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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 2, Solid mechanics) |
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Procedures: Galerkin 181
Processes: Galerkin 176
Processes: Newton — Raphson 336
Processes: semi-analytical finite element 289
Processes: static condensation 203 336
Prony series 43
Properties, curved elements 254
Propped cantilever, Euler buckling 374
Pseudo-rigid motions 396
Pugh, E.D.L. 179 185 188 212
Push forward transformation 340
Qu, S. 69 106; 169; 183 212
Quadratic displacement approximations 162
Quadratic fully integrated elements (QS) 179
Quadratic interpolation 194 198
Quadratic triangles 135
Quadratics, lagrangian (QL) 179 190
Quadrature formulae 248 274
Quadrilaterals: and discrete collocation constraints 187
Quadrilaterals: elements 128 149 183
Quadrilaterals: linear 200
Quadrilaterals: mixed elements, patch tests 185
Quartic and quintic elements 154
Quasi-conforming elements 150
Quasi-harmonic field problems, non-linear 12 101
Quasi-harmonic problem 13
Quasi-Newton method 26 31 34
Quintic polynomials 153
Railway bridge 138
Ralston, A. 24 29 36
Ramm, E. 31 37; 215; 242; 287 288; 337 360 361; 393 394
Rankin, C.C. 390 394
Rao, R.S. 188 214
Rate constitutive models 345
Rates of convergence 145
Rayleigh quotient form 374
Razzaque, A. 124 144 150 159 162 168 170 171; 242; 393
Rectangular element (12 DOF) 124
Rectangular quadrilateral elements 209
Recursion formula 46
Reduced (selective) integration 182
Reeves, C.M. 34 37
Reference configuration 312 314
Reference configuration formulation 320
Regula falsi procedure 30
Reinforced concrete: as a no tension material 84
Reinforced concrete: cracking of 86
Reinsch, C. 415 425 430
Reissner — Mindlin assumptions 266
Reissner — Mindlin postulates 111
Reissner — Mindlin thick plates 173
Reissner, E. 111 167; 242; 388 392 394
Relaxation moduli 39
Relaxation modulus function 43
Relaxation times 39 41
REP methods 94
Repetto, E.A. 347 363
Restart option, FEAPpv computer program 428
Resultant constitutive models 166
Retaining wall, earthquake excitation of 19
Retardation time parameters 40
Return map algorithm 58 80
Revolute joint 407
Rice, J.R. 72 89 90 107 109; 361
Riesa, J.D. 237 243
Rifai, M.S. 218 241; 287; 394
Rigid bodies: connected to a flexible body 402
Rigid bodies: equations of motion 399
Rigid bodies: modes 130
Rigid footing, failure of 98
Rigid motions 398
Riks, E. 31 36
Ristic, S. 390 395
Roberts, T.M. 388 394
Robichaud, L.P.A. 217 240
Rockey, K.C. 385 393
Rods, definition of 1
Roehi, D. 210 215; 287; 360
Rotating disc, numerical example 409
Rotation, nodal 255
Rotation-free elements 162
Rotational constraints, on joints/couplings 406 407
Rotational parameters 208
Rotational stiffness, 6 DOF 225
Rotational treatment 227
Rotations 202
Rotations and displacement fields 270
Rots, J.G. 84 108
Rubinstein, M.F. 77 107
Rubio, C. 93 110
Rudnicki, J.W. 89 90 109
Runcsson, K. 93 110
Runge — Kutta method/process/procedure 36 57
Russell, H.G. 48 104
Rybicki, E.F. 72 107
Sabir, A. 217 241
Sackman, J.L. 347 362
Sacks, S. 58 105
Saigal, S. 286 288
Saint — Venant — Kirchhoff material model 409
Saint — Venant — Kirchhoff model 320
Saint — Venant — Kirchhoff relation 397
Saint — Venaut — Kirchhoff stored energy model 320
Sakurai, T. 56 105
Samuelsson, A. 124 132 169
Sander, G. 123 149 157 167
Sanders, J.L.(Jr.) 257 259 265
Scapolla, T. 120 145 167; 214
Scharpf, D.W. 123 154 168;
Schmidt, R. 371
Schmit, L.A. 72 107; 144 168; 240; 393
Schnabel, F. 308 311
Schnobrich, W.C. 283 286 287
Schoenberg, I.J. 306 310
Schrefler, B.A. 19 20 21; 82 106 108
Schwarz, H.R. 24 36
Schweizerhof, K. 337 347 361 362; 392
Scordelis, A.C. 234 243; 286; 311
Scott, R.F. 20 21
Secant method 28
Secant procedure 30
Secant update method 29
Second-order system solution using GN22 423
Second-order tensors, invariants of 432
Seepage flow 101
Seiss, C.P. 84 108
Selective integration 182
Seller, C. 308 311
Semi-analytical finite element processes 289
Semi-analytical finite strips 305
Sen, S.K. 244 255 264
Serendipity element, eight-node 286
Serendipity functions 201
Serendipity quadratic elements 179 183
Setlur, A.V. 156 170
Shabana, A.A. 396 407 410
Shallow shells 388
Shames, I.H. 3 20; 106; 242; 317 328 338 339 341 360; 436
Shape functions 124 129 133 145 208 290
Shape functions and continuity requirements 122
Shape functions, simple triangular element 145
Shape functions, substitute 150
Shape functions, thin plates 112
Shapiro, G.S. 166 172
Sharma, K.G. 88 109
Shear deformation, plates 114
Shear locking 369
Shear relaxation modulus function 43
Shear rigidity 189
Shearing stresses, and laminar material 87
| Shells: and rigid bodies 404
Shells: and thick plates 277
Shells: as an assembly of flat elements 216
Shells: axisymmetric 217 244 387
Shells: axisymmetric with non-symmetrical load 303
Shells: axisymmetric, curved, thick 275
Shells: bending 111
