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Pollock D.H. (ed.) — The infrared & electro-optical systems handbook. Countermeasure systems
Pollock D.H. (ed.) — The infrared & electro-optical systems handbook. Countermeasure systems

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Íàçâàíèå: The infrared & electro-optical systems handbook. Countermeasure systems

Àâòîð: Pollock D.H. (ed.)


The Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems Handbook is a joint product of the Infrared Information Analysis Center (IRIA) and the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). Sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), this work is an outgrowth of its predecessor, The Infrared Handbook, published in 1978. The circulation of nearly 20,000 copies is adequate testimony to its wide acceptance in the electro-optics and infrared communities. The Infrared Handbook was itself preceded by The Handbook of Military Infrared Technology. Since its original inception, new topics and technologies have emerged for which little or no reference material exists. This work is intended to update and complement the currentlnfrared Handbook by revision, addition of new materials, and reformatting to increase its utility. Of necessity, some material from the current book was reproduced as is. havingbecn adjudged as being current and adequate. The 45 chapters represent most subject areas of current activity in the military, aerospace, and civilian communities and contain material that has rarely appeared so extensively in the open literature.

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Obscuration countermeasures, transmittance/extinction, Beer's law      367—368
Obscuration countermeasures, transmittance/extinction, extinction, scattering, and absorption coefficients      370—371
Obscuration countermeasures, transmittance/extinction, line of sight vs propagation path      368—369
Obscuration countermeasures, transmittance/extinction, optical depth      369—370
Observables, low      159
Ocean reflections      316
Optic diameter      94
Optical breaklock      237 258 276 282 283 313
Optical density      339 340 345 349 350
Optical depth      366—370 406 409—411 416—418 424 427—429 432 435 453 460—461 468 473—474 476
Optical depth, fluctuations      417—423
Optical depth, vertical      427—428
Optical elements, absorption coefficient      330
Optical elements, damage thresholds      331
Optical elements, mechanical fracture      330
Optical elements, scattering and absorption      328—330
Optical gain      353—354
Optical limiters      342—345 351
Optical materials laser damage thresholds      330—334 340
Optical source function      424—425
Optical switches      344—345
Optical switches, insertion loss      345
Optical switches, material damage threshold      345
Optical switches, optical density      345
Optical switches, switching time      345
Optical transfer function      416
Ozone absorption coefficient      34
Paints      170
Paints, absorption coefficient      194—195
Paints, binders      192—193 200 201
Paints, BRDF      179 180
Paints, constituents      191—192
Paints, dyes      193
Paints, flattening agents      193—194
Paints, layered composites      195
Paints, military camouflage      195 197 198 232
Paints, military Federal Standard 595a      23
Paints, military reflectance      23
Paints, opacity      192
Paints, particle size      194—195
Paints, pigments      192—195 196 198
Paints, reflectivity      192—195
Paints, refractive index      192
Paints, transparency      192
Particle settling      405
Particle size distributions      372—380
Particles, nonspherical      407—409
Particles/Particulates      see “Aerosols”
Path radiance      367 414 417 423—424 427 429 431—432 457—459 470—473 478—479 481—488
Photochromies      202
Photodiodes, avalanche      96 113
Photomultipliers      96
Photon localization      349
Photon-counting detectors      84
Photorefractive effect      348
Photorefractive limiters      348—349
Photorefractive limiters, damage threshold      348
Photorefractive limiters, photorefractive speed      348
Pigments      192—195 196
Pigments, high emissivity      225
Pigments, p-i-n detectors      122—123
Pigments, particle size      194—195
Pigments, silver      200
Pigments, titanium dioxide      192 198
Pigments, titanium trioxide      198
Planck blackbody spectral radiance function      181 272
Planck's law      294 300 302
Plane parallel approximation      427—428
Platinum silicide detectors      164
Plumes      see “Aircraft signatures exhaust
Point-spread function (PSF)      416
Pointance      301
Pointing and tracking systems      278
Polarization      343
Polarization, laser      25
Polymers      193 200
Polymers, absorption bands      201
Power spectral density      52 54
Preamplifiers, jamming of      268
Probability density functions, Gaussian      57—62 67—68 71
Probability density functions, joint      66
Probability density functions, laser signals      74—79
Probability density functions, laser signals, log-normal      75—76
