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van der Giessen E., Wu T. Y. — Advances in Applied Mechanics, Volume 34 |
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Huh, H. 314 315
Hultgren, L.S. 318 417
Hump 325 333 334 349 352—355 357 360 366 368 370 373 390 408
Hump, crest 356 360 363 364 365 369—371 392 397—404
Hunt, G.W. 11 23 75
Hutchinson, J.W. 90 107 120 165 173 214 244 265 268—270 273 295—298
Hybrid element polycrystal 140 141 142 144 145 148 150 151
Hydrodynamic stability theory 322
Hydroforming 121 155
Hydrostatic strain 242
Hyperbolic conservation laws 94
Ibe, G. 87 165
Ibrahimbegovic, A. 62 75
Ideally plastic composites 173 175
Ideally plastic polycrystals 173 271
Iida, S. 319 416
Imperfection 65 67
Imperfection, sensitivity 2
Incipient motion at unstable points 38
Incipient transition time 353 354 357 372 388 392 393
Inclusion phase 230
Inclusion shape 288
Incompressibility constraint 144
Incompressible matrix material 287 289
Incompressible power-law materials 272
Incremental composite model 175 268 273 279
Incremental composite model of Hutchinson 270
Incremental convection scheme 95
Incremental elastoplastic model 274
Incremental version of self-consistent method 173
Inextensible deformation mode 109
Infinitesimal harmonic oscillations 411
Infinitesimal harmonic waves 411
Infinitesimal waves 383
Inhomogeneous BDA model 346
Inhomogeneous BDA system 338
Inhomogeneous KdV system 384
Initial boundary layer 378
Instantaneous displacement thickness 330—332 441
Instantaneous displacement thickness, distributions 352 358 361 389 395
Instantaneous displacement thickness, oscillations 321
Instantaneous disturbance patterns 355 359 362 368 373 391 395 401 412
Instantaneous wave patterns 350 353 390
Intense pulsations 375 376
Interaction law 330—332 335 377
Intercrystal boundaries 142
Intermediate adjustment sublayer 336 337 341 377 378
Internal atmospheric solitary waves 324
Internal gravity waves 324
Inverse scattering 381
Inverse scattering, transforms 323 361
Inverse scattering, transforms, Lax pairs 338
Inviscid governing equations 336
Inviscid wave motion 338
Inviscid/inviscid interaction process 378
Inviscid/inviscid interaction theory 388
Isochoric plastic deformations 142
Isothermal conditions 100
Isotropic composite sphere assemblages 254
Isotropic composites 174 215 226 254 292
Isotropic composites, 3D 252
Isotropic composites, rigidly reinforced 247
Isotropic constituents 192 201 218 220 235 237 253 282
Isotropic hardening 276 279
Isotropic linear comparison composites 203
Isotropic microstructures 187 258 267
Isotropic nonlinear matrix phase 246
Jacobian elliptic function 382
Jain, M. 121 169
Jarvis, G.W. 121 167
Jeanloz, R. 87 91 151 169
Jenkins, J.T. 87 90 93 109 120 136 138 167—169
Jet-like crossflow disturbances 323
Jet-like near-wall crossflow disturbances 323
Johnson, C. 94 114 165 166
Johnson, G.C. 87 91 104 119 135 138 144 151 165 169
Johnson, K.H. 45 72
Johnson, R.S. 323 338 348 385 409 474
Jonas, J.J. 121 169
K-regime 318
K-route 326
K-route to transition 321 322 340 341
Kachanov, L.M. 289 298
Kachanov, Yu.S. 318—320 322 327 335 340—346 407 474 415
Kailasam, M. 227 239 256 298 300
Kalidindi, S.R. 79 80 166
