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van der Giessen E., Wu Theodore Y.-T., Hassan A. — Advances in Applied Mechanics. Volume 38 |
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Electrostatic problems, 3-D, ellipsoidal cavity under remote loading 223—231
Electrostatic problems, 3-D, general solutions 220—223
Electrostatic problems, 3-D, planar cracks under arbitrary loading 231—236
Electrostriction 237—239
Elliptical cylinder cavity surface, extended line force on 193
Elliptical cylinder cavity under remote loading 167—175
Elliptical cylinder cavity, interaction with, general piezoelectric dislocation 191—193
Elliptical cylinder cavity, interaction with, piezoelectric screw dislocation 187—190
Elongated-body theory see “Slender-body theory”
Energetics, aquatic locomotion, scale effects in 338—347
Energetics, ciliates 336—337
Energy cost, scaling of 341—344
Energy dissipated in crack tip process zone 66—67
Energy release rate for crack propagation 159—160 183—186
Energy release rate, applied and local, failure criteria 271—273
Energy release rate, critical applied 278
Energy release rate, local, as failure criteria 254
Energy release rate, piezoelectric materials 155—156
Energy, excess 107—108
Energy, free 152
Energy, full Gibbs, piezoelectric materials 153
England, A.H. 219 281
Enskog’s rule 129
Epstein, M. 7 90 209 286
Equilibrium MD methods 101
Erdogan, F. 219 281
Ericksen, J.L. 6 7 9 19 42 53 78 90
Eringen, A.C. 7 79 90
Eshelby tensor 29 46
Eshelby, J.D. 30 53 68 88 90 162 186 281
Euler — Lagrange equations 28
Evans, A.G. 240 241 258 280 285
Evans, D.J. 135 145
Evans, W.A.B. 118 145
Evaporation, and condensation: coefficients 112
Evolution equation, for interface 49 52
Evolution, damage in PZT ceramics 259
Evolution, defects and interfaces in materials with substructure 42—53
Explosive boiling 136—137
Extended compliance tensor 171
Extended line force, on elliptical cavity surface 193
Fabrikant, V.I. 234 281
Fading memory theorems 20 25
Failure criteria, fracture behavior of piezoelectric ceramics 270—274
Failure criteria, local energy release rate as 254
Faivre, G. 186 281
Fan, J. 239 281
Fan, W.X. 175 186 282
Fang, D.N. 235 239 280 281 284
Farvaque, J.L. 186 281
Feathering, proportional 298
Feller, S.E. 123 146
Ferroelectric ceramics, domain switching 241—242
Ferroelectric ceramics, microcracking 258—259
Ferroelectric solids, multifield theories 81—83
Field, M.J. 103 142
Fife, P.C. 76 93
Film stability and rupture 110—112
Film, thin, ferroelectric 149
Film, vapor, in bulk liquid 112—113
Finite difference method, classic MD simulation 99
Finite element analysis 269
Finite element analysis, nonlinear 239
Fischer, J. 98 110 135 143 144
Fish locomotion, classical slender-body theory 301—314
Fish locomotion, flexible lifting-surface: nonlinear theory 314—333
Fish locomotion, thrust and drag in 333—338
Flagellar hydrodynamics, spirilla locomotion 293
Flagellar hydrodynamics, spirockete locomotion 293
Fleck, N.A. 79 90 239 242 283
Flexibility, longitudinal, slender body with 305—311
Flow boundary condition, fish locomotion 315
Flow boundary condition, questions regarding 131—132
Fomin, V.M. 25 91
force see also “Self-force”
Force on piezoelectric dislocation 198—199
Force, configurational 43—61
Force, driving, at crack tip 63—65
Foreign particles, diffusion process of 133—134
Forstmann, F. 98 124 125 127 142
Fosdick, R.L. 14 90
Fowler, R.F. 118 145
Fox, D.D. 7 90 93
