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Rapoport A. — N-person game theory: Concepts and Applications |
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Primitive terms 11
Prisoner's Dilemma 79 82 149
Prisoner's Dilemma, single cooperator in 80
Prisoner's Dilemma, single defector in 80
Prisoner's Dilemma, Three-person (three-sided) 79
Prisoner's Dilemma, Three-person (three-sided), characteristic function of 90
Prisoner's Dilemma, Two-person 80
Privileged person 101
Pro-rata gain 222—223 289—290 293
Probability theory 14
Problems with "no solutions" 51
Product of two games 214
Psychological, aspects of conflict of interests 180
Psychological, assumptions 131
Psychologically stable configurations 130
quota 229 see quota"
Quota as a solution 232
Quota, experimental applications of 262
Quota, weighted majority game 217
Raiffa, H. 7 111 168 194 n312 n314 n316
random device 62
Rational choice 87
Rational counter-coalition 81
Rational decisions 46 49 56
Rational opponents 45
Rational players 56 65 87—88 136 164 233
Rational players, prospects of 106
Rational, actor 304
Rational, behavior 124
Rational, non-, irrational, rationale 284
Rationality 310
Rationality of traders 199
Rationality, "higher" 306
Rationality, collective 87 90 106 172 238
Rationality, concept of 76 135—136 284
Rationality, criteria of 101
Rationality, group 87 88 90 114—116 145 161 163 304
Rationality, Harsanyi's conception of 180
Rationality, individual 70 76 87 88 90—91 116 125 238 304
Rationality, standard of 285
Real life, data 298
Real life, situations 49 57—58 62
Realizability 150
Relations 28
Relations, asymmetric 29
Relations, complete 29
Relations, reflexive 28
Relations, symmetric 28
Relations, transitive 29
Returns, decreasing, increasing 206
Riker, W.H. 250—251 298—299 n316
Risks, calculated 45
Rogow, Arnold 245 n315
Saddle point 60—63 65 73—75 80
Saddle point in Two-person game 74
Saddle point, strategies containing 74
Security level 162 187
Self-control 183
Sets 13 15
Sets as arguments of functions 32
Sets as elements 34
Sets as ranges of functions 32
Sets of partitions 34
Sets of players 33
Sets of sets 32 33
Sets of sets of sets 33
Sets, "a set" 14 22
Sets, "belonging to a" 14 15
Sets, addition of 21
Sets, complement of 32
Sets, disjoint 17 21 34
Sets, elements of 16 24
Sets, empty 17 21
Sets, functions of a certain set 40
Sets, infinite 15
Sets, multiplication of 21
Sets, null 17
Sets, subsets 18 22
Sets, subsets, proper 18
Sets, subsets, set of 22 23
Sets, subsets, value of a game to a union of 78
Sets, subtraction of 17
Sets, superset 16 18 21 24
Sets, theory of 13
Settlement 305—306
Shapley value 40 106 109 111 114 143 168 179 180 235 243—244 285 291 293—294
Shapley value as power index 220 242—243 250—251 299
Shapley value as standard of fairness 235
Shapley value, experimental applications of 256
Shapley value, payoffs 113 222
Shapley value, procedure 162 164 166—167 n314
Shapley value, solution 112 132—133 167 170 179 286 291 305
Shapley, L.S. 211 244 271 n315
Shubik, M. 271 283 n312 n315—316
Side payments 84 88 122 124 159 161 199
Simple majority 221
Simplexes 34 36 152 157
Social situations formalized as games n313
Social situations formalized as games, resembling games 285
Social, control 183
Social, friction 144 309
Social, justice 307
Social, mores 235
Social, norms 102
Social, science applied 183
Sociopsychological factors 293
Solution(s) 96 98 100—102 219 see Harsanyi Von
Solution(s) of a large market game 202 204
Solution(s) of cooperative games 107
Solution(s) of Four-person game with distinct imputation simplexes 156
Solution(s), discriminating n313
Solution(s), existence (or non-existence) of n313
Solution(s), finite 225
Solution(s), finite-symmetric 225—226
Solution(s), intuitive justification of 95
Solution(s), normative 113
Solution(s), particular 102
Solution(s), polyhedral 157
Solution(s), strong 120 227
Solution(s), symmetric 101 120 221 225 n313
Solution(s), theory of 98
Space 34
Space trade 198
Space, n-dimensional 36
Space, payoff 174 see
Space, two-dimensional 35
| Stability 95
Stable configurations 288 305 n313 see
Stable pairs 232 286 see "Players"
