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Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M. — Ruby Developer's Guide
Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M. — Ruby Developer's Guide

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Íàçâàíèå: Ruby Developer's Guide

Àâòîðû: Feldt R., Johnson L., Neumann M.


Ruby astounds developers with its ability to make programming fun again. It frees programmers to concentrate on rogramming objectives, and creates fewer obstacles than other languages by flowing ideas directly into the code. Although Ruby is experiencing dramatic growth, there are very few educational resources available for aspiring developers. Written by a team of Ruby gurus, Ruby Developer's Guide is the most comprehensive book available for serious Ruby developers.

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Keyboard character      49
keyValuePairsToHash method      188
Kidd, Eric      268
Kinscalez, Gregor      539
Kobayashi, Shigeo      447
Kodama, K.      448
Kylix      128
labels      45 114
Language      see “Procedural language; Scripting language; Static language”
Language bindings, usage      498—510
Language constructs      32—37
Language features      27
Language specification      584
language support      see “Non-context free language”
Layout algorithm      53
Layout management options      45
layout managers      see also “FXMatrix Grid layout manager” 72 95 116—118
Layout managers usage      see “Free Objects for X; GTK; Ruby; Tk”
LAYOUT_FIX options      97
LAYOUT_FIX_X      97
LAYOUT_FIX_Y      97
LCG      see “Linear Congruence Generator”
LDAP      see “Lightweight Directory Access Protocol”
LDAP::Entry class      198
LDIFF format      197
Least Surprise      see “Principle of Least Surprise”
left (argument)      75
Lexical analyzers      581
Libgdome-ruby      235
libglade (library)      87
LibNeural      467 475
Libraries      see “Parser”
Libraries creation      see “Parsing library”
Libraries deviation      see “Parsing library”
Libraries FAQs      589—590
Libraries file      235
Libraries installation, RAA usage      8—10
Libraries interface      see “C/C++”
Libraries introduction      424
Libraries methods      see “Ruby”
Libraries solutions      587—589
Libraries usage      see “BigFloat library; Each Delegator library; NArray library; Polynomial library”
Lightweight Directory Access directory access, Ruby/LDAP usage      195—199
Lightweight Directory Access entry addition      196
Lightweight Directory Access entry deletion      197
Lightweight Directory Access entry modification      196
Lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP)      136
line (string)      532
Linear Congruence Generator (LCG)      313
Linear constraints      219
LINE_PROFILE (constant)      534
Linux      see also “Debian Linux; Red Hat Linux” 46
Linux KDE desktop      127
Linux operating system      671
list (1) option      19 20
listContents      504
ListView      122
Literals      see “Strings”
load-balancing      331—332
loadDocument      64 109
Local file system      187
local variables      see also “Block local variables” 585
Local variables listing      21
Local variables methods, comparison      25
logging      584
Logic, separation      401
Logic.rb      470 472
Logic2.rb      473
look back      594
Look-and-feel      see also “Free Objects for X” 128
look_ahead      594
Lotus      285
Low-Level Events      71
Low-level functions      340—341
Lucent project      38
Macintosh, support      128
MacOS      3
MacOS X      127
macros      10
Main (component)      406
main window      121
MainPage      372
makefile      see also “Platform-dependent Makefile” 369 370 424 657 671
makeRow      434
Management options      see “Layout”
Management Ruby usage      37—38
mappingRegistry, setting      308
Mark-and-sweep garbage collector      3
Marshal.dump response      279
Marshal.load_response      279
Marshaled objects, storage      see “Relational database”
Marshalling format, SOAP usage      310—312
Masato, Yoshida      234 286
matched (method)      603
Mathematical programming      442—460
Matrices addition      446
Matrices usage      455—460
Matrix class      614
Matrix-processing library      443
matrix.rb module      614
Matsumoto, Makoto      467
Matsumoto, Yukihiro      2 26 69 544
MAX_POINTS      637
mbox      110
MB_OK      120
MD5 checksum      274
Media tag, recognition      see “?xml-stylesheet?”
Memorize, function explanation      561
Memory      see “C; C++; Dynamically allocated memory”
Memory allocation      544
Memory system      555
Memory trade-off      568
MemoryStore      390
Menard, Jim      45 263 286
Menu bar, display      46
menu commands      83
Mergesort      523 524
Message passing interface (MPI)      285
Messages      93—95
Metadata, access      169—171
method      see “Private method; Public method”
Method comparison      see “Local variables”
