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van der Giessen E., Wu Theodore Y.-T., Hassan A. — Advances in Applied Mechanics. Volume 38
van der Giessen E., Wu Theodore Y.-T., Hassan A. — Advances in Applied Mechanics. Volume 38

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Íàçâàíèå: Advances in Applied Mechanics. Volume 38

Àâòîðû: van der Giessen E., Wu Theodore Y.-T., Hassan A.


Mechanics is defined as a branch of physics that focuses on motion and
the reaction of physical systems to internal and external forces.
This highly acclaimed series provides survey articles on the present state and future direction of research in important branches of applied solid and fluid mechanics.

ßçûê: en

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 372

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 30.10.2010

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Abel’ integral equation      332
Abeyaratne, R.      38 53 88
Abraham, F.F.      100 119 141 143
Aburatani, H.      257 279
Aerial locomotion, hydrodynamic theories      296—299
Aero, E.L.      7 88
Airfoil dynamics brisk start-stop process      330
Airfoil dynamics, nonlinear lifting-surface theory      314—332
Airfoil dynamics, unsteady      325
Al-Shreef, H.      239 280
Albano, E.      299 350
Aldinger, F.      199 289
Alejandre, J.      98 124 125 127 142
Alexander, R.M.      294 350
Allen, M.P.      97 99 103 123 142
Amiiform locomotion      302
Anderson, D.M.      8 88
Angenent, S.      53 88
Anstis, G.R.      262 279
Antiplane deformation, conductive cracks      202—205
Antiplane deformation, elliptical cavity propagation under      185—186
Antiplane deformation, general solution for      166—167
Antiplane solution, fracture mechanics for mode III cracks      173—175
Antman, S.S.      7 23 78 88
Aoki, S.      68 88 159 283
Aquatic locomotion, classical slender-body theory      301—311
Aquatic locomotion, energetics, scale effects in      338—347
Aquatic locomotion, generalized slender-body theory      311—314
Aquatic locomotion, hydrodynamic theories      296—299
Aquatic locomotion, nonlinear lifting-surface theory      314—332
Aquatic locomotion, resistive theory      300—301
Arbitrary loading, planar cracks under      231—236
Arlt, G.      239 240 242 243 246 256 280 282 285 286
Ashley, H.      325 350
Aspect-ratio, lifting surface      295
Aspect-ratio, small and large      297
Asymmetric loading, ellipsoidal cavity under      229—231
Atkinson, C.      68 88
Atluri, S.N.      209 211 212 213 214 280
Augusti, G.      8 87 88 92
Axisymmetric loading, ellipsoidal cavity under      225—228
Azuma, A.      296 350
Bahr, H.A.      268 282
Baidakov, V.G.      118 142
Bakker, A.F.      106 110 134 144 145
Balance in presence of discontinuity surfaces      33—38
Balance of interactions at crack tip      56—57
Balance of interactions from invariance of outer power      16—21
Balker, H.      268 282
Banavar, J.R.      120 135 138 143 145 146
Bannasch, R.      338 350
Barber, B.P.      139 142
Barnett, D.M.      162 164 165 166 171 179 183 186 209 211 212 214 249 254 280 282 284 287
Barnett, R.N.      133 144
Bash, P.A.      103 142
Batra, R.C.      32 88
Bau, H.H.      135 143
Beale, P.D.      256 281
Bellur, K.R.      239 280
Bemardini, D.      8 75 92
Ben-Zion, Y.      167 286
Bending strength, electric field effect      247—249
Bending strength, PZT ceramics      265—267
Bending strength, temperature effect      245—247
Benjamin, I.      127 142
Beom, H.G.      209 211 212 213 214 280
Berglund, K.      32 88
Bernoulli equation      304 321
Binz, E.      8 88
Biofluiddynamics, International Conference      315
Biofluiddynamics, viscous drag and      339
Biscari, P.      7 78 81 89
Blake, J.R.      293 350
Blake, R.      302 351
Body-fin movement, in slender-body theory      302—305 311—314
Bofill      79 88
Bogy, D.B.      119 142
Boiling, explosive      136—137
Boltachev, G.Sh.      118 142
Boundary conditions, body-fin movement      304—305
Boundary conditions, classic MD simulation      100—101
Boundary conditions, electric potential      203
Boundary conditions, electric, on electrically insulating crack faces      175—178
Boundary conditions, kinematic      322
Boundary element method      276
Boundary layer, leading-edge separation      298
Boundary layer, microcracked solids      14
Boundary layer, viscous      297
Boundary surface variables      319
Brennen, C.      293 294 296 351 352
Brenner, H., Ill      128 142
