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Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing
Vanderlugt A. — Optical signal processing

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Íàçâàíèå: Optical signal processing

Àâòîð: Vanderlugt A.


Intended for use as both a senior and graduate level textbook and as a reference for workers in the field, it combines a solid treatment of optical signal processing theory with detailed descriptions of selected processing applications. With a focus on processing two-dimensional analog signals, it treats the important new area of acousto-optic signal processing. Beginning with an examination of optical signal processing fundamentals, chapters cover basic signal parameters, geometrical optics, physical optics, spectrum analysis and spatial filtering. Later chapters, focusing on applications, examine heterodyne systems, heterodyne spectrum analysis, decimated arrays and cross-spectrum analysis, heterodyne transform and signal excision, space integrating correlators, time integrating systems and two-dimensional processing.

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$\psi$-function      117—118 123
Abbe's resolution criterion      106—110 112 114
Abbe, as spatial frequency designator      53
Aberrations      57—59
Aberrations astigmatism      63—64
Aberrations coma      62—63
Aberrations curvature of field      64
Aberrations distortion      65
Aberrations monochromatic wavefront polynomial      58—59
Aberrations order of      59
Aberrations point spread function      57
Aberrations reduction      65—67
Aberrations spherical      59—61
Aberrations third-order      59
accumulators      561
Acoustic waves: attenuation by interaction materials      309
Acoustic waves: in acousto-optic cells      289—290 303—304
Acoustic waves: in acousto-optic cells attenuation      298—299
Acousto-optic cells      156 288—290
Acousto-optic cells acoustic wave attenuation      298—299
Acousto-optic cells acoustic wavelengths      294—296
Acousto-optic cells and heterodyne transform      461
Acousto-optic cells as beam scanners (deflectors      see “Scanners”
Acousto-optic cells as temporal modulators      307—309
Acousto-optic cells Bragg diffraction mode      290 292—294 305—307
Acousto-optic cells configurations      304
Acousto-optic cells crossed geometry      540—543
Acousto-optic cells diffraction angles      294—296
Acousto-optic cells diffraction orders      see “Diffraction orders”
Acousto-optic cells downshifted signals      294 303—305
Acousto-optic cells dual-channel      433 437 446
Acousto-optic cells in adaptive filtering      562—563
Acousto-optic cells in decimated-array spectrum analyzers      437—440 444
Acousto-optic cells in electronic reference correlators      526—528
Acousto-optic cells in heterodyne detection      372 384 387 391 395
Acousto-optic cells in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      398—399 403—404 407 414—416 434
Acousto-optic cells in Range/Doppler radar processing      557—558 560
Acousto-optic cells in real-time spectrum analyzers      430 546
Acousto-optic cells in space-integrating correlators      477 478—482 499
Acousto-optic cells in spectrum analyzers      335—338 340—346 398—400 433—435
Acousto-optic cells in time-integrating correlators      517 520—522 526
Acousto-optic cells in time-integrating spectrum analyzers      505—506 508—510
Acousto-optic cells in two-dimensional processing      536 539
Acousto-optic cells input/output relationships      299—301
Acousto-optic cells interaction materials      289 299 308—309
Acousto-optic cells modulation index      291 299
Acousto-optic cells multichannel      307 566—567
Acousto-optic cells phase modulation in      301—302
Acousto-optic cells Q-factor      292
Acousto-optic cells Raman — Nath diffraction mode      288 290—292 293 294 305
Acousto-optic cells source depletion      358—359
Acousto-optic cells spatial frequencies      294—296
Acousto-optic cells temporal frequencies      294—296
Acousto-optic cells time bandwidth product      296—298
Acousto-optic cells time delay      301
Acousto-optic cells upshifted signals      294 303—304 305
Acousto-optic cells, acousto-optic interaction visualization      305—307
Acousto-optic materials      see “Interaction materials”
Acousto-optic modulation      307—309
Acousto-optic power spectrum analyzers      see “Spectrum analyzers power”
Acousto-optic spatial light modulators      see “Acousto-optic cells”
Active aperture time, chirp-waveform scanners      315 321 328
Active scan time, chirp-waveform scanners      315 327 328
Adaptive filtering      270—272 560—561
Adaptive filtering continuous-time analysis      562—564
Adaptive filtering frequency plane implementation      564—566
Adaptive filtering sampled-time analysis      561—562 562—564
Adaptive linear predictors      see “Adaptive filtering”
Afocal configuration      37—39
Airy disc      61 250
Ambiguity function generation      549—552
Ambiguity function generation cross-      550
