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Prestel A., Delzell C.N. — Positive Polynomials: From Hilbert's 17th Problem to Real Algebra (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) |
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, and bound, on roots 19
-types, space of, 110
-types, space of, 110
-adic numbers 226
-adic valuation see Valuation
-module see module
-semiordering see Semiordering
ernikov, S.N. 137 188
ocal - Global Principle, homogenous 146
os' theorem 39
os' theorem, special case of 40
Absolute value 16n
Abstract, Positivstellensatz see Positivstellensatz abstract
Abstract, real Nullstellensatz see Nullstellensatz real abstract
Acquistapace, F. 159
Affine see variety
Algebra, real V 1
algebraic see Valuation extension
Algebraic, geometry, real 3 110
Algebraic, set 32
Algebraically maximal see Valued field
Andradas, C. 48 49 110 159
Anisotropic see Quadratic form
Approximation theorem see Valuation ring
Archimedean ring, or Archimedean ... see Module ordering ordered preordering or
Artin - Lang Theorem 49
Artin, E. V VI 2 3 14 21 29 31 35 36 49 51 75 79 81 90 109
Aut 22
Automorphism group 22
Backmeister 111
Baer - Krull correspondence 29
Baer, R. 29
Basic closed, basic open see Semialgebraic set
Basis, orthogonal 54
Becker, E. 79 137 177 178
Berg, C. 155 159
Berr, R. 178
Bochnak, J. 48 49 110
Borel measure see Measure
Bound, on degree 179
Bound, on degree, existence of 183-189
Bound, on degree, in addition see
Bounded see ... H_{S})$"/>
Bourbaki, N. 245
Br cker - Prestel Local - Global Principle 158 177
Br cker - Scheiderer Theorem 49 79
Br cker, L. 48 49 79 110 137 158
Broglia, F. 159
Browder, F. 250
Brumfiel, G. 48
Cancellation theorem see Witt E.
Canonical see Ordering preordering topology or
Cassier, G. 137
Cauchy complete see Complete Cauchy
Cauchy sequence 24 224 228
Chang, C.C. 40 49 110
Characteristic see prime ideal or
Characterization Theorem II 144 158 173
Chevalley's Theorem see Valuation ring
Chinese remainder theorem 211
Choi, M.D. 178 201
Christensen, J.P.R. 155 159
Closure under specialization 105
Closure, real see Real closure
Coarsening see Valuation ring
Cofinal 26 228
Cofinality 228 243
Cofinite sets, filter of 37
Compactness in addition. see ... H_{S})$"/>
Compactness of 107
Compactness theorem of model theory 49
Compactness, property of 36 40
Complete cut see Complete Dedekind
Complete valued field see Valued field
Complete, Cauchy 24
Complete, Dedekind 9 10 24
Complete, relatively complete relatively valued field see Valued field
Completion 225; see Valued field
composition see Valuation ring
Cone see Positive cone or prepositive cone
Conjugation Theorem see Valuation extension
Constructible set 85
Constructible topology see Topology
Continuous solution to Hilbert's 17th problem see Hilbert D.
Convergence 228
Convex hull 12
Convex subgroup 24
Convex subring 12
Cornelsen, S. 111
Coste 48 49 109 110
Coste-Roy, M.-F. see Roy M.-F.
Cut 97
Cut valuation 99
Cut, complete see complete Dedekind
Cut, countably represented 97
Cut, critical 194
Cut, Dedekind 9
Cut, group 98
Cut, positive 97
Dai, Z.D. 201
Daykin, D.E. 201
Decomposition field see Valuation extension
Decomposition group see Valuation extension
Decomposition theorem see Witt E.
Dedekind complete see Complete Dedekind
Dedekind cut see cut Dedekind
Definite quadratic form see Quadratic form
Definition, prenex 34 36
Definition, quantifier-free 32
Definition, semialgebraic 32 34 35
Degree see bound on
Delzell, C.N. 49 51 110 111 201
Dense subfield 8
Dependence class see Valuation ring
Dependent see Valuation ring
Diagonal see Form of degree 2 and
Difference of a polynomial 176
DIMENSION see Quadratic form
Discrete see Valuation
Divisible 27
Dubois, D.W. 4 109 110 137
Efroymson, G. 49
Elimination of quantifiers see Tarski A.
