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van der Giessen E., Wu T. Y. — Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 34 |
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Shallow water, channel 323
Shallow water, phenomena 386
Shallow water, wave 377
Shape memory polycrystals 215
Sharp upper bound 305
Sharpness condition 306 308 312
Shear 68 236
Shear, along fibers 288
Shear, flows 319 320
Shear, strength 200
Shear, transverse to fibers 288
Sheet formability 121
Shell modeling 61
Shih, C.F. 167
Shock-capturing techniques 94
Shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction 320
Short zone of transitional-type pulsations 358
Short-length wiggles 322
Short-scaled large-sized flash-spike 327
Short-scaled wiggles 411 412
Short-wavelength oscillations 332
Shtrikman, S. 174 187 230 298
Sidoroff, F. 102 169
Similarity law 325 348 385 386
Similarity parameter 325 349 354 357 365 372 386 388—390 393 394 398 399 401 403 408 411
Simo, J.C. 62 75 96 168
Simple shear 257 259
Single crystal 89 102 178
Singular perturbation technique 407
Skew-symmetric bifurcation 20 21 34—37 60
Skew-symmetrical waves 71
Skin-friction distributions 322
Slip bands 244
Slip directions 91
Slip system 79 84 88 90 91 99 136 144 283
Slip system, activity 80
Slip system, hardness 97
Slip system, normals 91
Slip system, potentials 204
Slip system, shear rates 89
Slipline method 313
Slow disturbance generation 392
Slow disturbance-generation process 389
Slow solitary-wave radiation 352
Slow soliton 352 357
Slow soliton emission 354
Slutsky, S. 244 296
Small-amplitude oscillatory tongue 358
Small-amplitude pulsations 357
Small-contrast expansions 216 219 225 284
Smelser, R.E. 243 301
Smith, C.R. 366 414
Smith, F.T. 318 320—323 327 328 330 332 336—338 341—346 366 377 380 387 389 404 407 415—417
Smyshlyaev, V.P. 214 301
Smyth, N. 323 386 415
Snap buckling 41 56
Snap buckling, motion 70
Solitary wave 357 358
Solitary wave, emission 356
Solitary wave, radiation 365 376 400
Solitary-like boundary-layer flow 407
Solitary-like solution 384
Solitary-like wave 317 324—326 355
Solitary-like wave, emission 371
Solitary-like wave, evolution 357
Solitary-like wave, generation 325
Solition stage 323
Soliton 319 321—327 353 357 380 390 391 401 403 408 410 412
Soliton, emission 323 324 365 388
Soliton, emission, process 323
Soliton, emission, upstream 392
Soliton, radiation 372
Soliton, radiation, upstream 357
Soliton, solution 345 409
Soliton-bearing models 345
Soliton-bearing systems 326
Soliton-generation theory 324
Soliton-like structures 333 339
Sound pulse 334
Sound pulse/local hump interaction 333
Sound-pulse-pressure distribution 333
Spanwise coordinate 332
Spanwise cross-flow 328
Spanwise direction 332
Spanwise lengths 329
Spanwise wavenumbers 331
Spectral decomposition 287 322 341 342
Spherical inclusion 247 269 271 273 288
Spherical inclusion, distributed with statistical isotropy 254
Spherical rigid inclusions 268
Spheroidal inclusion 253 271 275
Spheroidal inclusion in an isotropic material 286
Spike 368
Spike, formation 342
Spike, generation 319
Spike, soliton 412
Spike, soliton, formation 343
Spike, soliton, parameters 342
Spike, soliton, properties 339
Spike, soliton, width 345
Spike, zone 335 337 379
Spitzig, W.A. 244 301
Stability 16 22 25 26 55
Stability at critical states 29
Stability, analysis 2 40 41 386
Stability, boundary 24
Stability, point of view 22
Stable equilibrium state 36 60
Stable postcollapse state 35
Stable static trajectory 67
Starnes, J.H. 4 67 74
Static equilibrium 42
Static equilibrium, branches 4 6
Static equilibrium, path 47
Stationarity conditions 206
Stationary estimate 223
Stationary load 41
Stationary points 15—17
Stationary roughnesses 384
Stationary surface 386
Statistical homogeneity 228
Statistical isotropy 187 247 259
Statistical isotropy, hypothesis 232
Statistically isotropic microstructures 235 238 241 242 247 249 251 254 257
Statistically isotropic microstructures, 2D 251
Statistically isotropic microstructures, 3D 251
Statistically isotropic power-law composites 262
Steady boundary layer 388
Steady cross-flow disturbances 384
Steady shear flow 388
Stegun, I.A. 351 381—383 413
Stehlin, P. 54 75
Stein, E. 80 168
Stein, M. 6 55 75
Steinmann, P. 80 168
Stem, P. 62 72
Stewart, P.A. 318 321 417
Stewartson, K. 320 328—330 417
Stolz, C. 232 233 247 248 295 298
Story, J.M. 121 167
Strain, energy 290
Strain, energy, functions 175 197 281
Strain, gradient plasticity 214
Strain, hardening 106
Strain, heterogeneity 144
Strain, polarization 189
Strain-concentration tensor 225 291
Streamwise flow 328
Streamwise oscillations 376
Streamwise velocity 377
| Streamwise wavenumbers 331
Stress-energy functions 281