Fracture behavior, alternating electric field effect 256—259
Fracture behavior, bending tests 265—267
Fracture behavior, conductive cracks 267—270
Fracture behavior, microstructure and temperature effects 255—256
Fracture behavior, piezoelectric ceramics, mode III cracks 173—175
Fracture behavior, piezoelectric ceramics, nonlinear approaches 236—254
Fracture behavior, static electric field effect 259—264
Fracture toughness, conductive cracks 268
Fracture toughness, electrical 270 278
Fracture toughness, electrical and mechanical 199
Fracture toughness, piezoelectric ceramics 255—256
Fracture toughness, scattering of 263—264
Free energy density 39—40 72
Free energy density along crack 61
Free energy, piezoelectric materials 152
Freiman, S.W. 245 255 256 257 280 281 285 285 286 288
Fremond, M. 8 75 76 89 90
Frenklach, M. 103 142 145
Freund, L.B. 65 67 68 90 92
Fried, E. 8 53 76 91
Froude hydromechanical efficiency 301
Fu, R. 199 242 244 245 247 248 249 256 262 263 265 267 268 271 273 277 278 282
Full Gibbs energy, piezoelectric materials 153 155
Fulton, C.C. 249 282
Furuta, A. 199 251 279 282
Futamura, K. 68 89
Gabrielli, G. 340 350
Gad-el-hak, M. 130 142
Gaitan, D.F. 139 142
Gao, C.F. 167 175 186 209 218 249 254 272 282
Gao, H. 249 282
Gauss theorem 15 17 20 29 37 44 51
Gee, M.L. 131 142
Geometry, interfaces 33—35
Germain, P. 7 25 38 91
Geyersmans, P. 133 142
Giesing, J.P. 325 350
Giovine, P. 8 23 25 26 68 72 73 89
Gmelin, E. 186 281
Gong, X. 238 239 273 282
Goodman, M.A. 7 91
Gorse, D. 133 142
Grach, G. 8 53 76 91
Grain boundary, microcracks initiated at 245—246
Gray, J. 293 300 301 333 334 348 350
Gray’s paradox 293 349
Green, A.E. 7 91
Green’s function in boundary element method 276
Green’s function, piezoelectric dislocation and 186—199
Grest, G.S. 99 110 131 144 145
Griffith, A.A. 271 282
Grioli, G. 7 79 91
Gubbins, K.E. 116 118 135 145
Guo, F.L. 275 281
Gurtin, M.E. 8 38 53 65 67 73 76 88 91 260 282
Hack, J.E. 166 189 288
Hagen-Poiseuille flow 132 135
Hagood, N.W. 239 280
Haile, J.M. 97 99 143
Hall — Petch effect 79
Han, J.C. 186 215 284 287
Han, P. 258 259 287 288
Han, X.L. 249 284
Hancock, G.J. 293 300 301 350
Hao, T.H. 177 238 273 282
Harada, S. 257 279
Harley, J.C. 135 143
| Haye, M.J. 118 143
Heinbuch, U. 135 143
Herbiet, R. 242 280 282
Herrmann, G. 156 285
Herrmann, H.J. 53 91
Herrmann, K.P. 209 219 220 277 282
Hess, J.L. 325 352
Heyer, V. 262 268 282 286
Heyes, D.M. 129 130 143
Hihara, E. 103 142
Hill, M.D. 258 282
Hill, R. 242 283
Hill, S.J. 348 352
Homola, A.M. 131 142
Hoover, W.G. 103 143
Horn, C.L. 238 283
Hou, P.F. 275 281
Hovering, chalcid wasp 294
Hsieh, J.Y. 112 143
Huang, J.H. 220 228 283
Huang, S.H. 220 287
Huang, Y. 135 143
Huber, J.E. 239 242 283
Hughes, T.J.R. 7 92 93
Hui, C.Y. 220 221 225 228 229 230 283
Hutchinson, J.W. 68 79 90 91 242 283
Hwang, C.C. 112 143
Hwang, C.S. 258 282
Hwang, H.J. 258 287
Hwang, J.W. 83 91
Hwang, K.C. 239 280 284
Hwang, S.C. 239 240 283
Hwu, C. 186 284
Hybrid analytical-numerical method 331—333
Hydrodynamic theories, aquatic and aerial locomotion 296—299
Hypersingular boundary integral equations 232—233
Iesan, D. 157 283
Image dislocation method 189—190
In-plane coordinate rotation matrix 165—166
Indekeu, J.O. 134 145
Indentation fracture technique, PZT ceramics 260—263
Inertia effects on standard and substructural balances 57—59
Inertia effects pertaining to macroscopic motion 21—26
Initial conditions for liquid and vapor phases 100
