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Swanson D.G., Hoefer W.J.R. — Microwave Circuit Modeling Using Electromagnetic Field Simulation |
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2.14-GHz 425—431
3.5-GHz 414—425
Absorbing boundary condition (ABC) 156 160 163
ACIS tool box 436
Adaptive Lanczos — Pade sweep (ALPS) 86
Adaptive meshing 39 139 143
Agilent EEsof 100
Agilent HFSS 130 139 269 305 450
Agilent Momentum 113 447
Air dielectric 96—98 186 202 237—238 385 396
Alignment, meshing 113
Alternating rotated transmission line matrix 71
Alternating transmission line matrix 71
Analytical methods 33
Ansoft Ensemble 92 446
Ansoft HFSS 10 23 132 133 139 151 264 373 449
Ansoft Serenade 387
Antipad 284 307 328 330
Arbitrary solver 84—85 449—452
Asymptotic waveform evaluation (AWE) 86
Automatic network analyzer (ANA) 176—177
Back-to-back transition 306—309
Backward wave coupler 339
Backward wave coupler, coplanar waveguide 339—347
Backward wave coupler, Lange 357—363
Backward wave coupler, metal thickness 347—357
Backward wave coupler, PCS band 15-db 363—369
Backward wave coupler, PCS coax-to-coax 369—375
Balanced amplifier 358
Balanced attenuator 358
Ball grid array (BGA) 27 280
Balun 16 113
Bandpass filters, 1.5 to 5.5-GHz 399—401
Bandpass filters, 22.5-GHz 387—394
Bandpass filters, 3.7-GHz 394—399
Bandstop filter 401—405
Basis functions (expansion functions) 34 37—39 41—42 73
Basis vectors 41
Berenger’s perfectly matched layer 66
Black box step model 178 180
Bondwire 186 309—310
boundary conditions 66 72—73
Boundary element method 36
Boundary meshing 35 47
Boundary surfaces 51
Box modes 49
Branch line coupler 193—196 233—234
Buried transmission line 252—253 283
Calibration, finite element method 145—150
Calibration, method of moments 116—122 181—182
Calibration, method of moments, numerical methods 202—203
Capacitive discontinuity 137—138
Capped port 317
Cartesian mesh 40 61—64 67—73
Cascaded discontinuity model 215
Cascaded mitered bend 230—232
Cascaded passive component 285
Cells, method of moments 95 99
Center pin 318—319 323 336
Central differencing 55 56 62—63
Ceramic substrate 205 212 282
Chip and wire filter 394
Chip capacitor 105
Circuit-theory-based computer-aided, design (CAD) 10—13 16—18 415—419
CLD software 423
Closed box code 16
Closed box moment method 89—92 291—299 341 358 359 384 395
Closed box moment method port 180—183
Closed-form electromagnetic analysis 33
Coax-to-coax transition coupler 368—375
Coaxial calibration structures 145—150
Coaxial lowpass filter 407—414
Coaxial open 148—419
Coaxial resonator 132—137
Coaxial short 147—148
Coaxial standard, meshing 130—132
Coaxial standard, validation 202
Coaxial step discontinuity 137—143 166—170
Coaxial termination 149—150
Coaxial through line 145—147
Collocation 38n 43—44 47
Color plot 3—4
Combline filter 377 407
Compaction, microstrip circuit 229—234
Completely open circuit topology 49
Computational electromagnetics 29—30
Computer-aided design (CAD) 1 9—10 29
Computer-aided design (CAD), circuit-theory-based 10—13 16—18 415—419
Computer-aided design (CAD), field-theory-based 13—18
Computer-aided engineering (CAE) 29
Concerto software 452
Controlled impedance transition 290—296 315
Convergence, finite difference method 153
Convergence, finite element method 131 142
Convergence, method of moments 98—102 116
Convergence, numerical methods 200—202
Convergence, transmission line 153
Convergence, transverse electric mode 158—160
Convolution techniques 73
Coplanar waveguide (CPW) 101 250—253 283 339
Coplanar waveguide (CPW) with dielectric overlay 250—252
Coplanar waveguide (CPW), coupler 339—347
Coplanar waveguide (CPW), port 180—181 185—187 192 203
Coplanar waveguide with ground (CPWG) 192 310 339
Coulomb’s law 40
Coupled integral solution 36
Coupled microstrip 15 263—267
Coupled microstrip, de-embedding 185—186
Coupled slot 15
Coupled transmission line symmetry 246—250
Coupled-slab model 415—417 424
Coupler directivity 353 367
Courant stability limit 65—66
Cross-section solver 81—83
CST Microwave Studio 139 164 450
Data pipe program 23—24
De-embedding 116 173 434 435
De-embedding, closed box ports 180—183
De-embedding, finite difference ports 187—189
De-embedding, finite element ports 184—187
De-embedding, laterally open ports 183—184
De-embedding, numerical methods 203—204
De-embedding, transmission line ports 187—189
De-embedding, unterminating 176—180
Degrees of freedom 30 39
Desired stripline mode 301 303 305
Device under test (DUT) 176 183
Dielectric overlay 250—252
Dielectric resonator filter 377 407
Differential solution, Maxwell’s equations 40
Digital edge-launch connector 321—326
Diplexer 424 424—425
Dirac delta functions 38n 47
Dirac testing functions 43—44
Directional coupler 364
Dirichlet electric wall 66
Discontinuities 205—206
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 74—75 86 153 154
Discretization 51—55 61—67 86 125 127
Distributed filter 16
Distributed lowpass filter 12—13
Distributed microwave circuit 30
Domain method 35
Dot product 41
Drill point transition 374—375
Dumbell topology 105 394
Dummy region 132—143 166—168 410
ECM software 385
Edge-coupling filter 178—180 339—340 384—387
Edge-launch connector 315—321
| Edge-launch connector, digital 321—326
