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van der Giessen E., Wu T. Y. — Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 34 |
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deformation theory of plasticity 177
Ablowitz, M.J. 323 338 348 361 381 385 409 413 414
Abramowitz, M. 351 381—383 413
Absence of stability 25
Absolute bound 308
Acrivos, A. 321 338 474
Adams, B.L. 87 168
Adaptive parametrization 9
Adjustment sublayer 323 341 378—380
Admissible velocity functions 314
Aernoudt, E. 80 169
Affine displacement 182
Affine transformation 348 378 385 387 405
Aggregate size 134
Ahzi, S. 108—110 163 167 168 222 299
Akylas, T.R. 323 386 413
Algebraic soliton 346 347 410 411
Aligned disks 248
Aligned ellipsoidal inclusions 274
Aligned fibers 204
Aligned spheroidal pores 245
Almroth, B.O. 62 68 72
Alpha-shaped separatrix 406
Altmann, S.L. 163
Amplitude of forcing 386
Anand, L. 79 80 166
Angle/axis representation 84 93
Anisotropic behavior 80
Anisotropic composites 205 247
Anisotropic constituents 193
Anisotropic linear composites 292
Anisotropic material 178
Anisotropic material with special symmetry 288
Anisotropic matrix modulus tensor 241
Anisotropic matrix phase 237
Anisotropic phase 293
Anisotropic plastic response 123
Anisotropic single-crystal grains 193
Anisotropic tangent moduli 273
Anisotropy 106 107 154 293
Aravas, N. 174 271 295
Arbitrarily weak disturbing obstacle 351
Arbitrary phase contrast 220
Arbocz, J. 3 43 72
Arc-length continuation 15
Argyris, J. 5 57 58 72
Artificial diffusion 94
Artificial diffusion, modification 94
Asai, M. 319 416
Asaro, R.J. 78—80 82 89 90 102 108 163 165 167 168
Ashby, M.F. 88 163 165
Associated optimality conditions 208
Asymptotic analysis 350 352 354 380
Asymptotic expansion 350 352
Asymptotic method 43
Asymptotic theory 341
Atluri, S.N. 142 143 163 164
Atmospheric phenomena 348 386
Atmospheric processes 324
Atmospheric science 356
Attraction 25
Avellaneda, M. 234 295
Average strain 286
Avery, D.H. 150 166
Axial compression 68
Axial stress 260
Axis of transverse isotropy 288
Axisymmetric cell 271 272
Axisymmetric deformation 288
Axisymmetric deformation mode 244
Azrar, L. 3 72
Background perturbations 345 383 410
Background subharmonic modes 318
Background-perturbation level 382
Backofen, W.A. 126 163 167
Bacroix, B. 151 165
Baecklund transformations 381
Bahei-El-Din, Y.A. 260 297
Baines, P.G. 324 380 413
Balance laws 141
Bammann, D.J. 104 165
Band-shaped domain 400
Bao, G. 173 268 273 295
Barlat, F. 121 165
Basal strength 131
Basal systems 91
Bathe, K.J. 62 72 73
Bauschinger effect 280
BCC (body-centered cubic) metals 81
BDA (Benjamin — Davis — Acrivos) equation 321 328 340 409
BDA (Benjamin — Davis — Acrivos) equation, forced 350
BDA model 321 323 326 344 345 380 407
BDA model, forced 366 388
BDA one-periodic solution 343 344
BDA solitary waves 410
BDA soliton 355 357 360 383 395
BDA soliton-emission process 324
BDA system 324 403 409
BDA system, forced 3 325 385 389—393 396 397 399 400 402 408 413
BDA-KdV solitons 413
Beaudoin, A.J. 79 80 87 111 119—121 127 135 136 138 141 142 144 163 164
Becker, R. 79 163
Belytschko, T. 5 57 58 72
Benjamin solution 339 345
Benjamin, T.B. 321 322 338 339 346 408 409 410 413
Bennett, K. 80 107 120 164 169
Benney, D.J. 319 415
Bensoussan, A. 185 295
Beran third-order bounds 240 249
Beran, M. 174 235 296
Bercovier, M. 119 164
Berveiller, M. 173 212 262 296
Betchov, R. 319 413
Bhattacharya, K. 215 296
Bicanic, N. 45 72
Bifurcation 5 13 14 357 361 372 390 392 393 395—397 413
Bifurcation, branch 17
Bifurcation, point 2 4 5 11 15 17 21 24 41 42 50 52—54 63 65
Bifurcation, prediction method 70
Bifurcation, problems 61
Bimodal surface 260 261
Biondo, A.C. 88 166
Birkhoff, G. 305 307 308 316
Birth of solitons from erratically distributed signals 413
Bishop, J.F.W. 173 185 296
Blasius boundary 362
Blasius boundary, layer 321 322 326 332 333 335 345 366 388 407
Body-centered cubic (BCC) metals 81
Bogdanova-Ryzhova, E.V. 325 326 346 348 349 351 352 357 361 366 371 385 389 393 397 404 406 409 410 411 474
Bolourchi, S. 62 72
Bonnet, G. 192 269 270 297
Bornert, M. 232 233 235 247 296
Borodulin, V.I. 319 322 327 335 340—346 407 414
Bouchitte, G. 185 296
Boundary conditions and averages 182
Boundary layer 319 320 348 366 377
Boundary layer, 2D 404
Boundary layer, 2D, equations 379
Boundary layer, 2D, flows 409
Boundary layer, 2D, motion 410
Boundary layer, 2D, oscillations 408
Boundary layer, 3D 328 331 376—378 380 384—387 404 407
Boundary layer, 3D, stability 379
