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van der Giessen E., Wu Theodore Y.-T., Hassan A. — Advances in Applied Mechanics. Volume 38 |
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Lam, P.S. 68 92
Landau, L.D. 76 92 237 284
Landis, C.M. 239 242 283
Landman, U. 120 133 144
Lang, T.G. 334 351
Lanthanum, PZT ceramics doped with 257—258 261—262
Laplace equation 303—304
Laradji, M. 128 140 144
Latent microstructures 7
Latent substructures 68—73
Lattices, representative volume element 85—86
Lawn, B.R. 255 256 262 279 280
Laws, N. 7 91
Lead zirconate titanate see “PZT ceramics”
Leading-edge section, anterior: fish body 305—307 312
Lee, J.S. 186 284
Lee, S. 214 288
Lekhnitskii, S.G. 162 284
Li, C.Q. 239 284
Li, D. 103 144
Li, Q. 213 286
Li, S.F. 275 284
Li, X.P. 249 284
Liang, J. 186 221 234 235 281 284
Liang, X.G. 96 103 142 144
Liang, Y.C. 186 284
Liao, J.J. 112 143
Liew, K.M. 275 284
Lifschitz, E.M. 237 284
Lifting surface locomotion, flexible 314—333
Lifting surface, aspect-ratio 295
Lifting surface, undulatory motion 297
Lighthill, M.J. 293 294 296 297 300 301 302 305 306 307 314 348 351
Lighthill’s theory 307
Lin, F.Z. 235 280
Liquid jets, MD simulation 119—122
Liquid phase epitaxy 133
Liquid-liquid interfaces, MD simulation 122—130
Liquid-liquid interfaces, mixtures 128—130
Liquid-liquid interfaces, planar 124—128
Liquid-liquid interfaces, spherical 128
Liquid-solid interfaces, cylindrical 135—136
Liquid-solid interfaces, planar 130—134
Liquid-solid interfaces, spherical 134—135
Liquid-vapor interfaces, cylindrical 119—122
Liquid-vapor interfaces, MD simulation 103—122
Liquid-vapor interfaces, planar 104—113
Liquid-vapor interfaces, spherical 113—119
Lithographical Induced Self-Assembly 136—137
Little, E.A. 83 92
Liu, G.N. 220 221 228 231 234 235 288
Liu, J.X. 186 284
Liu, Y.J. 220 221 228 231 234 235 288
Lloyd, I.S. 258 282
Loboda, V.V. 209 219 220 277 282
Local pressure components, liquid film in bulk vapor 105—107
Localization phenomena, of deformation 87
Locomotion, aquatic and aerial, hydrodynamic theories 296—299
Locomotion, aquatic, resistive theory 300—301
Locomotion, aquatic, scale effects in energetics of 338—347
Locomotion, fish, classical slender-body theory 301—314
Locomotion, fish, thrust and drag in 333—338
Locomotion, flexible lifting-surface, unified nonlinear theory 314—333
Locomotion, maneuvering modes 347—348
Long, L.N. 114 144
Longitudinal flexibility, slender body with 305—311
Lothe, J. 162 164 165 171 186 250
Lu, P. 186 215 284
Lu, W. 239 284
Luedtke, W.D. 133 144
Lukes, J.R. 96 101 103 106 107 108 109 111 142 144 146
Lunate-tail theory 298
Lupascu, D.C. 259 285
Lusk, M.T. 8 91
Lynch, C.S. 83 91 199 239 240 258 261 267 273 280 281 283 284
Mai, Y.W. 186 209 219 275 286
Majumdar, A. 111 136 144
Makino, H. 265 284
Mao, S.X. 249 284
Mao, X. 199 209 249 286
Mariano, P.M. 8 9 23 25 29 32 38 42 53 67 75 83 87 88 89 92
Markov, K.Z. 8 92
Marlow, R.S. 7 88
Marsden, J.E. 7 92 93
Marshall, D.B. 262 279
Maruyama, S. 96 98 101 132 138 144
Marzocchi, A. 14 89
Mataga, P.A, 275 284
Matsumoto, M. 112 114 118 143 144 146
Matsumoto, S. 101 138 144
Maugin, G.A. 25 53 65 92 275 281
Maxwell stress 237
McCune, J.E. 325 326 351
McCutchen, C.W. 330 351
McFadden, G.B. 8 88
McGuiggan, P.M. 131 142
McHenry, K.D. 257 284
McMeeking, R.M. 83 91 175 183 199 239 240 241 242 258 267 273 277 283 284 285
McMillan, L.D. 256 281
MD see “Molecular dynamics simulation”
Mechanical dissipation inequality 39 45 50—52 61—63
Mechanical enthalpy, piezoelectric materials 153
Mechanical fracture, toughness 199
Mecholsky, J.J. 255 281
Mecke, M. 98 110 144
Meguid, S.A. 186 209 218 219 281 285 289
Mehta, K. 256 273 285
Melnick, B.M. 256 281
Meschke, F.A. 264 284
