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Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing
Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing

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Íàçâàíèå: Optical signal processing

Àâòîð: Vanderlugt A.


Intended for use as both a senior and graduate level textbook and as a reference for workers in the field, it combines a solid treatment of optical signal processing theory with detailed descriptions of selected processing applications. With a focus on processing two-dimensional analog signals, it treats the important new area of acousto-optic signal processing. Beginning with an examination of optical signal processing fundamentals, chapters cover basic signal parameters, geometrical optics, physical optics, spectrum analysis and spatial filtering. Later chapters, focusing on applications, examine heterodyne systems, heterodyne spectrum analysis, decimated arrays and cross-spectrum analysis, heterodyne transform and signal excision, space integrating correlators, time integrating systems and two-dimensional processing.

ßçûê: en

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 604

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 08.10.2005

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Photographic film as spatial light modulator      147 251—252 253
Photographs, contrast improvement      214—215
Photometry      155
Piano concave lenses      55
Piano convex lenses      54 55 60
Piezoelectric transducers      289
Pinholes, in optical processors      248 249—250
pixels      5
Planes: principal      33—34
Planes: saggital      63
Planes: tangential      63
Planes: unit magnification      34
Pockels effect readout optical modulator (PROM)      149—150
Point sources      5 79—80
Point spread function      57
Position factor, Coddington      56—57
Power spectral density      201 204—207
Power spectrum analyzers      see “Spectrum analyzers power”
Power, equivalent      36—37
Principal maximum, of fringe pattern      81
Principal planes      33—34
Principal pupil ray      44—45
Prism diopters      22
prisms      20—25
Prisms and anamorphic magnification      22—25
Prisms counter-rotating      25
Prisms deviation angle      21
Prisms deviation angle minimum      22
Prisms in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      340
Prisms in optical signal processors      264
Prisms power of      22 25
Prisms thin      22
probes      see also “Reference signals”
Probes in heterodyne detection      369 374—375 383
Probes in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      416 417
PROM (Pockels effect readout optical modulator)      149—150
Pseudorandom sequences      484 516 524
Pseudorandom sequences synchronization      549
Q-factor      292
Quantum noise      see “Shot noise”
Radar map generation      2 218 560
Radar processing      260
Radar processing by optical integrated circuits      530
Radar processing synthetic      560
Radar systems      550
Radar systems bistatic      568—569
Radar systems Doppler      534 557—560
Radar systems monostatic      568—569
Radar systems phased array      568—569
Radar systems synthetic aperture      1—2 216—218
Radar systems synthetic aperture heterodyne detection in      369
Radar threat warning receivers      354 398
Radio receivers, dual-antenna      445—446
Radio, optical      384—385
Radio, optical direct detection      385
Radio, optical heterodyne detection      386—393
Radio, optical heterodyne detection reference beam arrangements      387—391
Radiometers      364—365
Raman — Nath diffraction mode      288 290—293 294 305
Raman — Nath diffraction mode in spectrum analyzers      336 340—344 346
Raman — Nath equation      291
Random processes, wide-sense stationary      204—207
Range gating      558
Range/Doppler radar processing      560
Raster scanning      183—188
Raster-format spectrum analysis      149 183—194
Raster-format spectrum analysis real-time      545—549
Ray paths, of light      18—19
Ray tracing      40—43
Ray tracing aberration characterization      57
Ray tracing and linear scanners      312—314
Ray tracing principal pupil ray      44—45
Rayleigh interferometer, modified      229—230
Rayleigh resolution criterion      49 106 112—113
Rayleigh resolution criterion and acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      349 350
Rays, light      see “Light”
Real-time raster-format spectrum analysis      545—549
Real-valued impulse response      481—482
Real-valued spatial filters      218—219
Receivers, superheterodyne      336
Receivers, synchronization with transmitter      516—517
Reconstruction beams      85—86
Rect aperture function      10 160—162 164—165 176—177
Rect aperture function Fourier transform      100—101 102 103 108—109
Reference beams      see “Reference signals”
Reference bias      421—422
Reference signals      82 224 241 261—263
Reference signals in heterodyne detection      369 374—375
Reference signals in heterodyne detection optical radio      387—391
Reference signals in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      398 401 404 405
Reference signals in heterodyne spectrum analyzers generation      408