Stable world 307
Standards, of behavior 190 195 202 225 285
Standards, of fairness 235 237 303
Standards, symmetric 221
Starred derivative 23
status quo 163
Status vector 172
Status-point 162—164 166
Stockholders', meetings 217
Stockholders', voting power 217
Strategic, calculations 45
Strategic, choices 49 87
Strategic, community 304
Strategic, conflict 45
Strategic, mode of thought 304
Strategic, strict analysis 136
Strategic, versatility n312
Strategically equivalent games 258
Strategy(ies) 27 58 62 68
Strategy(ies) in equilibrium 63 158—159
Strategy(ies) of coalition-forming 238
Strategy(ies), "best" 61 63 66 168 303
Strategy(ies), "effective" 48 52 56—57 61 66—67
Strategy(ies), available 61—62 70
Strategy(ies), best pure 65
Strategy(ies), conditional 74
Strategy(ies), coordinated 65 159 167
Strategy(ies), dominated 73
Strategy(ies), dominating 166
Strategy(ies), joint choice of 65
Strategy(ies), logical structure 184
Strategy(ies), maximin 61
Strategy(ies), minimax 61 179
Strategy(ies), mixed 62—64 67—68 158 160 163 n312
Strategy(ies), mixed-coordinated 164
Strategy(ies), optimal 238
Strategy(ies), pure 64 66 158
Strategy, art of 302
Strategy, behavioral n312
Strategy, definitions of 54 56 60 70 n311
Strategy, extensions of concept of 62
Strategy, games of 45
Strategy, matrix 61
Strategy, policy 75
Sum of two games 214
Super-additive properties 81 83
Surplus 126
Surplus maximum 126
symbols 12 13
Syndicates 170 172
Syndicates, dividends to members of 173—174
Syndicates, grand 174 178
Syndicates, sectional 174
Termination rule 53 n311
Theorem(s) 11 13
Theorem(s), fundamental, of N-person game n313
Theoretical economics 307
Thompson, G.L. n312
Thrall, "Thrall power" 242 n314
Thrall, R. 7 156
Threat strategy 164 173—174 178
Threat-point as solution 166
Tic-Tac-Toe 57 61
Total economy 206
Trade, space 198
Trade, unions 234
Trading agreement 204
Transformation, positive linear 163
Two-party system 245
Understanding, intuitive 184
Understanding, intuitive mathematicians' 184
Union (of sets) 18 20
United Nations Security Council 215—216 218
United Nations Security Council, (the) Big Five of 215 218
United Nations Security Council, non-permanent members of 219
United Nations Security Council, voting rules 218
United States, Congress 211 216
United States, Congress, as product game 215 250
United States, Constitution, amending of 211
United States, electoral college 217 244
United States, federal legislature 245
United States, House of Representatives 245
United States, House of Representatives, as majority game 215
United States, President, presidency 245
United States, presidential election 216
United States, presidential election of 1824 298
United States, presidential election, nominating convention 243
United States, Senate 246
Utilitarian point 199
Utility(ies) 125 196 307 see
Utility(ies), additive 168 178
Utility(ies), comparison of 307
Utility(ies), comparison, interpersonal 161—162 199
Utility(ies), diminishing returns of 200
Utility(ies), expected, maximization of 87
Utility(ies), functions 200
Utility(ies), joint, maximization of 199 200
Utility(ies), negative 124
Utility(ies), non-transferable 179
Utility(ies), scale, normalization of 165
Utility(ies), subjective 309
Utility(ies), theory 307
Utility(ies), transferable 170 178 287 293
Utility(ies), transferable-and-comparable 307
Utility(ies), transferable-and-conservative 159 161
Value, of a characteristic function 38
Value, of a game 33 38
Vectors 34
Vectors, components of 35
Vectors, sum of 35
Vectors, weighted average of 35
Venn diagram 19
Veto 210 216
Vickrey, W. 120 227 n313
Vinacke, W. Edgar 295 n316
von Neumann — Morgenstem, "standard of behavior" 285
von Neumann — Morgenstem, of Three-person games 101 103
von Neumann — Morgenstem, of Three-person non-constant-sum games 102—103
von Neumann — Morgenstem, solution 93 95 99 100 103—105 113—114 187 191 193 195 225—227 285—286 309 n312—313
von Neumann — Morgenstem, solution as symmetric 220
von Neumann — Morgenstem, theory 97 105 146 149 190 201—202 221 227 307
von Neumann, J. 6 see
War 45 302 304
Zeuthen, F. n314—315
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