Kallend, J.S. 87 88 106 166
Kaplan, R.E. 408 413 417
KdV (Korteweg — de Vries), disturbance-generation process 389
KdV equations 322 324 328 409
KdV generation process 408
KdV model 323 326 391 403 407
KdV radiation process 401
KdV solitary waves 323 395 410
KdV soliton 381 383 396
KdV soliton, first 393
KdV systems 323 376 380 408 409
Khorrami, A.F. 389 417
Kirchhoff — Love assumptions 61
Klebanoff, P.S. 318 321 326 475 417
Klein, H. 6 68 75
Knops, H.A.J. 42 75
Kocks, U.F. 79—81 87 88 90 91 108 109 111 120 126 136 141 142 165 164 166 167 169
Kohn, R.V. 189 215 233 269 271 296 298 299
Koiter asymptotic theory 3
Koiter, W.T. 2 11 18 22 23 29 30 33 61 63 64 69 73
Komoda, H. 319 417
Korzekwa, D.A. 80 87 120 136 163
Koss, D.A. 121 124 125 164
Kouhia, R. 3 73
Kozlov, V.V. 318 319 340 415
Kratochvil, J. 80 165
Kreher, W. 213 298
Kroener, E. 234—236 298
Kumar, A. 82 85 87 93—95 127 166
Kummer, M. 407 415
Laminar boundary layer 339
Laminar-turbulent transition 326 413
Laminar-turbulent transition, process 346
Laminates 200 277
Landahl, M.T. 319 415
Landau, L.D. 318 388 415
Lanzo, A.D. 3 43 73 74
Larson, F.R. 150 166
Lattice, orientation 86 88 136
Lattice, rotations 96
Lattice, spin 90 93
Laws, N. 222 287 299
Lax pair 323 381
Lebensohn, R.A. 107 151 166
Leblond, J.-B. 245 297 299
Leckie, F.A. 87 167
Lee, B.J. 245 251 252 299
Lee, E.H. 102 166
Lee, S.J. 324 380 415
Lee, S.S. 318 415
Lee, Y.-S. 80 166
Lemond, J. 79 82 167
Lenning, G.A. 165
Levchenko, V.Ya. 318 319 340 415
Level sets 307
Levin, V.M. 225 299
Li, G. 247 248 271 274 275 298
Lifshitz, E.M. 318 388 415
Lighthill, M.J. 415
Limit analysis 256
Limit cycle 361
Limit points 5 11 12 15 16 20 21 24 34—37 50 52 60
Limit-cycle-type loop 375
Limit-cycle-type oscillations 325
| Limit-cycle-type process 370
Limiting conditions 332
Limiting dome height tests 155
Linan, A. 377 387 404 416
Linear comparison, composite 174 192 194—196 199 206—208 215 269 294
Linear comparison, polycrystal 210
Linear comparison, porous material 241
Linear comparison, solid 199
Linear elastic composites 172 213 225 228 247
Linear elastic inclusions 272 280
Linear Hashin — Shtrikman bounds 174 247
Linear heterogeneous comparison solid 195 220
Linear monochromatic motion 327
Linear porous material 238
Linear self-consistent estimate 240
Linearized buckling analysis 43 49
Lions, J.L. 185 295
Lipanov, A.M. 213 239 296
Little, T.D. 215 269 271 298
Liu, C.H. 260 294 297
Liu, K.H. 314 315
Lo, K.H. 214 235 296
Load-carrying capacity 22 40
Local potential 199
Local problem 181 182 290
Local quantities 172
Local roughness 349 362 385 389 390 397 400 401 411
Local roughness shape 347
Local secondary high-frequency (LSHF) instability 319
Local streamwise 329
Local stress and strain fields 182
Localized deformation modes 244 252
Loss of stability 22 24 34 58
Lower bounds 191 214 232 246
Luecke, K. 81 87 165
Luetjering, G. 150 167
Lurie, K. 215 233 299
Lyapunov criterion 22
Lyapunov — Schmidt — Koiter reduction of equilibrium equations 18 19
MacEwen, S.R. 121 169
Macheret, Y. 297
Mackens, W. 48 74
MacLane, S. 305 307 308 315
Macroscopic deformation rate 109 110 136 154
Macroscopic scales 106
Mallet, M. 94 165
Mallet, R.H. 3 73
Mammel, W.L. 94 164
Mandel, J. 276 299
