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Tenenbaum M., Pollard H. — Ordinary differential equations: an elementary textbook for students of mathematics, engineering, and the sciences
Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå
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Íàçâàíèå: Ordinary differential equations: an elementary textbook for students of mathematics, engineering, and the sciences
Àâòîðû: Tenenbaum M., Pollard H.
Àííîòàöèÿ: This book has been written primarily for you, the student. We have tried to make it easy to read and easy to follow.
We do not wish to imply, however, that you will be able to read this text as if it were a novel. If you wish to derive any benefit from it, you must study each page slowly and carefully. You must have pencil and plenty of paper beside you so that you yourself can reproduce each step and equation in an argument. When we say "verify a statement," "make a substitution," "add two equations," "multiply two factors," etc., you yourself must actually perform these operations. If you carry out the explicit and detailed instructions we have given you, we can almost guarantee that you will, with relative ease, reach the conclusion.
One final suggestion—as you come across formulas, record them and their equation numbers on a separate sheet of paper for easy reference. You may also find it advantageous to do the same for Definitions and Theorems.
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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1985
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 819
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 05.11.2010
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Principal value of 199
Principle of superposition 211 254
Problem involving a centrifugal force 380
Problems, first order equations 107—195 377-7 377-10
Problems, first order equations, accretion 122—124
Problems, first order equations, atmospheric pressure 186—188
Problems, first order equations, body falling in water 144
Problems, first order equations, chain around a cylinder 188—189
Problems, first order equations, decomposition 131—132
Problems, first order equations, dilution 122—124
Problems, first order equations, electric circuit 184—185 377-7 377-10
Problems, first order equations, first order processes 137
Problems, first order equations, flow of heat, steady state 185—186
Problems, first order equations, flow through an orifice 183—184
Problems, first order equations, geometric 107—111
Problems, first order equations, growth 131—132
Problems, first order equations, horizontal motion 160—162
Problems, first order equations, inclined motion 164—166
Problems, first order equations, interest 126—127
Problems, first order equations, isogonal trajectory 115—117
Problems, first order equations, moon 151-6 151-7 151-8 156-38 156-39
Problems, first order equations, motion of a complex system 189—191
Problems, first order equations, oceanic pressure 186 187
Problems, first order equations, orthogonal trajectories 117—120
Problems, first order equations, pursuit curves 168—175
Problems, first order equations, raindrop 143
Problems, first order equations, relative pursuit curves 177—182
Problems, first order equations, rocket motion 191—193
Problems, first order equations, rope around a cylinder 188—189
Problems, first order equations, rotation of a liquid in a cylinder 193—194
Problems, first order equations, second order processes 134—137
Problems, first order equations, steady state flow of heat 185—186
Problems, first order equations, straight line motion 138—166
Problems, first order equations, temperature 129—130
Problems, first order equations, variable mass 191—193
Problems, first order equations, vertical motion 139—151
Problems, linear second order equations 313—389
Problems, linear second order equations, bending of beams 383—389
Problems, linear second order equations, circle, particle moving on circumference of 316—317
Problems, linear second order equations, damped harmonic motion 347—353
Problems, linear second order equations, damped harmonic motion, definition of 347
Problems, linear second order equations, damped motion, forced 359—364
Problems, linear second order equations, damped motion, free 347—353
Problems, linear second order equations, elastic helical spring 324—326
Problems, linear second order equations, elastic helical spring in parallel 330-13
Problems, linear second order equations, elastic helical spring in series 330-14
Problems, linear second order equations, electric circuit, simple 369—375
Problems, linear second order equations, forced motion with damping 359—364
Problems, linear second order equations, forced undamped motion 338—342
Problems, linear second order equations, free damped motion 347—353
Problems, linear second order equations, free undamped motion 313—329 see
Problems, linear second order equations, particle moving on a straight line 314—316
Problems, linear second order equations, particle moving on circumference of a circle 316—317
Problems, linear second order equations, pendulum, simple see "Pendulum"
Problems, linear second order equations, problem involving a centrifugal force 380
Problems, linear second order equations, rolling bodies 381—383
Problems, linear second order equations, simple electric circuit 369—375
Problems, linear second order equations, simple harmonic motion 313—329 see
Problems, linear second order equations, straight line, particle moving on 314—316
Problems, linear second order equations, twisting bodies 383
Problems, linear second order equations, undamped motion 313—342
Problems, linear second order equations, undamped motion, examples of 323—329