Probability density functions, laser signals, negative exponential      75
Probability of detection      56—78 see signal”
Probability of detection, laser scintillation      74—79
Probability of detection, laser warning receivers      17 124—127
Probability of detection, missile warning systems      15—16
Probability of detection, signal-to-clutter ratio      39
Probability of false alarm      56—78 see signal”
Processing truth table      141
Propagation, propagation equations      428—429
Propagation, upward and downward      427 457—458
Proportional navigation      247
Pulse interval modulation      112
Pulse repetition frequency      113 146—147
Pulse visibility factor      63
pulse width      146
Pushbroom scanning      106
Quadrant-detector seekers      256—257
Quadrant-detector seekers, tracking error      256—257
Radar pulsed Doppler      79—80
Radar threats      189
Radiance/radiant intensity      362 365—367 409 423 427—429 459 474
Radiance/radiant intensity, apparent      101
Radiance/radiant intensity, diffuse      see “Path radiance”
Radiance/radiant intensity, exitance      365
Radiance/radiant intensity, flux      365 426 431 473
Radiance/radiant intensity, spectral      366
Radiative transfer      423—458
Radiative transfer equation      412 423—424 427—430
Radiative transfer tables      433—434 436—452
Radiative transfer, aerosol absorption effects      435
Radiative transfer, azimuth averaging      430—431
Radiative transfer, azimuthal dependence and single scattering      452—453 456
Radiative transfer, diffuse transmission and reflection operators      429 431—432
Radiative transfer, flux integrals      426—427
Radiative transfer, Henyey — Greenstein phase function      429—430
Radiative transfer, optical depth, vertical      427—428
Radiative transfer, optical source function      424—425
Radiative transfer, plane parallel approximation      427
Radiative transfer, propagation equations      428—429
Radiative transfer, radiative transfer equation      423—424
Radiative transfer, radiative transfer tables      433—434 436—451
Radiative transfer, scattering contributions      435
Radiative transfer, surface global irradiance example      453 457
Radiative transfer, surface irradiance      432—433
Radiative transfer, thermal emission      425—426
Radiative transfer, upward and downward propagation      427 457—458
Radiometers      87—88 142
Radiometers, bandpass (tracking)      247 248
Radiometers, calibration      311
Radiometers, circular variable filter      246—247
Radiometers, filter wheel scanning      310
Radiometers, Fourier transform      246—247 310
Radiometers, pyroelectric      310—311
Rain      42
Range equation      87—88
Range estimation      89—91
Range, target      80—81
Rayleigh scattering      34—35
Receivers, constant false alarm rate      71
Receivers, cross-sectional area      94
Receivers, warning      see “Strategic warning receivers” “Tactical “Warning
Reflectance/reflection      429 431—432 434 436—437 440—441 444—445 448—449 452—458 460 see
Reflectance/reflection, background      39—48
Reflectance/reflection, signatures      337—339
Reflectivity      87 176—187 338—339
Reflectivity, and surface roughness      198
Reflectivity, infrared coatings      195—200
Reflectivity, missile      21—24
Reflectivity, of common surfaces      170
Reflectivity, paints      192—195
Reflectivity, solar      189—191
Reflectivity, spectral reflectivity requirements      197
Reflector panel tilt angle      183—185
Relative humidity      466
Resolution      362 414 417 477
Responsivity, detector      64
Reticles      251—254 262—267
Reticles, damage      270
Reticles, modulation function      265—267
Retroreflection      337—339
Rocket engines      99
Rosette-scan seekers      253—255
Rosette-scan seekers, dwell time effects on jamming      268
Rugate filters      346—347
Satellites      12 103—106 109
Satellites, ascending node      104
Satellites, geocentric-equatorial coordinate system      104
Satellites, geostationary orbit      106 107
Satellites, geosynchronous orbit      106 109
Satellites, longitude of the ascending node      104
Satellites, orbital period      105—106
Satellites, orbital velocity      105—106
Satellites, perigee      104
Scanning sensors      251—258 315 see infrared”
Scanning sensors, warning systems      63 92—94
Scanning sensors, warning systems, angle-of-arrival determination      90
Scanning sensors, warning systems, image-plane scanning      93
Scanning sensors, warning systems, image-plane scanning, mosaic arrays      93
Scanning sensors, warning systems, object-plane scanning      93
Scanning sensors, warning systems, object-plane scanning, spinball scanner      93
Scanning sensors, warning systems, sensitivity      94—95
Scattering, atmospheric      361—362 368 372 385 393—395 401 407 409—410 423 433—452 457 469 471 476 see “Scintillation”
Scattering, atomic      35
Scattering, azimuth dependence and averaging      452—453
Scattering, coefficients      366 372—396 403
Scattering, efficiency      363 381 396
Scattering, forward      362 364 409—423 473 476 485
