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Rapoport A. — N-person game theory: Concepts and Applications |
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"Anti-competitive Theory" 292
"Anti-competitive Theory", hypothesis 297
"Credibility" 283
"Edgeworth game" 199
"Good faith" 283
"So Long Sucker" 271—283
-stability, of quota games 231
-stability, theory of 140 142 146 192—193 248 280—287 294
Abstraction 50—53
Abstraction, levels of 53
Actor(s), identity of 304—305 n316
Actor(s), rational 304
Adams, John Quincy 298
Addition 21
Adler, Claire 7
Agreement 65
Agreement, binding 193
Algebra 13
Algebra, algebraic equations, solution of 52
Algebra, operations of 19
Alternatives 53—54 57 68
Analysis, of situations 47
Analysis, of situations, game-theoretical 45
applications 183—184
Applied science 183
Arbitration 168
Arithmetic 13
Arithmetic, fundamental operations of 15 19
Arkoff, A. n316
Aumann, R.J. n313
Axioms 11 12
Axioms, consistency of 12
Axioms, satisfied by Shapley value 109
Balance of power principle 305—306
Bargaining 146 172 178 n313
Bargaining leverage 168
Bargaining positions 105 113 123 132
Bargaining power 107 109 130 133
Bargaining process 172
Bargaining set 114—124
Bargaining set model, experimental test of 266
Bargaining strategies 180
Behavioral strategy n312 see
Beneficiary, benefactor 231
Binary operation 24
Bott, Raoul 220 n315
Braithwaite, R.B. n314
Branch point 54 70—71
Business 45 see
Cabinet wars 306
Calculus 13
Campbell, P. 250
Card shuffling n311
Cartels 234
Cartesian product 24—28
Categorical imperative 306
Chance 48 n311
Chance as player 54 56
Chance, events 46
Chance, games of 48
Characteristic function 38 83 90 93 108 110—111 113 166 179 200
Characteristic function form 53 145
Characteristic function in normalized form 85
Characteristic function of "So Long Sucker" game 282
Characteristic function of a game 33
Characteristic function of a large market game 200 205
Characteristic function of a non-constant-sum game 169 200
Characteristic function of Left-Right game 97
Characteristic function of proper game containing a dictator 213
Characteristic function of two-person game 169
Characteristic function, in essential game 85
Characteristic function, non-super-additive properties of 83 121
Characteristic function, normalized 115
Characteristic function, properties of 79
Characteristic function, suitable 179
Characteristic function, super-additive properties of 81 134 207 230
Chess 47 61 64—65
Chess, theory of 61
Choice 54 70
Choice, conditionality of 56
Choice, coordinated 76
Choice, probability of 56
Choice, range of 48
Choice, rational 87
Choice, sequential 67
Choice, simultaneous 74
Choice, strategic 49 87
Clay, Henry 298
Closed corporations 289
Coalition formation 113 122 124
Coalition formation, expected 66 122 289 293
Coalition formation, likely 269 286—287
Coalition formation, order of 107
Coalition formation, sporadic 306
Coalition formation, strategic considerations of 220
Coalition formation, theories of 287
Coalition structure 114 116 119 122 138 140 146 235 287
Coalition structure, changes in 141
Coalition structure, expected 122
Coalition structure, inducement to change 140
Coalition structure, prescribed 135
Coalition structure, rational 122
Coalition structure, restrictions on 146
Coalition, counter- 76 79 83 145 235 238
Coalition, counter-, failure to form 145
Coalition, counter-, rational 81
Coalition, grand 78 81 91 106—107 114—116 120 131—132 134 138 147 149 157 203 235 243 305
Coalition, grand, as only winning coalition 210
Coalition, grand, experimentally observed 267
Coalition, grand, motivations to leave 137
Coalition, grand, unstable 206
Coalition, grand, value of game to 78 84
Coalition, members, admitting 138
Coalition, members, cohesion of 234
Coalition, members, enticing 117
Coalition, members, excluding 117
Coalition, members, expelling 138
Coalition, members, inducing to join 139 193
Coalition, members, inducing to leave 91
Coalition, members, joining 127
Coalition, members, leaving 125—126
Coalition, members, luring away 91
Coalition, members, recruiting 290
Coalitions 33—34 39 41 65—66 68 76 79 82 88 101 107 114 125 145 171 200 see winning"
Coalitions in small market 187
Coalitions of two players 115
Coalitions of weaker players 270 297
Coalitions, "raiding" 141
Coalitions, balanced 128
Coalitions, blocking 208 210 213 218
Coalitions, communication channels in 122
Coalitions, complementary 33 see counter-"
Coalitions, disrupting pressures in 107
Coalitions, empty 107
Coalitions, flat 223
Coalitions, friendship ties 122
Coalitions, habits 122
Coalitions, incentive for preserving 128
Coalitions, losing 208—209 213
Coalitions, payoff to 288
Coalitions, players' contribution to 109
Coalitions, players' expected prospects 108
Coalitions, potential 146 171 305
Coalitions, power of 207 211 234 241 287
Coalitions, power relations of 303
Coalitions, preference for partner 122 124
Coalitions, prospective 91
Coalitions, restrictions on realignments 143 192 309
