Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Prestel A., Delzell C.N. — Positive Polynomials: From Hilbert's 17th Problem to Real Algebra (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) |
Предметный указатель |
Valuation, residue field of a 26 203
Valuation, residue map of a 27
Value group 27 204
Valued field see Valuation
Valued field, algebraically maximal 221
Valued field, complete 228
Valued field, complete, relatively 228
Valued field, completion of a 228
Valued field, finitely ramified 221
Valued field, Henselian 27 216
Valued field, Henselization (or Henselian closure) of a 159 213
Valued field, Henselization (or Henselian closure) of a, characterization of the 217 222
Valued field, rank 1 complete 224
Valued field, relatively complete see Valued field complete
van den Dries see Dries
Van den Dries, L. 49
Variety 157
Variety, affine 4
| Variety, compact real 152
Voevodsky's theorem 80
W rmann 136 159 177
Ware, R. 79
Weak Positivstellensatz see Positivstellensatz weak
Weakly isotropic, weakly 2 -isotropic see Form of degree 2 and
Web site VI
Well ordered 25n
Witt Cancellation Theorem 57
Witt Decomposition Theorem 57
Witt Local - Global Principle 68 73-74 76 79 140
Witt ring VI 53 60 79 247 250-252
Witt ring, fundamental ideal of the 60
Witt ring, reduced 66 79 110
Witt ring, torsion Subgroup of the 66
Witt, E. 79
Zariski spectrum see Spectrum Zariski
Zero-divisors 108
Ziegler 111 230n 245
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