Elman, R. 79
Embedding into -fields 81 95 96 110
Embedding into 9 28
Embedding of into Sper 102
Embedding of function fields into 81 96
Endler, O. 245
Equivalent see Quadratic form
Errata VI
Euler, L. 29
Exponential function 47
Extension see
Field ordering see Ordering field
Field, 48
Field, 94-96
Field, , embedding into see Embedding
Field, algebraically closed 15 16
Field, embedding of a 17
Field, extension of a, algebraic 16
Field, extension of a, Galois 15
Field, extension of a, odd-degree 13-14
Field, extension of a, quadratic 13
Field, extension of a, transcendental 14
Field, maximal ordered see Ordered field
Field, of characteristic not 2 53
Field, of fractions 42 74 109
Field, ordered see Ordered field
Field, ordering, or valuation ring factorization of polynomials 16
| Field, Pythagorean 78
Field, real 12 29
Field, real closed 14 29
Field, SAP see SAP
Field, uniquely orderable 14
Filter 37
Filter, of cofinite sets 37
Finitely ramified see valued field
Finiteness theorem 44-48 106 249
Form of degree 49
Form of degree 2 ("diagonal") 172
Form of degree 2 ("diagonal"), 2 -isotropic 172
Form of degree 2 ("diagonal"), in addition see Quadratic form
Form of degree 2 ("diagonal"), Pfister 176
Form of degree 2 ("diagonal"), regular 172
Form of degree 2 ("diagonal"), regular part of a 172
Form of degree 2 ("diagonal"), weakly 2 -isotropic 172
Formal deduction 185
Formal derivative 17
Formal Laurent series 226
Formal power series 25 28
Formally real 29
Fraction field see Field of fractions
Fraction ring see Ring of fractions
Fuchs, L. 25
Function field, real, in variables 80
Function field, real, in variables, embedding into 96
Function field, real, in one variable 72
Function field, real, in one variable, SAP 72
Function field, real, in one variable, Witt's Local - Global Principle 73-74
Function, semialgebraic see Semialgebraic function
Functional analysis 4 136 137
Functional, linear 152 154 155 158 159
Fundamental ideal see Witt ring
G del's Completeness Theorem 185
Galois group 15
Gauss extension see valuation
General polynomial 91
Gonz lez - Vega, L. 110 111
Greenberg 68
Group 24
Group, 2-group 15
Group, abelian 240
Group, Abelian, rational rank of an 240
Group, in addition see Ordered group; or ordering group
Grundlagen der Geometric see Hilbert D.
H lder, O. 28
Hahn, H. 28
Handelman, D. 137
Harrison basic subset 72 78
Harrison topology 78
Harrison, D.K. 79 249
Hausdorff, F. 110
Hensel's lemma 218
Henselian see valued field
Henselization (or Henselian closure) see Valued field
Hilbert 17th problem V VI 2 31 36 49 51 74 75 81
Hilbert 17th problem, variation in solutions of 111
Hilbert 17th problemcontinuous solution 31 81 91-94 110 111
Hilbert 17th problemgeneralization 3 53 74-77 90
Hilbert 17th problemgeneralization (abstract version) 88
Hilbert, D. V 2 28 29n 49-51
Hilbert, Grundlagen der Geometrie 28 50 5n
Hodges, W. 49
Hoffmann, D. 80
Hyperbolic see Quadratic form
Ideal, real 84
Immediate extension see Valuation extension
Indefinite quadratic form see Quadratic form
Independent see Valuation ring
integral 242
Integral domain, ordered see Ordered integral domain
International Congress V
interval 17; see Topology
Irreducible polynomial 13
Isotropic 2 -isotropic see Form of degree 2 and
Jacobi, Thomas 124 127 137 153 158 159 170 177
Jacobson, N. 68
Kadison - Dubois Representation Theorem see Representation Theorem
Kadison, R. V. 4 109 247
Keisler, H.J. 40 49 110
Knebusch 29 79
Krivine maximal real spectrum 109
Krivine, J. - L. 3 109 110 137 159
Krivine, Positivstellensatz 109
Krivine, real Nullstellensatz 109
Krull dimension 143
Krull valuation see Valuation
Krull, W. 29 249
Kuhlmann, F. - V. 245
Kuhlmann, S. 159
Lagrange, J.L. 50
Lam, T.Y. 29 79 80 159 178 201
Landau, E. 29 29n 49n
Lang, S. 49 68 247
Laurent series, formal 226
Leading coefficient 134
Leicht, J. 79
Length of sum of squares 179
Level 2 see Module (pre)ordering or
Linear functional 154
Linear ordering see Ordering
Linear representation 4 139 152
Local - Global Principle see Br cker - Prestel Pfister or
Local ring see Ring
Logic, first-order 185
Lojasiewicz, S. 49 111
Lombardi, H. 110 111 201
Lorenz, F. 79
Mah , L. 201
Marshall 137 159
Maximal ordered 14
McEnerney, J. 49
Measure, positive Borel 152
Metric 223
Minkowski's theorem 137 157
Minkowski, H. 49 50 188 250
Model theory 110 201
Model, complete 49
Module of level 2 161
Module of level 2 , Archimedean 164
Module, - ( a preordering) 113
Module, - ( a preordering), generated by 113
Module, - ( a preordering), maximal 114
Module, - ( a preordering), support of a 114
Module, - ( of level 2 ) 161
Module, - ( of level 2 ), support of a 161
Module, quadratic 4 113 115
Module, quadratic, Archimedean 5 116 129 144
Module, quadratic, of 117
Moment problem 152-157 159
Monoid, multiplicative, of a ring 86
Multi-degree 134
Multiplicative monoid see Monoid
Multiplicative set 108
Nilradical of a ring 65
Non-critical 194
Nonstandard 118
Normal subgroup 24
Nullstellensatz, abstract 88 109
Nullstellensatz, due to Krivine 109
Nullstellensatz, real 81 90 110 250 254
Number field 29n
Oberwolfach VI
Order-embedded 9
Order-embedding 17
Order-extension 12
Order-isomorphism 17
Order-preserving 17
Ordered field 7
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