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van der Giessen E., Wu T. Y. — Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 34
van der Giessen E., Wu  T. Y. — Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 34

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Название: Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 34

Авторы: van der Giessen E., Wu T. Y.


This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied mechanics

Advances in Applied Mechanics has a history of publishing comprehensive,
state-of-the-art articles in numerous subfields of applied mechanics.
But in no way does this imply that this particular area has been fully
excavated. The articles in the present volume give convincing evidence that
the developments often continue, requiring an update of previous advances.
Eduard Riks' article gives an up-to-date overview of the advancements
made in the area of (post)buckling analysis since the often-quoted article
in this series by B. Budiansky in 1974 (Vol. 14, pp. 2-65). In addition to
providing a thorough outline of modern, computational techniques for
buckling and postbuckling analysis of structures, this article also discusses
recent methods of carrying out transient analyses after loss of stability.
The latter offers new interesting insights into the notorious phenomenon
of mode jumping.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 439

Добавлена в каталог: 01.11.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Nonlinear Hashin — Shtrikman bounds      227
Nonlinear homogenization procedures      235
Nonlinear hydrodynamic stability theory      328
Nonlinear polycrystals      210
Nonlinear solitary-like wavetrains      323
Nonlinear soliton stage      323
Nonlinear wave equations      335
Nonlinear wave generation      348
Nonlinear wave pattern      354
Nonlinearly viscous constitutive models      294
Nonmonotonic loadings      276
Nonnegative dissipation      303 312
Nontrivial lower bounds      191
Nonuniform background perturbations      388
Nonuniform elevation      396
Nonzero background perturbations      322
Normality      303 304 310
Normality relation      307 308
Normalized phase velocity      345
Nour Omid, B.      62 74
Obstacle crest      400
Oceanic events      324
Oceanic phenomena      348 386
Oceanic sciences      356
Ogden, R.W.      111 167
Ohtani, S.      121 165
Olson, T.      192 254 300
Onat, E.T.      87 167 168
One-periodic and soliton solutions      381
One-sided bounds      191 214 233
Onset of random elements in fluid motion      413
Operator norms      311
Optimal linear comparison solid      199
Optimality conditions      282 283
Order two statistical information      174
Orientation      86
Orientation, distribution      94
Orientation, distribution, conservation equations      93
Ortega, J.M.      3 45 46 74
Ortiz, M.      80 164
Oscillation      352 358 393
Oscillation, coils      361 363 397 402—404
Oscillation, cycle      319 322 326 341—343 360 366 398 407
Oscillation, motion      412
Oscillation, motion, downstream      357
Oscillation, parameters      379
Oscillation, pattern      348 361 386 401
Oscillation, pattern, 2D      377
Oscillation, process      361
Oscillatory tongue      390 391 401 408 411
Oscilloscope trace      319 343
Otte, H.M.      91 167
Overall constitutive law      292
Overall energy      284
Overall flow stress      269
Overall hardening      280
Overall isotropy      259
Overall stress-strain relation      291
Pairing      306
Pan, J.      90 167
Panchanadeeswaran, S.      81 163
Panel buckling      63
Papanicolaou, G.      185 295
Parabolic boundary-layer equations      320
Parametric-resonance amplification      318 321
Parametric-resonance type      318
Park, K.C.      58 74
Parks, D.M.      102 109 110 163 164 167
Particle, aligned      275
Particle, dispersed randomly      275
Particle, elastic      275
Particle, shape      274
Particle, spheroidal      275
Particle-reinforced composites      233 256 259
Particle-reinforced metal-matrix composites      275
