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Finlayson B.A. — Numerical Methods for Problems With Moving Fronts |
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Galerkin finite element method, weighting function 161 (see also “Petrov — Galerkin and Taylor — Galerkin”)
Galinas, R. J. 223 234 235 254 383—385 400
Garder, A.O. 239 241 254
Gasification, underground 2
Gatica, J. E. 368 400
Gauss — Seidel method 441
Gaussian elimination 25
Gawdzik, A. 396 400
GEAR program 2
Geometry, irregular 7
Ghajar, A. J. 174 188
Gilmore, S.D. 427 432
Giuliani, S. 97 125 322 353 449 455
Glazing, laser 402
Glimm, J. 129 136 186 288—290 315 316 534 536—539 540
Glimm’s method see “Random choice method”
Godunov’s method 132
Goodman, T. R. 405 432
Gopalakrishnan, T. C 451 455
Gottlieb, D. 8 9
Graetz problem 302
Grashof number 430
Gravity 531
Grcar, J.F. 386 401
Gresho, P. M. 347 353 436 442—444 446—448 455 456
grid 12
Grid, elliptic 288 427
Grid, finite difference 12
Grid, fixed 4
Grid, generation 282
Grid, hyperbolic 288 289 427
Grid, hyperbolic interface 288 289
Grid, moving 4 6
Grid, orientation 529 534
Grid, redistribution 427
Grid, refinement 282—284
Grid, staggered, permeability 536
Grid, staggered, permeability, two-dimensional 386
Griffith, R. 419 432
Griffiths, D. F. 29 46 228 255
Gropp, W. D. 283 316 349 352 353
Group velocity 307 310 312
Grove, J. 288 316
Guceri, S. I. 427 432
Gudunov, S. K. 129 187
Gupta, S.C. 3 9 402 432
Hain, K. H. 137 186
Harrison, G. W. 3 9 209 254
Harten, A. 151 187 188 220 254
Hassager, O. 460 484
Hassan, O. 451 456
Hawken.D. M. 454 455
Heat balance method 405
heat capacity 416 417
Heat conduction 93 292 300 402
Heat conduction, axial 392 393
Heat conduction, steady-state 93
Heat conduction, two-dimensional 419 428
Heat flux, element 418
Heat transfer coefficient 391
Heinrich.J. C 164 188
Herbst, B. M. 228 238 255
Hermite polynomials 411 414
Hestenes, M. R. 260 316
Hirano, H. 450 456
Hiymak, A. N. 231—235 255 412 432
Hlavacek, V. 368 385 395 399 400
Holt.M. 129 133 134 187
Hu, S. S. 219 222 255 342 343 353
Huffenus, J. P. 449 450 455
Hughes, T. J. R. 29 46 161—163 168 187 269 316 344—346 353 354 439 450 456
Humphrey, D. 194 253
Hussaini, M. Y. 8 9
Hutton, A. G. 346 354
Huyakorn, P. S. 346 354
Hwang, B. C 440 456
Hyman, J. M. 220 254
Hysteresis 395
Implicit method 5 6 31 33 214
Inertial term 443
Initial value problem 468
Interface, melting or freezing 403
Interface, velocity 426
Interpolate 361 362 525
Interpolation 284
Interpolation, quadratic 195
Interpolation, two dimensional 284 285
Isaacson, E. 288 315 534 538 540 541
Jackson, C. P. 436 456
Jacobian 295 297
Jaeger, J. C 409 431
Jamet, P. 412 425 431
Jensen, O. K. 181 187 212 255
Jiang, B. N. 233 234 253 255
Joseph, B. 396 399
Josse, S. 463 495
Kawahara, M. 449 450 456
Kee, R. J. 220 254 377 400
Khaletzky, D. 449 450 455
Kikuchi, N. 287 316
Kim, J. W. 102 125
Kim, Y. M. 102 125 364 399
King, M. J. 538 541
Kistler, S. F. 298 316
Klingenberg, C 288 316
Koszykowski, M. L. 219 256 282 317
Kovacs, A. 449 456
Kumar, R. 294 317
Kunii, D. 397 401
Kuo, S. 428 432
Kurylko, L. 397 400
Lacroix, M. 427 432
Lagrangian movement 288
Lan, C. W. 428 432
Landau, H. G 405 432
Landis, R 405 432
Langmuir adsorption 334 337 365
Laplace transform 320
Laplace’s equation 529
Laplacian 301 442
Laser, glazing 3
Laser, heating 427
Laser, machining 3
Latent heat devices 402
Laumbach method 177 252
Laumbach method, advection equation 179