Coalitions, stability of 116 123 138
Coalitions, stable pair 140 142—143 192
| Coalitions, stable payoff configuration in n313
Coalitions, value of game assigned to each 148
Coalitions, value of game to 77 83 125 220 241
Coalitions, weak vs. strong 290—291
Coalitions, winning 207 209—210 213 215 217 227 288
Coalitions, winning, in UN Security Council 216
Coalitions, winning, minimal 212 220 227 289 295
Coalitions, winning, minority as 211
Coalitions, winning, of product game 214
Coalitions, winning, of sum of games 214
Coalitions, with sellers 144
Coherence of group 293
Combined strategy choices 58 see
Committee 185 209 211—212
Commodity, transferable-and-conservative 66 76 88
Common sense considerations 46
Commutative law, of addition, of multiplication 19
Competition 204 287 302
Competition, competitive advantage 308
Competition, competitors 45
Competition, free 202
Complement 16 20—21 23
Complement of a set 32
Complement, operations of 20
Compromise, reasonable 65
Conflict situations 46—47 52 56 96 286 294 301 305 310
Conflict situations, logical structure of 302
Conflict, decision making in situations of 46 see
Conflict, experiments in 310
Conflict, human 310
Conflict, minimization of 293
Conflict, resolution 305
Conflict, resolution, equitable 308
Conflict, settlement of 66
Conflict, strategic 45
Contact curve 197—198 202
Control, predict, ability to 184
Controlled experiments 185
Cooperation, inducement to 135
Cooperator, single 80
Coordinate system 35
Core 90 114 137 140 151 171 187—189 191 193—194 309 n312
Core artificial 309
Core defined for games in partition function form 151
Core empty 90—92 114 116 138 206
Core of a large market game 203
Core stability of 96
Cost-accounting 304
Crawford, William H. 298
Criteria, epistemological 183
Criteria, utilitarian 184
Davis, M. n313—314
decision makers 45—46 48—49 301 303
Decision making in conflict situations 46 58 286
Decision theory 14
Decision(s) 67
Decision(s), deferring of 56
Decision(s), effective 49
Decision(s), effective, in conflict situations 58
Decision(s), effective, strategic 58
Decision(s), rational 46 49 56
Decision(s), rational, theory of 45
Deduction 12
Deduction, rules of 25
Defector, single 80
Defector, single potential 246
Derived game 241
Descriptive behavior theory 136
Deterrence 306
Diehards 246 see
Disagreement payoff vector 171—172 see
Distributive law of multiplication 20
Divide-the-Dollar game 119—120 n313
Divide-the-Dollar game, bargaining set of 119—120
Dividends, conditional 175—177
Dividends, conditional negative 173
Dividends, conditional unconditionally guaranteed 177
Domination 29 94—95 see dominated dominating"
Domination defined for games in partition function form 150
Domination relation 93
Domination via a subset 93
Domination, mutual 226
Edgeworth, F.Y. 196 198 202 n315
Egalitarian standard 235 see
Electorate 212
Elements 22
Elements of a set 24
Elements, an element 14
enemies 45
Entities, distinguishable 21
Equations, algebraic 42
Equations, algebraic differential 13
Equations, algebraic identity of 37
Equations, algebraic linear 50
Equations, algebraic quadratic 51
Equations, algebraic solutions of 52
Equations, algebraic theory of 52 62
Equilibrium(ia) 63—65 73 75 128 158
Equilibrium(ia), entries 73
Equilibrium(ia), in configurations 128
Equilibrium(ia), of players 136
Equilibrium(ia), outcomes 64 158
Equilibrium(ia), states 141
Equilibrium(ia), strategies 158
Equity principle 113 133
Ethical convictions 123
Excess 125
Excess inducement in coalitions 126
Excess, maximal 127
Experimental science 185
Experimental science, "hard" 185
Experiments, in N-person games 254
Experiments, in N-person games suggested by game theory 308
Extra strategic considerations 123 see
Factorial 40
Failure of negotiations 164
Failure of negotiations to agree 162 168 173 175
flexibility 56
Foreign policy, design of 305
French National Assembly 250—251
Functional notation 31
Functions 30—31
Functions of a certain set 40
Functions, argument of 30 40
Functions, derivation of 37
Functions, domain of 30
Functions, range of 30
Functions, value of 30—31
Game experiment 185
Game of perfect information 54
Game of perfect information in Three-person zerosum 68
Game of perfect information in Two-person zerosum 61
Game of perfect information without information 61
Game theory, "higher" 307
Game theory, applications 183
Game theory, experiments suggested by 308
Game theory, scope of 46
Game tree 53—54 57 59
Game(s), -stable 231 see
Game(s), addition of 214
Game(s), as composite of two games 110—111
Game(s), characteristic function of 33 78—79 see
Game(s), compound 216
Game(s), constant-sum 33 85 115 147 309 see non-zerosum" "N-person" "Three-person" "Two-person zerosum"
Game(s), constant-sum in characteristic function form 169
Game(s), constant-sum in normal form 65
Game(s), cooperative 159 see "Two-person"
Game(s), cooperative, solutions of 167
Game(s), derived 241
Game(s), difference-of-payoffs-game 166
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