Particulate microstructures      231 233 234 236 247
Particulate type of microstructure      192 230 247 258
Partitioning assumptions      106 107 130 132 141
Partitioning rules      107 109 112 151 154 156
Path-following method      6 43 45 47 48 49 52 59 60 69
Patoine, A.      385 416
Paton, N.E.      167
Peaky-type pulsations      365 366
Peirce, D.      79 80 82 90 167 168
Perfect disorder      234
Perfect plasticity      252 259
Perfect plate      63 65
Perfect plate, clustered bifurcations      64
Perfectly plastic limit      270
Peridier, V.J.      366 416
Periodic forcing      407
Periodic oscillations      380
Periodic process      363
Perrin, G.      245 299
Perturbation      27 29 36 38 40 43 59
Perturbation, approach      47
Perturbation, expansion      227
Perturbation, forces      37 38
Perturbation, method      43 48
Perturbation, theory      3 61 64
Perturbing roughnesses      366
Peters, M.      150 167
Phan-Thien, N.      235 236 299
Phase plane      67
Phase plane, portrait      65
phase velocity      341 347 360 395 396
Phase-average strains      222 246
Phenomena, atmospheric      348 386
Phenomena, deep water      348
Phenomena, oceanic      348 386
Phenomena, shallow water      386
Phillipe, M.J.      150 151 168
Pian, T.H.H.      142 169
Piecewise constant linear comparison composite      211
Piecewise constant, polarization fields      218 286 287
Piecewise constant, polarization Hashin — Shtrikman estimates      232
Piecewise constant, shear modulus      254
Piehler, H.R.      150 169
Pillinger, I.      80 169
Pitchfork bifurcation      20 21
Planar deformation      79
Plane strain compression      96 97 112 138 141 144 145
Plane strain transverse shear      242 250
Plane stress      305 311 313 314
Plastic composites      258
Plastic dissipation function      185
Poincare map      406 407
Point attractor      36
Point-to-set map      311
Poiseuille flow      319
Polarization field      188 189 218 232
Pole expansions in a complex plane      323 338 381
Polycrystal      156 182 192 201 210 234
Polycrystal, plasticity      77 106 126 152 156
Polycrystal, plasticity, theory      78 80 86
Polycrystalline aggregates      193 215 234
Polycrystalline metals      78 86 91 126 140
Polycrystalline solids      87 99 173 269
Polyphase systems      106 110
Ponte Castaneda procedures      192 215
Ponte Castaneda procedures, hybrid      192 215
Ponte Castaneda, P.      174 190—193 195 200—202 205 206 208 210 214—216 218—220 224 225 227 231—233 238—242 244 245 247—249 251 252 254—257 261 262 265 269—271 274 275 289 290 291 295 296 298—302
Popov, S.P.      324 361 417
Porous materials      175 213 237
Porous materials with incompressible phases      239
Pospiech, J.      81 165 167
Postbuckling behavior      2 4 32
Postcollapse state      68 71
Potential energy functional      33
Potential flow field      320
Potential velocity field      328
Potier-Ferry, M.      3 63 72 75
Power law      177
Power law, composites      174 209 267
Power law, constituents      192 202
Power law, creep      269
Power law, exponent      244
Power law, materials      191 194 197 202 251 253 263 265 271
Power law, polycrystals      204 211 269 270
Power law, porous materials      242—244
Prandtl, approach      320
Prandtl, equations      330 335 341
Prandtl, L.      304 315
Prantil, V.C.      87 93 108 109 112 168
Predetermined displacement thickness      379 389
Primal norm      304 308 309 312 313
Primal-dual relation      304
Prismatic and pyramidal slip systems      144
Projection operators      109
Projection tensors      226 287
Propagation      335 360
Propagation, speed      396 411
Pseudo-spectral method of Burggraf      350
Pulsation crest      375
Pulsation cycles      366 400
Pulsation process      374
Pulse-mode disturbance      345
Pumping      352
Purely deviatoric loading      242 243
Pyramidal slip      112 121
Pyramidal slip, system      97 131 147
Qiu, Y.P.      213 239 301
Quadratic-to-quartic-type nonlinearities      318
Quantitative texture analysis      87
