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Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M. — Ruby Developer's Guide
Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M. — Ruby Developer's Guide

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Íàçâàíèå: Ruby Developer's Guide

Àâòîðû: Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M.


Ruby astounds developers with its ability to make programming fun again. It frees programmers to concentrate on rogramming objectives, and creates fewer obstacles than other languages by flowing ideas directly into the code. Although Ruby is experiencing dramatic growth, there are very few educational resources available for aspiring developers. Written by a team of Ruby gurus, Ruby Developer's Guide is the most comprehensive book available for serious Ruby developers.

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Outliers      545
Output target vector      479
Over-fitting      476
Owner information      221
Package      34
Packer      52
Packing space      53
pack_end (argument)      73 74
pack_start (argument)      73 74 82
Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)      285
Parameter markers concrete values, binding      155
Parameter markers usage      151—152
parameters, substitution      183
params (parameter)      146
parent node      213
Parent-child composition      45
Parent-child terminology      64
Parentheses      24—25
Parentheses dropping      585
Parse error      26
Parser      see “Hand-coded parser; Predefined parsers; Ruby Tokens”
Parser architectures      see “eXtensible Markup Language”
Parser building blocks      581
Parser combinators      591—593
Parser creation      574
Parser customization      589—596
Parser exporting      585
Parser generators      see also “Strings” 590—591
Parser generators FAQs      611—612
Parser generators introduction      570
Parser generators Rockit, usage      587—589
Parser generators solutions      610—611
Parser library      582
Parser marking      see “Sub-parsers”
Parser transformers      593—595
Parser usage      see “Abstract syntax trees”
Parsing      see “Case-insensitive parsing”
Parsing library creation      571—581
Parsing library deviation      582—587
Parsing system      253
Passed code block      36
Performance      614
Performance deterioration      481
performance enhancements      558—564
Performance Garbage Collector, impact      558
Performance improvement      525—544
Performance tuning FAQs      567—568
Performance tuning introduction      516—517
Performance tuning solutions      566—567
Perl      26 32 46 155 401
Perl class      464
Perl code      159 441
Perl DBI      141 143 167
Perl Ruby, contrast      142
Perl usage      498
Perl version (Perl 5)      33
Peters, Tobias      235
Petri Networks      328
PHP      355 358
pi (method)      20
Placer      51
Platform-dependent Makefile      662
Platform-specific initialization rituals      667
Plug-in code modules      614
Point class      663 664
Point coordinates      643
Pointcut designator primitives      544
Polynomial library, usage      448—454
Polynomials      see also “Rational polynomials” 442
Polynomials usage      454—455
pop      see “Post Office Protocol”
populateList      65
populateTreeList      85 110
Port      147
Port (class)      228
Port (class) defining/implementing      229
port (information)      221
Port-scanning tool      221
Position()      218
POST method      see “HyperText Transfer Protocol”
Post Office Protocol (POP)      341—342
Post-advice      540 542
PostgreSQL      136 141 163 177
PostgreSQL database      169 178
PostgreSQL datatypes      161
PostgreSQL interface      3
PostgreSQL usage      171—173
PostScript      582
Pragmatic Programmers      3 38
Pragmatic Programmers site      46—47 69
Pragmatic Programmers Windows Installer      201
Pre-advice      540 542
Pre-forking      see “Server”
precision (attribute)      169
Predefined parsers      585
prepare (method)      154
preserved (module)      489
preserved methods (method)      490
Preserved module, usage      489—493
primary (attribute)      170
primary ip (attribute)      221
Prime factorizations      442
Principle of Least Surprise      2
Private method      34
Proc objects      87 557—558
Procedural language      33
processQueries method      187
profile.rb, usage      see “Profiling”
Profiler, usage      see “Standard profiler”
profile_method (method)      534
profiling      584
Profiling AspectR, usage      577—588
Profiling FAQs      567—568
Profiling introduction      516—517
Profiling profile.rb, usage      529—533
Profiling RbProf, usage      533—544
Profiling solutions      566—567
Profiling usage      569—588
Program flow, intuition      401
Program optimization, process      563
programmatic solutions      355
Proxy      136 141
proxy (method)      266 268
proxy2 (method)      266 268
proxy2_async (method)      266 268
proxy_async (method)      266—268
Pseudo-code description      641
Pseudo-english      254
Pseudo-Ruby code      571
Public method      34
Pure-Ruby parser      597
Pure-Ruby XML parser      286
PVM      see “Parallel Virtual Machine”
Python      see also “xmlrpclib” 38 46 498
Python API      143
Python DB API      2 0 141 143
Python extension, usage      see “Ruby/Python extension”
Python interpreter      508
python program      509
Python script      279
QT      127
QUEUE      539
