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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 2, Solid mechanics)
Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 2, Solid mechanics)

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Название: The finite element method (vol. 2, Solid mechanics)

Авторы: Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R.


In the years since the fourth edition of this seminal work was published, active research has developed the Finite Element Method into the pre-eminent tool for the modelling of physical systems. Written by the pre-eminent professors in their fields, this new edition of the Finite Element Method maintains the comprehensive style of the earlier editions and authoritatively incorporates the latest developments of this dynamic field. Expanded to three volumes the book now covers the basis of the method and its application to advanced solid mechanics and also advanced fluid dynamics. Volume Two: Solid and Structural Mechanics is intended for readers studying structural mechanics at a higher level. Although it is an ideal companion volume to Volume One: The Basis, this advanced text also functions as a "stand-alone" volume, accessible to those who have been introduced to the Finite Element Method through a different route.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Численные методы/Конечные элементы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Fifth edition

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 479

Добавлена в каталог: 20.02.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Interpolations: Lagrangian      160
Interpolations: linear      247
Interpolations: linked      199 229
Interpolations: membrane      227
Invariants of second-order tensors      432
Invariants: first derivatives of      434
Invariants: moment      433
Invariants: second derivatives of      435
Irons, B.M.      34 37; 124 139 144 148 149 150 154 158 162 167 168 171; 177 179 188 212; 224 230 241 242; 264; 274 275 280 284 286; 386 393
Irreducible forms: consistency tests for      186
Irreducible forms: use of      9
Irreducible formulations      112 173 176
Irreducible systems      175
Isenberg, J.      84 108
Ishihera, K.      70 107
Isoparametric concepts      208
Isoparametric formulation      255
Isoparametric hexahedra, curved      267
Isoparametric mapping      203
Isoparametric quadratic elements      75
Isoparametric quadrilaterals      81
Isoparametric shell elements      285
Isoparametric three dimensional elements      174
Isoparametric transformations      262
Isotropic elasticity: elastic material      300
Isotropic elasticity: formulation in invariants      338
Isotropic elasticity: formulation in principal stretches      338
Isotropic elasticity: plates      118
Isotropic elasto-plastic material forms      313
Isotropic hardening      51 52 54 63
Isotropic homogeneous plate      380
Isotropic materials      61 179 272
Isotropic models      40
Isotropic plasticity models      61
Isotropic yield surfaces      61
Iteration number      24
Iteration: direct (or Picard)      29
Iteration: Newton — Raphson      166 327 351
Iteration: use of      8
Iterative correction      24
Iterative processes, use of      7
Iterative solution scheme, viscoelasticity      80
Iterative techniques      23
Jacobian matrix      26 273
Jacobian matrix, computer program for      416
Jacobian transformations      199
Jaumann — Zaremba stress rate form      346
Jean, M.      355 363
Jetteur, P.      217 226 229 241 242
Jirousek, J.      144 157 158 170 171
Johnson, C.P.      157 171; 232 240
Johnson, K.W.      24 36; 53 104
Joint elements      86
Joints: and closed loops      407
Joints: coupling multibodies      404
Joints: revolute      407
Joints: single rotational constraint      407
Joints: single translational constraint      407
Joints: spherical      407
Joints: with rotational constraints      406
Joints: with translation constraints      405