Quasi-conservative structure      7
Quasi-steady peak      390
Quasi-two-dimensional region      344
Radiation      400
Radiative damping      324
Ramazanov, M.P.      319 340 415
Ramberg — Osgood model      177
Ramm, E.      62 72 74
Ramp flow      386
Ramp slope      388
Ramp-type flow      387 388
Ramp-type obstacle      392
Random composites      228 231 233
Random disturbances      403
Random microstructures      173
Randomization      403
Randomly isotropic configurations      261
Randomly oriented spheroidal particles      252
Rankin, C.C.      4 5 15 41 42 47 53 56 62 64—67 70 74—76
Raphanel, J.L.      79 108 109 168 169
Rashid, M.M.      80 93 168
Rate dependence      154
Rate-dependent single-crystal behavior      79
Rauscher, G.P.      167
Rayleigh damping      8
Reed, H.L.      328 331 416
Reid, W.H.      345 414
Reissner — Mindlin assumptions      61
Reissner, E.      61 74
Relaxed constraints      108 111 120 126
Representative volume element      181
Repulsion      25
Resonant-triad interaction      318
Reuss      258 267 270
Reuss, A.      186 301 304 315
Reuss, bound      192 215
Reuss, lower bound      252 259
Reynolds, G.A.      318 417
Rheinboldt, W.C.      3 9 45 46 52 74
Rice, J.R.      90 167 276 302
Richmond, O.      300
Rifai, M.S.      62 75
Rigid disks      248 288
Rigid ideally plastic composites      192 204
Rigid ideally plastic constituents      204 268
Rigid ideally plastic materials      185 204
Rigid inclusions      253 268
Rigid perfectly plastic porous materials      245
Rigidly reinforced composites      175 246 247
Rigorous bounds      294
Riks, E.      3—5 9 15 41 42 45 47 51—54 56 64—67 74 75
Rodrigues space      84
Roe, R.J.      87 168
Rollett, A.D.      87 166
Rolling      80 81 97 105 121 126 133 142 155
Rolling (RD) direction      112 145 150
Rotating disk      380
Roughness      358
Roughness, mass      386
Royden, H.L.      311 315
Ryzhov, O.S.      320—323 325—328 330—334 336—339 341—346 348 349 351 352 357 361 366 371 376—378 380 383 385 389 393 397 403 404 406—411 414—417
Sachs assumption      141
Sachs, G.      108 168 186 301
Saddle point theorem      196
Saenz, A.W.      407 415
Salerno, G.      3 75
Salvadori, A.      314 315
Sam, D.D.      87 168
Sanchez-Palencia, E.      185 301
Sani, R.L.      119 164
Sansour, C.      62 75
Sargent, L.M.      318 321 326 415
Saric, W.S.      318 328 331 476 417
Sarma, G.B.      80 109—111 120 121 127 141 142 148 164 168
Savenkov, I.V.      321 328 333 334 416
Scaling      377
Schaeffer, D.      18 63 73 75
Scheurle, J.      407 415 417
Schlichting, H.      318 417
Schoenfeld, S.E.      168
Schubauer, G.B.      318 321 326 417
Secant      175 271
Secant, compliance tensor      180
Secant, estimate      269 271—273
Secant, method      173 211 213 262 267 273 279 290 292
Secant, method, classical      262 264 266 273 291 294
Secant, models      175
Secant, moduli      176 193 199 294
Secant, procedure      212
Secant, procedure, modified      294
Secant, tensor      212 277
Second bifurcation      366—370 403 408
Second moment      285 286
Second moment of strain      212
Second moment of stress      213
Second order in a contrast      224 225
Second-order bounds      227
Second-order estimates (SOE)      220 226 241 243 245 249 251 252 256 269 294
Second-order moment of a strain      207
Second-order procedure      174 262 266
Second-order theory      216 250 267
Second-order theory of Ponte Castaneda      225
Self-consistent estimates      174 200 233 240 242 249 250 268
Self-consistent estimates, generalized      214
Self-consistent scheme (SC)      173 262 267 271
Self-consistent scheme (SC), generalized      272 274
Self-excited oscillation      341
Self-excited wave      341
Self-induced pressure      331 332
Seminorm      308
Separation from a smooth surface      320
Separation-bubble breakdown      389
Separatrix loop      405
Sequentially laminated composites      200 255
Serghat, M.      151 168
Seydel, R.      3 9 45 47 51 75
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