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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 3 Sorting and Searching) |
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Fiat, Amos 708
Fibonacci hashing xiv 517—518
Fibonacci heaps 152
Fibonacci number system 348 424 729
Fibonacci number system, generalized 286
Fibonacci numbers 93 268 287 418 426 518 623 687 746 750
Fibonacci numbers, generalized 270 286 287 see
Fibonacci search 417
Fibonacci trees 417 422—424 457 459 460 468 474 479 714
Fibonacci, Leonardo, of Pisa 424
Fibonaccian search 417—419 422—424
Field, Daniel Eugene 583
FIFO 149 299 310 see
File: A sequence of records 4 392
File: A sequence of records, self-organizing 401—403 405—406 478 521 646
Finding the maximum 141 209
Finding the maximum, and minimum 218
fingers 718
Finite fields 549—550
Finkel, Raphael Ari 565 566 566
First-fit allocation 480 721
First-in-first-out 149 299 310 see
Fischer, Michael John 152
Fishburn, John Scot 721
Fishspear 152
Fixed points of a permutation 62 66 617
Flajolet, Philippe Patrick Michel 134 565 566 576 630 644 649 703 726 728 742
Flip operation 72
Floating buffers 323 324 340 369
Floating point accuracy 41
Flores, Ivan 388
Floyd, Robert W 22 145 156 215 217 218 226 230 237 238 240 297 374 375 377 378 455 468 519 614 661 695
Foata, Dominique Cyprien 17 21 24 27 33 39 43 599 618 732 733
Folding a path 112—113 134
Foldout illustration 324—325
Fomin, Sergey Vladimirovich 671
Ford, Donald Floyd 395
Ford, Lester Randolph, Jr. 184 186
Forecasting 321—324 340 341 369 387 388 693
Forest: Zero or more trees 47 494—496 508 512
FORTRAN 2—3 7 426 549
Forward-testing-backward-insertion 204
Foster, Caxton Croxford 470 473 475 714
Fractal probability distribution 400
Fractile insertion 660
Frame, James Sutherland 60
Frangon, Jean 152
Frank, Robert Morris 93
Franklin, Fabian 19 21 599
Fraser, Christopher Warwick 583
Frazer, William Donald 122 259 678 704 708
Fredkin, Edward 492
Fredman, Michael Lawrence 152 181 442 480 549 578 614
Free groups 511—512
Free trees 356 590
Frequency of access 399—408 435 532 538
Friedman, Haya 718
Friedman, Jerome Harold 566
Friend, Edward Harry 79 109 141 170 255 324 337 338 347 388 650
Frieze, Alan Michael 645
Fringe analyses 715
Frobenius, Ferdinand Georg 59
Front and rear compression 512
Fussenegger, Frank 217
Gabow, Harold Neil 152 217
Gaines, Helen Fouche 435
Gale, David 669
Galen, Claudius 421
Galil, Zvi 181
Gamma function 131—134 138 510 611 636—637 702
Gandz, Solomon 23
Gardner, Erie Stanley 1
Gardner, Martin 370 585 590 651 697
Gardy, Daniele 703
Garsia — Wachs algorithm 446—452 458
Garsia, Adriano Mario 454 597 711
Gasarch, William Ian 213
Gassner, Betty Jane 40—41
Gaudette, Charles H. 347
Gauss, Johann Friedrich Carl 395
Gaussian integers 21
Generable integer 103
Generating functions, techniques for using 15—17 19—20 32—34 38—42 45—47 68 102—104 135 177 194 261—262 270 275—276 294—299 340—341 425 455 479 490 503—506 539 553 619 678 695 703
Genes 72
Genetic algorithms 226
Genoa, Giovanni di 421
Geometric data 563—566
George, John Alan 707
Gessel, Ira Martin 597
Ghosh, Sakti Pada 395 487 578 579
Gibson, Kim Dean 589
Gilbert, Edgar Nelson 453 454
Gilbreath, Norman Laurence 370
Gillis, Joseph 601
Gilstad, Russell Leif 268 301 336 721
Gini, Corrado 401
Gleason, Andrew Mattei 193 648
