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Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing
Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing

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Íàçâàíèå: Optical signal processing

Àâòîð: Vanderlugt A.


Intended for use as both a senior and graduate level textbook and as a reference for workers in the field, it combines a solid treatment of optical signal processing theory with detailed descriptions of selected processing applications. With a focus on processing two-dimensional analog signals, it treats the important new area of acousto-optic signal processing. Beginning with an examination of optical signal processing fundamentals, chapters cover basic signal parameters, geometrical optics, physical optics, spectrum analysis and spatial filtering. Later chapters, focusing on applications, examine heterodyne systems, heterodyne spectrum analysis, decimated arrays and cross-spectrum analysis, heterodyne transform and signal excision, space integrating correlators, time integrating systems and two-dimensional processing.

ßçûê: en

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 604

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 08.10.2005

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Lenses piano concave      55
Lenses piano convex      54 55 60
Lenses positive      54—55
Lenses power of surface      29
Lenses ray tracing      26 40—43 44—45
Lenses refraction equation      29 30 35—36
Lenses relative aperture      128—129
Lenses thick      33—34
Lenses thin, power      31
Lenses thin-lens systems      35—37
Lenses thin-lens systems equivalent power      36—37
Light      see also “Optics”
Light coherent      134—140
Light coherent sources      146—147
Light deviation of rays      31
Light diffraction      12
Light diffraction in acousto-optic cells      303—304
Light diffraction orders      see “Diffraction orders”
Light diffraction two sources      80—81
Light dispersion by prisms      22
Light frequency      12—13
Light interference      see “Interference”
Light modulation in acousto-optic cells      289 290—291 301—302
Light modulators, spatial      see “Spatial light modulators”
Light propagation      116—118
Light ray paths      18—19
Light ray tracing      40—43
Light reflection, law of      15—16
Light refraction, see Optics, geometrical time of flight      17
Light sources      146—147
Light sources in optical signal processors      see also “Lasers” 247—251
Light transmittance      72—73
Light two rays, phase difference      14
Light valves (spatial light modulators)      148—149
Light velocity      12
Light waves, propagation      71—80
Light waves, propagation from point source      79—80
Line illumination      338
Linear filtering      200
Linear operators      201
Linear space-invariant systems      202—203 205
Liquid crystal displays      150—151
Liquid crystal displays as notch filters      475
Liquid crystal displays as spatial light modulators      252—253
Lithium niobate: as interaction material      298—299 308
Lithium niobate: in integrated optical circuits      532—534
Lithium tantalum oxide, as interaction material      309
Local oscillators      369 397
Local oscillators distributed      505—506 509 514
Local oscillators in Doppler radar signal processing      557—558 559
Local oscillators in real-time spectrum analyzers      546
Luneberg lenses, in integrated optical circuits      531
Mach — Zehnder interferometers      224—230 372—373
Mach — Zehnder interferometers in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      434
Mach — Zehnder interferometers in time-integrating spectrum analyzers      505—506
Magneto-optic devices      151—152
Magnification: anamorphic      22—25
Magnification: empty      51
Magnification: lateral      120
Magnification: lateral determination      41 43—44 45
Magnitude spatial filters      214—215 222—223
Mainlobes, of optical signals      162—164 166
Mapping, optical signal processing in      277—278
Mapping, radar      2 218 560
Marginal rays      31
Masks, in testing for aberrations      61 62—63
Matched filtering      see also “Spatial filters” 207—209 219 222—223 477
Matched filtering heterodyne detection in      369
Matched filtering in optical signal processors      261 265—266 268 270
Matched filtering in phased array processing      568—569
Matched filtering physical basis      484—486
Matched filtering programmable      488
Matched filtering sensitivity to displacement      279—286
Matched filtering sensitivity to signal orientation      265—266
Matched filtering sensitivity to signal scale      266—267
Media: anisotropic      14
Media: dispersive power      13
Media: isotropic      14
Meniscus lenses      54 55
Michelson interferometers      137—138
Microchannel plates      150
Minimum deviation angle      20—22
Minimum-aperture interferometer      230—231
Mirrors: galvanometer      154
Mirrors: in optical signal processors      248
Mirrors: rotating      154
Mixed transforms      401
Mixed transforms of cw signals      401—403
Mixed transforms of evolving pulses      404—407
Mixed transforms of reference signals      412—414
Mixed transforms of short pulses      403—404
Modulation: acousto-optic      307—309
