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Finlayson B.A. — Numerical Methods for Problems With Moving Fronts |
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Nassersharif, B. 419 432
Natural convection 402
Navier — Stokes equation 7 47 55 430 434—455
Navier — Stokes equation, discrete 443
Navier — Stokes equation, finite difference method 442
Navier — Stokes equation, Galerkin method 438 447
Navier — Stokes equation, Taylor — Galerk in method 452
Neuman, S. P. 241 255 292 316
Newton — Raphson method 297 429 431 438
Newton’s law of motion 435
Nodes, add and subtract 215 252 342
Nodes, arrangement 285
Nodes, global 22
Nodes, global, numbering 17 191
Nodes, last 140 141 148 173
Nodes, local 22
Nodes, local, numbering 17 191
Nodes, moving 6 222 288 290 384 421
Nodes, moving, analytical 206
Nodes, moving, Buckley — Leverett problem 517
Nodes, moving, comparison 238 251 412
Nodes, moving, equidislribution 217
Nodes, moving, equidislribution, advection equation 222
Nodes, moving, equidislribution, convective diffusion equation 221 223
Nodes, moving, finite element method 405 419
Nodes, moving, freezing in comer 423
Nodes, moving, freezing pipe 422
Nodes, moving, Galerkin method 216
Nodes, moving, orthogonal collocation on finite elements 342
Nodes, moving, stability 218
Nodes, moving, Stefan problem 416
Nodes, moving, two dimensions 288 292
Nodes, moving, weighted residual 223
Nodes, moving, weighted residual, Burger’s equation 228 235 238 moving”)
Nodes, numbering 146
Nodes, numbering, phase change problems 405
Nodes, numbering, staggered grid 535
Nodes, numbering, two dimensions 259
Nodes, two dimensional 419 (see also “Adaptive mesh”)
Non-dimensionalization 44
Nonlinear term, interpolation 104 105 108 121
Norm 11 61 165 166 199 455
Normal stress coefficient 458
Normal, “weighted” 421
Norman, M. L. 516 541
Novy.R.A. 516 517 541
Nusselt number 391
Oden, J. T. 102 125 167 171 186 268 287 315 316 344 346 348 353 455 456
Okuyiga, M. O. 514 516 517 541
Oliger, J. 283 315
One-phase problem, analytical approximation 408 409
Operator splitting 240 259 537
Operator splitting, comparison 380
Operator splitting, method of characteristics 449
Operator splitting, Navier — Stokes equations 454
Oran, E. S. 5.9 278 316
Ordinary differential equation, solution method 30
Orlhogonal collocation method 396 397 399 516
Orlhogonal collocation method on finite elements 181 342 394
Orlhogonal collocation method on finite elements, comparison 182 183
Orlhogonal collocation method on finite elements, convective diffusion equation 182 184
Orlhogonal collocation method on finite elements, moving finite elements 342
Orlhogonal collocation method on finite elements, moving mesh 182 368
Orlhogonal collocation method, Buckley — Leverett problem 514 515
Orlhogonal collocation method, transformed domain 413
Orszag, S. A. 8 9 347—350 354
Oscillation limit 15 36 151 181
Osher, S. 151 152 158 186 188 508 540
Overrelaxation method 260 441
O’Neill, K. 407—409 411 412 414—416 432
Packed bed 43 45 355
Padmanabhan, L. 538 540
Park, N.S. 234 255
Park, Y. J. 364 401
Parrott, A. K. 63 92 171 187 278—280 316 538 539 541
Peaceman, D. W. 239 241 254 259 260 317 496 541
Pearson, C. E. 193 255
Peclet number 4 5 10 12 35 36 56 373
Peclet number, effective 502
Pedersen, D. R. 413 431
Pelce, P. 402 432
Penalty method 436 439
Pepper, D. W. 454 456
Peraire, J. 139 145 150 187 278 280 287 316 317 451 454 455 456
Pereyra, V. 193 255
Permeability, Gaussian quadrature 526
Permeability, interpolation 526
Permeability, relative 504 518 519
Permeability, trapezoid rule 526
Permeability, upstream 526
Petrov — Galerkin method 3 28 29 34 40 41 42 45 49 50 51 53 54 93 98 100 102 103 111 113 122 159 223 228 344
Petrov — Galerkin method, advection equation 34 98 100