Shells: branching 260
Shells: classical treatment of 216
Shells: curved 249 267
Shells: cylindrical 250 281
Shells: definition 1
Shells: divided into triangular elements 223
Shells: fiat element approximation for 217
Shells: finite element method 217
Shells: general theories 218
Shells: hemispherical 251
Shells: in-plane force resultants 216
Shells: inelastic behaviour 279
Shells: non-linear response and stability 386
Shells: problem treatment methods 216
Shells: shallow shell theory 217
Shells: shallow, co-rotational forms 388
Shells: spherical shell problem 227
Shells: stability of 390
Shells: stress representation 274
Shells: thick, axisymmetric, curved 275
Shells: three-dimensional analysis 266
Shells: toroidal, under pressure 258
Shells: with displacement and rotation parameters 266
Sherman — Morrison — Woodbury formula 69
Shewchuk, J. 430 431
Shi, G.-H. 397 411
Shi, J. 359 364; 395
Shiomi, T. 70 106
Silvester, P. 101 110
Simo, J.C. 4 11 21; 36; 51 53 56 58 59 66 68 80 89 90 91 105 106 109; 128 133 169; 183 212; 226 241 242; 287; 328 332 337 338 341 342 343 344 346 347 355 358 359 360 361 362 363 364; 367 373 386 392 393 394; 399 401 404 410 411
Single rotational constraint joints 407
Single translational constraint joints 407
Skew curved bridge 137
Skew-symmetric stress component 229
Slave nodes 348 351
Slip line (localization) capture 93
Sloan, S.W. 89 90 109
Slope-displacement interpolation 261
Slopes, normal 146
Sluys, L.J. 91 93 109
Small deformation non-linear solid mechanics problems 3
Small rotations, large displacement formulation 370
Smith, I.M. 123 168
Smoothed elements 150
Softening behaviour 31
Softening of plastic material 48
Softening/hardening rules 52
Soil mechanics/behaviour: associated and non-associated issue 83
Soil mechanics/behaviour: viscoplastic models for 82
Sokolnikoff, I.S. 3 20; 286; 304 310
Solberg, J.M. 347 362; 397 410
Solid mechanics: general problems 1
Solid mechanics: small deformation 3
Solution by analogies 48
Solution, fine element 377
Solutions: elasto-plastic 249
Solutions: large deflection problems 383
Solutions: Newton — Raphson 324 326 339
Southwell, R.V. 124 169
Specht, B. 124 132 169
Spherical cap 284
Spherical dome 257 279
Spherical dome under uniform pressure 281
Spherical path controls 31
Spherical points 407
Spherical shell problem 227
Spherical test problem 226
Spinning constrained disc 405
Spline finite strip method 305 308
Spline functions 306
Spontaneous ignition 15 102
SPR methods 94
Spring-dashpot model 39
Square plates, clamped edges 136 139
Stability: and large plate deflections 385
Stability: and neutral equilibrium 374
Stability: of equilibrium 373
Stability: shells 390
Standard barrel vault problem 230
Static condensation 203 249 336
Static equilibrium, Euler equations for 321
Static problems, computer program solutions 415
Steady-state problems: computer program solutions 415
Steady-state problems: non-linear formulation 6
Stebbins, F.J. 308 311
Steel pressure vessel, plastic computation with 75
Stegun, I.A. 165 172; 393
Stein, E. 210 215; 287; 363; 394; 411
Steinmann, P. 93 110
Step-size control, computer programs 416
Stiefel, E. 34 37
Stiffness matrix 127 128 131 133 134 219 221 248 272 293
Stiffness matrix, isotropic elastic material 300
Stiffness: geometric 3 328
Stiffness: initial stress 3
Stiffness: rotational 225
Stolarski, H. 217 241; 287; 394
Stolarski, H.K. 188 213 214; 363
Stored energy function 340
Strain components 245
Strain expressions for curved elements 254
Strain rates: plastic 51
Strain rates: plastic deviatofic 64
Strain softening 89 97
Strain tensor, Green — Lagrange 368
Strain tensors 316
Strain-displacement equations, mixed form 11
Strain-displacement matrices: evaluation of 182
Strain-displacement matrices: finite element evaluation 378
Strain-displacement matrix 5
Strain-displacement operator 174
Strain-displacement relations 247
Strain-driven form 42
Strain: enhanced strain methods 332
Strain: global 276
Strain: Green 322
Strain: Green — Lagrange 376 387
Strain: mixed form expression 10
Strain: recovery procedures 94
Strains and stresses, definitions 271 303
Strang, G. 28 29 31 34 36; 416 430
Stress deviator 41
Stress divergence 6
Stress field, equilibrating 157
Stress hardening relations 66
Stress increment computation 56
Stress increment computation, explicit methods 57
Stress increment computation, implicit methods 57
Stress measures 316
Stress rate form, Jaumann — Zaremba 346
Stress representation, shells 274
Stress resultants 113 245
Stress rome 6
Stress tensor, Piola — Kirchhoff 334
Stress transfer method 26
Stress: Cauchy 316 318 325 329 339 342 345 359
Stress: Kirchhoff 316 317 325 329 342 343 344 345 358
Stress: membrane 250
Stress: mixed form expression 10
Stress: multiaxial 49
Stress: Piola — Kimhhoff 317 320 321 339 345 368
Stress: recovery procedures 94
Stress: stress function 302
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