Reference signals in heterodyne spectrum analyzers mixed transform      412—414
Reference signals in heterodyne spectrum analyzers waveforms      408—411
Reference signals in optical signal processors      248—249
Reference signals waveform      442—445
Reference-function correlators      241—243 478—481
Reference-function correlators and Doppler shift detection      486—488 489 496—497
Reference-function correlators impulse responses, complex-valued      482—484
Reference-function correlators impulse responses, real-valued      481—482
Reference-function correlators multichannel      488—490
Reference-function correlators programmable matched filtering      488
Reference-function correlators signal-to-noise ratio      485
Reference-function correlators time-delay factor      482
Reflection: angle of      16
Reflection: law of      15—16
Refraction, law of (Snell's law)      16—17 18 26 35—36
Refraction, law of (Snell's law) general form      29 30
Refraction, law of (Snell's law) thin-lens systems      35—36
Refractive index      12—14
Relative aperture      128—129
Repetition period, of chirp signals      315
Resolution: Abbe's criterion      106—109
Resolution: angular      49 51
Resolution: Rayleigh criterion      49 106 112—113
Resolution: spatial      49—50
Revisit interval      439
Ring/wedge photodetectors      154—155
Root-mean-square error      470 472
Rotating mirrors      154
Saggital plane      63
Sample function      see “Sine function”
Sample rate, in chirp-waveform scanners      321 323 326 327
Sampling interval      9
Sampling theorem      156 157
Sampling, Nyquist rate      4
Scale search      266—267
Scaling factors: for Fourier transforms      126—128
Scan duty cycle, in chirp-waveform scanners      321 323 326 327
Scan length      314 318 323 326 327 328
Scan line, number of samples in      314 320 323 326 327 328
Scanners      309—310
Scanners, chirp-waveform      310—315
Scanners, chirp-waveform active aperture time      315 321 328
Scanners, chirp-waveform active scan time      315 327 328
Scanners, chirp-waveform aperture limited      315
Scanners, chirp-waveform aperture limited long-chirp      315—321
Scanners, chirp-waveform aperture limited short-chirp      321—325
Scanners, chirp-waveform applications      329—331
Scanners, chirp-waveform duty cycle, scan      321 323 326 327 328
Scanners, chirp-waveform length, scan      314 318 323 326 327 328
Scanners, chirp-waveform long-chirp      315
Scanners, chirp-waveform number of samples in scan line      314 320 323 326 327 328
Scanners, chirp-waveform repetition rate limited      315
Scanners, chirp-waveform repetition rate limited long-chirp      326—327
Scanners, chirp-waveform repetition rate limited short-chirp      327
Scanners, chirp-waveform sample rate      321 323 326 327 328
Scanners, chirp-waveform short-chirp      315
Scanners, chirp-waveform spot size, scanning      313 317—318 320 324—325 326 327 328
Scanners, chirp-waveform throughput rate      321 324 326 327 328
Scanners, chirp-waveform uniform versus Gaussian illumination      331 332
Scanners, chirp-waveform velocity, scanning      313—314 318 320 323 328
Scanners/recorders, facsimile      329—331
Scanning systems      153—154
Schlieren imaging      148
Schlieren methods      214 305—307
Schwartz inequality      208
Second principal plane      34
Shape factor, Coddington      54—56
Shift theorem      see also “Appendix II” 110—111
Short-pulse signals, mixed transform      403—404
Short-time spectrum      400
Shot (quantum) noise      175 180—181 182
Shot (quantum) noise in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      351 361
Shot (quantum) noise in decimated array spectrum analyzers      444 445
Shot (quantum) noise in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      426 428—429
shutters      248
Sidelobes      160—163 163—168
Sidelobes control in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      347—348
Sidelobes control in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      419 420
Sidelobes notch filtering      469
Signal acquisition      499
Signal beams      224
Signal compression      358—359
Signal compression in heterodyne detection      382 383
Signal distortion      see also “Noise” 470 472
Signal excision      466—472
Signal processing, complexity      8
Signal processing: digital      160
Signal processing: Fourier transforms in      95—96
Signal processing: optical      see “Optical signal processors”
Signal-to-noise ratio: in decimated array spectrum analyzers      440—442
Signal-to-noise ratio: in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      425
Signal-to-noise ratio: of acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      350—352 362—363 364 365
Signal-to-noise ratio: reference-function correlators      485
Signal-to-noise ratio: spectrum analyzers      173—179 180 181 182—183
Signals      see also “Optical signals”
Signals analog      4—5 273
Signals bandlimited Fourier transforms      105
Signals bandlimited sampling      112—115
Signals bandpass      3
Signals bandpass signal-to-noise ratio      175—176
Signals bandwidth      3
Signals baseband      3
Signals baseband total spatial frequency bandwidth      160