Petrov — Galerkin method, amplification factor 95 96 124
Petrov — Galerkin method, Burger’s equation 50 51 53 54 103—105 112 121
Petrov — Galerkin method, comparison 50 53 54 99 104 106 110 116 125 183 238 314 469
Petrov — Galerkin method, comparison with least squares method 233
Petrov — Galerkin method, convective diffusion equation 29 40 41 42 111 113 118 162 164 582 583
Petrov — Galerkin method, discontinuous weighting functions 346
Petrov — Galerkin method, dispersion 96
Petrov — Galerkin method, dispersion, diagram 557 558 563 564
Petrov — Galerkin method, dissipation 96
Petrov — Galerkin method, implicit 111 117 118 184 251
Petrov — Galerkin method, implicit, comparison 127 249 251
Petrov — Galerkin method, initial value problem 467 468 470
Petrov — Galerkin method, last element 124
Petrov — Galerkin method, lumped 104
Petrov — Galerkin method, lumped flux-correction 145
Petrov — Galerkin method, lumped, comparison 128 162
Petrov — Galerkin method, polymer centerline problem 473 474
Petrov — Galerkin method, quadrature weighting 162
Petrov — Galerkin method, rational basis 164
Petrov — Galerkin method, reaction 364
Petrov — Galerkin method, reduced quadrature, comparison 162
Petrov — Galerkin method, stability limit 97 112 116 117
Petrov — Galerkin method, streamwise upstream 270 364
Petrov — Galerkin method, streamwise upwinding 163
Petrov — Galerkin method, truncation error 94
Petrov — Galerkin method, two dimensions 264 265
Petrov — Galerkin method, weighting function 103 169 171
Petrov — Galerkin method, weighting function, augmented 163
Peyret, R. 262 317 441 456
Phase change 60 67 402—431
Phase change, nodal numbering 405
Phase speed 311 312
Pirkle, J. C, Jr. 342 343 353
plasma 320
Plastic 457
Pletcher, R. H. 51 54 69 80 92 264 314
Plohr, B. 288 315 316
Plover, T. 194 204 253
Poisson equation 441 443
Poisson ratio 421
Polymer 457—495
Polymer centerline problem 471
Polymer centerline problem, backward Euler method 464
Polymer centerline problem, Euler method 463
Polymer centerline problem, finite difference method 464
Polymer flood 538 539
Polymer flood, random choice method 539
POLYMER program 493 494 581
Polymer, melt 476
Polymer, solution 476
Pope, G. A. 508 541
Pore volume 533
Porosity 496
Porousmedia 43 44 318 496—540 585
Porteous, K. C 475 495
Positivity rule 258 314
Poulain, C 134 187
Pozzi, A.L. 239 241 254
| Prandtl number 430
Predictor-corrector method 30
Predictor-corrector method, stability limits 369
Prenter, P. M. 197 256
Pressure equation, elliptic 499
Pressure gradient 443
Pressure, average 499
Pressure, capillary 499 517 531
Price, H. S. 36 46 87 92 172 187 215 256
Primitive method 440
Primitive variable 436
Problem, Buckley — Leverett 8
Problem, Buckley — Leverett, contraction 41 462
Problem, Buckley — Leverett, moving boundary 402
Problem, Buckley — Leverett, moving cone 348
Problem, Buckley — Leverett, one-phase melting 403
Problem, Buckley — Leverett, routing cone 7 318
Problem, Buckley — Leverett, three dimensions 6
Problem, Buckley — Leverett, two dimensions 6—8
Problem, Buckley — Leverett, two-phase melting 403
Proskurowski, W. 129 186
Pseudo-steady-state method 441
Puszynski, J. 368 385 399 400
Quadrature 50 104 121
Quadrature, Gaussian 23 24 43 50 106 125 295 345 361 525
Quadrature, Lobatto 529
Quadrature, number of points for penalty method 440
Quadrature, one-point 345
Quadrature, trapezoid rule 104 106 124 125 338 525
Quadrature, upstream weighting 344
Quartapelle, L. 97 125 322 353 449 455
Quarteroni, A. 8 9
QUICK Method 174 252
QUICK Method, advection equatin 175
QUICK Method, Burger’s equation 175—177
QUICK Method, comparison 176 181 183 185 249 251
QUICK Method, convective diffusion equation 175
QUICK Method, dispersion diagram 568
QUICK Method, stability 175 176
QUICK Method, truncation error 183
Rakowski, L. 396 400