Ambiguity function generation cw signals      552—553
Ambiguity function generation infinite time duration chirp signals      555—557
Ambiguity function generation short-pulse signals      553—554
Ambiguity function generation Wigner — Ville distribution      556—557
Amplitude weighting functions      see also “Aperture functions” 303
analog signals      4—5
Analog signals detection      273
Anamorphic magnification      22
Angle-of-arrival      446 566—569
Angle-of-incidence      15
Angular resolution      49 51
Anisotropic media      14
Antenna systems: dual      445—446
Antenna systems: phased array      566—568
Antenna systems: radar      216—217
Antenna systems: resolution      216
Aperture functions      see also “Mainlobes; Sidelobes; Sinc function in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers” 100—101 160—163 339—340 347—348 353
Aperture functions and matched filtering      485
Aperture functions Bartlett      160 161 163 164—165
Aperture functions Blackman      160
Aperture functions Chebyshev      160 164—165
Aperture functions Dolph — Chebyshev      160
Aperture functions for heterodyne spectrum analyzers      418—419 420
Aperture functions Fourier transform of      100—103
Aperture functions frequency response      162 163—168
Aperture functions Gaussian      see “Gaussian aperture functions”
Aperture functions Hamming      160 161 163 164—165
Aperture functions Hanning      160 164—165
Aperture functions in optical radio heterodyne detection      387
Aperture functions Kaiser — Bessel      160 164—165
Aperture functions partitioned      101—103
Aperture functions rect      see “Rect aperture function”
Aperture functions weighted      112—115
Aperture weighting functions      see “Aperture functions”
Apertures half-plane      94
Apertures relative      37 128—129
Apodization functions      160
Arbitrary filter functions      472—475
Area modulation      474—475
Aspherical lenses      251
Associative memory      236
Astigmatism      63—64
Attenuation, acoustic      298—299
Attenuation, acoustic of interaction materials      309
Attenuators      248 249
Auto-bispectrum      544
Autocorrelation functions      110 139 140 204—205 478
Autocorrelation, triple-product      544
Avalanche photodiodes      181—182 362
Bandlimited signals: Fourier transforms      105
Bandlimited signals: sampling      3—4 112—115
Bandpass filters      175
Bandpass filters in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      435
Bandpass filters in time-integrating spectrum analyzers      515
Bandpass filters shape, in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      414 416—418 419 420
Bandpass signals      3 175—176
Bandwidth, of signals      3
Bartlett aperture function      160 161 163—165
Baseband signals      3
Beam deflectors      see “Scanners”
Beam expanders, in optical signal processors      248
Beamcombiners      224
Beamcombiners in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      399 422
Beamsplitters      137—138 224 231 437
Beamsplitters in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      422
Beamsplitters in optical signal processors      248
Bessel functions      291—292
Bias      80
Biconcave lenses      55
Biconvex lenses      54 55
Bilateral lens systems      33
Binary filters      212—214
Binoculars      150
Bispectrum: auto      544
Bispectrum: cross      543—545
Bistatic radar systems      568
Blackman aperture function      160
Blooming      159
Bragg angle      293
Bragg cells      see “Acousto-optic cells”
Bragg diffraction mode      290 292—294 305—307
Bragg diffraction mode in spectrum analyzers      338 344—346
Bragg illumination      498
Butt coupling      531 532 534
Camera lenses      51—53
Capacity, information      128—130
CCD (Charge-coupled devices)      152 156 158 256
CCD (Charge-coupled devices) in acousto-optic power spectrum analyzers      337 354 364—365 429—430
CCD (Charge-coupled devices) in synthetic radar signal processing      560
CCD (Charge-coupled devices) in time-integrating correlators      519
CCD (Charge-coupled devices) in time-integrating spectrum analyzers      515
CCD (Charge-coupled devices) saturation      159
Channelized receivers      435
Character recognition      263
Character recognition transposed processing in      271—272
Charge-coupled devices (CCD)      see “CCD”
Chebyshev aperture function      160 164—165
Chirp duration      310 311 321
Chirp functions      see “Fresnel zone patterns”
Chirp rate      83 310—311 317
Chirp rate in decimated array spectrum analyzers      439—440
Chirp signals      83—88 133 310—312 372
Chirp signals generation      315
Chirp signals in real-time spectrum analyzers      545—546
Chirp signals in time-integrating spectrum analyzers      505—510
Chirp signals repetition period      315
Chirp train      315 410—411
Chirp-z transforms      133—134
Cloud-motion analysis      274—276
Coarse frequency resolution      184 546
Coddington position factor      56—57
Coddington shape factor      54—56
