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Finlayson B.A. — Numerical Methods for Problems With Moving Fronts
Finlayson B.A. — Numerical Methods for Problems With Moving Fronts

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Название: Numerical Methods for Problems With Moving Fronts

Автор: Finlayson B.A.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Численные методы/Моделирование физических процессов/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1992

Количество страниц: 605

Добавлена в каталог: 21.02.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Spalding, D. B.      379 401
Spectral method      8 350
Spine representation      292—298 429 431
Spline, cubic      326 587
Stability      55 64 78 93 480
Stability, limits      45 61 87 258 369 372 482 494
Stability, moving nodes      218
Stability, reaction problems      371
Stability, unsteady Couette flow      489
Steady-state solutions, multiple      394
Stefan number      403
Stefan problem, moving finite element method      416
Stefan problem, two-phase      415 416
Steffler, P. M.      177 188
Stevens, W. N. R.      440 456
Stewart, J. R.      451 456
Stewart. W.E.      181 188
Stirred-tank model      45
Stokes flow      434
Stream function      347 436
Stream function-vorticily method      440 441 450
Streamlines      448
Stress, first normal      459 470
Stress, shear      458
Strongly implicit method      260
Strouboulis, T.      102 125 455 456
Strouhal number      448
Stuart, A.      372 401
Sun, L.M.      321 354
Surface tension      429
Surface to volume ratio      356
Sweby, P. K.      151 188
Tamaddon-Jahromi, H. R.      454 455
Tan, C.H.      440 456
Tannehill, J. C      51 54 69 80 92 264 314
Taylor series      12 56 73 90 91 94 97 102 172 174 322 540
Taylor — Galerkin method      6 73 97—102 114 123 124 184 185
Taylor — Galerkin method, advection equation      98 100 101
Taylor — Galerkin method, amplification factor      371
Taylor — Galerkin method, anisotropic diffusion      270
Taylor — Galerkin method, Buckley — Leverett problem      509 511 540 585
Taylor — Galerkin method, Burger’s equation      106—110 237 271 583
Taylor — Galerkin method, combustion      364
Taylor — Galerkin method, comparison      99 102 107 110 113 116 117 120 121 124 127 128 178 182 234 248 249 251 263 314 332 365 371 386 388 489
Taylor — Galerkin method, comparison with least squares method      233
Taylor — Galerkin method, convective diffusion equation      111 582 583
Taylor — Galerkin method, dispersion diagram      559 565—567 573 577
Taylor — Galerkin method, Fisher’s equation      389
Taylor — Galerkin method, flux-correction      146
Taylor — Galerkin method, implicit      111 118—119
Taylor — Galerkin method, implicit, comparison      120 127 249
Taylor — Galerkin method, implicit, stability      119
Taylor — Galerkin method, linear adsorption      323 328 331 584
Taylor — Galerkin method, lumping      150 340
Taylor — Galerkin method, Navier — Stokes equations      451 452
Taylor — Galerkin method, nonlinear adsorption      339 340 584
Taylor — Galerkin method, reaction      361 363—368 374 584
Taylor — Galerkin method, stability      99 112 116
Taylor — Galerkin method, truncation error      99
Taylor — Galerkin method, two dimensional      269—275
Taylor — Galerkin method, two-step formulation      454
Taylor — Galerkin method, unsteady Couette flow      487 490 585
Taylor, T. D.      262 317 441 456
Taylor-FD Method with Flux-correction, rotating cone problem      351
Taylor-finite difference method      75 125 183 368
Taylor-finite difference method, amplification factor      85 370
Taylor-finite difference method, Buckley — Leverett problem      509
Taylor-finite difference method, comparison      87 90 125 325 371 488
Taylor-finite difference method, convective diffusion equation      85 86 583
Taylor-finite difference method, dispersion diagram      551—555 571 575
Taylor-finite difference method, implicit      85 91
Taylor-finite difference method, linear adsorption      323
Taylor-finite difference method, reaction      360 361 368 374
Taylor-finite difference method, rotating cone problem      351
Taylor-finite difference method, truncation error      85