Jones, R.E.      157 171; 241; 264; 362
Joo, T.      396 411
Jordan, F.F.      257 259 265
Jourdan, F.      355 363
Ju, J.-W.      355 363
Kabaila, A.P.      385 393
Kalker, J.J.      347 361 362
Kanchi, M.B.      78 81 107
Kane, C.      347 363
Kang, D.S.      396 411
Kanoknukulchai, W.      179 185 212;
Kapania, R.K.      286 288
Kapur, K.K.      124 136 139 169; 393
Kasper, E.P.      334 336 361
Kawai, T.      384 393
Kelsey, S.      156 157 170
Kelvin element/model/solid      40
Key, S.W.      217 241
Khachaturian, W.      84 108
Khojasteh-Bakht, M.      244 255 264
Kikuchi, F.      132 169
Kikuchi, N.      347 362
Kinematic boundary conditions      321
Kinematic hardening      51 52 55 63
Kinematic hardening back stress      67
Kinematic hardening relations      66
Kinematics equations      314
King, I.P.      39 56 73 84 104 105 107 108; 132 169; 226 227 232 240
Kirchhoff constraints      158
Kirchhoff plates      111
Kirchhoff stress      316 317 325 329 342 343 344 345 358
Kirchhoff triangular plate bending element      226
Kirchhoff — Love assumption      245
Kirchoff, G.      111
Klapka, I.      396 411
Klein, S.      244 248 264
Koiter, W.T.      51 56 80 104 108
Koitr treatment for multi-surface plasticity      80
Kosko, E.      123 154 168
Kotanchik, J.J.      244 264
Krahl, N.W.      84 108
Kraus, H.      257 260 265
Krieg, D.N.      57 105
Krieg, R.D.      57 105
Kronecker delta quantities      315
Kuhn — Tucker constraint form      51
L6hner, R.      34 37
Ladkany, S.G.      157 171
Lagrange multiplier constraint      405
Lagrange multiplier form      350 353
Lagrange multiplier form, perturb of      406
Lagrange multipliers      398 402
Lagrangian form, augmented      351
Lagrangian interpolation      160 188 286
Lagrangian quadratics (QL)      179
Lagrangian variables      113
Laminar behaviour      88
Laminar materials      86
Laminar structures      308
Landers, J.A.      347 362
Langhaar, H.L.      373 392
Laplace transform theory      40
Lardeur, P.      196 214
Large deflection problems, solution of      383
Large displacement formulation with small rotations      370
Large displacement theories: beams      365
Large displacement theories: thick plates      375
Large displacement theories: thin plates      381
Larsson, R.      93 110
Laug, E.J.      396 410
Laursen, T.A.      347 355 359 362 363
Lawson, C.L.      154 170
Least square substitute shape functions      151
Leckie, F.A.      81
Ledesma, A.      70 106
Lee, E.H.      344 361
Lee, S.-H.      390 394
Lee, S.L.      139 169
Lees, M.      14 21
Lefebvre, D.      124 156 169; 183 186 196 197 198 207 210 212
Legendre polynomial      256
Leroy, Y.      90 93 109
Leung, K.H.      69 106
Lewis, R.W.      14 21; 82 106 108
Li, W.Y.      307 308 310 311
Liepins, A.      257 259 265
Limit load behaviour      74
Limit plastic state      71
Lin, F.B.      90 91 92 93 109
Lin, J.l.      390 394
Lindberg, G.M.      123 154 168; 241
Line search computer programs      416
Line search computer programs, algorithm for      414
Line search procedures      30
Linear axisymmetric shell elements      277
Linear elasticity      6
Linear interpolations      247
Linear momentum      399
Linear momentum, balance of      4
Linear stiffness matrix      6
Linear triangular element (T3S1B1)      198 200
Linear viscoelasticity      39
Linear viscoelasticitymodel for      45
Linearization      327 350 354 380
Ling, W.      355 363
Linked interpolation      199 229
Linking function, derivation of      200
Linking function, derivation of, load bifurcations      1
Lions, J.-L.      79 80 107
Liu, D.T.      344 361
Liu, W.K.      185 213; 287
Liu, Z.A.      244 264
Lo, K.S.      234 243; 286
Load correction matrix      336
Load matrix      127 133 134
Loading factor expansion      291
Loading, axisymmetric      245
Local and global coordinates      220
Local direction cosines      221
Localization (slip line) capture      93