Laumbach method, comparison 178 183 185
Laumbach method, convective diffusion equation 179
Laumbach method, truncation error 178 183
Laumbach, D. D. 177 187
Laval, H. 97 125 322 353 449 454 455 456
Lax — Wendroff method 32 33 45 48 51 52 64 65 67 70 71 72 74 75 77 81 88 290
Lax — Wendroff method, advection equation 32 33 65
Lax — Wendroff method, amplification factor 81
Lax — Wendroff method, Burger’s equation 48 52 72 88 583
Lax — Wendroff method, compare 325
Lax — Wendroff method, comparison 49 52 67 69 71 87 99 106 109 248
Lax — Wendroff method, convective diffusion equation 77 81 582
Lax — Wendroff method, dispersion 64—66 545
Lax — Wendroff method, dissipation 64—66
Lax — Wendroff method, linear adsorption 324
Lax — Wendroff method, phase change 66
Lax — Wendroff method, stability 66 80
Lax — Wendroff method, truncation error 75 325
Lax — Wendroff method, two dimensional 261
Lax — Wendroff method, unit CFL property 68 80
Lax, P. D. 64 92
Leaf, G. 182 186 212 253 413 431
Leapfrog method 65 68 310
Leapfrog method, advection equation 98 101
| Leapfrog method, Burger’s equation 70 73 583
Leapfrog method, comparison 69 71 90 127 249 251
Leapfrog method, convective diffusion equation 77 82 582
Leapfrog method, dispersion 311 313
Leapfrog method, filtered 68—69 73 89
Leapfrog method, stability 69
Leapfrog method, truncation error 69
Leapfrog — Galerkin method 98 101 115 582
Leapfrog — Galerkin method, comparison 102
Leapfrog — Galerkin method, truncation error 99
Least squares method 223 228 233 252
Least squares method, advection equation 233
Least squares method, comparison with Galerkin method 252
Least squares method, steady-state convective diffusion equation 166
Lee, D. N. 379 400
Lee, R. L. 347 353 436 442 444 446—448 455 456
Lee.H. Y. 450 456
Leibnitz’s rule 506
Lenhoff, A. M. 320 354
Leonard, B.P. 174 176 187
Leverett, M. C 504 540
Lewis number 382
Lewis, R. W. 416 418 424 431
Li, K. M. 134 187
Liggett, J. A. 234 255
Lightfoot, E. N. 320 354
Lin, H. 177 187 247 255
Lindquist, B. 288 316 538 539 540 541
Line successive overreiaxation method 260
Liquid on solid, spreading 3 47
Liquid, freezing 402
Liquid, freezing in comer 422
Liquid, freezing in comer, moving finite elements 423
Liu, W. K. 439 450 456
Lobatto — Galerkin method 529
Lohner, R. 102 125 139 145 150 187 274 278 280 316 451 454 455 456
LSODE program 36 38 40 41 220 393
LU decomposition 25 33 50 267
Ludwig, R. 218 254
Lumping 34 39 105 106 110 120 125 268 579
Lumping, reaction term 361 (see also “Matrix lumping”)
Luther, H. A. 155 186
Lynch, D. R. 209 228 245 255 407—409 411 412 414—416 419 421—423 427 432
MacCormack method 6 65 67 68 70 72 75 77 81 89 90 92 114
MacCormack method with flux-correction 523
MacCormack method with flux-correction, advection equation 139
MacCormack method with flux-correction, Buckley — Leveretl problem 511 512 584
MacCormack method with flux-correction, Burger’s equation 140 236 583
MacCormack method with flux-correction, comparison 155 158 181 183 234 248 249 250 251 332 365 489
MacCormack method with flux-correction, convective diffusion equation 139 582
MacCormack method with flux-correction, dry soil problem 523 585
MacCormack method with flux-correction, linear adsorption 325 329 332 342
MacCormack method with flux-correction, nonlinear adsorption 339 341 584
MacCormack method with flux-correction, reaction 366 367 584
MacCormack method with second flux-correction, advection equation 144
