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Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M. — Ruby Developer's Guide
Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M. — Ruby Developer's Guide

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Íàçâàíèå: Ruby Developer's Guide

Àâòîðû: Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M.


Ruby astounds developers with its ability to make programming fun again. It frees programmers to concentrate on rogramming objectives, and creates fewer obstacles than other languages by flowing ideas directly into the code. Although Ruby is experiencing dramatic growth, there are very few educational resources available for aspiring developers. Written by a team of Ruby gurus, Ruby Developer's Guide is the most comprehensive book available for serious Ruby developers.

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Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/ßçûêè ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèÿ/

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-e (command line option)      32
-pi (command line option)      32
-r debug (option)      17
?xml-stylesheet?      188
?xml-stylesheet? media tag, recognition      190
about_clicked      122
Abstract syntax trees (AST) construction, Racc-generated parsers (usage)      606—609
Abstract syntax trees (AST) dumping      582
Abstract syntax trees (AST) node      589
Abstract syntax trees (AST) usage      577—581
Accelerator key combination      92
Access control      34—35
Access Control List (ACL)      333
ACID      see “Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability”
ACL      see “Access Control List”
ActionListener      501
ActiveScript, usage      482—484
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)      136 140
addComponent (method)      284
AddControl      118
addItemLast      110
addMethod (method)      293 294
addPanedControl (method)      121
addToShoppingCart      406
add_port (method)      230
ADO      see “ActiveX Data Objects”
aForm      119
Algebra extension, usage      454—460
Algorithm      see also “Bubblesort; Divide-and-conquer algorithms; Encryption 424
Algorithm choice      524
Algorithm comparison      520—522
Algorithm complexity (ordos)      522—523
Algorithm complexity (ordos) analysis      517—525
Algorithm usage      see “Genetic algorithms”
ALLOC macro      628
AnyChar (parser)      585
Aoki, Minero      602 673
AOP      see “Aspect-oriented programming”
Apache error log file      190
Apache module mod_iowa      402
Apache web server      270 347 383
Apache Web server restarting      386
Apis      see “Application Programming Interfaces”
Apollo      128
Apple      see “WebObjects”
Application programming interfaces (APIs)      218—220
Applications code      44
Applications debugging, debug.rb usage      see “Ruby”
Applications execution, tracing      see “Database Interface”
Applications installation, RAA usage      8—10
Applications statistically compiled      234
applyStylesheet method      187
Arbitrary-length integers      619
Arguments, number determination      661
argv array      92
Arr (variable)      22
Array class      443 623
Array object      335
array system.listMethods()      269
array system.methodSignature(string methodName)      269
Arrays      see also “ARGV array; C; Two-element array” 28 35—36
Arrays creation      556
Arrays datatype      262
Arrays elements accessing      see “First array element”
Arrays elements addition      546—548
Arrays elements iterating      552—554
Arrays manipulation      546
Arrays usage      623—626
Article      372
Article (component)      406
ArticleList      372
ASCII text      570
ASCII values      572
ASCII-8 encoding support      240
Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) AOP-style wrapping      543
Aspect-oriented programming understanding      539—540
AspectJ, comparison      see “AspectR”
AspectR      533—544
AspectR AspectJ, comparison      543—544
AspectR extension      525
AspectR function, explanation      542—543
AspectR module      166
AspectR understanding      539—540
AspectR usage      see also “Profiling” 540—542
assignment operator      578—579
AST      see “Abstract syntax trees”
Asynchronous method      266
Asynchronous RPCs      263
AT&T      see “GraphViz”
Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability (ACID)      162
attach (method)      74 75
ATTLIST tag      241
Attribute readers, usage      578
auth (parameter)      145—146
Authentication      see “HyperText Transfer Protocol”
authentication server      see “Simple Object Access Protocol”
AutoCommit (option)      146 163
Autocommit mode enabling/disabling      163—164
Average complexity      523—525
AVL trees      464
B+ tree      201
Babelfish      289 293
Backpropagration      476
Base64 (datatype)      262
batch mode      44
BDB::Btree      201
BDB::Hash      201
BDB::Queue      201
BDB::Recno      201
Bean Scripting Framework (BSF)      507
Beazley David      658
Beck, Kent      38
Benchmark extension      520
BeOS      3 27
Berkeley DB database system      199
Berkeley DB Interface BDB, usage      199 201—204
Berkeley DBM file databases      136
Berkeley DBM file databases usage      199—201
Beyer, Steffen      464
BigFloat library, usage      447—448
bin/proxy-server directory      174
Binary input      581
Binary Large OBject (BLOB)      171—173 178
Binary objects, retrieval      see “Databases”
Binary tree      461
binary.rb      460
BinaryTree extension, usage      460—464
bind (command)      49
Bit-shifting      538
