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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 3 Sorting and Searching)
Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 3 Sorting and Searching)

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Íàçâàíèå: The art of computer programming (vol. 3 Sorting and Searching)

Àâòîð: Knuth D.E.


The first revision of this third volume is the most comprehensive survey of classical computer techniques for sorting and searching. It extends the treatment of data structures in Volume 1 to consider both large and small databases and internal and external memories. The book contains a selection of carefully checked computer methods, with a quantitative analysis of their efficiency. Outstanding features of the second edition include a revised section on optimum sorting and new discussions of the theory of permutations and of universal hashing.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Àëãîðèòìû/

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 780

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.11.2005

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Coalesced chaining      521—525 543 548 550—554 557 730
COBOL      339 532
Cocktail — shaker sort      110 134 356 676 694
Codes for difficulty of exercises      xi
Coffman, Edward Grady, Jr.      496
Coldrick, David Blair      638
Cole, Richard John      583
Colin, Anrew John Theodore      453 454
Collating      158 385—387 see
Collating sequence      7 420—421
Collision resolution      514 520—557
column sorting      343
Combinatorial hashing      573—575 579—580 582 746
Combinatorial number system      573
Comer, Douglas Earl      489
Commutative laws      239 455
Comparator modules      221 234 241
Comparison counting sort      75—80 382 387
Comparison matrix      188
Comparison of algorithms      151 324—338 347—348 380—383 471 545—547
Comparison of keys      4
Comparison of keys, minimizing      180—247 413 425 549
Comparison of keys, multiprecision      6 136 169
Comparison of keys, parallel      113 222—223 228—229 235 390 425 671
Comparison of keys, searching by      398—399 409—491 546—547
Comparison of keys, sorting by      80—122 134—168 180—197 219—343 348—383
Comparison trees      181—182 192—197 217 219—220 411—417
Comparison-exchange tree      196
Compiler techniques      2—3 426 532
Complement notations      177
Complementary pairs      9
Complemented block designs      581
Complete binary trees      144 152—153 158 211 217 253—254 258 267 425
Complete P-ary tree      361 697
Complete ternary trees      157
Complex partitions      21
Complexity analysis of algorithms      168 178—179 180—247 302—311 353—356 374—378 388 412—413 425 491 539—541 549 578
Components of graphs      189
Compound attributes      564 566—567
Compound leaf of a tree      688
Compressed tries      507
Compressed tries, dynamic      722
Compression of data      453 512
Compromise merge      297
Computational complexity      see “Complexity”
Computational geometry      566
Computer operator, skilled      325 337 349
Computer Sciences Corporation      2
Comrie, Leslie John      170 385
Concatenation of balanced trees      474 479
Concatenation of linked lists      172
Concave functions      443 456 458
concurrent access      491
conditional expressions      753
Connected graphs      189 733 742
Consecutive retrieval      567 579
Convex functions      366 375
Convex hulls      478 670
Cookies      567—571 577
coordinates      564—566
Copyrights, iv      387
Cormen, Thomas H.      477
coroutines      259
Cotangent      194
Counting, sorting by      75—80
Covering      235
Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald      593
Cramer, Gabriel      11
Cramer, Michael      650
Crane, Clark Allan      149—150 152 474 475 479 716
Criss-cross merge      312—315 317
Cross-indexing      see “Secondary key retrieval”
Cross-reference routine      7
Crossword-puzzle dictionary      573
Cube, n-dimensional, linearized      408
Culberson, Joseph Carl      435
Culler, David Ethan      390
Cundy, Henry Martyn      593
Cunto Pucci, Walter      218