MacCormack method with second flux-correction, convective diffusion equation 144 582
MacCormack method, advection equation 65 67
MacCormack method, amplification factor 370
MacCormack method, Buckley — Leverelt problem 509 511 512 584
MacCormack method, Burger’s equation 70 72 89 137 235 583
MacCormack method, comparison 69 71 87 88 90 99 102 109 110 113 120 124 128 176 234 263 325 332 365 371 380 386 388 489
MacCormack method, convective diffusion equation 77 81 114 582
MacCormack method, dispersion 66
MacCormack method, dispersion, diagram 546 570 578
MacCormack method, dissipation 66
MacCormack method, dry soil problem 523 524 584
MacCormack method, first node 183
MacCormack method, Fisher’s equation 387 388 390
MacCormack method, linear adsorption 324 331 584
MacCormack method, nonlinear adsorption 338 339 584
MacCormack method, phase change 66
MacCormack method, reaction 360 366 367 372 373 375 584
MacCormack method, rotating cone problem 350
MacCormack method, stability 66 80
MacCormack method, stability limits 369
MacCormack method, truncation error 75 325
MacCormack method, two dimensions 262 494
MacCormack method, unit CFL property 80
MacCormack method, unsteady Couette flow 484 585
MacCormack, R. W. 68 75 92
Machining, electro-chemical 3
Machining, laser 3
Mack, A 383 400
Mallet, M. 345 354
Manselli, P. 291 314 425 431
Marchesin, D. 136 186 288 315 534 536—538 540
Mass transfer 356
Mass transfer and heat transfer 413
Mass transfer coefficient 352 356
Mastin, C. W. 294 317
Masuda, M. 450 456
Matrix 23
Matrix, amplification 58 480
Matrix, arrow 299
Matrix, banded 260
Matrix, displacement 426
Matrix, element 266
Matrix, lumping 39 147 268
Matrix, mass 33 39 443 445 447
Matrix, mass, lumped 444
Matrix, non-zero entries 260
Matrix, tridiagonal 23 33 260
Matrix, velocity 426 (see also “Lumping”)
Maxwell model, co-deformational 461
Maxwell model, linear 460
May, W. G. 342 343 353
McBryan, O. 136 186 288—290 315 316 534 536—539 540
McCracken, T. A. 528 531 532 541
Mcintosh, A. 260 316
McRae, G. J. 231 232 234 235 255
Melting problem, finite difference method 414
Melting problem, finite domain 414
Menikoff, R. 288 289 316
Mesh, finite element method 286
Mesh, generation 282
Mesh, irregular 192
Mesh, refinement 282—287 346
Mesh, rotating cone problem 348
Mesh, spine representation 292 (see also “Nodes”)
Metal casting 3 402
Method of characteristics 129 319 357 360 396 443 506
Method of characteristics, operator splitting 449
Meunier, F. 321 354
Michelsen, M. L. 181 188
Mihalas, D. 516 541
Miller, A. 194 253 287 315
Miller, J. A. 377 400
Miller, K. 223 227 231 234 235 254 255 291 314 383—385 400 419 425 431 432
Miller, R. 419 432
Miller, R. N. 223 227 231 255
Minkowycz, W. J. 182 186 212 253 413 431
Mitchell, A. R. 29 46 228 238 255
Mitchell, R. E. 386 401
Miyauchi, Y. 450 456
Mizukami, A. 345 346 354
Mobility 504 527 532 535
Mobility, ratio, adverse 527 530
Mole fraction 376
Moler, C. B. 23 25 33 46
Morgan, K. 102 125 139 145 150 187 274 278 280 287 316 317 451 454 455 456
Morton — Parrott method 115 184
Morton — Parrott method, Burger’s equation 171
Morton — Parrott method, comparison 116 121 127 249 251
Morton — Parrott method, convective diffusion equation 115
Morton — Parrott method, dispersion diagram 560
Morton — Parrott method, stability 116
Morton — Parrott — Galerkin method 98 171
Morton, K. W. 61 63 82 92 165 167 171 185—187 480 495
Multiple solutions 395
Murray, W.D. 405 432
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