Metabolic rate, and scale effects 340—341
Mezic, I. 111 136 144
Micci, M.M. 114 144
Microcracked bodies, models 18
Microcracked materials, multifield theories 83—87
Microcracks as virtual substructure 14
Microcracks in PZT specimens 257—258
Microcracks, deformation 83—87
Microcracks, distributions 3
Micromorphic continuum 7
Micromorphic materials, multifield theories 78—79
Microstructure, fracture of piezoelectric ceramics and 255—256
Miller, R.C. 247 285
Mindlin, G. 7 79 92
Mixtures, liquids, MD simulation 128—130
Molecular dynamics simulation, classic 97—103
Molecular dynamics simulation, liquid-liquid interfaces 122—130
Molecular dynamics simulation, liquid-solid interfaces 130—136
Molecular dynamics simulation, liquid-vapor interfaces 103—122
Molecular dynamics simulation, nonclassic 103
Molecular dynamics simulation, sonoluminescence 139—140
Molecular dynamics simulation, surfactants 140
Molecular dynamics simulation, three-phase systems 136—139
Molkov, V. 220 221 225 228 229 230 283
Momentum, substructural and standard 58
Momentum, wake 337—338
Moriguchi, K. 134 143
Moseler, M. 120 144
Moss, W.C. 139 144
Motions, active propulsive 317
Motions, swimming, Reynolds number 334—337
Motions, velocity fields 11—12
Motooka, T. 133 134 143 144
Mouritsen, O.G. 128 140 144
Multifield theories, balance in presence of discontinuity surfaces 33—38
Multifield theories, configurations and balance of interactions 9—26
Multifield theories, constitutive restrictions 38—42
Multifield theories, Cosserat continua 76—78
Multifield theories, elastic materials with substructure 26—32
Multifield theories, ferroelectric solids 81—83
Multifield theories, latent substructures 68—73
| Multifield theories, material with voids 74—75
Multifield theories, materials with substructure, crack propagation in 53—68
Multifield theories, materials with substructure, evolution of defects and interfaces 42—53
Multifield theories, microcracked materials 83—87
Multifield theories, micromorphic materials 78—79
Multifield theories, nematic liquid crystals 80—81
Multifield theories, two-phase materials 75—76
Munetoh, S. 133 134 143 144
Murillo, L.E. 298 350
Muscular power, specific 393
Musesti, A. 14 89
Muskhelishivili, N.I. 162 285 311 328 351
Nabarro, F.R.N. 7 79 92 244 285
Nagai, M. 334 351
Naghdi, P.M. 7 91 92
Nakamura, Y. 333 351
Nanoboundary problems, planar interfaces: liquid-solid 130—133
Nanoscale tube, capillary phenomenon 138—139
Narita, F. 178 286
Nedjar, B. 8 90
Nematic liquid crystals, multifield theories 80—81
Newman, J.N. 301 302 304 305 310 351 353
Nicolas, P. 8 75 90
Nijmeijer, M.J.P. 106 110 134 144
Nishihira, K. 133 144
Nishioka, T. 274 286
No-slip condition, at nanoboundary 131—132
Noether’s theorem 6
Noll, W. 9 25 92
Nonequilibrium MD methods 102—103
Nonisotopic mixtures, liquid 128—130
Nuffer, J. 259 285
Nunziato, J.W. 8 75 89 92
Nye, J.F. 161 255
Observer, changes of 16 19 24—25 78
Observer, external spatial 4
Observer, fixed and moving 44 47^8
Ogita, A. 101 144
Ohara, T. 132 144
Ohguchi, K. 118 143
Okazaki, K. 285 285
Orowan, E. 199 271 255
Oscillation, bubble, and sonoluminescence 139—140
Outer power, invariance of 16—21
Owen, D.R. 8 9 42 89
Ozoe, H. 134 143
Pak, Y.E. 156 162 166 176 186 187 198 220 258 259 260 285 287
Park, S.B. 162 183 260 261 263 272 285 287
Park, S.H. 101 106 107 108 109 111 116 118 119 120 145 146
Parry, G. 7 89
Parton, V.Z. 152 175 285
Pastor, R.W. 123 146
Patch in multifield theories 2
Patch, displacement 83
Patch, placement 9—10
Patch, second-order tensor for 3
Paz de Araujo, C.A. 256 281
Pedley, T.J. 294 348 352
Peierls, R. 242 285
Pence, T.J. 38 93
Penrose, O. 76 93
Pertsev, N.A. 240 242 280 285
Phantom molecules model 101
Phase transformation-toughening theory 241
