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Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing
Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing

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Íàçâàíèå: Optical signal processing

Àâòîð: Vanderlugt A.


Intended for use as both a senior and graduate level textbook and as a reference for workers in the field, it combines a solid treatment of optical signal processing theory with detailed descriptions of selected processing applications. With a focus on processing two-dimensional analog signals, it treats the important new area of acousto-optic signal processing. Beginning with an examination of optical signal processing fundamentals, chapters cover basic signal parameters, geometrical optics, physical optics, spectrum analysis and spatial filtering. Later chapters, focusing on applications, examine heterodyne systems, heterodyne spectrum analysis, decimated arrays and cross-spectrum analysis, heterodyne transform and signal excision, space integrating correlators, time integrating systems and two-dimensional processing.

ßçûê: en

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 604

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 08.10.2005

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Doppler processing, time-integrating      504
Doppler radar systems      534
Doppler radar systems signal processing      557—560
Doppler shift      516—517
Doppler shift detection      486 488 489 496—497
Doppler shift in communication systems      550 552 554—556
Double convolution theorem      202—203
Downchirp mode      311 317 320
Downchirp signals, in time-integrating spectrum analyzers      506—510
Downshifted signals      294 303 304 305
Dual frequency-plane processors      268—270
Duty cycle, photodetector arrays      157 170—171
Duty cycle, scan      321 323 326 327 328
Dynamic range: cross-spectrum analyzers      451
Dynamic range: heterodyne spectrum analyzers      422—427
Dynamic range: in decimated array spectrum analyzers      440—442 444
Dynamic range: of acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      350 352—354 362—363
Dynamic range: of spectrum analyzers      171—172 178—179 182—183
Dynamic range: spur-free      173
Electro-optic spatial light modulators      149—150
Electromagnetic waves, propagation      71—80
Electronic-reference correlators      526—529
Electronic-reference modulation      527
Emitter sorting      566—568
Equalizing filters      210
Euler expansion      114
Evolving-pulse signals, mixed transform      404—407
Eye, angular resolution      51
Facsimile scanners/recorders      329—331
Far-field diffraction      78
Faraday effect      151
Feedback control, of adaptive filtering      560—561
Fermat's principle      17—19 39 57—58
Field-flattener lenses      64
Figure of merit      297—298
Figure of merit various interaction materials      309
Film, photographic      see “Photographic film”
Filter function      202
Filtering: adaptive      270—272 560—566
Filtering: inverse      209—210
Filtering: matched      see “Matched filtering”
Filtering: notch      see “Notch filtering; Signal excision”
Filtering: spatial      see “Spatial filters”
Filters: bandpass      see “Bandpass filters”
Filters: binary      212—214
Filters: equalizing      210
Filters: low-pass      6
Filters: low-pass impulse response      7
Filters: multiplexed      238—240
Filters: narrowband      206—207 336 337
Fine frequency resolution      547
Finite conjugate imaging condition      39
First principal plane      34
FM band      see also “Radio optical” 384—385
Focal planes      31—33
Folded spectrum      188—191
Fourier series      95 96
Fourier transform lenses      157 171 188 247—248 252—253 266
Fourier transform lenses in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      338
Fourier transform lenses in optical radio heterodyne detection      388
Fourier transform lenses in Raman — Nath-mode spectrum analyzers      341
Fourier transform lenses, imaging lenses      248 254
Fourier transforms      see also “Appendix II” 95—96 118 123
Fourier transforms bandlimited signals      105
Fourier transforms by chirp-z transform application      133
Fourier transforms by optical integrated circuits      530
Fourier transforms convolution theorem      100—101 102 103 202—203
Fourier transforms from heterodyne transform      454—458 460—461
Fourier transforms in cross-spectrum analyzers      446—448
Fourier transforms in general optical systems      119—120
Fourier transforms in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      399—400 434
Fourier transforms in optics      97—100
Fourier transforms in space-integrating correlators      479—480
Fourier transforms in spectrum analysis      145—146 335
Fourier transforms inverse      96 103—105 205
Fourier transforms linear space-invariant systems      202—203
Fourier transforms of $\psi$-function      118 123
Fourier transforms of aperture functions      100—103
Fourier transforms of delta function      103 123
