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Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M. — Ruby Developer's Guide
Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M. — Ruby Developer's Guide

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Íàçâàíèå: Ruby Developer's Guide

Àâòîðû: Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M.


Ruby astounds developers with its ability to make programming fun again. It frees programmers to concentrate on rogramming objectives, and creates fewer obstacles than other languages by flowing ideas directly into the code. Although Ruby is experiencing dramatic growth, there are very few educational resources available for aspiring developers. Written by a team of Ruby gurus, Ruby Developer's Guide is the most comprehensive book available for serious Ruby developers.

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Ruby tools      13—22
Ruby usage      see also “Database access; eXtensible Markup Language; JRuby; K-Dimensional trees; Management; World Wide Web” 482—488
Ruby version      46
Ruby, embedding      666—670
Ruby, embedding FAQs      676
Ruby, embedding introduction      614
Ruby, embedding solutions      674—675
Ruby, extending FAQs      676
Ruby, extending introduction      614
Ruby, extending solutions      674—675
ruby-gtk-0.25.tar.gz      69
Ruby-implemented code      564
Ruby-Sablotron      254
Ruby/DBI      183
Ruby/DBI architecture/terminology, understanding      143—146
Ruby/DBI installation      140—141
Ruby/DBI interactive SQL shell development/deployment      137—139
Ruby/DBI obtaining      140—141
Ruby/DBI programming      141—174
Ruby/DBI usage      see “Database access”
Ruby/LDAP, usage      see also “Lightweight Directory Access Protocol”195—199
Ruby/ODBC, usage      see “Database access”
Ruby/Python extension, usage      507—510
Ruby/zlib module      274
Ruby2Java.rb      503
RubyWin      12—13
ruby_init() function      667
RuntimeError      164 295
Russell, Sean      181 251
sample applications      see also “FOX; GTK; Ruby; VRuby” 45—46
SandStorm component architecture      283—284
SAX      see “Simple API for XML”
scale (attribute)      170
Schema      214—217
Scripting eruby/eRb, usage      358—359
Scripting language      28
SDBM      199 200 201
Search engine      344
Search performing      197—198
Search word      29
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)      263 280
Security      584
Segfault errors, generation      234
Seki, Masatoshi      321
Select      148
SELECT statement      179 182
selectall_arrayref (method)      142
selectmode (attribute)      62
select_all (method)      142
Self-authentication      333
self.methodName      25
SELID (function)      95
SELTYPE (function)      95
SEL_COMMAND message      94 95 105 107
SEL_COMMAND message generation      108
SEL_COMMAND message sending      108
SEL_name      94
Separators      61
server      see “mod_ruby; World Wide Web”
Server architectures, models      345—347
Server forking inclusion      346
Server forking noninclusion      345—346
Server pre-forking, inclusion      347
Server writing      345—355
server-side code      331
Server-side logging      303
Server-side support      281
server.xml file      230
servers (root tag)      221
service (complex type)      221
Service methods names/parameters      289
Service methods namespace      289
Service-handler      276
Session ID, passing      379
Sessions, storage      389
setDefaultCloseOperation      500
setTimeout      484
setWireDumpDev (method)      296
set_column_title (method)      82
set_service_hook (method)      273
Shapes module      616
shared code      228—233
Shareware      5
shell accounts      344
Shopping cart links      393
showMessageBox      83 85
show_image.cgi      373
show_image.rbx      387
SIAM      see “Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics”
Side effects      560
SIGHUP signal      272 303
Sigmoid      475
Signal handlers, programming      71—72
Signals, programming      71—72
Signal_connect (method)      71
Simple API for XML (SAX) driver      see “XMLParser interface” 219
Simple API for XML (SAX) SAX/DOM, combination usage      220
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)      341—342
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)      262
Simple Object Access Protocol application      see “Client/server SOAP application”
Simple Object Access Protocol arrays, creation      see “Multidimensional SOAP arrays; Typed SOAP arrays”
Simple Object Access Protocol authentication server      313—321
Simple Object Access Protocol datatypes      303—310
Simple Object Access Protocol Endpoint URL      289
Simple Object Access Protocol envelope      310
Simple Object Access Protocol for Ruby (SOAP4R) client/server applications, writing      286—303
Simple Object Access Protocol for Ruby (SOAP4R) clients exceptions      295
Simple Object Access Protocol for Ruby (SOAP4R) clients writing      289—297
Simple Object Access Protocol for Ruby (SOAP4R) obtaining/installing      286
Simple Object Access Protocol for Ruby (SOAP4R) services exceptions      303
Simple Object Access Protocol for Ruby (SOAP4R) services writing      298—303
Simple Object Access Protocol for Ruby (SOAP4R) types, conversion      304
Simple Object Access Protocol for Ruby (SOAP4R) usage      669
Simple Object Access Protocol project      313—321
Simple Object Access Protocol request      288
Simple Object Access Protocol service, URL      289
Simple Object Access Protocol type-conversion      303—310
Simple Object Access Protocol usage      see also “Marshalling format” 284—321
Simplified Wrapper and choice      666
Simplified Wrapper and example      see “C”
Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG)      614
Simplified Wrapper and usage      see also “C++” 658—666