Maniatty, A.M. 80 166
Maree, J. 58 74
Marin, E.B. 90 102 115 118 120 136 138 142 166 167
Marsden, J.E. 407 415 417
Mass 346 358 367 372 394
Mass of disturbing obstacle 348
Mass, conservation law 385
Mass, pumping 352
Mathur, K.K. 79 80 87 90 96 108 109 111 119—121 126 135 136 138 141 142 144 163 164 167
Matzenmiller, A. 62 74
McCoy, J.J. 240 249 299
McHugh, P.E. 167
McLaughlin, R. 235 288 299
McMeeking, R.M. 173 268 273 295
Mear, M.E. 245 251 252 299
Mecking, H. 79 108 151 163 165
Mel'nikov function 406
Messiter, A.F. 320 328—330 377 387 404 416
Metal-forming processes 134 295
Metal-matrix composites 172 271—274 276 295
Method of successive linearizations 43
Michel, J.C. 245 262 299
Microscopic scale 106
Microstructure evolution 295
Miehe, C. 51 76
Mika, D. 98 167
Miller, M.P. 91 167
Milton parameters 249 255
Milton, G.W. 189 215 233—236 240 249 298 299
Mindlin, R.D. 61 74
Minimax (duality) theorems in plasticity 305
Minimax formulations of plasticity problems 304
Minimum energy principles 185 235
Minkowski norms 304 305 307 308 309
Mitsudera, H. 324 349 356 361 416
Mizukami, A. 94 165
Mlejnek, H.P. 5 57 58 72
Mode jumping 5 55 62 65 71 72
Mode jumping, experiment 6
Mode jumping, mechanisms 72
Mode jumping, problem of Stein 64
Mode jumping, procedure 68
Modulated oscillatory motion 355 363
Modulated oscillatory tongue 355 360
Modulated strong pulsations 398
Molinari, A. 90 107 164 167 169 222 299
Moment of a mass 386
Monochromatic TS wavetrain 335
Monotonic loading 276 279
Morawiec, A. 82 83 95 167
Mori — Tanaka estimates 232
Mori, T. 232 299
Morphologically representative patterns 232 233
Moulinec, H. 173 234 256 260 261 300 301
Multiparticle effective field method 213 239
Multistructured boundary layers 320
Murat, F. 230 233 236 297
Murtha, S.J. 121 167
N-breakdown 318
N-route to transition 318 321
Nachbar, W. 73
Nakamura, T. 63 74
Narrow flashes 319
Narrow high-amplitude-spike zone 377
Narrow negative spike 335
Navier — Stokes equations 330
Neale, K.W. 121 169
Near wake behind the trailing edge of a flat plate 320
Near-wall sublayer 379
Near-wall viscous sublayer 335 337 338 340 341 379 380 389
Nebozhyn, M.V. 242 249 271 289 300
Needleman, A. 79 80 82 90 102 163 167 168 173 245 274 296 302
Negative flash-spike 327
Neighborhood compliance assumption 110 111
Neiland, V.Ya. 320 416
Neishtadt, A.I. 407 416
Nemat-Nasser, S. 80 168 228 300
Nemeth, M.P. 4 74
Neo-Eulerian parametrizations 82
Neumann, P. 81 82 84 165 167
Newtonian viscous material 177
Nguyen, Q.S. 276 278 297 298
Nishimura, T. 121 150 165 168
Nishioka, M. 319 416
No-long-range order hypothesis 228
No-overlap hypothesis 232
No-slip conditions 332 335 337 377 379
Non-Euclidean model 304
Nonconvex function 311
Nonhydrostatic loading of dry pores 242
Nonlinear composites 171 191 192 220 237
Nonlinear composites with anisotropic phases 198 205
Nonlinear composites with isotropic phases 193 208
Nonlinear composites with random microstructures 294
Nonlinear conductivity 227
Nonlinear cross-flow 380
Nonlinear cross-flow, eigenmodes 323 381
Nonlinear dielectric composites 190
Nonlinear disturbances 335
Nonlinear eigenmode 345
Nonlinear elastic models 294
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