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Prestel A., Delzell C.N. — Positive Polynomials: From Hilbert's 17th Problem to Real Algebra (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) |
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Ordered field Characterization Theorem I 142 158 172
Ordered field, Archimedean 8
Ordered field, Archimedean, embedding into 9 28
Ordered field, characteristic of an 8
Ordered field, history of 28
Ordered field, maximal 14
Ordered group 24
Ordered group, Archimedean 8 28
Ordered group, Archimedean, in addition see ordering of ... x_{n}]:=\mathbb{R}[X_{1} ... X_{n}]/I$"/>
Ordered group, extension of an 12-16
Ordered group, extension of an, Archimedean 26n
Ordered group, extension of an, odd-degree 13-14
Ordered group, extension of an, quadratic 13
Ordered group, extension of an, transcendental 14
Ordered group, field 3 7
Ordered group, group 24
Ordered group, history of 28
Ordered group, induced 12
Ordered group, lexicographic 134
Ordered group, linear 1 7
Ordered group, of , canonical 190
Ordered group, of 9
Ordered group, of 8-9
Ordered group, of , Archimedean 117
Ordered group, of , canonical 190 191
Ordered group, of , canonical 26
Ordered group, of level 2 177 247
Ordered group, support of an 81
Ordered group, unique 14 25
Ordered integral domain 29
Ordered skew-field 28
Ordered subfield 12 21
Ordering, 48
Orthogonal basis 54
Orthogonal sum see Quadratic form
P lya's Theorem 131 136 137
Pfister -bound 68 69 80 183
Pfister form see Form of degree 2 and
Pfister Local - Global Principle 53 66 74 79
Pfister, A. 69
Positive Borel measure see Measure
Positive cone see Ordering
Positive cone of a field 10
Positive cone of a ring 81-85
Positive semidefinite 2 49
Positive semidefinite, on Sper 2
Positive semidefinite, over 36 74
Positivstellensatz 90 109 110 136 201 247 249 250 254
Positivstellensatz, abstract 81 88 109
Positivstellensatz, abstract, generalized 86
Positivstellensatz, due to Krivine 110
Positivstellensatz, weak (for modules of level 2 ) 164
Positivstellensatz, weak (for quadratic modules) 116
Power series, formal 25 28
Powers, V. 201
Prenex definition see Definition prenex
Prenex statement 35
Preordering, Archimedean 4 116
Preordering, of , canonical 4
Preordering, of , canonical 1 4
Preordering, of , Archimedean 117
Preordering, of a field 10
Preordering, of a ring 1 81
Preordering, of if odd 175
Preordering, of level 2 161
Preordering, of level 2 , on , extends to an ordering of level 2
Preordering, support of a 81
Prepositive cone of a field 10 29
Prepositive cone of a ring 1 81-82
Prepositive cone, in addition see Preordering
Preprime, Archimedean 130-133
Prestel, A. 29 49 79 110 111 137 158 158n 159 178 201 230n 245
Prie - Crampe 28 29
Prime ideal, characteristic of a 61
Primitive polynomial 218
Principal ultrafilter see Ultrafilter principal
PRODUCT see Quadratic form
Projection theorem 33
Projection theorem, over 34
PSD 49
Psd, over 36
Putinar 137 159
Pythagoras number 80 179;
Pythagoras number 2 th 178
Pythagorean field 78
Quadratic form see Form of degree 2
Quadratic form, , the value set of a 69
Quadratic form, anisotropic 55
Quadratic form, associated symmetric bilinear form 54
Quadratic form, definite w.r.t. a semiordering 139
Quadratic form, definition of a 53
Quadratic form, diagonal 54
Quadratic form, dimension of a 53
Quadratic form, equivalent 54
Quadratic form, hyperbolic 56
Quadratic form, indefinite over a field, totally 73 76n
Quadratic form, indefinite w.r.t. a semiordering 139
Quadratic form, indefinite w.r.t. an ordering 62
Quadratic form, isotropic 55
Quadratic form, matrix of a 53
Quadratic form, orthogonal sum of 56
Quadratic form, Pfister form 69
Quadratic form, product of 59
Quadratic form, regular 56
Quadratic form, regular part of a 141 142
Quadratic form, representing a 55
Quadratic form, round 68
Quadratic form, signature of a 62 63
Quadratic form, similar 59
Quadratic form, similarity class of a 60
Quadratic form, total signature of a 65
Quadratic form, totally indefinite see Quadratic form indefinite
Quadratic form, weakly 74 79 139 158
Quadratic form, weakly isotropic see Quadratic form isotropic
Quadratic module see Module quadratic
Quadratic system of representatives 28
Quantifier-free definition see Definition quantifier-free
Quasi-compact 85
Quotient field see Field of
Quotient group 25
R cio 49 249
Radical of an ideal 65
Radical of an ideal, real 88
Ramification index see Valuation extension
Rank 1 see Valuation
Rational rank 240
REAL see Algebra algebraic field function ideal Nullstellensatz radical ring or
Real algebraic numbers 42
Real closed 14 29
Real closure, existence 16
Real closure, notation for 21
Real closure, uniqueness 21
Real closure, VI 16
Recursively enumerable 185
refinement see Valuation ring
Regular see Form of degree 2 and
Regular part see form of degree 2 and
Relatively algebraically closed 23
Relatively complete see Valued field
Relatively separably closed 228
Representation Theorem for modules of level 2 (Jacobi) 170
Representation Theorem for preorderings 4 109 121