Method implementation      see “Instance methods”
Method name      15
Method Namespace URI      289
Method object      87
Method specifier      541
methodDef (method)      298
method_missing (method)      268
mixins      3 33
Mkmf, usage      see “Extensions”
modifiers      49
modrdn method      197
mod_ruby configuration      384—386
mod_ruby servers      263
mod_ruby usage      383—400
mod_ruby-based servers      270
MoonWolf      250
MPI      see “Message Passing Interface”
mSQL      136 141
mSQL databases      161
MUD/RPG games      348
MUES      348
Multi-dimensional SOAP arrays, creation      306
multicall (method)      266
multiCall extensions support      263
multiCall extensions usage      268
multicall2 (method)      266
multicall2_async (method)      266
multicall_async (method)      266
Multiple curves, creation      434—440
multiple inheritance      2 33
Munging      361
Mutex      301
MySQL      136 141
MySQL databases      366
MySQL interface      3
MySql usage      173
N-keys      205
Nagai, Hidetoshi      68
Nakamura, Hiroshi      286
name (attribute)      see also “type_name” 169 221
NameError      24
NameError exception      72
Namespaces      34
Namespaces clashing      33
Namespaces support      234
naming      23
NArray library, usage      442—447
nedit      12
nest (parser)      585
Nested comments, parsing      582
Net class      340—344
Net::HTTP object      266 342
Net::POPMail      342
NetBSD      7 140
Network Interace Card (NIC)      340
Networking FAQs      422
Networking introduction      340
Networking solutions      420—421
Neumann, Michael      250 254 263 347 493
Neural nets, usage      467 475—481
new (method)      152
newform (method)      120
newMenu      122
News channels, displaying      see “RDF Site Summary”
Newsgroups      10
new_article      366
new_customer      366
new_order      366
next_token (method)      600
next_val (private method)      366
NIC      see “Network Interface Card”
Nil (datatype)      262
Nil (method)      265
Nishimura, Takuji      467
Node      see “Abstract syntax trees types” 578
Non-cascading menus      122
Non-context free language support      582
Non-destructive methods contrast      see “Destructive methods”
Non-source platform      27
Non-standard analysis      448
Non-standard approach      449 450
Non-standard directories      672
Non-zero elements      455
none_of generator      590
Not Quite XML (NQXML)      219 228 286 288
Not Quite XML (NQXML) advantages      241
Not Quite XML (NQXML) disadvantages      240—241
Not Quite XML (NQXML) installation      241—250
Not Quite XML (NQXML) module      45 60
Not Quite XML (NQXML) usage      240—253
Not Quite XML (NQXML) writer      230
NOTATION tag      241
Notepad      10
Notepad replacement      12
NQXML      see “Not Quite XML”
NQXML::Document object      65 109
NQXMLTreeParser      282
NULL      161 189
NULL allowing      170
NULL bytes      620 621
null character      620
NULL passing      629
NULL terminator      620
nullable (attribute)      170
NUM2DBL      634
NUMBER token      598
Numbers, usage      619—620
Numeric type coordinates      643
Numerical array library      443
object identifier (OID)      171 388
Object identifier (OID) type      177
Object tree interfaces      219
Object-orientation      27
Object-oriented development      38
object-oriented programming (OOP)      33—34
Object-oriented programming language      355
Object-oriented programming OOP-related tools, usage      488—493
object-oriented system      2
Object-oriented toolkit      94
Object-oriented Web development      407
Objects, usage      618—619
Obj_id      205
ODBC      see “Open DataBase Connectivity”
OID      see “Object identifier”
ok_button      84
onCmdTreeList method      107
One-liner      280
one_of generator      590 591
Online shop example      386—395 404—410
Online shop improvement      379—383
Online shopping application, implementation      361—383
onOpenFile (method)      95
OOP      see “Object-oriented programming”
Open (command)      61
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)      136 141 158
Open DataBase Connectivity libraries      191
Open DataBase Connectivity usage      see also “Database access” 174
OpenBSD      7
openDocument (method)      64 84
OpenFilenameDialog (method)      123
OpenGL interface      425
OpenGL support      425
OpenGL usage      425—440
OpenGL usage goal/strategy defining      425
OpenGL usage sample program      425—434
OpenGL-based applications      127
open_clicked      122
Operator      577
Optimization, process      see “Program optimization”
opts      97
ORA-XXXX error message      165
Oracle      136 141 179
Oracle databases      206 326
Oracle DBD      165
Order of growth      524
Ordos      see Algorithm notation” 524
out (operation)      328
out (parameter)      299
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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