Modulation: electronic reference      527
Modulation: index      291 299
Modulation: transfer functions      109—110
Modulation: variable-grating      150—151
Modulators, intensity      184
Modulators, light      see “Spatial light modulators”
Monolithic optical integrated circuits      530 533
Monostatic phased array radar systems      568—569
Montgomery time-integrating correlator      517—520
Motion analysis      273—276
Multiplexed filters      238—240
Multiplexing      271 272
Multipliers      115—116
Mutual intensity      135 139
narrowband filters      336 337
Narrowband interference (jammers)      465—466
Near-field diffraction      see “Fresnel diffraction”
Negative meniscus lenses      55
Nematic liquid crystals      150 151
Newton's formula      43
Noise      128
Noise cancellation      560
Noise equivalent power      181
Noise prewhitening      268 270
Noise shot (quantum)      see “Shot noise”
Noise spectral density      260 261
Noise spectral density nonuniform      267—272
Noise thermal (Johnson)      see “Thermal noise”
Notch filtering      see also “Signal excision”
Notch filtering and sidelobe control      469
Notch filtering impulse response      474 475
Notch filtering liquid-crystal displays in      475
Notch filtering photodetector arrays in      472
Notch filtering spatial light modulators in      465 469 475
Notch filtering with optical transversal processors      see “Adaptive filtering”
Nyquist sampling theorem      4 83 113
Oblique illumination      110—112
Obliquity factor      76 105
Operators: free space as      77 116—117
Operators: lens      117
Operators: linear      201
Operators: space-invariant      201
Operators: spatial light modulators      115—116
Optical data storage/retrieval, packing density      130—132
Optical filtering      see “Optical signal processors”
Optical integrated circuits      530—534
Optical integrated circuits hybrid      530 531
Optical integrated circuits monolithic      530 533
Optical invariant      45—47 84
Optical invariant and bandwidth products      50—51
Optical invariant and optical system design      51—54
Optical invariant and resolution      50
Optical invariant use in calculating magnification      48
Optical memory      152
Optical modulators      see “Spatial light modulators”
Optical path      13—14
Optical power      155
Optical power in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      353
Optical power integrated      257
Optical radio      see “Radio optical”
Optical signal processors      see also “Signals Spectrum analyzers” 200—201 247—249
Optical signal processors acousto-optic modulation      307—309
Optical signal processors constant false alarm rate      259—260
Optical signal processors convergent illumination      132—133
Optical signal processors dual frequency-plane processors      268—270
Optical signal processors Fourier transform lenses      see “Fourier transform lenses”
Optical signal processors information capacity, maximization      128—130
Optical signal processors inverse filtering      209—210
Optical signal processors joint transform processing      236—237
Optical signal processors light sources      247 248 249—251
Optical signal processors optical integrated circuits      530—534
Optical signal processors orientation search      263—266
Optical signal processors packing density      130—132
Optical signal processors phased array      566—569
Optical signal processors photodetector arrays      see “Photodetector arrays”
Optical signal processors reference function      241—243
Optical signal processors reference-to-signal beam ratio      261—263
Optical signal processors scale search      266—267
Optical signal processors scanning systems      153—154
Optical signal processors signal focal position      37
Optical signal processors spatial filter displacement effects      279—286
Optical signal processors spatial light modulators      247 248 249 251—252
Optical signal processors spillover      158—159
Optical signal processors transposed processing      270—272 273 277
Optical signal processors with spatial carrier frequency filters      see “Spatial carrier frequency filters”
Optical signals      see “Signals”
Optical spectrum analysis      see “Spectrum analyzers”
Optical systems: aberrations      see “Aberrations”
Optical systems: cascaded      125—126
Optical systems: chirp-z transforms      133—134
Optical systems: coherence      136
Optical systems: component matching      51—54
Optical systems: cutoff angle/frequency      53—54
Optical systems: Fourier transforms in      see “Fourier transforms”
Optical systems: general representation      115—116
Optical systems: general representation Fourier transform      119—120
Optical systems: imaging condition      120—121
Optical systems: imaging versus Fourier transformation      124—125
Optical systems: information capacity, maximization      128—130
Optical systems: linearity      134
Optical systems: linearity in amplitude      137
Optical systems: linearity in intensity      136
Optical systems: resolution      112—113
Optical systems: space variance      57
Optical transversal processors      560—566
Optics, geometrical      115
Optics, geometrical aberrations      see “Aberrations”
Optics, geometrical conjugate imaging conditions, finite/infinite      39