Stress-energy potential 209
Stuart, J.T. 318 417
Sturgess, C.E.N. 80 169
Subharmonic periodic orbit 406
Subharmonic resonance 407
Suchy, H. 63 75
Supersonic boundary-layer separation 320
Supersonic external flow 389
Supple, W.J. 63 75
Suquet, P. 173 174 180 182 184 185 192 193 197 200 203 206 207 209—211 213 214 216 218 219 227 234 238—240 245 247 248 254 256 257 259 260—262 265 271—273 276—279 280 290 296—301
Suresh, S. 173 274 296
Surface geometry 386
Swept wing 380
Symmetric bifurcation, pitchfork 20
Symmetric bifurcation, stable 34 35 37 60
Symmetric bifurcation, unstable 34 35 37 60
Symmetric normality relations 311
Szepessy, A. 94 165
Tabourot, L. 79 168
Takeshita, T. 87 91 151 169
Talbot — Willis, bounds 174 214
Talbot — Willis, procedure 174 192 214 215 238 262 269
Talbot — Willis, procedure, hybrid 192 215
Talbot — Willis, variational principle 187 192 214 270
Talbot, D.R.S. 174 187 188 192 205 215 222 239 240 247 248 271 301 302
Taliercio, A. 185 260 297
Tanabe, A. 150 168
Tanaka, K. 232 299
Tandon, G.P. 212 262 302
Tangent moduli 175 176 217
Tangent moduli of phases 294
Tangent moduli, anisotropic 273
Tani, J. 319 417
Taylor 120 156
Taylor, assumption 80 97 107 109 111 112 136 141 144—147 150 157
Taylor, bound 270
Taylor, estimate 270
Taylor, expansion 15 227
Taylor, factor 80 137
Taylor, formula 220
Taylor, G.I. 173 186 302
Taylor, hypothesis 141
Taylor, model 268
Temam, R. 280 297
Teodosiu, C. 79 102 168 169
Terent'ev, E.D. 323 328 331 332 376 378 380 383 416
Texture 88 124 129 134
Texture, analyses 87
Texture, evolution 96 97 105 137 140 147
Theory of elastic stability 2
Theory of plasticity 311
Theory of solitons 320 327 339
Thermodynamic potentials 276
Thermoelastic composites 215 228
Thin-walled cylindrical shell 2
Thin-walled shells 61
Third-order bounds 235
Thomburg, D.R. 150 169
Thompson, J.M.T. 11 23 75
Thompson, P.F. 79 169
Three-dimensional waves 344
Three-point statistics 235
Thunderstorms 324
Thurston, G.A. 54 75
Tidstrom, K.D. 318 321 326 415
Timofeev, S.V. 333 334 416
Titanium 121 133 150
Tokuda, M. 80 165
Tollmien — Schlichting (TS) linear eigenmodes 318
Tome, C.N. 107 151 166 169
Tong, P. 142 169
Tongue 354
Toth, L.S. 167
Transformation field analysis 276
Transient behavior of a structure 38 42 54
Transient procedure 59 71
Transient-type phase 397
Transition 318 321 339 346 366
Transitional boundary layer 339
Transitional boundary-layer flows 322
Transitional process 358
Transverse (TD) direction 112
Transverse isotropy 227 231 275
Transverse shear 227 252 257 260
Transversely isotropic microstructures 260
traveling wave 345
Tresca norm 312
Tresca, H. 304 312 375
Triple deck 326 328 329 331 377 379
Triple deck, approach 345
Triple deck, scheme 321 329 335 389
Triple deck, stage 328 380 383
Triple deck, structure 336
Triple deck, theory 320 321
Troger, H. 63 75
TS (Tollmien — Schlichting) wave amplification 319
TS waves (2D) 332
TS wavetrain 340
Tvergaard, V. 173 245 274 275 302
Twinning 88 112 149 151
Two-dimensional boundary-layer flow 318
Two-dimensional symmetric polycrystals 269
Two-phase composites 225 235 253 256 262
Two-point statistics 294
Uetani, K. 63 74
Uniaxial compression textures 150
Unidirectional composites 261
Unidirectional composites with transverse isotropy 256
Uniform strain (Taylor) assumption 107
Uniform stress assumption 108 111 112 130 146
Unstable boundary layers 317
Unstable buckling 5
Unstable critical state 38 40 59 65
Unstable secondary branch 59
Upper bound 191 214 232 243
Upstream soliton 353
Upstream-advancing solitary waves 395
Upstream-propagating waves 401
Van Bael, A. 80 169
Van der Burg, M.W.D. 245 302
Van der Giessen, E. 93 121 169 245 302
Van Dyke, R.T. 121 164
Van Houtte, P. 80 93 108 109 151 168 169
Van Keulen, F. 62 72 76
Van Tiel, J. 302
Vandepitte, D. 4 41 75
Variational bounds 251 252 268
Variational bounds of Reus 258 267 270
Variational bounds of Voigt 258 267 270
Variational estimate 235 245 269 271 272—275
Variational method 187 192 211—213 220 253 255 262 263 267 269 271 274 276 279
Variational Principle 174 195 197 198 236 285
Variational principle of Talbot and Willis 187 214 270
Velocity difference friction model 128
Velocity oscilloscope 319 322 412
Velocity oscilloscope, traces 326 335
Velocity-based viscoplastic formulation 155
Velocity/pressure formulation 142
Vibrating ribbon 318
Vigorous oscillation 368 370
Vigorous peaky-type disturbances 361
Vigorous pulsation 356 360 362—364 370 371 392 396—400 402 403
Vigorous pulsation, modulation 400
Vigorous pulsation, process 365 404
Viscoplastic approximation 100 105 113 127 141
Viscoplastic finite-element formulation 138
Viscoplastic response 89
Viscous flow 320 377
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