Brett, J.R.      340 343 344 345 346 350
Brevik, I.      139 143
Brodskaya, E.N.      113 145
Brokaw, C.J.      294 296 352
Brooks, B.R.      123 146
Bruin, C.      106 110 118 134 143 144
Bubbles, MD simulation      118—119
Bubbles, sonoluminescence      139—140
Bubbles, spreading wetting      138
Buff, F.P.      106 143
Bulk liquid, vapor film in      112—113
Bulk vapor, liquid film in      104—112
Bulk, configurational forces in      43—46
Bulk, constitutive restrictions in      39—40
Burgers, J.M.      297 350
Bykov, T.V.      118 142
Cao, H.      258 280
Capillary phenomenon, nanoscale tube      138—139
Capriz, G.      7 8 9 10 14 23 24 25 26 38 42 68 72 73 78 79 81 88 89 92
Carey, V.P.      112 137 142
Carl, K.      258 280
Carmer, C.S.      103 142
Cauchy kernel      327
Cauchy stress      16 37—38 69 80
Cauchy’s Theorem      14
Caudal fin section leading edges      313—314
Caudal fin section, interaction with vortex sheet      310—311
Cavity propagation, energy release rates for      183—186
Cavity, electric field within      172—173
Cavity, ellipsoidal, under remote loading      223—231
Cavity, elliptical cylinder      see “Elliptical cylinder cavity”
Cavity, shrunken to crack      204 208 226
Chan, K.H.      239 280
Chang, K.H.      112 143
Chang, T.M.      103 142
Chantikul, P.      262 279
Chantry, R.A.R.      116 118 145
Chapela, G.A.      110 142
Chatelain, A.      138 145
Chen, B.      221 234 235 281
Chen, L.J.      110 142
Chen, T.      235 280
Chen, W.Q.      220 231 234 235 239 280
Chen, X.      239 256 280
Chen, Z.T.      209 280
Cheng, H.K.      298 350 351
Cherepanov, G.P.      156 234 280
Chopra, M.G.      298 350
Chou, F.C.      96 142
Chou, S.Y.      136 137 142
Chuck, L.      255 281
Chung, M.Y.      162 175 186 199 280
Chwang, A.T.      293 349 350
Ciliary locomotion      293—294
Ciliary locomotion, stokeslets and      335—336
Ciliary locomotion, zero net force      336—337
Clap-fling operation, wasp wings      294
Clarke, D.B.      139 144
Cleveland, C.L.      133 144
Coleman, B.D.      25 42 89
Colli, P.      8 76 89
Collier, L.      199 240 258 267 273 284
Comninou, M.      219 280
Compact tension specimens, fracture resistance curves and      264
Compact tension specimens, poled PZT—4 ceramics      268—269
Compact tension specimens, prenotched      258—259
Compliance, dependence on temperature      243—245
Compliance, volume elastic      247—248
Computation of nonlinear lifting-surface theory, generalized Wagner-von Karman — Sears method      325—331
Computation of nonlinear lifting-surface theory, hybrid analytical-numerical method      331—333
Computation of nonlinear lifting-surface theory, time-marching method      324—325
Condensation, and evaporation: coefficients      112
Conductive cracks and conductive inclusions      218—219
Conductive cracks, antiplane deformation      202—205
Conductive cracks, electric fracture toughness      199
Conductive cracks, experimental observations      267—270
Conductive cracks, interaction with piezoelectric dislocation      205—209
Conductive cracks, J integral      271
Conductive cracks, uniform remote loading      200—202
Configurational forces in the bulk      43—46
Configurational forces on discontinuity surface      46—53
Configurational forces, tip balance of      59—61 64
Configurations, bodies lacking in discontinuity surfaces      9—11
Connection, recognizability      4—5
Constitutive equations, isothermal linear      156—157
Constitutive restrictions, multifield theories      38—42
Contact line region      138—139
Contact zone model, interface cracks      219—220
Cook, R.F.      255 256 280
Cosserat and Cosserat’s theory      6—7
Cosserat continua      76—78
Cosserat, E.      6 7 89
Cosserat, F.      6 7 89
Cowin, S.C.      7 75 89 91 92
Crack face, electrically insulating      175—178
Crack face, loading, finite interface crack under      216—217
Crack face, loading, semi-infinite crack with      215
Crack propagation in materials with substructure      53—68
Crack propagation, energy release rates for      159—160 183—186
Crack tip, balance of interactions at      56—57
Crack tip, configurational forces, balance      59—61
Crack tip, driving force at      63—65
Crack tip, electrically insulating      249—254
Crack tip, intensity factors at      232 233
Crack tip, near      180
Crack tip, near intensity factors      182
Crack tip, velocity fields      55—56
Cracks, conductive      see “Conductive cracks”
Cracks, general, electrically impermeable      197—198
