 696 702 713 722 734 736 741 742 760 780
Koch, Gary Grove 578
Koester, Charles Edward 390
Kohler, Peter 669
Kollar, Lubor 656 660
Komlos, Janos 228 549 673 740
Konheim, Alan Gustave 376 505 548 732 740
Koornwinder, Tom Hendrik 601
Korn, Granino Arthur 297 388
Korner, Janos 513
Kreweras, Germain 733
Kronecker, Leopold 753
Kronmal, Richard Aaron 99
Kronrod, Mikhail Aleksandrovich 168
Krutar, Rudolph Allen 551
Kruyswijk, Dirk 744
Kummer, Ernst Eduard 739
Kwan, Lun 657
KWIC Index 439—442 446 494
La Poutre, Johannes Antonius 747
Labelle, Gilbert 565
Ladner, Richard Emil 389
Laforest, Louise 565
Lagrange (de la Grange), Joseph Louis, Comte, inversion formula 555
Laguerre, Edmond Nicolas, polynomials 601
LaMarca, Anthony George 389
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 644
Lambert, series 644
Lampson, Butler Wright 525
Landauer, Walter Isfried 482 578
Lander, Leon Joseph 8
Landis, Evgenii Mikhailovich 459 460
Langston, Michael Allen 702
Lapko, Olga Georgievna 780
Laplace (de la Place), Pierre Simon, Marquis de 64
LARC Scientific Compiler 2
Large deviations 636
Largest-in-first-out see “Priority queues”
Larson, Per-Ake 549 741
Lascoux, Alain 670
Last-come-first-served 742
Last-in-first-out 148 299 305
Latency time 358—359 376 489 562—563
Latin Language 421
Lattice paths 86—87 102—103 112—113 134 579
Lattice, of bit vectors 235
Lattice, of permutations 13 19 22 628
Lattice, of trees 718
Lawler, Eugene Leighton 207
Lazarus, Roger Ben 93
Least-recently-used page replacement 158 488
Least-significant-digit-first radix sort 169—179 351
Leaves 483 486 507
Lee, Der-Tsai 566
Lee, Tsai-hwa 388
Leeuwen, Jan van 645
Leeuwen, Marcus Aurelius Augustinus van 611
Lefkowitz, David 578
Left-to-right (or right-to-left) maxima or minima 12—13 27 82 86 100 105 156 624
Leftist trees 150—152 157—158
Leftist trees, deletion from 158
Leftist trees, insertion into 150 157
Leftist trees, merging 150 157
Lehmer, Derrick Henry 422
Leibholz, Stephen Wolfgang 673
Leiserson, Charles Eric 477
Levcopoulos, Christos 389
Levenshtein, Vladimir Iosifovich 585
LeVeque, William Judson 584
Levitt, Karl Norman 670
Levy, Silvio Vieira Ferreira vii
Lexicographic order 5 6 70 169 171 178 394 420—421 453 567 590 614 615
lg: Binary logarithm 206 755
Li Shan-Lan 37
Liang, Franklin Mark 722
Library card sorting 7—8
Liddy, George Gordon 395
LIFO 148 299 305 see
Lin, Andrew Damon 547 578
Lin, Shen 188 195 202—206
Lineal chart 424
Linear algorithm for median 214—215 695
Linear algorithms for sorting 5 102 176—179 196 616
Linear arrangements, optimum 408
Linear congruential sequence 383
Linear hashing 548—549
| Linear lists 248 385 459 see
Linear lists, representation of 96—97 163—164 471—473 479—480 491 547
Linear order 4 181
Linear probing 526—528 533—534 536—539 543—544 547 548 551—553 555 556
Linear probing, optimum 532
Ling, Huei 578
Linial, Nathen 660
Linked allocation 74—75 96 99—102 104 164—165 170—173 399 405 459 547
Linn, John Charles 425
Lint, Jacobus Hendricus van 729 747
Lipski, Witold, Jr. 548
Lissajous, Jules Antoine 395
List head 267 462
List insertion sort 95—98 104 380 382
List merge sort 164—168 183 381 382 390
List sorting 74—75 80 164—168 171—178 382 390 698
Littlewood, Dudley Ernest 610 612
Littlewood, John Edensor 704
Litwin, Samuel 549 578
Livius, Titus v
Lloyd, Stuart Phinney 395
Load factor 524 542
Load point 319 320
Logan, Benjamin Franklin (Tex), Jr. 611
Logarithmic search 410
Logarithms 206
Logarithms, discrete 10
Logg, George Edward 714
Logical tape unit numbers 271 292—293
Long runs 47
Longest common prefix 446 512
Longest increasing subsequence 66 68 614
Longest match 493 512
Loop optimization 85 104—105 136 156 167 397—398 405 418 423 425 429 551 625
Losers 253—254 257—258 263 267
Louchard, Guy 707 713
Lower bounds from 183 194 202 204 655