Initial conditions, bubble formation and 118—119
Intensity factors at crack tip 181—182 232—233
Intensity factors, electric displacement 184 213—214 233—234 252—253
Intensity factors, slit crack electrical and mechanical fields 178—183
Intensity factors, strain 204
Intensity factors, stress 213—214 230—231 273—274
Interactions, balance at crack tip 56—57
Interactions, balance from invariance of outer power 16—21
Interactions, measures of 12—16 41
Interactions, surface configurational 47
Interface cracks, contact zone model 219—220
Interface cracks, curve-shaped 218
Interface cracks, electrically impermeable 277
Interface cracks, finite, under crack face loading 216—217
Interface cracks, impermeable, semi-infinite 210—215
Interface cracks, permeable 218
Interface cracks, piezoelectric ceramics 209
Interfaces see also “Discontinuity surfaces”
Interfaces, cylindrical see “Cylindrical interfaces”
Interfaces, evolution in materials with substructure 42—53
Interfaces, geometry 33—35
Interfaces, MD simulations, liquid-liquid 122—130
Interfaces, MD simulations, liquid-solid 130—136
Interfaces, MD simulations, liquid-vapor 103—122
Interfaces, planar see “Planar interfaces”
Interfaces, spherical see “Spherical interfaces”
Interfacial tension, planar interfaces: liquid-solid 134
Intermolecular potentials, classic MD simulation 97—99
Internal dissipation inequality 64
Internal energy, piezoelectric materials 152
Inviscid irrotational flow theory 297 316
Ioakimidis, N.I. 257 283
Irwin, G.R. 199 271 283
Ishimaru, M. 134 143
Isothermal potential energies, piezoelectric 154
Isotopic mixtures, liquid 128—130
Israelachvili, J.N. 111 127 131 142 143
J integral in terms of intensity factors 214
J integral, for conductive cracks 271
J integral, modified expression of 65—66
J integral, path-independent 156
Jame, R.D. 38 91
Jensen, B. 139 143
Jiang, L.Z. 186 258 261 283 284
Jiang, Q.Y. 83 93 242 257 283 288
Jona, F. 83 91 283
Jones, R.T. 326 350
Kakimoto, K. 134 143
Kalikmanov, V.I. 118 143
Kalman, T.P. 325 350
Kambe, T. 298 350
Kamiya, N. 265 284
Karihaloo, B.L. 209 280
Karplus, M. 103 142
Karpouzian, G. 298 351
Kataoka, Y. 112 144 146
Katz, J. 325 351
Kawano, S. 120 121 143
Kay’s rule 129
Keblinski, P. 135 145
Keller, S.R. 293 334 335 336 351
Kelvin’s circulation theorem 323—324 330
Kenneth, L. 8 90
Kerl, K. 129 143
Khutoryansky, N. 175 286
Kies, J.A. 199 283
Kim, K.S. 167 286
Kim, S.J. 239 257 283
Kimura, T. 132 138 144
Kinematics, fluid particles 320
Kinematics, planar moving cracks 54—56
kinetic energy density 21—25
Kingon, A.I. 239 280
Kinjo, T. 118 143
Kirkwood, J.G. 106 143
Kiselev, S.P. 25 91
Kishimoto, K. 68 88 159 283
Knops — Villaggio’s effect 32
Knops, R.J. 32 91
Knowles, J.K. 38 53 88
Koch, S.W. 119 143
Koepke, B.G. 257 284
Koga, K. 118 143
Kogan, L. 220 221 225 228 229 230 283
Kohn, R.V. 8 91 92
Kolleck, A. 264 284
Kollman, P.A. 103 145
Koplik, J. 120 135 138 143 145 146
Kotake, S. 103 143 145
Kramarov, S.O. 256 284
Kremer, K. 99 144
Krishnaprasad, P.S. 7 93
Kronecker delta 157 238
Kuang, Z.B. 209 286
Kudryavtsev, B.A. 152 175 285
Kuessner, H.G. 326 351
Kuethe, A.M. 299 351
Kumar, S. 235 284
Kuo, C.-M. 162 165 166 171 179 183 209 211 212 214 284 287
Kurashige, T. 138 144
Kuroki, M. 103 143
Kutta condition 305 307—308 312 315 317 321 325—327 330
Kuvshinskii, E.V. 7 88
Lacasse, M. 110 145
Lagrangian densities, elastic materials with substructure 27—30
Lam, C.G. 325 326 351
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