Bit-wise operation      466
Bit::Vector      464
BitVector      465—467
BitVector extension, usage      464—467 538
Blessed class      33
BLK_SIZE      178
BLOB      see “Binary Large OBject”
Block local variables      26
BLT, usage      68
boolean datatype      262
Boolean expression      469
Bootup      1
Bootup FAQs      41
Bootup introduction      2
Bootup solutions      39—40
Borrowed references      643
bottom (argument)      75
BoundeLruCache      560
Brodnik, Andrej      537
Bryant, Avi      87 400
BSF      see “Bean Scripting Framework”
Bubblesort      518
Bubblesort algorithm      517
Bubblesort code      519
Bubblesort Quicksort, contrast      521
Build-in Ruby object, conversion      304
Bullet Proof FTP      5
ButtonRelease event      49 63
buttons      45 48 114
Buttons entries      see “Checkbutton entries; Radiobutton entries”
byte code      see “Java”
C      26 37 206
C API      see “Ruby”
C applications      614
C arrays      651
C code      521 522 663
C code library      659
C data structures      629
C datatypes      618
C double arrays      643 651
C extensions      141 424 447 583
C extensions module      643
C extensions writing      563—564
C function, return value      661
C Header file      649
C header file system      221
C implementation      643 652 657
C implementation compiling      see “K-Dimensional trees”
C library      614
C memory      627
C numeric types      619 620
C source code      615
C source code files      671
C string      661
C SWIG example      658—661
C usage      111
C++      2—3 26 460
C++ API      see “Free Objects for X”
C++ applications      614
C++ class      661
C++ code      663
C++ constructor declaration      663
C++ extension      653
C++ extension module      91
C++ header file system      221
C++ memory      627
C++ source code      38
C++ SWIG usage      661—666
c-call (string)      532
c-return (string)      532
C-style components      600
C/C++ data wrappers, usage      627—632
C/C++ extensions, writing      615—657
C/C++ libraries, interface      614
C/S      see “Computer Science”
Caching results      558—561
Caching strategies      584
Caching usage decision      see “Result caching”
Calc parser, usage      608
calendar      45
Calendar extension, usage      496—498
Calendar tools, usage      493—498
call (method)      266
call (string)      532
Call actions      581
call2 (method)      266
call2_async (method)      266
callbacks      see “command response creation Tk” 50
calling methods      557—558
call_async (method)      266
CALL_SITES (constant)      534
cancel_button      84
Captions, support      117
Carlsson, Svante      537
CART      372
Cart (component)      406
Cascade      61
Case-insensitive parsing      589
Case-insensitive string comparisons      672
Cavity space      53
CGI      see “Common Gateway Interface”
CGI::Session      373
CGI_COOKIES      381
CGI_PARAMS      381
Chaplin, Damon      87
Character Large OBject (CLOB)      179
Checkbutton entries      61
Child controls      117
child nodes      213 641
child windows      45
circle      616 630
Circle class      632 634
Clark, James      234
class (string)      532
Class class      561 652
class definition      489
Class name      23
Class name inputting      14
Client-side logging      295—297
Client-side support      280—281
Client/server SOAP application      286
CLOB      see “Character Large OBject”
Code      see “Applications; Ruby; Shared code; Structured Query Language; Unicode”
Code block      see also “Passed code block; Ruby” 22—24 50 62—63 193
Code block providing      49
Code block usage      196
Code creation      see “Functional code”
Code fragment      48 145 465 472
Code Generation      see “Ruby tool”614
Code usage      see “Ruby”
Code Wright      12
Code-compile-test cycle      44
Code-embedding solutions      355
Coding, problems      212
cols_in_row_tag      180
Columns interaction      see “Row-tag tag” 180
Combinators      see also “Parser” 581 582 589
comma-separated value (CSV) files      136
Comma-separated value (CSV) reading/writing      199—200
command (method)      48 62
command callback      50
Command line tool, invoking      see “Racc”
Comments      see “Trailing comment”
Comments parsing      see “Nested comments”
Comments usage      22—23
COMMIT (command)      163
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)      see also “FastCGI” 263 340
Common Gateway Interface adaptor iowa.cgi      401—402
Common Gateway Interface application      177 180 189 325
Common Gateway Interface CGI-based server      299
Common Gateway Interface HTML generation      see “Ruby“
Common Gateway Interface scripts      190 328 356
Common Gateway Interface scripts acceleration, DRb usage      325—328
Common Gateway Interface scripts usage      390
Common Gateway Interface server      270 298
Common Gateway Interface support      347
Common Gateway Interface usage      379
Common object request broker architecture (CORBA)      284—285
complexity      see “Average complexity; Worst-case complexity”
Complexity analysis      see “Algorithm”
Component      372
Component class      379
composite pattern      45
CompoundShape      632
CompoundShape class      629 630
CompoundShape interface      631
CompoundShape shapes array      631
Compression      see also “Huffman compression” 528
Compute-intensive functions      558
Computer Science (C/S) data-structure tools      460—467
Concurrent behavior      265 266
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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