Lozinskii, Eliezer Leonid Solomonovich 647
LSD: Least significant digit 175
Lucas, Frangois Edouard Anatole 611
Lucas, numbers 467 708
Luczak, Tomasz Jan 734
Lueker, George Schick 742
Luhn, Hans Peter 440 547
Lukasiewicz, Jan 395 672
Lum, Vincent Yu-sun 520 578
Lynch, William Charles 682 709
M-d tree see “k-d tree”
M-d trie see “k-d trie”
Machiavelli, Niccolo di Bernardo 1
MacLaren, Malcolm Donald 176 178 179 380 618
MacLeod, Iain Donald Graham 617
MacMahon, Master Theorem 33—34
MacMahon, Percy Alexander 8 16—17 20 27 33 43 45 59 61 70 600 613 653
Macro language 457
Magic trick 370
magnetic tapes 6—10 248—251 267—357 403—407
Magnetic tapes, reliability of 337
Magnus, Wilhelm 131
Mahmoud, Hosam Mahmoud 713 721
Mahon, Maurice Harlang (Magenta) xi
Maier, David 477
Majewski, Bohdan Stanislaw 513
Major index see Index”
Mallach, Efrem Gershon 533
Mallows, Colin Lingwood 44 604 733
Maly, Kurt 721
Manacher, Glenn Keith 192 204
Maniac II computer 187
Mankin, Efrem S. 698
Mann, Henry Berthold 623
Mannila, Heikki Olavi 389
Margoliash, Daniel Joseph 573
Markov, Andrei Andreevich, process 340—341
Marriage theorem 747
Marsaglia, George 707
Martin, Thomas Hughes 487
Martinez Parra, Conrado 478 634
Marton, Katalin 513
Martzloff, Jean-Claude 37
Mason, Perry 1 2
Match, search for closest 9 394 408 563 566 581
Matching 747
Mathsort 79
Matrix: A two-dimensional array, representation of permutations 14 48
Matrix: A two-dimensional array, searching in a 207
Matrix: A two-dimensional array, transpose of a 6—7 14 567 617
Matsunaga, Yoshisuke 37
Matula, David William 216
Mauchly, John William 82 346 348 386—387 422
Maximum finding 141 209
Maximum-and-minimum finding 218
McAllester, Robert Linne 282
McAndrew, M. H. 502
McCabe, John 402—403
McCall's Cook Book 8 568
McCarthy, John 8 128 167
McCracken, Daniel Delbert 388 422
McCreight, Edward Meyers 480 482 483 487—490 578 719
McDiarmid, Colin John Hunter 636 642 643
McGeoch, Catherine Cole 403
McKellar, Archie Charles 122 378 708
McKenna, James 266
Mcllroy, Malcolm Douglas 122 177 635 652 738
Mcllroy, Peter Martin 177 652
McNamee, Carole Mattern 623
McNutt, Bruce 563—564
Measures of disorder 11 22 72 134 389
Median 122 136 214—215 217—218 238 566 695 701
Median, linear algorithm for 214—215 695
Median-of-three quickfind 634
Median-of-three quicksort 122 136 138 381 382
Mehlhorn, Kurt 442 454 477 489 549 713 715 718
Meister, Bernd 740
Mellin, Robert Hjalmar, transforms 133—134 506 644 649
Mendelson, Haim 728
Merge exchange sort 110—113 134—135 223 226 381 382 389
Merge insertion sort 184—187 192 193 381 389
Merge numbers 274
Merge patterns see “Balanced merge” “Cascade “Oscillating “Polyphase
Merge patterns, dual to distribution patterns 345—348 359
Merge patterns, for disks 362—365 376—377
Merge patterns, for tapes 248—251 267—317
Merge patterns, optimum 302—311 363—367 376—377
Merge patterns, summary 324—338
Merge patterns, tree representation of 303—306 309—311 363—364 377
Merge patterns, vector representation of 302—303 309 310
Merge replacement sort 680
Merge sorting 98 158—168 see “Natural “Straight
Merge sorting, external see “Merge patterns”
Merge-until-empty strategy 287
Merging 385 480 698
Merging, k-way 166 252—254 321—324 339—343 360—373 379
Merging, networks for 223—226 230—232 237 239
Merging, with fewest comparisons 197—207
METRFONT iv vi 780
METRPOST vii 780
Meyer auf der Heide, Friedhelm 549
Meyer, Curt 20
Middle square 515 516
Middle third 240 241
Miles, Ernest Percy, Jr. 285
Miltersen, Peter Bro 230
minimax 192 195
Minimean 192 195—196
Minimum average cost 192—197 207 215—216 413 663
Minimum path length 192 195 361
Minimum path length, weighted 196 337 361 438 451 458
Minimum-comparison algorithms 180—219
Minimum-comparison algorithms, for merging 197—207
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