Scattering, multiple      117 362 367 406—412 417 423 425 433—443 458 460
Scattering, of laser beams      34—35 115—119 127
Scattering, of laser beams, Lambertian scattering      115
Scattering, of laser beams, multiple scattering      117
Scattering, of laser beams, port scatter      116 119 142
Scattering, optical element      328—330
Scattering, optical element, internal      30
Scattering, single      444—452
Scintillation      36—38 73—78 119—120 128—129 142—143 145
Scintillometers      145
screening      see “Camouflage suppression and
Seduction decoys      289 315 316
Seeker precession rate      261
Seeker scanning and signal processing      251—258
Seeker tracking function      247
Seekers, infrared      see also “Missiles infrared”
Seekers, infrared, conscan seekers      253—254
Seekers, infrared, detectors      250—251
Seekers, infrared, focal-plane-array seekers      255—256
Seekers, infrared, quadrant-detector seekers      256—257
Seekers, infrared, rosette-scan seekers      253—255
Seekers, infrared, spin-scan seekers      252—253
Self-emissions      171 181 185 197
Self-focusing/defocusing limiters      346—348
Sensor fused weapons      171
Sensor material properties      355
Sensors, susceptibility to laser damage      326—335
Sensors, susceptibility to laser damage, laser hazard analysis      327
Sensors, susceptibility to laser damage, off-axis exposure      335
Sensors, susceptibility to laser damage, on-axis exposure      326—335
Shape tailoring      188—190
Shipborne decoys      315—321
Shipborne decoys, aerodynamically suspended decoys      319—320
Shipborne decoys, dispensers      320—321
Shipborne decoys, dispensers, MK 36 Launching System      318
Shipborne decoys, floating solid fuel decoys      318—319
Shipborne decoys, floating solid fuel decoys, metallic fuels      318
Shipborne decoys, floating solid fuel decoys, Mg/PTFE      318
Shipborne decoys, floating solid fuel decoys, phosphorus combustion fuels      318—319
Shipborne decoys, liquid-fueled decoys      317—318
Shipborne decoys, liquid-fueled decoys, MK 186 "Torch"      317
Shipborne decoys, performance measurement      320
Shipborne decoys, persistence      317
Shipborne decoys, placement      316—317
Shipborne decoys, signatures      316
Shipborne decoys, threat considerations      315—316
SI units      364—365
SI units, non-SI units      374
Signal-to-clutter ratio      39 52 80—81
Signal-to-noise ratio, and probability of detection      58—64 125—127
Signal-to-noise ratio, range equation      87—88
Signal-to-noise ratio, tactical missile targets      31—32
Silicon detectors      164
Single-scattering albedo      403 405—407 416 425
Single-scattering phase function      407
Sky backgrounds      185
Sky backgrounds, emissivity      49—50
Sky backgrounds, spectral radiance      49
Sky backgrounds, temperature      49
Sky radiance      185
Sky temperature, radiometric      87
Sky-to-ground ratio      461 471—474 475 477—478
Smoke      see “Obscurants”
Snell's law      177
Snow backgrounds, background reflectance      23 40—41 46 48
Soil texture class      380
Soil/rocks backgrounds      43
Soil/rocks backgrounds, reflectance      40—41
Solar flux      103
Solar glare      23
Solar glint      23 82—84 120 127 129 339
Solar heating      171—173
Solar radiation      110
Solar reflections      164 171 189—191
Solar reflections, glare      189—191
Solar reflections, narrow-angle glint      189—191
Solar reflections, pseudo-diffuse condition      189—191
Solar reflections, suppression of      220—221
Solar reflections, wide-angle glint      189—191
Solar shot noise      120—121
Space platforms      103—106
Spatial filtering      54 81
Spatial frequency      475—476 478 489
Spatial modulation      276—277
Spatial modulation, pinwheel radiation pattern      276—277
Spectral discrimination      81
Spectral measurement, laser beam      133—135
Spectral nomenclature      10
Spectrometers      134—135
Spin-scan seekers      252—253
Spin-scan seekers, dwell time effects on jamming      268
Spin-scan seekers, jamming of      258—262
spreadsheets      357
Stabilization      96
Standards, ANSI Z-136.1, Standard, Safe Use of Lasers      325 336 352 353
Standards, military paints      23
Standards, US Army AR40—46 (laser safety)      325
Staring sensors, laser hazard susceptibility analysis      327—328 332 334
Staring sensors, sensor characteristics      329
Staring sensors, tactical warning systems      64 92—93 106
Staring sensors, tactical warning systems, angle-of-arrival determination      90 136—137
Staring sensors, tactical warning systems, sensitivity      94
Stefan — Boltzmann equation      302—303
Step-stare technique      107
Strategic aircraft signatures      100—102
Strategic warning receivers, backgrounds      102—103
Strategic warning receivers, basics      3 12—13 97—98
Strategic warning receivers, design example      107—109
Strategic warning receivers, design options      106—107
Strategic warning receivers, measures of effectiveness      15—16
1 2 3 4 5
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