Fourier transforms of raster scan lines      188—189
Fourier transforms Parseval's theorem      203 465
Fourier transforms periodic functions (signals)      95—96 103
Fourier transforms scaling factor      126—128
Fourier transforms shift theorem      see also “Appendix II” 110—111
Fourier transforms triple-product correlation (cross bispectrum)      543—545
Fourier transforms variable-scale      123—124
Frame alignment      277—278
Fraunhofer diffraction      78
Free space, as operator on light waves      77
Free-space impulse response      78 117
Frequency modulation (FM) band      see also “Radio optical” 384—385
Frequency resolution      163 167—168
Frequency resolution coarse      184
Frequency resolution in real-time spectrum analyzers      546—548
Frequency response, aperture functions      162 163—168
Frequency, of light      12—13
Frequency-plane processors, dual      268—270
Fresnel diffraction      76—77 78
Fresnel diffraction by slits      89
Fresnel integrals      89—94 98 381
Fresnel integrals cosine      90—91
Fresnel integrals sine      90—91
Fresnel kernels      88 98
Fresnel lenses      60
Fresnel lenses in integrated optical circuits      531—532
Fresnel transforms      see also “Appendix II” 75—79 97 98 114 133
Fresnel transforms and general optical systems      116
Fresnel transforms digital calculation      88
Fresnel transforms in holography      87—88
Fresnel transforms of slits      88—95
Fresnel zone patterns      82—88 133
Fresnel zone patterns and synthetic aperture radar      217—218
Fresnel zone patterns in heterodyne detection one-dimensional      381—382
Fresnel zone patterns in heterodyne detection two-dimensional      380
Fresnel zone patterns in Mach — Zehnder interferometer      229
Fresnel zone patterns in spatial interference      371
Fresnel zone patterns intensity calculations      94—95
Fringe patterns      see also “Fresnel zone patterns” 81—82
Fringe patterns in heterodyne detection      377
Fringe patterns in Mach — Zehnder interferometer      373
Fringe patterns linear, one-dimensional      371
Fringe patterns principal maximum      81
Fringe patterns quadratic      372
Fringe visibility      81 136 140 448
Gabor holograms      84 87
Gabor transform      400
Gain factor      181
Gain, heterodyne versus power spectrum analyzers      427—430
Gain, in packing density      132
Gallium phosphide: as interaction material      299 309 340
Gallium phosphide: in integrated optical circuits      533
Galvanometer mirrors      154
Gaussian aperture functions      101 160 161 163—165 348
Gaussian aperture functions frequency response      166
Gaussian aperture functions mainlobes      166
Gaussian beams      101
Gaussian beams gas lasers      249—250
Gaussian beams in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      338—340
Gaussian beams in chirp-waveform scanners      331—332
Geodesic lenses      531 532
Geometrical optics      see “Optics geometrical”
Gray scale      4—5
Hamming aperture function      160 161 163—165
Hanning aperture function      160 164—165
Hard clipping      521
Hartman test      61
Height bandwidth product      10 50
Helmholtz's equation      45—47
Heterodyne detection      369—370 393—395 490—491
Heterodyne detection and Doppler shift      496—497
Heterodyne detection and heterodyne transform      462—465
Heterodyne detection arbitrary filter functions      473—475
Heterodyne detection carrier frequency      497—498
Heterodyne detection disadvantages      433
Heterodyne detection in optical radio      386—393
Heterodyne detection photodetector geometry, optimum      374—375
Heterodyne detection photodetector geometry, optimum for general signal      381—383
Heterodyne detection photodetector geometry, optimum for one-dimensional chirp      380—381
Heterodyne detection photodetector geometry, optimum for plane-wave interference      374—375
Heterodyne detection photodetector geometry, optimum for two-dimensional chirp      378—380
Heterodyne detection reference beams (probes)      369 374—375 383
Heterodyne detection signal compression      382—383
Heterodyne detection signal/reference wave overlap      374—375
Heterodyne spectrum analyzers      see “Spectrum analyzers heterodyne”
Heterodyne transform      454—461
Heterodyne transform and signal excision      466—472
Heterodyne transform and three-dimensional field probing      461—465
Heterodyne transform arbitrary filter functions      472—475
Heterodyne transform reference signals      461—462
Holograms: exposure      85
Holograms: Gabor      84 87
Holograms: Leith — Upatnieks      84—87
Holography      75
Holography and Fresnel zone patterns      84—88
Holography Fresnel transforms      87—88
Holography heterodyne detection in      369
Holography off-axis reference wavefront      84—87
Holography reconstruction beams      85—86
Holography virtual/real images      86
Homodyne detection      490—493
Homodyne detection in Fourier domain      493—496
Huygen's principle      75
Hybrid heterodyne spectrum analyzers      430
Hybrid optical integrated circuits      530 531