Cracks, general, electrically permeable      195—196
Cracks, impermeable planar, unarbitrary loading      231—235
Cracks, interface      see “Interface cracks”
Cracks, mode III, electrically impermeable      196—197
Cracks, mode III, electrically permeable      194—195
Cracks, mode III, fracture mechanics      173—175
Cracks, mode III, mechanical and electrical fields      180—183
Cracks, permeable planar, unarbitrary loading      236
Cracks, piezoelectric materials containing      155—156 158—160
Cracks, planar moving, kinematics      54—56
Critical film thickness, MD simulation      111
Cross, L.E.      242 257 283
Crum, L.A.      139 142
Cruse, T.A.      231 276 281
Cuchiaro, J.D.      256 281
Curie temperature      81
Curtin, W.A.      68 89
Cylindrical interfaces, density profile and surface tension      121—122
Cylindrical interfaces, liquid-solid interfaces      135—136
Cylindrical interfaces, MD simulation      119—122
Cylindrical interfaces, stable      121
Daiguji, H.      103 142
Damping, triggering of      244—245
Dang, L.X.      103 142
Dascaiu, C.      275 281
Davi, F.      23 83 89
Davini, C.      7 89
de Heer, W.A.      138 145
de Leon, M.      7 8 88 90
Decay, elastic energy, substructure effect      30—32
Dederichs, H.      242 280 282
Deeg, W.F.J.      176 186 281
Defects, crystalline: piezoelectric dislocation      186—199
Defects, diffusion process of      133—134
Defects, evolution in materials with substructure      42—53
Deformation, antiplane conductive cracks      202—205
Deformation, antiplane, elliptical cavity propagation under      185—186
Deformation, antiplane, general solution for      166—167
Deformation, microcracks      83—87
Degiovanni, M.      14 89
Degree of orientation, nematic liquid crystals      80—81
Del Piero, G.      8 9 89
Deng, W.      186 209 218 219 281 285
Density profile, droplets      114—115
Density profile, liquid film in bulk vapor      104—105
Density profile, liquid jet      121
Density profile, planar interfaces, liquid-liquid      124
Density profile, planar interfaces, liquid-solid      134
Desai, R.C.      119 143
DeSilva, C.N.      7 89 90
Desu, S.B.      256 281
Dhaliwal, R.S.      7 8 75 90 93
Di Carlo, A.      25 90
Diaconita, V.      8 75 90
Diaz-Herrera, E.      98 124 125 127 142
Diffeomorphism      19
Dimos, D.      256 288
Ding, H.J.      220 221 234 235 275 280 281
Discontinuity surfaces      see also “Interfaces”
Discontinuity surfaces without and with own structure      35—38
Discontinuity surfaces, balance in presence of      33—38
Discontinuity surfaces, configurational forces on      46—53
Discontinuity surfaces, constitutive restrictions at      40—42
Domain switching, mechanics treatment      277
Domain switching, piezoelectric ceramics      239—242
Domain wall kinetics model, bending strength, electric field effect      247—249
Domain wall kinetics model, bending strength, temperature effect      245—247
Domain wall kinetics model, piezoelectric ceramics      242—249
Domain wall kinetics model, temperature-dependent compliance      243—245
Domain wall kinetics model, use of critical stress criterion      273—274
Doukhan, J.C.      186 281
Drag and thrust, in fish locomotion      333—338
Drag, viscous, scaling of      344—347
Drescher, J.      268 282
Driving force, at crack tip      63—65
Droplets containing solid core      137—138
Droplets formation and dynamics      114
Droplets formation in liquids      128
Droplets, density profile      114—115
Droplets, MD simulation      113—118
Droplets, pressure tensor      115—116
Droplets, surface tension      116—118
Du, S.Y.      186 275 284 287
Dugdale, D.S.      249 281
Duiker, H.M.      256 281
Dunn, J.E.      73 90
Dunn, M.L.      178 220 281
Edwards, D.A.      111 128 142
Elastic materials with substructure      26—32
Elastic materials, linear, with voids      74—75
Electric displacement at upper and lower crack faces      176—177
Electric displacement, intensity factor      213—214 233—234 252—253
Electric displacement, intensity factor, crack tip      181—182
Electric displacement, pseudoisothermal      157—158
Electric field, effect on, bending strength      247—249
Electric field, effect on, fracture of piezoelectric ceramics      256—264
Electric field, inside cavity      172—173
Electric strip saturation model      272
Electrical enthalpy, piezoelectric materials      153
Electrostatic problems, 2-D, piezoelectric ceramics      162—186
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