Coherence      134
Coherence complex degree of      136
Coherence distance      137
Coherence length      140
Coherence partial      137
Coherence spatial      134—137 140
Coherence temporal      137—140
Coherence time      137 140
Coherent modulation transfer functions      109—110
Collimating lens configuration      32—33
Collimating lenses      250—251
Coma      62—63
Comb functions      103
Common path interferometers      492
Communication systems      128
Communication systems air-to-air      550
Communication systems air-to-ground      550
Communication systems narrowband interference      465—466
Communication systems satellite      549—550
Communication systems synchronization      549—550
Communication systems transmitter/receiver synchronization      516—517
Complementary cancellation      523—524
Complex-valued impulse response      482—484
Condenser lens configuration      31—33
Conjugate image planes      84
Conservation of cross-power theorem      465
Convergent illumination      132—133
Convolution      see also “Appendix II” 6 78 114 241
Convolution double      202—203
Convolution integrals      202
Convolution theorem      see also “Appendix II” 100—102 202—203
Cornu spiral      91—92 94
Correlation      see also “Appendix II” 203—205 241 478 536
Correlation auto-      204—205
Correlation by optical integrated circuits      530
Correlation cross-      203—204 478
Correlation display in space      541
Correlation for transmitter/receiver synchronization      516—517
Correlation integrate-and-dump      499—501 542
Correlation means of performing      501—502
Correlation physical basis      484—486
Correlation receivers      209
Correlation time-integrating      504
Correlation triple-product      537—540
Correlation two-product      537
Correlators, electronic reference      526—529
Correlators, reference-function      see “Reference-function correlators”
Correlators, space-integrating      see “Space-integrating correlators”
Correlators, time-integrating      see “Time-integrating correlators”
Correlators, variable-scale      125—126
Counter-rotating prisms      25
Critical angle      19—20
Cross bispectrum      543—545
Cross-ambiguity function      550
Cross-correlation functions      203—204 478
Cross-coupling      356
Cross-modulation      356
Cross-power, conservation of      465
Cross-product      see also “Appendix II” 374—378 381 383 390 395
Cross-product in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      399
Cross-product in the heterodyne transform      456 457 462
Cross-spectrum analyzers      445—447
Cross-spectrum analyzers acousto-optic cells      446
Cross-spectrum analyzers dynamic range      451
Cross-spectrum analyzers fast-scan mode      449 452
Cross-spectrum analyzers postdetection processing      450
Cross-spectrum analyzers slow-scan mode      449 452
Cross-spectrum analyzers spatial fringe structure      448
Cross-spectrum analyzers spatial heterodyning      446—448
Cross-spectrum analyzers staring mode      449 452
Cross-spectrum analyzers temporal heterodyning      448—452
Crossed acousto-optic cells      540—543
Crossover, of principal planes      34
Crosstalk      159
Crosstalk in heterodyne spectrum analyzers      417—420
Curvature of field      64
Cutoff angle      53—54
Cutoff frequency      3 53
Cutoff frequency in acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      351 361
CW signals      415—416
CW signals mixed transform      401—403
Decimated arrays      433 436—438
Decimated arrays, decimation ratio      436
Deflectors, beam      see “Scanners”
Degrees of freedom, of signals      5
Delay lines      458
Delay lines acousto-optic cells as      301 307
Delay lines transversal tapped      560—562
Delta function      5—6 79
Delta function Fourier transform of      102—103 123
Delta function sifting property      see also “Appendix II” 79 104 105 109 120 202
Detectors      see “Photodetectors”
Deterministic signals      201
Deviation angle      21
DFT modules (digital Fourier transform)      430
Diffraction      see “Light diffraction”
Diffraction efficiency      173
Diffraction efficiency of acousto-optic cells      297—300
Diffraction efficiency of acousto-optic spectrum analyzers      357—359
Diffraction orders      291—294 297
Diffraction orders conjugate relationships      305
Diffraction orders positive /negative (upshifted/downshifted signals)      294 303—305
Diffraction orders sign notation      303—304
Diffraction orders, diffraction efficiencies      297—300
Diffraction, temporal      403
Diodes, laser      see “Laser diodes injection”
Diopters      29
Direction-of-arrival      446 566—569
Discrete element photodetectors      397
dispersion      22
Dispersive power      13
Displacement, of optical beam      25—26
Displacement, of spatial filters      285—286
Distortion      65
Distributed local oscillators      505—506 509 514
Dolph — Chebyshev aperture function      160
1 2 3 4 5
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