Ramachandrau, P. A. 396 400
Ramanathan, S. 294 317
Ramaswamy, B. 450 454 456
Ramos, J. I. 376 379—381 400
Ramshaw, J. D. 263 315
Random choice method 6 129—137 184 185 288 537 538
Random choice method, advection equation 135
Random choice method, Burger’s equation 136 236 583
Random choice method, comparison 181 183 234 248—251 332
Random choice method, convective diffusion equation 135 582
Random choice method, immiscible displacement 534
Random choice method, linear adsorption 321 328 331 584
Random choice method, nonlinear adsorption 336 337 341 584
Random choice method, polymer flood 539
Random choice method, stability 137
Random choice method, viscous fingering 539
Rarefaction wave 134
Rate of strain 460
Ray, W.H. 514 516 517 541
REACT program 399 581 584
REACT program, Galerkin method 361 584
REACT program, MacCormack method 360 364 366 367 372 373 375 584
REACT program, MacCormack method wilh flux-correction 366 367 584
REACT program, Reaction 355—375 392
REACT program, solid-gas 396
REACT program, streamwise Petrov — Galerkin method 364
REACT program, Taylor — Galerkin method 361—368 374 584
REACT program, Taylor-finite difference method 360 361 368 374
REACT program, upstream finite difference method 360 364 366 584
Refinement, h- 287
Refinement, p- 287
Reitz, R. D. 379 400
Residual 19 43 159 194 195 196 252
Residual, momentum 437
Residual, orthogonal 252 404
Residual, weighted 49 210 211 229 231 246 291 465
Residual, weighted boundary 301
Reyna, L. 538 541
Reynolds number 430 437 461 475
Rhee, H. K. 318—320 332 334 336 354 357 400 506 541
Rheology 457
Richtmyer, R. D. 61 64 74 82 92 480 495
Riemann problem 130 288 290 336 538
Riemann problem, advection equation 131 133
Riemann problem, Burger’s equation 134
Riemann problem, initial conditions 131
RKF45 393
Roache, P. J. 68 69 72 74 75 92
Roe.P.L. 134 188 288 317
Rosenberg, D. U. von 178 188
Rosenberg’s method 178 183 252
Rosenberg’s method, comparison 185 248
Rosenberg’s method, convective diffusion equation 180
Rotating cone problem, adaptive mesh 352
Rotating cone problem, ENO method 351
Rotating cone problem, finite difference method 349
Rotating cone problem, finite difference method, flux-corrected method 352
Rotating cone problem, MacCormack method 350
Rotating cone problem, Taylor-FD method wilh flux-correction 351
Rotating cone problem, Taylor-finite difference method 351
Rotating cone problem, upstream finite difference method 350
Roth, P. 383 400
Rubinsky, B. 426—428 433
Runge — Kutta method 30 153 220 524
Runge — Kutta method, polymer centeriine problem 471
Rusanov method 69
Russell, R. D. 194 254 256
Russell, T. R 240 243 254 256
Ruthven, D. M. 335 353
Saad, N. 508 541
Sackinger, P. A. 428 432
Saito, H. 298 317
Sand-water, freezing 407
Sanders, B. R. 220 254 383 399
Sani, R. L. 347 353 436 443 455 456
Saturation 496
Saturation equation, hyperbolic 499
Saturation equation, parabolic 499
Saturation, connate water 504
Saturation, residual oil 504
Saturation, water 517
Schiesser, W. E. 219 222 255 342 343 353
Schoombie, S. W. 228 238 255
Scriven, L. E. 3 9 298 316 317 516 540
Segal, A. 436 455
Seki, N. 413 431
Sepehmoorl, K. 508 541
Sewell, E. G. 193 255
Sharp, D. H. 288 289 316
shear modulus 460
Shear rate 458
Sheintuch, M. 212 256 381 400
Sherwood number 391
Shih.T. M. 440 456
Shimizu, M. 450 456
Shimizu, R 397 401
Shock 4 8 47 70 89 126 134 244 506
Shock, condition 334 507
Shock, velocity 70 507 514
Shu.C. W. 151 155 158 188
Singer, A. P. 454 456
Smith, R. M. 346 354
Smooke, M. D. 219 256 282 317 377—379 381—384 386 400 401
Sod, G. A. 69 82 92 129 134 137 138 188 336 354
Sohn, J. L. 102 125 364 399
Solid, elastic displacement 228
Solid, Hookean 460
Solid, melting 402
Solidification, enthalpy method 418 419
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