Optics, geometrical critical angle      19—20
Optics, geometrical defined      12
Optics, geometrical Fermat's principle      17—19 39 57—58
Optics, geometrical lens equation      39
Optics, geometrical lenses      see “Lenses”
Optics, geometrical Newton's formula      43
Optics, geometrical optical invariant      see “Optical invariant”
Optics, geometrical paraxial rays      27
Optics, geometrical prisms      see “Prisms”
Optics, geometrical ray tracing      40—43
Optics, geometrical ray tracing principal pupil ray      44—45
Optics, geometrical reflection, law of      15—16
Optics, geometrical refraction, law of (Snell's law)      16—17 18 26 35—36
Optics, geometrical refraction, law of (Snell's law) general form      29 30
Optics, geometrical sign convention      26—28
Optics, geometrical transfer equation      28
Optics, physical      115
Optics, physical coherence      134—140
Optics, physical diffraction, two sources      80—81
Optics, physical Fourier transforms in      see also “Fourier transforms” 97—100
Optics, physical Fresnel transforms in      see also “Fresnel transforms” 75—79
Optics, physical fringe patterns      81
Optics, physical light wave propagation      71—75
Optics, physical transmittance      72—73
Orientation search      263—266
Orthicons, image      152
oscillators      315
Oscillators local      see “Local oscillators”
Packing density      130—132
Paraxial rays      27
Parseval's theorem      see also “Appendix II” 203 465
Pattern recognition      2 235
Petzval sum      64
Ph todetectors      73
Ph todetectors and heterodyne transform      455 457 460 462—464
Ph todetectors discrete element      397
Ph todetectors frequency response      174
Ph todetectors in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      353—354
Ph todetectors in heterodyne detection      374—383
Ph todetectors in heterodyne detection optical radio      385 388—389 391 392
Ph todetectors in homodyne detection      493—494 495 496
Ph todetectors in reference-function correlators, bandwidth      486
Ph todetectors shot-noise limited      181
Ph todetectors spectral responsivity      155
Phase difference      14
Phase modulation: in acousto-optic cells      301—302
Phase modulation: in holography      87
Phase objects      219
Phase spatial filters      216—220 222—223
Phased array antenna systems      566—568
Phased array processing      566—569
Phased array radar systems      568—569
Phased array transducers      532
Phasor notation      72 73—74
Photodetector arrays      5 152—155
Photodetector arrays as notch filters      472
Photodetector arrays avalanche photodiodes in      181—182
Photodetector arrays decimated      see “Decimated arrays”
Photodetector arrays duty cycle      157 170—171
Photodetector arrays frequency resolution      167—168
Photodetector arrays geometry      156—158
Photodetector arrays geometry in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      360—361
Photodetector arrays geometry in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      414—416
Photodetector arrays in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      354
Photodetector arrays in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      398 434 435
Photodetector arrays in heterodyne spectrum analyzers position      421—422
Photodetector arrays in optical integrated circuits      530—533
Photodetector arrays in optical signal processors      248 249
Photodetector arrays in optical signal processors nonoverlapping signals      256—258
Photodetector arrays in optical signal processors thresholding      255—256
Photodetector arrays in phased array processing      568—569
Photodetector arrays in raster-scanning spectrum analyzers      187—188
Photodetector arrays in space-integrating correlators      489
Photodetector arrays in space-integrating correlators Doppler shift detection      486—488
Photodetector arrays in space-integrating spectrum analyzers      335 336—337
Photodetector arrays in time-integrating correlators      518—519 520 523 526
Photodetector arrays in time-integrating spectrum analyzers      505 515
Photodetector arrays linearity      159
Photodetector arrays n video cameras      533
Photodetector arrays nonlinearities      257
Photodetector arrays number of elements      156 168—171
Photodetector arrays on-chip processing      258—259
Photodetector arrays readout rate      158
Photodetector arrays response uniformity      159
Photodetector arrays ring/wedge      154—155
Photodetector arrays saturation      159
Photodetector arrays signal-to-noise ratio      173—179
Photodetector arrays smart arrays      158
Photodetector arrays spillover      158—159
Photodetector arrays spillover blooming      159
Photodetector arrays spillover crosstalk      159
Photodetector arrays thresholding      255—260
Photodetector arrays, photodetector spacing      167—171
Photodiodes, avalanche      181—182
Photodiodes, avalanche in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      362
Photoelastic effect      357
Photographic film      52—53
Photographic film amplitude transmittance      225
Photographic film and spatial filters      212
Photographic film as a photodetector array      152
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