Localization, in elasto-ptastic deformations      88
Loden, W.A.      217 240
Loo, Y.C.      297 309 310
Lubliner, J.L.      49 51 53 71 104 105
Lyness, J.F.      101 110
Lynn, P.P.      200 214
Lyons, L.P.R.      162 171
Mackerie, J.      347 362
MacNeal, R.H.      226 227 242
Madenci, E.      390 394 395
Maenchen, G.      58 105
Magnetic response, and non-linear quasi-harmonic field problems      101
Malkus, D.S.      182 212
Mallett, R.H.      384 386 393
Malvern, L.E.      3 20; 242; 361; 411
Mandel, J.      53 89 105 109; 361
Mang, H.A.      84 108
Mansfield, L.      154 170
Manson, S.S.      77 107
Manzoli, O.      91
Mapping, isoparametric      203
Marcal, P.V.      14 21; 78 107; 361; 390 391 395
Marcotte, L.      162 171
Marcus, H.      139 169
Marguerre, K.      373 392
Mark, R.      237 243
Marketos, E.      73 107
Marsden, J.E.      345 347 361 363
Martices, strain displacement      378
Martin, D.W.      234 243
Martin, H.C.      384 385 393
Martin, J.B.      81 108
Martins, R.A.F.      162 171
Mason, W.E.      217 241
Master nodes      348 351
Masud, A.      286 288
Material: behaviour of      1 164 210
Material: brittle      84
Material: constitution for finite deformation      338
Material: elasto-viscoplastic      78
Material: finite deformation      338
Material: frictional      68
Material: Huber — von Mises-type      166
Material: hyperelastic      313 320
Material: inelastic      38 164 210
Material: isotropic      61 179 272 300 313 340
Material: laminar      86
Material: Maxwell      43
Material: neo-Hookean      341 357
Material: no-tension      84
Material: non-linear      1 38
Material: plastic, hardening/softening of      48
Matrices: and index form      5
Matrices: elastic modulus      61
Matrices: elasticity      55 245 272
Matrices: elasto-plastic modulus      56
Matrices: element for discrete collocation constraints      192
Matrices: finite elements notation      334
Matrices: geometric      383
Matrices: Green strain      321
Matrices: identity      28
Matrices: Jacobian      26 273 416
Matrices: linear stiffness      6
Matrices: load      127 133 134
Matrices: load correction      336
Matrices: Newton method      30 31
Matrices: orthogonal      366
Matrices: Piola — Kirchhoff stress      321
Matrices: plate bendinginitial stress      381
Matrices: stiffness      127 128 131 133 134 219 221 248 272 293 300
Matrices: strain-displacement      5 182 378
Matrices: substitute shear strain      194
Matrices: tangent      66 337 379 383 416
Matrices: velocity      399
Matrix form, relation with index form      5
Matsui, T.      386 390 393
Matsuoka, O.      386 390 393
Matte, Y.      162 171
Matthies, H.      28 29 31 34 36; 416 430
Mawenya, A.S.      297 310
Maximum plastic dissipation principle      53
Maxwell material      43
Maxwell model      39
Maxwell model, generalized      41 43 44
Mazars, J.      90 109
Mazumdax, J.      308 310
McHenry — Alfrey analogies      48
McHenry, D.      48 104
McLay, R.M.      157 171; 241
McMeeking, R.M.      72 107
Meek, J.L.      390 395
Melior, P.W.      51 53 104
Melosh, R.J.      124 126 169; 393
Membrane box structures      295
Membrane forces      244
Membrane interpolations      227
Membrane locking      286
Membrane stresses      250
Mendelson, A.      77 107
Mescall, J.F.      388 394
Meschke, G.      84 108
Mesh density      140 142 143
Mesh generation, blending function      358
Metals, creep of      80
Meyer, C.      308 311
Mid-side nodes      146
Miles, G.A.      244 255 258 259 264
Milford, R.V.      286 287
Mindlin, R.D.      111 167
Minimum potential energy      162
Mira, R.      93 110
Mixed elements      155
Mixed elements, use of      72
Mixed forms, use of      9
Mixed formulations      155 173
Mixed patch test      230
Mixed variational principle      162
Mixed-enhanced finite deformation formulation      332
Modelling, geometric      348
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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