Goetz, Martin Alvin 297 315 316 338 368 388 680
Goldberg, Andrew Vladislav 152
Golden ratio xiv 138 517—518 748—749
Goldenberg, Daniel 387
Goldstein, Larry Joel 673
Golin, Mordecai J. 649
Gonnet Haas, Gaston Henry 489 533 565 707 734
Good, Irving John 513
Goodman, Jacob Eli 566
Goodwin, David Thomas 302
Gore, John K. 385
Gotlieb, Calvin Carl 388 442
Goto, Eiichi 534
Gourdon, Xavier Richard 134
GPX system 738
Grabner, Peter Johannes 644
Graham, Ronald Lewis 198 202—203 205—206 242 550 729 760
Grasselli, Antonio 670
Grassl, Richard Michael 69
Gray, Harry Joshua, Jr. 578
Gray, James Nicholas 390
Greatest common divisor 91 185 683—684
Green, Milton Webster 227 239 667 673
Greene, Curtis 70 670 718 744
Greene, Daniel Hill 736
Greniewski, Marek 513
Grid files 564 565
Gries, David Joseph 618
Grinberg, Victor Simkhovich 671
Griswold, William Gale 549
Gross, Oliver Alfred 194 653
Grossi, Roberto 489
Group divisible block designs 745
Group, free 511—512
Grove, Edward Franklin 371
Growth ratio 273
Guibas, Leonidas John 477 525 709 737
Guilbaud, Georges Theodule 593
Gunji, Takao 534
Gustafson, Richard Alexander 573
Gustavson, Frances Goertzel 698
Gwehenberger, Gemot 498
Gyrating sort 315
h-ordered sequence 86 103—104 243
Hadian, Abdollah 186 212 217
Hajela, Dhananjay 402
Hajnal, Andras 747
Half-balanced trees 477
Hall, Marshall, Jr. 12 511 578
Halperin, John Harris 625
Halpern, Mark Irwin 422
Hamilton, Douglas Alan 711
Han, Guo-Niu 595 596 599 602
| Hanan, Maurice 729
Hannenhalli, Sridhar Subrahmanyam 615
Haralambous, Yannis 780
Hardy, Godfrey Harold 704
Hardy, Norman 590
Harmonic numbers 633 750—751
Harmonic numbers, generalized 400 405
Harper, Lawrence Hueston 704
Harrison, Malcolm Charles 572 579 744
hash functions 514—520 529 549—550 557—558
Hash functions, combinatorial 573—575 579—580 582 746
Hash sequences 535 552
Hashing 513—558
Havas, George 513
Hayward, Ryan Bruce 636 642
Heap order 144—145
Heap: A heap-ordered array 144—145 149 156—157 253 336 646 680 705
Heaps, Harold Stanley 578
Heapsort 144—148 152—158 336 381 382 389 698
Heapsort, with equal keys 655
Heide see “Meyer auf der Heide”
Height of extended binary tree 195 459 463
Height of random (M + 1)-ary search tree 721
Height of random binary search tree 458
Height of random digital search tree 728
Height of random Patricia tree 728
Height of random trie 512
Height-balanced trees 475 480
Heilbronn, Hans Arnold 395
Heising, William Paul 400 739
Heller, Robert Andrew 512
Hellerman, Herbert 548
Hellerstein, Joseph Meir 390
Hellman, Martin Edward 591
Hendricks, Walter James 703
Hennequin, Pascal Daniel Michel Henri 632
Hennie, Frederick Clair 351 356
Hermite, Charles, polynomial 62
Herrick, Robert 408
Hibbard, Thomas Nathaniel 20 93 196 226 388 389 413 432 453 657
Hilbert, David 395
Hildebrandt, Paul 128
Hillman, Abraham P 69
Hindenburg, Karl Friedrich 14
Hinrichs, Klaus Helmer 564
Hinterberger, Hans 564
Hinton, Charles Howard 593
Hoare, Charles Antony Richard 114 121—122 136 381 389
Hobby, John Douglas 780
Hoey, Daniel J. 215
Holberton, Frances Elizabeth Snyder 324 386 387
Hollerith, Herman 383—385
Holt Hopfenberg, Anatol Wolf 738
homer 421
Homogeneous polynomial 66
Hooker, William Weston 42
Hooking-up of queues 172 177
hooks 59—60 69—71
Hooks, generalized 67
Hopcroft, John Edward 245 476 477 590 652
Hoshi, Mamoru 727
Hosken, James Cuthbert 388 391