Curtis, Pavel      251
Cycles of a permutation      25—32 62 156 617 628 639—640 657
Cyclic occupancy problem      379
Cyclic rotation of data      619
Cyclic single hashing      556—557
Cylinders of a disk      357 376 482 489 562
Cypher, Robert Edward      623
Czech, Zbigniew Janusz      513
Czen Ping      186
Daly, Lloyd William      421
Dannenberg, Roger Berry      583
Data compression      453 512
Data structure, choice of      95—96 141 151—152 163—164 170—171 459 561—567
Database      392
David, Florence Nightingale      44 602 605
Davidson, Leon      395
Davies, Donald Watts      388
Davis, David Robert      578
Davison, Gerard A.      152
de Balbine, Guy      528
de Bruijn, Nicolaas Govert      130 138 603 668 670 671 744
de la Briandais, Rene Edward      494
de Peyster, James Abercrombie, Jr.      544
de Stael, Madame      see “Stael-Holstein”
deadlines      407
deadlocks      721
Debugging      520
Decision trees      181—182 192—197 217 219—220 411—417 443—444
Dedekind, Julius Wilhelm Richard      239
Dedekind, sums      20
Degenerate trees      430 454 711
Degenerative addresses      547
Degree path length      363—367
Degrees of freedom      258—259
Deletion: Removing an item, from a B-tree      490
Deletion: Removing an item, from a balanced tree      473 479
Deletion: Removing an item, from a binary search tree      431—435 455 458
Deletion: Removing an item, from a digital search trees      508
Deletion: Removing an item, from a hash table      533—534 548—549 552 556 741
Deletion: Removing an item, from a heap      157
Deletion: Removing an item, from a leftist tree      158
Deletion: Removing an item, from a multidimensional tree      581
Deletion: Removing an item, from a trie      507
Demuth, Howard B.      109 184 246 348 353 387 388 676
Den, Vladimir Eduardovich      7
Denert, Marlene      596
Dent, Warren Thomas      455
Derangements      679
Descents      35
Determinants      11 14 19 33—34
Determinants, Vandermonde      59 610 729
Deutsch, David Nachman      204
Devroye, Luc Piet-Jan Arthur      565 713 721 728
Diagram of a partial order      61—62 183—184 187
Dictionaries of English      1—2 421 558 589
dictionary order      5
Dietzfelbinger, Martin Johannes      549
Digital search trees      502—505 508—511 576 646
Digital search trees, optimum      511
Digital searching      492—512
Digital sorting      169 343 see
Digital tree search      496—498 517 546—547 547
Dijkstra, Edsger Wijbe      636
Diminishing increment sort      84
Dinsmore, Robert Johe      258
Direct sum of graphs      189—191
Direct-access memory      356 see
Directed graphs      9 61—62 184
Discrete entropy      374—375
Discrete logarithms      10
Discrete system simulation      149
Discriminant      59 66 68
Disk storage      357—379 389—390 407 481—491 562—563
Disk striping      370 378 389
Displacements, variance of      556
Distribution counting sort      78—80 99 170 176—177 380—382
Distribution functions      105 see
Distribution patterns      343—348
Distribution sorting      see “Radix sorting”
Distributive laws      239
Divide and conquer      175
Divide and conquer, recurrence      168 224 674
Divisor function d(n)      138
Dixon, John Douglas      611
DNA      34 72
Dobkin, David Paul      583
Dobosiewicz, Wlodzimierz      176 266 628 680
Dodd, Marisue      520
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge      207 see
Dor, Dorit      664
Doren, David Gerald      212 218
Dot product      406
Double hashing      528—533 546 548 551—552 556 557 742
Double rotation      461 464 477
Double-entry bookkeeping      561
Doubly exponential sequences      467 715
doubly linked list      393 375 543 646 713
Douglas, Alexander Shafto      98 388 396
Dowd, Martin John      673
Drake, Paul      1
Driscoll, James Robert      152 583
Dromey, Robert Geoffrey      634
Drum storage      359—362
Drysdale, Robert Lewis (Scot), III      228
Dual of a digraph      191
Dual tableaux      56—57 69
Dubost, Pierre      746
Dudeney, Henry Ernest      589 670
Dugundji, James      245
Dull, Brutus Cyclops      6 45 549
Dumas, Philippe      134
Dumey, Arnold Isaac      255 396 422 453 547