Boundary layer, cross-flow 331
Boundary layer, environments 389
Boundary layer, equations 389
Boundary layer, equations of Prandtl 337
Boundary layer, flow 323 325 326 328 345 348 371 388 409 410 413
Boundary layer, nonlinear stability theory 324
Boundary layer, oscillations 381
| Boundary layer, problem 224
Boundary layer, solitons 319 335
Boundary layer, study 356
Boundary layer, theory 320 325 329
Bounded stress 304
bounds 214 294
Bounds, absolute 308
Bounds, classical bounds of Voigt and Reus type 185
Bounds, classical Hashin — Shtrikman bounds 191
Bounds, via piecewise constant moduli 205
Bounds, via piecewise constant polarizations 189
Bout, A. 62 72
Boyce, M.C. 102 164
Branch switch 52—54
Branching diagrams 17 67
Brandi, P. 314 315
Brass component 141
Bratianu, C. 142 143 164
Britt, V. 4 74
Brockenborough, J. 173 296
Brogan, F.A. 5 15 53 54 56 62 64—67 72 75
Bronkhorst, C.A. 79 80 166
Brown, T.J. 90 166
Brush, D.O. 72
Bryant, J.D. 121 164
Bubnov — Galerkin approach 95
Buckling 2 53
Buckling, analysis 1 52
Buckling, experiments 6 35
Buckling, load 51 64
Buckling, mode 39 63 65 66 70
Buckling, motion 6 58 60
Buckling, pattern 55
Buckling, process 58 68
Budiansky 2
Budiansky, B. 2 43 61 72 222 234 240 244 249 276 296
Buechter, N. 62 72
Bufler, H. 62 75
Bulk 287
Bulk, modulus 226 236
Bulk, modulus 208
Bunge, H.J. 81 87 106 164
Burggraf, O.R. 321 323 336—338 346 350 380 414 417
Burov, A.A. 403 406 408 414
Buryachenko, V.A. 213 239 296
Camassa, R. 323 324 387—389 392 414
Canova, G.R. 90 107 108 163 164 166 167 169 222 299
Cantwell, B.J. 413 414
Carbon composite cylindrical shells 67
Carnoy, E. 43 72
Carter, T.D. 318 417
Casciaro, R. 3 73
Case, K.M. 361 414
Cauchy stress 100 105 106 114 175
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 304 305
Cavities 371
Centrifugal forces 331 332
Cesari, L. 314 375
Chan, K.S. 121 124 125 164
Characteristic time 386
Chastel, Y.B. 80 108 112 120 127 164 168
Cheng, C. 174 271 295
Cherkaev, A. 215 233 299
Chin, G.Y. 94 164
Choi, S.K. 79 169
Chopped fibers 274
Christensen, R.M. 214 235 296
Christie, D.R. 324 356 405 414
Christman, T. 173 274 296
Chu, T. 262 296
Clarke, F.H. 308 311 375
Clarkson, P.A. 323 338 348 361 381 385 409 475
Classical minimum energy principles 174
Classical secant method 262 264 266 273 291 294
Classical variational principles and effective potentials 183
Clement, A. 93 164
Clustered bifurcations 63 69
Cnoidal oscillations 401
Cnoidal waves 381—383 405 407
Cochelin, B. 3 72
Cold working 121
Cole, J.D. 328 337 414
Cole, S.L. 323 386 414
Colinearity condition 305
Collapse 4 68
Collin, T.J. 4 74
Complementary energy representation 195
Compliance tensor 210
Composite ellipsoids 233
Composite materials 172
Composite sphere 233 247 254 258
Composite-sphere (CS) types of microstructures 244
Composites with elastic ideally plastic phases 186
Composites with isotropic phases 206
Compound BDA-KdV systems 326 412 413
Compression (ND) axis 112 136 145 150
Computational optimization techniques 313
Concave dual function 198 281 282
Concave function 193 281
Concavity hypothesis 193 195 214 215
Conductivity 227
Conjugate gradient method 144
Conservation laws 338 348 381 385 409
Constituent phases 172 220
Constrained hybrid 109—112 120 127 129 130 133 136 145 147 150 156
Continuation method 3 5 48
Contrast between constituent properties 216
Controlling similarity parameter 357
Conventional stability theory 345
Convergence characteristic 46
Convex dual function 280 283
Convex function 200 280—282 308 310
Convex potential 178
Convex surface 26
Convex yield functions 304
Corke, T.C. 318 414
Coulomb, P. 164
Cowley, S.J. 318 474
Cracked solids 240
Cracks 287
Cracks, aligned 240
Cracks, randomly oriented 240
Craik, A.D.D. 321 474
creep 172 178 194 214 227
Creep, exponent 270
Creeping solids 245
Crisfield, M.A. 3 75
Critical equilibrium state 24
Critical load 2 69
Critical point 5 34
Critical point, unstable 59 65
Critical state 24 33 36—39 50—52 65 70
Crocker, A.G. 91 167
Crossflow 329 377
Crossflow, disturbance 380 407
Crossflow, instability 376
Crossflow, jetlike behavior 376
Crossflow, motion 404
Crossflow-disturbance generation 385 386
Crystal 90
Crystal anisotropy 144
Crystal orientation 78 80 81 93
Crystal orientation, distributions 86
Crystal orientation, velocities 96
Crystal symmetries 84
Crystal viscoplastic stiffness 90
Crystal, deformation rate 90 109
Crystal, stress 90 105 109
Crystalline materials 78 178 283
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