Edge-launch connector, radio frequency 315—321
Edge-meshing 99—91 108—110 113 349 355—357 359—360
Eigen-solvers 87—88
ElecNet software 442
Electric field integral equation (EFIE) 44—49
Electric walls 73 195
ELECTRO Integrated Engineering Software 442
Electromagnetic (em) field-solver 1—3 29—30
Electromagnetic analysis 30 32—34
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 3
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) 3
Electromagnetic simulation 73—75
Electromagnetic synthesis 30 32
Electron discharge (EC) 415
Electrostatic solver 441—442
Empipe software 395 401
Empipe3D software 373
EMSight software 213—214 447
EMSimcode 10
Enclosures 14 49
Epoxy-glass-based substrate 212 282
Equivalent circuit model 206
Euler — Lagrange differential equation 54
Evanescent modes 177—178 222—224 383 385
Even mode 194—196 246—247 340 347 364 387 389—390
Excitation function see “Source function”
Expanded node transmission line matrix mesh 70—71
Expansion functions (basis functions) 34 37—39 41—42 73
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 86 153 154 418 420
Fast sweep option 86
FEMLAB software 440
Field domain 51
Field update equation 63
Field-effect transistor (FET) 25—26 207 253—254
Field-theory-based computer aided design (CAD) 13—18
Filtering 2 17 377—381 403
Finite difference time domain (FDTD) 6 16 17 36 38
Finite difference time domain (FDTD), formulation 55—58
Finite difference time domain (FDTD), meshing 163—170
Finite difference time domain (FDTD), ports 187—189 204
Finite difference time domain (FDTD), solution strategies 59—67
Finite difference time domain (FDTD), strengths/weaknesses 153—156
Finite difference time domain (FDTD), validation structures 156—163
Finite difference time domain (FDTD), visualization 170
Finite element method (FEM) 2—3 10 15 16 36 86 155 242
Finite element method (FEM), formulation 50—55
Finite element method (FEM), meshing 128—145
Finite element method (FEM), ports 184—187 204
Finite element method (FEM), printed circuit board 301—305
Finite element method (FEM), strengths 125—127
Finite element method (FEM), versus method of moments 125
Finite element method (FEM), via isolation fences 267—268
Finite element method (FEM), weaknesses 127—128
Finite integral technique (FIT) 10 36 55 58—61
Flat bottom transition 374—375
FlexPDE software 139 143 242 244 248 253 440
Fourier transform 17 34—35 49 50 74—75 86 155 160
FR4 transition 283—290
FR4 transition, switch matrix 305—311
Frame relay 4 (FR4) 255—258 283—290 323 328
Frequency domain numerical methods 35—37 55 74
Frequency domain solver 86
Frequency-dispersive boundary 66 73
Fringing field 112 177
Full-domain expansion functions 73
Full-wave solver 383
Fully enclosed circuit topology 49
Function space 41—42
Functionals 54
Galerkin’s method 43 47
Gallium arsenide substrate 225—230 253—254 311
Gap capacitor 111
Gap port 189—193 204
Gauss — Seidel iterative process 60
General multipole 36
General projective approximation 48
Geometrical resolution 144 201—202
Geometrical, coaxial standard meshing 130—132
Geometry, classification by 81—85
Gerber plots 330
Graded meshing 39 163—164
Graphical user interface (GUI) 240
Green’s function 40 41 45—46 48—50 89 90—92
Grounding pad 271—282 307
Groups of discontinuities 21—22
Guide wavelength 10 14 144 201
Haar expansion functions/wavelets 39
Hardwired network 70
High frequency (HF) 12
Hilbert space 38n 48
Hybrid method, circuit analysis 18—23 36
Hybrid node 71 72
Ideal short circuit 116—118
IDM program 379
IE3D software 92 105 300 349—355 358 448
Image rejection filter 377
Impedance 185
Impedance multiplier 196
Impedance, controlled transition 290—296 315
Impedance, single strip 237—246
Impulse reflection coefficient 73
Infinite element 55
Inhomogeneous materials and losses 72
Initial conditions 66 72—73
Inner product 41
Integral solution 40—42
Integrated two-dimensional field-solver 443—445
Interdigital filter 378—384 407
Interleaving 339—340
Intermediate frequency (IF) filter 377
Internal port 189—193 204 434
Invert time 435
Irregular meshing 39
Lambda-based meshing 140 142—143
Lange coupler 16 26 339—340 357—363
Laplace equation 56 57 60 61 239
Laterally open code 16 20 49
Laterally open moment method 90—92 299—301 341 349 358 384
Laterally open moment method port 183—184
Layout-based tool 24—25
Line Calc software 246
Linear expansion functions 38 51—53
LINMIC+/N software 382 387 443 445
LINPAR software 361 441
Local integral approximation 164—165
Local multipoint distribution service (LMDS) 285
Local oscillator (LO) filter 377
Loss stub 72
Loss, microstrip 224—229
Low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) 24—25 27
Lowpass filter 10—13 407—414
Lowpass/highpass diplexer 24—25
Lumped element network 31 394
Lumped element via 260—262
Lumped lowpass filter 10—11 13
Lumped port 189—193 204
MAFIA software 10
Magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) 44
Magnetic wall 73 146 193—195 244
Matched load 160
Matrix fill time 435
Matrix inversion 16—18 48—49 59—61 86 436
Maxwell 2D software 441
Maxwell SI 2D software 365—369
Maxwell’s equations 1 9 10 29 32 34 62—65 69 150 153 174
MCPL Model software 444
MDS software 444
Meander line 232—233
Mefisto-3D Pro software 165 451
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