Problems, linear second order equations, undamped motion, forced 338—342
Problems, linear second order equations, undamped motion, free 313—321
Problems, special types of second order nonlinear equations 506—530
Problems, special types of second order nonlinear equations, central force 521—522
Problems, special types of second order nonlinear equations, geometric 528—530
Problems, special types of second order nonlinear equations, pursuit 523—525
Problems, special types of second order nonlinear equations, special central force 521—522
Problems, special types of second order nonlinear equations, suspension cable 507—514
Problems, system of equations 440—492
Problems, system of equations, biological 447—451
Problems, system of equations, central force see "Particle in motion in space subject to a central force"
Problems, system of equations, electrical 451—455
Problems, system of equations, mechanical 440—443
Problems, system of equations, particle in motion in space see "Particle in motion in space subject to a central force"
Problems, system of equations, plane motion of a particle see "Particle in motion in space subject to a central force"
Problems, system of equations, plane motion of a projectile 463—465
Problems, system of equations, planetary motion 491—492
Problems, system of equations, projectile in plane 463—465
Product of two operators 257
Projectile, motion of a 463—465
Proof by mathematical induction 250
Properties of Bessel function of first kind 619—622
Properties of Laguerre polynomials 627—630
Properties of Laplace transforms 295—296
Properties of Legendre polynomials 598—605
Properties of polynomial operators see "Polynomial operators"
pure imaginary number 197
Pursuit curves 168—175 523—525
Pursuit curves, relative 177—182
Radioactive material 2
Radius of curvature 528
Raindrop problem 143
Range of a function 9 11
Ratio test for convergence 532
Real number system 197
Real part of a complex number 197
Rectangular form of a complex number 199
Recursion formula 577
Recursion formula for Bessel equation 610
Recursion formula for Hermite polynomial 607-18
Recursion formula for Laguerre equation 625
Recursion formula for Legendre polynomial 601
Reduction of order method 241—246
Region, bounded 14
Region, F-2 of atmosphere 155
Region, simply connected 71
Regular singularity 571
Regular singularity at 586
Relative pursuit curve 177—182
Remainder function 670
Resistance, coefficient of 348
Resistance, electric 370
resistors 369
Resistors in series 454-2
Resonance 373 443
Resonance, undamped 341
Resonant frequency, undamped 341
Response of a system, impulsive 344
Riccati equation 97 247
Riemann integral 70
Riemann-integrable 70 731
Rocket motion 191—193
Rodrigue's formula 602
Rolling bodies 381—383
Roots in conjugate pairs 204-9
Roots of indicial equation 574—584
Roots, imaginary 217—220
Roots, real and distinct 213—214
Roots, real but some multiple 214—217
Rope around a cylinder 188—189
Rotating tube, particle in a 380
Rotation of a liquid 193—194
Rotational inertia 381
Rounding off errors 636 690
Runge — Kutta formulas for second order equation 709
Runge — Kutta formulas for system of two first order equations 702—703
Runge — Kutta formulas for y'=f(x,y) 653—658
Runge — Kutta formulas, comment on error in 657—658
Satellites 488—491 496
Second order equations 500—504 707—711 712-1 712-3
Second order equations, numerical solution of 707—711
Second order equations, numerical solution of, by Adams' method 712-3
Second order equations, numerical solution of, by Milne's method 710—711
Second order equations, numerical solution of, by Runge — Kutta method 709
Second order equations, numerical solution of, error in 712-1
Second order equations, special types of nonlinear 500—504
Second order processes, problems 134—137
Separable variables 52
Separated variables 52
Sequence of functions, convergence of a 728 732
Sequence of functions, uniform convergence of a 729 732
Series for and 201
Series for cos x and cos z 201
Series for sin x and sin z 201
Series for tan x 742
Series of functions 732—733
Series of functions, converges uniformly 732 733
Series, binomial 599
Series, convergence of 531 532
Series, defines a function 533
Series, determination of coefficients of a 534
Series, differentiation of a 534
Series, equality of 534
Series, expansion of inverse operators by 272—277
Series, Frobenius 572
Series, Frobenius, solution of homogeneous linear equation by 572—584
Series, Frobenius, solution of nonhomogeneous linear equation 585-18
Series, hypergeometers 587
Series, interval of convergence of 532
Series, Maclaurin 535
Series, partial sums of 732
Series, power 531
Series, ratio test for convergence of 532
Series, solutions by see "Solution by series methods"
Series, Taylor 535
Series, Taylor, with remainder 537
Set, elements of a 6
Set, meaning of a 5—6
Simple beam 384
Simple electric circuit 369—375
simple harmonic motion 313—329
Simple harmonic motion, amplitude 317
Simple harmonic motion, definition of 314
Simple harmonic motion, description of the motion 315 317
Simple harmonic motion, elastic helical spring 324—326
Simple harmonic motion, equilibrium position 317
Simple harmonic motion, examples of bodies moving in 323—329
Simple harmonic motion, frequency, natural (undamped) 318 319
Simple harmonic motion, harmonic oscillators 323—329
Simple harmonic motion, natural (undamped) frequency 318 319
Simple harmonic motion, particle moving on a straight line 314—316
Simple harmonic motion, particle moving on circumference of a circle 316—317
Simple harmonic motion, pendulum 327—329
Simple harmonic motion, period 318
Simple harmonic motion, phase and phase angle 318
Simple harmonic motion, simple pendulum 327—329