single inheritance      2 27
Single-level menus      122
Small, John      271
Smalltalk      2 26
Smith, Kevin      127
SMTP      see “Simple Mail Transfer Protocol”
SOAP      see “Simple Object Access Protocol”
SOAP4R      see “Simple Object Access Protocol for Ruby”
SOAP::CGIStub      298
SOAP::Driver      293 308
SOAP::Driver class      292
SOAP::Marshallable      308
SOAP::RPCServerException      295
SOAP::RPCUtils.ary2md      306
SOAP::RPCUtils::MappingRegistry::UserMapping array, extending      308
SOAP::Server      308
SOAP::Server class      303
SOAP::StandaloneServer      298
SOAPAction field      289
SOAPArray      304
SOAPInt      304
SOAPString      304
SOAPStruct      308
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)      460
Socket class      340—341
Software licensing issues      128
Solaris      3 27
Soundex extension, usage      493—494
source code      see also “C; C++; GTK; Ruby” 54 68 184 202 269
Source code distribution      see “Ruby”
Source code marking      329
Source code usage      see “Ruby”
Space complexity      525
SPACING      24—25
specRuby session      67
SpecTcl      67
SpecTcl GUI builder, usage      67—68
Speed, improvement      190
Sportsltem      33
spreadsheets      45
SQL      see “Structured Query Language”
SQL-query results, transformation      see “eXtensible Markup Language”
sqlsh.rb      137
sql_type (attribute)      169
SSL      see “Secure Sockets Layer”
standalone      298
standalone servers      263 270
Standard deviation      547
Standard profiler drawbacks      533
Standard profiler usage      531—532
start_Host method      230
state (method)      165
StatementHandle      144
StatementHandle class      149 151 153 155
StatementHandle object      166
StatementHandle object returning      154
StatementHandle support      155
Statements, execution      see “Structured Query Language”
Statements, execution preparation, usage      154—156
Statements, execution Result-set nonusage      152—153
Statements, execution Result-set usage      153—154
Static language      3
stat_bench      545 546
stat_bench reports      548
STDERR      529 533
stdin      139
std_library      582
Storage solutions, utilization      199—207
STR2CSTR      621 661
strcasecmp() function      672
Stream interfaces      219
string replace (application)      28
string system.methodHelp (string methodName)      269
String-to-symbol mappings      526
StringReplace invoking      see “Java”
StringReplace Java version      31
StringReplace program      29
StringReplace program Perl version      32
strings      see also “C” 28 165
Strings concatenation      549—551
Strings datatype      262
Strings handling      581
Strings literals      573
Strings object      172
Strings parser generator      592
Strings representation      169
Strings usage      620—623
StringScanner      602
Struct, returning      308
Struct::Human_type      310
Structured Query Language (SQL) queries      180
Structured Query Language queries execution      183
Structured Query Language results, retrieval      156—162
Structured Query Language script      362 369
Structured Query Language shell      138
Structured Query Language SQLite      136 141
Structured Query Language SQLRelay      136 141
Structured Query Language SQLSTATE code      165
Structured Query Language statements      see also “Data Control Language; Data Manipulation Language” 187
Structured Query Language statements preparation/execution      148—156
sub Tree      85
Sub-classes      34
Sub-parsers, marking      585
Subtrees, usage      527
Suketa, Masaki      484
Sun Microsystems      67
SUnit      9
SWIG      see “Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator”
SWin extensions, usage      111—127
SWin obtaining      112
SWin toolkit      45
SWin::Window class      123
sybase-ctlib      136
symbolic constants      83
Symbolic constants usage      72
symbols      590
Symbols generator      591
synchronization code      539
Synchronous method      266
Syntactical analyzers      581
Syntactical shortcuts      556
Syntax highlight      389
Syntax highlighting, support      10
Syntax style, guide      22—25
Syntax support      see “Ruby”
Syntax trees class      582
Syntax trees usage      see “Abstract syntax trees”
system fonts      51
System-dependent shared library      657
system.multicall (method)      268
tab completion      16
Tab completion module      17
Table data, copying      see “Databases”
Table schemas, emitting      190
Table-driven parsers      570 605
Tags, supplying      190
takeValueForKey      405
Tarball      6
Target-message system      93
Targets      93—95
Tateishi, Takaaki      127
Tatsu, Akimichi      475
Tatsukawa, Akimichi      468
Tcl/Tk      49
Tcl/Tk application      67
TCP/IP      see “Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol”
tcpserver      271 321 341
TCPSocket      341
TCPSocketPipe      262
Telnet      341 344
Template extension, usage      see “Hypertext Markup Language”
Template generators      38
templating      359—361
Templating toolkit, usage      379
Term class      606
Testing set      476
TEXT column type      177
text editors      14 45
text fields      45 114
Text processing tools, usage      493—498
TextPad      12
Theme-able toolkits      128
ThinkPad 600E (IBM)      546
third-party extensions      614
Thomas, Dave      3
Three-dimensional bar-diagram      441
TIME (constant)      534
time (method)      152
Time class      638
Timing, inaccuracies      544
Title method      see “TkRoot title/geometry method”
Tix, usage      68
Tk basics      47—48
Tk callbacks, response creation      48—50
Tk events, response creation      48—50
Tk extensions, obtaining      68
Tk Interface Extension      68
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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