Signals chirp      see “Chirp signals; Scanners chirp-waveform”
Signals cutoff frequency      3
Signals degrees of freedom      5
Signals deterministic      201 207
Signals finite average power      201
Signals finite total power      201
Signals Fourier transforms      see “Fourier transforms”
Signals mainlobes      162 163 164 166
Signals mixed transforms      401—408
Signals Nyquist sampling rate      4
Signals periodic      213
Signals power      155 178
Signals radar      216—218
Signals raster-scanned      9
Signals reference      see “Reference signals”
Signals sampling      4 52—54 83—84
Signals sidelobes      see “Sidelobes”
Signals spacelimited      115
Signals spatial      1 2 3 8—10
Signals spatial height bandwidth product      10
Signals spatial length bandwidth product      10
Signals spatial sampling interval      9
Signals spatial space bandwidth product      10
Signals spatial spatial frequency      9
Signals spectral density      201
Signals spectrum analysis      see “Spectrum analyzers”
Signals spurious      173
Signals temporal      3—8
Signals time bandwidth product      4
Signals time duration      3
Signals wideband, narrowband interference      465—466
Sine condition      62
Sine function      7 10 101 102 103 162
Sine function delta function as approximation      108
Smart arrays      158
Smith's equation      45—47
Snell's law      16—17 18 26 29 35—36
Source depletion, in acousto-optic cells      358—359
Space bandwidth product      10 50
Space-integrating correlators      477—478 500—502 504
Space-integrating correlators acousto-optic cells      499
Space-integrating correlators and Doppler shift detection      486—488
Space-integrating correlators carrier frequency requirements      497—498
Space-integrating correlators four-product      538
Space-integrating correlators homodyne detection      see “Homodyne detection”
Space-integrating correlators illumination requirements      498—499
Space-integrating correlators reference-function correlators      see “Reference-function correlators versus 529—530
Space-integrating correlators triple-product      537—540
Space-integrating spectrum analyzers      335 341
Space-invariant operators      201
Spatial carrier frequency filters      223 226
Spatial carrier frequency filters bandwidth      237
Spatial carrier frequency filters construction by interferometric methods      224—231
Spatial carrier frequency filters convolution      233 234
Spatial carrier frequency filters correlation      233 234
Spatial carrier frequency filters impulse response      227—228
Spatial carrier frequency filters in information processing      231—235
Spatial carrier frequency filters multiplexed      238—240
Spatial carrier frequency filters phase response      233
Spatial coherence      134—137 140
Spatial coherence degree of      136
Spatial filter generators      247—249
Spatial filter generators materials      247—248
Spatial filters      125 211—212
Spatial filters and nonuniform noise spectral density      267—272
Spatial filters binary      212—214
Spatial filters binary computer-generated      240
Spatial filters broadband      262 263
Spatial filters carrier frequency      see “Spatial carrier frequency filters”
Spatial filters displacement effects lateral      279—282
Spatial filters displacement effects longitudinal      283—284
Spatial filters displacement effects random motion      284—286
Spatial filters highpass      262 263
Spatial filters in electronic reference correlators      527 528
Spatial filters in image alignment      277 278
Spatial filters in motion analysis      273—276
Spatial filters in target recognition      273
Spatial filters magnitude      214—215 222—223
Spatial filters nonnegative      223
Spatial filters phase      216—220 222—223
Spatial filters real-valued      218—219
Spatial frequency      9 81
Spatial frequency bandwidth, total      160
Spatial frequency in spatial interference      372
Spatial frequency separation      497—498
Spatial fringe structures      75 80—82 93 102 136 223 226 448
Spatial light modulators      115—116 118—119 145 147
Spatial light modulators acousto-optic      see “Acousto-optic cells”
Spatial light modulators as notched filters      465 469 475
Spatial light modulators diffraction efficiency per frequency      173
Spatial light modulators electro-optic      149—150
Spatial light modulators frame rate      158
Spatial light modulators in optical signal processors      247 248 249 251—252
Spatial light modulators in spatial filters      211
Spatial light modulators light valves      148—149
Spatial light modulators liquid crystal      150—151 252 253
Spatial light modulators magneto-optic      151—152
Spatial light modulators microchannel plate      150
Spatial light modulators photographic film as      147 251—252 253
Spatial light modulators PROM      149—150
Spatial light modulators response nonlinearities      172—173
Spatial light modulators two-dimensional      151—152
spatial resolution      49—50
Spatial signals      1 3 8—10
Spatial-domain processors      214
Spectral density      201 204—207
1 2 3 4 5
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