Hot queues 152
Hsu, Meichun 488
Hu — Tucker algorithm 454
Hu, TE Chiang 454 711 713
Huang Bing-Chao 702
Hubbard, George Underwood 363 389
Huddleston, Charles Scott 477 718
Huffman, David Albert, trees 361 438 458
Human-computer interaction 588
Hunt, Douglas Hamilton 88
Hurwitz, Henry 633
Hwang, Frank Kwangming 188 195 202—206
Hwang, Hsien-Kuei 650
Hyafil, Laurent Daniel 218 377
Hybrid searching methods 496
Hybrid sorting methods 122 163 381 297
Hypercube, linearized 408
Hypergeometric functions 537 565 739
hyphenation 531 572 722
Hysterical B-trees 477
IBM 701 computer 547
IBM 705 computer 82—83
IBM Corporation 8 169 316 385 489 547
IBM RS/6000 computer 389
Idempotent laws 239
Identifier: A symbolic name in an algebraic language 2
Identity element 24
Implicit data structures 426 481
In the past see “Persistent data structures”
Inakibit-Anu of Uruk 420
Incerpi, Janet Marie 91 93
Inclusion of sets 393—394
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle 586 703 744
Inclusive queries 569—573 577
Incomplete gamma function 555
Increasing forests 47
Independent random probing 548 555
Index keys for file partitioning 512
Index of a permutation 16—17 21—22 32
Index to this book 561—562 757—780
Indexed-sequential files 482
infinity 4 138—139 142—144 156 214 257—258 263 521 624—625 646 663—664 685 707
Infinity, as sentinel 159 252 308 324
Information retrieval 392 395
Information theory 183 198 442—444 633
Inner loop: Part of a program whose instructions are performed much more often than the neighboring parts 162 see
Insertion sorting 73 80—105 222
Insertion: adding a new item, into a 2—3 tree 476—477
Insertion: adding a new item, into a B-tree 483—485
Insertion: adding a new item, into a balanced tree 461—473 479
Insertion: adding a new item, into a binary search tree 427—429 458 482
Insertion: adding a new item, into a digital search tree 497
Insertion: adding a new item, into a hash table 522 526 529 551
Insertion: adding a new item, into a heap 156
Insertion: adding a new item, into a leftist tree 150 157
Insertion: adding a new item, into a trie 507
Insertion: adding a new item, into a weight-balanced tree 480
Interblock gaps 318—319 331
Intercalation product of permutations 24—35
Interchanging blocks of data 619 701
Internal (branch) node 181 254 see
Internal path length 413 434 455 502 565
Internal path length, generating function for 621
Internal searching 396—481 492—512 513—541 545—558
Internal searching, summary 545—547
Internal sorting 4—5 73—179
Internal sorting, summary 380—383
Internet iv x
Interpolation search 419—420 422 425
Interval heap 645
Interval-exchange sort 128
Intervals 578
Inverse in a group 511
Inverse modulo m 517
Inverse of a permutation 13—14 18 48 53—54 74 134 596 605
Inverse of a permutation, for multisets 32
Inversion tables of a permutation 11—12 17—18 108 134 349 605 613 619
Inversions of a permutation 11—22 32 77 82 86—90 97 100 103 108 111 134 156 168 178 349 353 599 676 678 733
Inversions of a permutation, with equality 699
Inversions of tree labelings 609 733
Inverted files 560—563 567 569—570 577
Involution coding 426
Involutions 18 48 54 62—64 66 69
Isaac, Earl J. 99
Isaiah, son of Amoz 247
Isbitz, Harold 128
Isidorus of Seville, Saint (San Isidoro de Sevilla) 421
Ismail, Mourad El Houssieny 601
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