Piezoelectric ceramics, 2-D electroelastic problems and Stroh’s formalism 162—186
Piezoelectric ceramics, 3-D electroelastic problems 220—236
Piezoelectric ceramics, conductive cracks 199—209
Piezoelectric ceramics, domain switching 239—242
Piezoelectric ceramics, domain wall kinetics model 242—249
Piezoelectric ceramics, electrostriction 237—239
Piezoelectric ceramics, fracture behavior, experimental observations 255—270
Piezoelectric ceramics, fracture behavior, failure criteria 270—274
Piezoelectric ceramics, fracture behavior, mode III cracks 173—175
Piezoelectric ceramics, fracture behavior, nonlinear approaches 236—254
Piezoelectric ceramics, interface cracks 209—220
Piezoelectric ceramics, polarization saturation model 249—254
Piezoelectric ceramics, poling field 150
Piezoelectric dislocation, force on 198—199
Piezoelectric dislocation, interaction with, conductive crack 205—209
Piezoelectric dislocation, interaction with, elliptical cavity 191—193
Piezoelectric dislocation, interaction with, finite crack 217
Piezoelectric dislocation, interaction with, semi-infinte crack 215—216
Piezoelectric dislocation, screw type, interaction with elliptical cavity 187—190
Piezoelectric dislocation, use of Laurent series 186—187
Piezoelectric materials, basic equations for thermodynamic, functions 152—161
Piezoelectric materials, electric domain 148
Piezoelectric materials, elliptical cavity solution in 169—172
Ping, T. 154 172 173 174 177 179 274 276 288
Piola ? Kirchhoff stress 42 84
Planar interfaces, liquid film in bulk vapor 104—112
Planar interfaces, liquid-liquid interfaces 124—128
Planar interfaces, liquid-solid interfaces 130—134
Planar interfaces, three-phase systems 136—137
Planar interfaces, vapor film in bulk liquid 112—113
Planar moving cracks, kinematics 54—56
Plasticity, Cosserat 78
Plasticity, strain gradient 79
Plemelj’s formula 311—312 321—322
Podio-Guidugli, P. 7 8 25 79 89 91
Pohanka, R.C. 255 256 273 280 285
Poincare — Bertrand formula 328
Polarization saturation model 249—254
Polarization saturation zone 272
Polarization switching, piezoelectric ceramics 240
Polarization, crystalline materials 81
Polarization, ferroelectric domain wall evolution during 83
Poling, piezoelectric ceramics 150
Poling, PZT ceramics 265—267
Pontikis, V. 133 142
Pore, as virtual substructure 14
Potential flow theory 338
Povstenko, Y.Z. 7 93
Powles, J.G. 118 145
Prandtl’s acceleration potential 304
Prasad, N.N.V. 159 286
Pressure tensor, droplets 115—116
Process zone, crack tip, energy dissipated in 66—67
Pronation power stroke 299
Proportional feathering 298
Proportional flexurality 299
Pseudoisothermal approach, piezoelectric materials 157—160
Putterman, S.J. 139 142
Pyatetskiy, V.Y. 346 347 352
Pyroelectric phase 148
PZT ceramics, bending strength 265—267
PZT ceramics, containing vacuum flaw 179
PZT ceramics, crack failure 271
PZT ceramics, damage evolution in 259
PZT ceramics, ferroelectric fatigue failure 257—258
PZT ceramics, fracture toughness 256 263—264
PZT ceramics, indentation fracture technique 260—263
Qi, H. 235 28/
Qian, C.-F. 154 172 173 174 177 179 199 268 271 274 276 277 278 282 288
Qin, Q.H. 186 209 219 275 286
Qin, T.Y. 233 235 287
Qu, J. 213 286
Quantum molecular dynamics 103
Quasi-stationary wakeless flow 326
Quintanilla 79 88
Radial decay 32
Ramamurti, R. 348 352
Ramirez-Santiago, G. 98 124 125 127 142
Raynes, A.S. 257 288
Read, W.T. 162 28/
Remote loading, ellipsoidal cavity under 223—231
Remote loading, elliptical cylinder cavity under 167—175
Remote loading, uniform, conductive cracks 200—202
Renardy, M. 28 93
Representative volume element, lattice 85—86
Resistive theory, aquatic locomotion 300—301
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