Simple harmonic motion, spring, helical 324—326
Simply, connected region 71
Simply, supported beam 384
Simpson's rule 675 678 679 684
Simultaneous equations see "Entries under System"
Sine x, sin z, expansions of 201
Sine, hyperbolic 203
Singular point of y'=f(x,y) 43 744—747
Singular solution 34
Singularity of a linear equation 570
Singularity of a linear equation, irregular 572
Singularity of a linear equation, regular 571
Singularity of a linear equation, regular at 586
Sixth degree interpolating polynomial 677
Sliding friction 160
Slope field 39
Slowly varying amplitude 345
Solution about a regular singularity 572—584 585 586
Solution about a regular singularity at 586
Solution about a regular singularity of a homogeneous linear equation, where roots of indicial equation, differ by an integer 578—582
Solution about a regular singularity of a homogeneous linear equation, where roots of indicial equation, do not differ by an integer 574—578
Solution about a regular singularity of a homogeneous linear equation, where roots of indicial equation, equal 583—584
Solution about a regular singularity of a nonhomogeneous linear equation 585-18
Solution by series methods 537—584
Solution by series methods by Frobenius series see "Solution about a regular singularity"
Solution by series methods by Taylor series of a linear equation 537—546
Solution by series methods by Taylor series of a nonlinear equation of order n 562—567
Solution by series methods by Taylor series of a system of first order equations 555—559
Solution by series methods by Taylor series of a system of linear first order equations 559—562
Solution by series methods by Taylor series of y'=f(x,y) 548—553
Solution of a system of equations 394—420
Solution of a system of equations by numerical methods 702—706
Solution of a system of equations by Picard's method 723—726 726-9
Solution of a system of equations by series method 555—562 see
Solution of a system of equations of a first order linear system 396—397
Solution of a system of equations of a first order system 394—396
Solution of a system of equations of a linear system with constant coefficients 398—420
Solution of a system of equations of a linear system with constant coefficients by Laplace transforms 418—420
Solution of a system of equations of a linear system with constant coefficients by polynomial operators 398—417
Solutions of differential equations by integrating factors 82—90 94
Solutions of differential equations by inverse operators 272—282 288—291
Solutions of differential equations by Laplace transforms 296—302
Solutions of differential equations by lineal element diagram 39
Solutions of differential equations by method of Frobenius 572—584
Solutions of differential equations by numerical methods 631—718
Solutions of differential equations by operators 262—265 272—282 288—291
Solutions of differential equations by partial fraction expansion of inverse operators 288—291
Solutions of differential equations by Picard's method of successive approximations 720—726
Solutions of differential equations by polynomial operators 262—265
Solutions of differential equations by power series 537—553 562—567
Solutions of differential equations by reduction of order 242—246
Solutions of differential equations by separation of variables 51—55
Solutions of differential equations by series 537—553 562—567
Solutions of differential equations by substitution and other means 101
Solutions of differential equations by successive approximations 720—726
Solutions of differential equations by undetermined coefficients 221—230
Solutions of differential equations by variation of parameters 233—240
Solutions of differential equations, by choice of method 99
Solutions of differential equations, by complex variables 230—231
Solutions of differential equations, definition of 22
Solutions of differential equations, existence of see "Existence and uniqueness theorems"
Solutions of differential equations, explicit 21—23
Solutions of differential equations, general 28—37
Solutions of differential equations, general, definition of 35
Solutions of differential equations, implicit 24—27
Solutions of differential equations, linear combination of 208
Solutions of differential equations, multiplicity of 28—31
Solutions of differential equations, n-parameter family of 30 31—33
Solutions of differential equations, number of independent 208 786
Solutions of differential equations, particular 35
Solutions of differential equations, singular 34
Solutions of differential equations, steady state 361 372
Solutions of differential equations, transient 361 372
Solutions of differential equations, uniqueness of see "Existence and uniqueness theorems"
Solutions of differential equations, Wronskian of 781-Comment 64.15
Solve a differential equation, meaning of 22 81
Special central force problem 521—522
Special types of second order equations 500—504
Special types of second order equations, x absent 503—504
Special types of second order equations, x and y' absent 500—501
Special types of second order equations, y absent 502—503
Specific, gravity 153
Specific, heat 130
Specific, weight 512
Speed of escape 148
Speed, terminal 142
Spring constant 324
Spring, helical see "Elastic helical springs"
Sputnik 491-7
Stable motion 339
Starting formula 680
Starting methods 632
Starting methods, polygonal method see "Polygonal method"
Starting methods, polygonal method, an improvement of 641—643
Starting methods, Runge — Kutta see "Runge — Kutta formulas"
Starting methods, Taylor series 645—652
Static friction 160
Steady state, current 372
Steady state, flow of heat 185—186
Steady state, motion 361
Steady State, Solution 361 372
Stiffness coefficient of a spring 324