Quicksort      520 524
Quicksort algorithm      519
Quicksort contrast      see “Bubblesort”
Quit (menu command)      123
quit_clicked      122
RAA      see “Ruby Application Archive”
Racc      596—597
Racc command line tool, invoking      605—606
Racc grammar      599
Racc usage      see also “Ruby” 600—605
Race-generated parsers, usage      see “Abstract syntax trees”
Radiobutton entries      61
raise (string)      532
rand (function)      638
Random numbers generator      313 467—468
Random numbers usage      467—481
RandomR      467
Rational polynomials      450
RbProf      525
RbProf usage      see “Profiling”
rb_ary_new()      624
rb_ary_new2()      624
rb_define method() function      617 632
rb_float_new()      661
rb_hash_aref()      627
rb_iv_set() C API function      634
rb_str2cstr() function      621
rd (operation)      328
RDBMS      196
RDE      see “Ruby Development Environment”
RDF Site Summary (RSS)      340
RDF Site Summary (RSS) library      397
RDF Site Summary (RSS) news channels, displaying      396—400
RdgBasic      572
RdgBasic grammar      587
RdgBasic interpreter      579
RdgBasic Rockit, contrast      582
RdgBasicGrammar::Identifier      582
README document      402
README files      8 560
Recovered structures representation      577—581
rectangle      616 630
Rectangle class      632 634
Rectangle_area()      633
Recursive file includes      361
recursive functions      558
Red Hat Linux      69
regexps      589 599
Regexps applying      604
Regexps matching      603
Regexps testing      602
Regexps usage      576—577
Relational database marshaled objects, storage      199
Relational database Ruby objects, storage      205—207
Remote Method Invocation (RMI)      321
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)      263
REMOTE_DSN      174
repeat parser combinator      592
Replacement word      29
replicate_table (method)      175 176
Report (class) defining/implementing      230—233
Reporting system      582
Responder module      105
Response creation      see “Tk”
Result caching      559
Result caching usage decision      560
Result-set      187
Result-set nonusage/usage      see “Statements”
ResultMappingFunction (RMF)      594
return (string)      532
Return value convention      265 266
reusable components      401
REVOKE      148
REXML      see “Ruby Electric XML”
ri      see “Ruby Interactive”
Richter, Frank      202
right (argument)      75
Rinda, usage      328—332
Ring elements      456
ringo      347
RME      see “ResultMappingFunction”
RMI      see “Remote Method Invocation”
Rockit      see “Ruby Object-oriented Compiler construction toolKit”
Rockit, comparison      609
Rockit::Parse      582
ROLLBACK (command)      163
Root tag      221
RoundObject      33
Row Processed Count (RPC)      see also “XML-RPC” 153
Row Processed Count (RPC) representation      310
row-element (attribute)      189
Row-tag atributes      180
Row-tag columns interaction      180
row-to_xml (method)      182
rowset-element (attribute)      188
RPC      see “Remote Procedure Call; Row Processed Count”
RSS      see “RDF Site Summary”
Rubio, J.E.      451
Ruby      see “Distributed Ruby”
Ruby Application Archive (RAA)      3 38 127 441
Ruby Application Archive entry      140 300
Ruby Application Archive extension modules      666
Ruby Application Archive knowledge      8
Ruby Application Archive usage      see “Applications; Libraries installation”
Ruby application debugging, debug.rb usage      17—22
Ruby basics      47—48 70—71
Ruby C API      624—628 658
Ruby calling Java      499—503
Ruby CGI HTML generation      357—358
Ruby code      22 385 581 635 658
Ruby code block      142
Ruby comparison      26—37
Ruby configuration script      9
Ruby constructs, speed comparison      544—558
Ruby contrast      see “Perl”
Ruby datatypes      618
Ruby Development Environment (RDE)      13
Ruby distribution      516
Ruby editor support      10—13
Ruby Electric XML (REXML)      181 183 228
Ruby Electric XML usage      251—253
ruby extconf.rb      424
Ruby extension module      614 635
Ruby header file      649
Ruby HTML code generation      356
Ruby IDE support      10—13
Ruby installation      see also “Unix; Windows” 3—22
Ruby Interactive (Ri)      see also “GtkRi” 13—15
Ruby interface      661
Ruby interpreter      6 270 383 614
Ruby layout managers, usage      50—52 72—76
Ruby library methods      23
Ruby Object-oriented comparison      see “Racc”
Ruby Object-oriented Compiler construction toolKit (Rockit)      570
Ruby Object-oriented contrast      see “RdgBasic”
Ruby Object-oriented grammar, defining      584
Ruby Object-oriented usage      see “Parser generators; Ruby”
Ruby objects      629
Ruby objects conversion      see “Build-in Ruby object”
Ruby objects storage      see “Relational database”
Ruby obtaining      69—70
Ruby overview      2—3
Ruby packages, usage      7
Ruby parser      24
Ruby parsing Race, usage      596—609
Ruby parsing Rockit usage      581—609
Ruby pitfalls      25—26
Ruby sample applications      54—66 76—86
Ruby scripts      44
Ruby session      see “specRuby session”
Ruby source code      70
Ruby source code distribution      47
Ruby source code file      669
Ruby source code, usage      5—7
Ruby source files      361
Ruby syntax, support      10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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