Hybrid spectrum analyzers      335
Illumination: convergent      132—133
Illumination: Gaussian      338—340
Illumination: oblique      110—112
Image alignment      277—278
Images      4—5
Images raster-scanned      9
Images virtual      86
Imaging condition      39—40 120—121
Imaging lenses      248 254
Imaging systems      120—121
Impulse response      6—7 202
Impulse responses: free-space      78
Impulse responses: in notch filtering      474 475
Impulse responses: in reference-function correlators complex-valued      482—484
Impulse responses: in reference-function correlators real-valued      481—482
Impulse train      410—411
Incidence, angle of      15
Incoherence, optical systems      136
Incoherent light, in electronic reference correlators      526—529
Incoherent modulation transfer functions      109—110
Infinite conjugate imaging condition      39
Information capacity, of optical systems maximization      128—130
Information theory, and optics      1
Injection laser diodes      see “Laser diodes”
Instantaneous frequency, of chirp signals      311—312
Instantaneous power spectrum analyzers      335
Instantaneous spectrum      400
Integrate-and-dump technique      499—501 542
Integrated circuits, optical      530—534
Integrators, in spectrum analyzers      337
Intensity modulators      184
Intensity: in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      399
Intensity: mutual      135 139
Interaction materials      see also “specific materials”
Interaction materials in acousto-optic cells      289 298 308—309
Interaction materials in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      335—336
Interaction materials table of      309
Interference patterns      see also “Fresnel zone patterns” 84
Interference: intensity      371 373
Interference: narrowband      465—466
Interference: spatial      370—373
Interference: temporal and spatial      370—373
Interferometers: and heterodyne transforms      454—456 458—461
Interferometers: common path      492
Interferometers: for optical radio      384—385 389
Interferometers: in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      398—399
Interferometers: Mach — Zehnder      see “Mach — Zehnder interferometers”
Interferometers: Michelson      137—138
Interferometers: minimum-aperture      230—231
Interferometers: modified Rayleigh      229—230
Intermodulation products      172—173
Intermodulation products two-tone, third order      356—357
Interpolation function      see “Sine function”
Inverse filtering      209—210
Inverse Fourier transforms      96 103—105 205
Isotropic media      14
Johnson noise      see “Thermal noise”
Joint transform processing      236—237
Kaiser — Bessel aperture function      160 164—165
Kernels, Fourier transform      99
Lagrange's equation      45—47
Laser diodes, injection      20 101 146—147 171 249 499
Laser diodes, injection argon-ion      146
Laser diodes, injection as light sources      146
Laser diodes, injection gas      101 171 249
Laser diodes, injection Gaussian profile      249—250
Laser diodes, injection helium-neon      146
Laser diodes, injection in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      340
Laser diodes, injection in time-integrating correlators      520—521
Laser diodes, injection injection, double heterostructure      531
Laser diodes, injection semiconductor      146
Lasers: in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      536—340
Leith — Upatnieks holograms      84—87
Length bandwidth product      10 50
Length bandwidth product and chirp function      83
Lens equation      39
Lens functions      117
Lens splitting      65—67
Lenses      33
Lenses aberrations      see “Aberrations”
Lenses afocal (telescopic) configuration      37—39
Lenses aspherical      251
Lenses back focal plane      31
Lenses bending      55
Lenses biconvex      54—55
Lenses bilateral systems      33
Lenses chirp-z transforms      133—134
Lenses classification      54—57
Lenses Coddington position factor      56—57
Lenses Coddington shape factor      54—56
Lenses collimating      250—251
Lenses collimating lens configuration      32—33
Lenses condenser lens configuration      31—33
Lenses conjugate imaging condition, finite/infinite      39
Lenses convergent illumination      132—133
Lenses curvature      28
Lenses deviation of rays      31
Lenses equivalent power      36—37
Lenses field flatteners      64
Lenses for integrated circuits      531—532
Lenses Fourier transform      see “Fourier transform lenses”
Lenses Fresnel      60 531—532
Lenses front focal plane      33
Lenses geodesic      531 532
Lenses imaging      248 254
Lenses in general optical systems      116—128
Lenses in spatial filters      211
Lenses lateral magnification      41 43—44 45
Lenses Luneberg      531
Lenses magnification determination      41 43—45
Lenses marginal rays      31
Lenses negative      55
Lenses Newton's formula      43
Lenses optical invariant      45—47
Lenses packing density      130—132
1 2 3 4 5
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