Taylor-finite difference method, unsteady Couette flow      486 488
Teletzke, G.R      3 9
Temperature, extinction      395
Temperature, ignition      395
Temperville, A.      215 256
Tensor, diffusivity      343
Tezduyar, T. E.      364 401
Thames, R C      294 317
Thareja, R.R.      451 456
thermal conductivity      416
thermal diffusion      377
Thiele modulus      5 392
Thomaidis, G.      241 243 244 246 256
Thomas algorithm      25 33
Thommen, H. U.      80 92 261 317
Thompson, J. R      294 317
time constant      5 6 356 373 403 460 461
Time derivative, converted      206
Total variation      151
Towler, B. T      534 540
Townsend, P.      454 455
Transformation      see “Coordinate system transformation”
Trapezoid rule, integration of ODEs      83 116 214 310
Trapezoid rule, integration of ODEs, dispersion      311 (see also “Quadrature trapezoid
Trefethen, L. N.      307 309—313 317
Trial function      160 210 223 224 229 245 264 265 272 290 361 525 536
Trial function, global      18 20
Trial function, linear      17
Trial function, local      18 20
Truncation error      12 13 30 31 55 56 64 73 75 93 172 174 178 194 203 231 242 314 325 502 540
Tryggvason, G.      288 316 538 539 540
Tsai, H.L.      428 433
TVD method      6 137 151—155
TVD method, advection equation      154
TVD method, Buckley — Leverett problem      511 512 585
TVD method, Burger’s equation      155 583
TVD method, comparison      155 158 183 249 250
TVD method, convective diffusion equation      154 582
TVD method, Runge — Kutta method, as      153
TVD method, two dimensions      275
TVI method      See “TVD method”
Tzanos, C. P.      220 256 346 354 413 433
Unit CFL property      63 64 68 78 115 171
Unit CFL property, Galerkin method      111
Unsteady Couette flow      585
Unsteady Couette flow, Taylor-finite difference method      488 585
Upson, C      442 444 446—448 455
Upstream, derivative      15
Upstream, method      31 32
Upstream, streamwise      269
Upstream, weighting      3
Vahdati.M.      139 145 150 187 278 280 287 316 317 454 455 456
Valliappan, S.      286 315
Van der Corput sequence      133
van Steenhoven, A. A.      436 455
Varga, R. S.      36 46 87 92 172 187 215 256
Variance      588
Variational integral      165
Variational method      183
Variational method, steady-state convective diffusion equation      168
Variational method, weighting function      169
Variational Principle      164 438
Vichnevetsky, R.      313 317 477 495
Villadsen, J.V.      181 188
viscosity      458 459 460 504 527
Viscosity, artificial      275 455
Viscous term      443
Voller, V. R.      427 432
Von Neumann analysis      61 64 370 480
Vortex      347
Vortices      447
Vorticity      436
Votruba, J.      395 400
Wang, N.H.L.      342 354
Warming — Kutter — Lomax method      69
Warming, R.R      151 188
Warren, J. E.      36 46 87 92
Water, in dry soil      1
wave number      57 58 78
Wave speed      379 383 386
Wavelength      59
Weber, H. J.      383 400
Webster, M. R      454 455
Weighting function      28 29 49 159 229 231 264 272 404 406 427
Weighting function, discontinuous      345
Weighting function, optimal      29 502
Weighting function, Petrov — Galerkin      28
Weinberger, H. R.      475 476 495
Weissenberg number      461 471 475
Welding      3 402
Welge, H. J.      504 541
Well, production      534
Wendroff, B.      64 92
Westerberg, A. W.      231—235 255 412 432
Wheeler, M. R      240 241 243 244 246 254 256
White, A. B.      194 256
Wilkes, J. O.      155 186
Winkler, K. H. A.      516 541
Wormeck, J.J.      68 81 92
Yanenko, N. N.      380 401
Yang, G.      215 256
Yang, J. C      450 456
Yaniv, S.      288 315 316
Yanosik, J. L.      528 531 532 541
Yee, H.C      151 188
Yoo, J.      426 427 428 433
Yortsos, Y.C.      5l6 541
Yoshida, K.      397 401
Young, L. C      294 317 391 393—396 399 401 500—504 528—534 541
Yu, C.-C      164 188
Yu, Q.      342 354
Zalesak, S. T.      137 139 188 275 317 350 352 353
Zang, T. A.      8 9
Zhu, J.Z.      287 317
Zienkiewicz, O. C      29 46 102 125 274 287 316 317 416 418 424 431 451 456
Zuragat, Y. H.      174 188
Zygourakis, K.      241 243 244 246 256
“Anti-diffusion”      138 142 148 281
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