Representation Theorem for preprimes 132
Representation Theorem for quadratic modules (Jacobi) 127
Representation Theorem, history of the 136-137
Representation Theorem, Stone's 137
Representing see Quadratic form
Residue degree see Valuation extension
Residue field see Valuation
Residue map see Valuation
| Ressel, P. 155 159
Reznick, B. 178 201
Ribenboim, P. 245
Riesz representation theorem 153
Ring of fractions 108
Ring, local 167 203 253
Ring, real 82
Ring, semireal 1 82
Risler, J. - J. 110
Roots, bound on 19
Rosenberg, A. 79
round see quadratic form
Roy, M. - F. 48 49 109 110
Rudin, W. 153
Ruiz, J. 48 49 110
SAP 78 79
SAP of a real function field in one variable 72
SAP, valuation theoretic characterization of 79 158n
Saturation 40 49 94 110
Scharlau, W. 159
Scheiderer, C. 29 49 79 80
Schilling, O.F.G. 245
Schm dgen's Theorem 4 5 123 136 137 139 144 150 159 185 192 196 254
Schm dgen, K. 137 159
Schmid, J. 178 201
Schreier 0 14 21 29 79 109
Schwartz, N. 137
Schweighofer, M., VI 137 201
Semialgebraic definition see Definition semialgebraic
Semialgebraic function 94n
Semialgebraic set 31-36
Semialgebraic set, basic closed 32
Semialgebraic set, basic open 32
Semialgebraic set, bounded and basic closed see ... h_{s})$"/>
Semiordering 5 79 113 115 137
Semiordering, - ( a preordering) 114
Semiordering, - ( a preordering), support of a 115
Semiordering, of , Archimedean 117
Semiordering, of level 2 163
Semiordering, of level 2 , Archimedean 164
Semiordering, of level 2 , determines a valuation ring 166
Semiordering, of level 2 , history of 177
Semiordering, of level 2 , support of a 163
Semireal ring 1 82
Separable closure 213n
Separable polynomials 218
Serre, J.P. 29
Seventeenth problem see Hilbert D.
Siegel, C.L. 29n
Signature see Quadratic form
Similar see Quadratic form
Similarity classes see Quadratic form
Space of orderings 65; see Spectrum real
Space of orderings, weak topology on 66
Specialization 2 3 31 81 89 103
Specialization, closure under 105
Spectral topology see Topology
Spectrum, real VI 2 4 84 109;
Spectrum, real, embeds in 107
Spectrum, real, maximal 3
Spectrum, real, maximal: compactness of 107
Spectrum, real, maximal: found by Krivine 109
Spectrum, real, of 84
Spectrum, real, of 81 101 102 110
Spectrum, real, of 106-107
Spectrum, real, of space of -types 110
Spectrum, real, of 84
Spectrum, real, of a field 84
Spectrum, real, topologies on see Topology on Sper
Spectrum, Zariski 61
Spectrum, Zariski, of 84
Spectrum, Zariski, of a field 84
Standard part 103 189
Statement, prenex 35
Stengle, G. 110 201
Stone - Weierstra Theorem 123 134 159
Strong approximation property see SAP
Sturm sequence 18
Sturm theorem 18
Subfield, dense see Dense subfield
Subfield, ordered see Ordered subfield
Subgroup, convex see Convex subgroup
Subring, convex see Convex subring
Subsemiring 86n
Sum of 2 th powers 161
Sum of squares 11
Sum of squares, length of 179
Support see Module (pre) preprime or
Support of a subset of a ring 81
Sylow subgroup 15
Tarski elimination of quantifiers 33 49 79
Tarski Transfer Principle 2 3 23 31 35 49 110
Tarski, A. 49
Tarski, generalized 34
Topology on , interval 32
Topology on , discrete 104
Topology on , interval 104
Topology on Semi - Sper , constructible 119
Topology on Semi - Sper , spectral 119
Topology on Sper , constructible (or "canonical") 4 85
Topology on Sper , spectral 85
Topology product (preserves Hausdorffness, (quasi-) compactness) 107
Torsion element 66
Torsion element, 65
Torsion subgroup 66
Total signature see Quadratic form
Totally indefinite see Quadratic form
Totally isotropic see Quadratic form
Totally positive 29
Totally real 50
Transcendence degree 96
Transcendental see valuation extension
Transfer principle see Tarski A.
Tressl 110
Tsen - Lang Theorem 68
Ultrafilter 37
Ultrafilter, principal 37
Ultrapower 38
Ultraproduct 36-41
Uniquely orderable see Ordering unique
Valuation 27 204
Valuation ring 12 26 203;
Valuation ring, Approximation Theorem 234
Valuation ring, canonical 175 194 etc.)
Valuation ring, Chevalley's Theorem 167 205
Valuation ring, coarsening of a 230
Valuation ring, composition 232
Valuation ring, dependence class of a 233
Valuation ring, dependent 233
Valuation ring, determined by a semiordering of level 2 166
Valuation ring, determined by a valuation 204
Valuation ring, independent 234
Valuation ring, refinement of a 231
Valuation ring, trivial 12 203
Valuation, -adic 204
Valuation, discrete 242
Valuation, extension of a 206
Valuation, extension of a, algebraic 207-213
Valuation, extension of a, Conjugation Theorem 212
Valuation, extension of a, decomposition field of a 213
Valuation, extension of a, decomposition group of a 213
Valuation, extension of a, existence of an 207
Valuation, extension of a, Gauss 218
Valuation, extension of a, immediate 217
Valuation, extension of a, ramification index e of an 207
Valuation, extension of a, residue degree of an 207
Valuation, extension of a, transcendental 236-242
Valuation, Krull 29
Valuation, of rank 1 223 242
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