Dummy runs      248—249 270—272 276 289—293 299 302 312 316—317 682 686
Dumont, Dominique      605
Duplication of code      398 418 429 625 648 677
Dutch national flag problem      636
Dwyer, Barry      574
Dynamic programming, ix      438
Dynamic searching      393
Dynamic storage allocation      11 480
e      41 526 748—749 755
Ebbenhorst Tengbergen, Cornelia van      744
Eckert, John Presper      386—387
Eckler, Albert Ross      590
Eddy, Gary Richard      389
Edelman, Paul Henry      670 719
Edge-notched cards      1 569—570 578
Edighoffer, Judy Lynn Harkness      645
Edmund, Norman Wilson      1
EDVAC computer      385 386
Efe, Kemal      680
Effective power      676 see
Efficiency of a digraph      188
Ehresmann, Charles      628
Eichelberger, Edward Baxter      704
Eisenbarth, Bemhard      489
El-Yaniv      403
Elcock, Edward Wray      551 730
Elementary symmetric functions      239 609
Eleser      see “Breaux”
elevators      353—356 374—375 377—378
Elias, Peter      581
Elkies, Noam David      9
Ellery, Robert Lewis John      395
Emde Boas, Peter van      152
Emden, Maarten Herman van      128 633 638
Empirical data      94—95 394—395
English language      1—2 9 421
English language, common words      435—437 492—493 496—497 513—515
English language, dictionaries      1—2 421 558 589
English language, letter frequencies      448—450
entropy      442—446 454 457—458
Enumeration of binary trees      60—61 295
Enumeration of binary trees, balanced      467 479
Enumeration of binary trees, leftist      157
Enumeration of permutations      12 22—24
Enumeration of trees      287
Enumeration sorting      75—80
Eppinger, Jeffrey Lee      434 435
Equal keys      194—195 341 391 395 431 635
Equal keys, approximately      9 394—395
Equal keys, in heapsort      655
Equal keys, in quicksort      136 635—636
Equal keys, in radix exchange      127—128 137
Equality of sets      207
Eratosthenes of Cyrene      642
Erdelyi, Arthur      131
Erdos, Pal (Paul)      66 155 658
Erdwinn, Joel Dyne      2
Erkio, Hannu Heikki Antero      623
Error-correcting codes      581
Ershov, Andrei Petrovich      547
Espelid, Terje Oskar      259
Estivill-Castro, Vladimir      389
Euler, Leonhard      8—9 19—21 35 38—39 395 594 726
Euler, numbers (secant numbers)      35 610—611
Euler, summation formula      64 129 626 702
Eulerian numbers      35—40 45—47 653
Eusterbrock, Jutta      213
Eve, James      496
Even permutations      19 196
Even-odd merge      244
Evolutionary process      226 401
Exchange selection sort      106
Exchange sorting      73 105—138
Exchange sorting, optimum      196
Exclusive OR      20 519 589 667 723
Exercises, notes on      ix—xi
Exponential function, q-generalized      594
Exponential integral      105 735
Extended binary tree: Either a single "external" node, or an "internal" root node plus its left and right extended binary subtrees      181
Extendible hashing      549
External nodes      181 254
External path length: Sum of the the level numbers of all external nodes      192 303 306 344 347 361 363—367 413 434 502 505—506
External path modified      502—503 511
External searching      403—408 481—491 498—500 541—544 549 555 562—563 572—573
External sorting      4—5 6—10 248—379
Factorials      23 187
Factorials, generalized      32 594
Factorization of permutations      25—35
Fagin, Ronald      549
Fallacious reasoning      45 60 424 553
Falling powers      638—639 661 734 753
False drops      571—573 579 590
Fanout      232 241
Fast Fourier transforms      237
Fawkes, Guido (Guy)      339
feature cards      569—570 578
Feigenbaum, Joan      478
Feijen, Wilhelmus (Wim) Hendricus Johannes      636
Feindler, Robert      385
Feit, Walter      609
Feldman, Jerome Arthur      578
Feldman, Paul Neil      426
Feller, Willy (William)      513
Felsner, Stefan      658
Fenner, Trevor Ian      645
Ferguson, David Elton      2 290—291 297 299 367 422 525 685
Fermat, Pierre de      584
Ferragina, Paolo      489
Feurzeig, Wallace      79
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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