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Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 2, Solid mechanics) |
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Models: neo-Hookean 341
Models: resultant constitutive 166
Modes: additional enhanced 248
Modes: bubble 187 196 198
Modes: enhanced 196
Modes: enhanced strain 248
Modes: rigid body 130
Modes: vibration 428
Modified modulus term 12
Modified Newton — Raphson method 26 34 84
Moduli: direct elastic 114
Moduli: shear elastic 114
Moduli: Young's 272
Mohr — Coulomb surface 56 89
Mohr — Coulomb yield conditions 62
Moist soil, freezing 14
Moita, G.F. 390 395
Moment invariants 433
Momentum, linear and angular 399
Mooney, M. 341
More, J. 28 36
Morgan, K. 14 21; 110; 258 259 260 261 262 265
Morley, L.S.D. 124 133 134 157 168 169; 214
Morse, P.M. 292 309
Motions: pseudo-rigid 396
Motions: rigid 398
Mroz, Z. 53 69 89 90 105 106 109
Mullen, R. 390 394
Multi-degree-of-freedom systems 30
Multi-surface plasticity, Koiter treatment 80
Multiaxial stress 49
Multibodies, coupled by joints 404
Multiple branches 22
Multiple solutions 23
Multipliers, penalty 261
Muncaster, R.G. 396 397 410
Murray, D.W. 384 385 393
Muscat, M. 101 110
Naghdi, P.M. 262 265
Nagtegaal, J.C. 72 107
Nakazawa, S. 69 106; 169; 183 212
Narasimhan, R. 183 213
Narayanaswami, R. 124 168
Nath, P. 84 96 108
Navaratna, D.R. 244 248 255 264
Nay, R.A. 162 163 171
Nayak, G.C. 51 54 57 62 104 105; 394; 436
Naylor, D.J. 63 106
Neal, M.O. 347 362
Neale, B.K. 157 171
Necessary requirements 184
Necking of a circular bar 357
Needleman, A. 90 93 109
Nelson, R.B. 308 311
Neo-Hookean models/materials 341 357
Neutral equilibrium, and stability 374
Newmark procedure 6 419
Newton matrix method 30 31
Newton — Raphson iteration 35 59 102 166 327 351
Newton — Raphson method 24 79
Newton — Raphson method, modified 26 84
Newton — Raphson process 59 336 379 392
Newton — Raphson process, negative features of 25
Newton — Raphson scheme 78 331 335 346 359
Newton — Raphson solution 313 324 326 339 345 352 354 369 403
Newton's method see Newton — Raphson method
Newton, R.E. 385 393
Newton-type computer algorithms 415 416 417
Newton-type solution 46
Newton-type solution, strategy for 42
Nguyen, Q.A. 79 107
No-tension material 84
Nodal circles 246
Nodal displacement 218
Nodal forces 127
Nodal forces and tangent matrix terms 337
Nodal load vector 127
Nodal parameters 123 192
Nodal rotation 255
Nodal values 188
Nodal variables 134
Node transforms 220
Node-node contact 348
Node-surface contact/treatment 351
Node-surface contact/treatment between discs 355
Nodeless variables 255
Nodes: master 348 351
Nodes: slave 348 351
Noll, W. 345 361
Non-associated formulations 89
Non-associated plasticity 91
Non-associative case: frictional materials 68
Non-associative case: generalized plasticity 68
Non-associative hardening 53
Non-associative plasticity 52 60
Non-linear algebraic equations 22
Non-linear behaviour of solids: geometric non-linearity 1
Non-linear behaviour of solids: material non-linearity 1
Non-linear behaviour of solids: small deformation problems 3
Non-linear elastic behaviour 48
Non-linear formulation, transient and steady-state problems 6
Non-linear materials 38
Non-linear problems, computer program solutions 415
Non-linear quasi-harmonic field problems 12 101
Non-linear structural problems 365
Non-local approach 92
Non-uniqueness 23 90
Non-uniqueness in elasto-plastic deformations 88
Noor, A.K. 390 395
Normal direction cosines 225
Normal slopes 146
Normality principle (flow rule) 51
Norris, V.A. 63 106
Norton — Soderberg creep law 81
Novozhilov, V.V. 244 245 252 265; 310
Numerical integration 165 274
Numerical patch tests 186
Nygard, M.K. 124 132 169
Oancea, V.G. 355 363
Obrecht, H. 308 311
Oden, J.T. 162 171; 347 361
Offate, E. 162 163 164 172; 191 194 195 213 214; 258 259 260 261 262 265
Ogden, R.W. 341 342 343 361
Oliver, J. 91 109
Olson, M.D. 123 154 168; 241
One-dimensional beam example 159
Orthogonal functions 289
Orthogonal matrix 366
Orthogonal transformations 220
Ortiz, M. 90 93 109; 363
Otter, J.H.R. 17 21; 37
Ottosen, N.S. 93 110
Overlay models 54
Owen, D.R.J. 54 57 78 81 84 93 101 105 107 108 110; 171
Pacoste, C. 390 395
Paczelt, I. 347 363
Padlog, J. 386 393
Pagano, N.J. 3 20
Pamin, J. 91 93 109
Pande, G.N. 63 82 88 91 106 108 109
Papadopoulos, P. 188 191 195 196 200 211 213 214 215; 355 362 363; 397 410
Papadrakakis, M. 34 37
Parabolic axisymmetric shell elements 277
Parabolic-type elements 297
Parallelogram elements 128
Parameters: forms without rotational 208
Parameters: nodal 123 192
Parameters: rotational 208
Parekh, C.J. 217 226 227 231 232 240 242
Parisch, H. 286 287; 362; 393 394
| Parks, D.M. 72 107
Parlett, B.N. 373 392; 431
Pascal triangle 154
Pastor, M. 19 20 21; 70 82 93 96 106 108 109 110
Patch count, and discrete collocation constraints 188
Patch tests 131
Patch tests and collocation constraints 195
Patch tests, an analytical requirement 134
Patch tests, continuity condition 135
Patch tests, curvilinear coordinates 128
Patch tests, numerical 186
Patch tests, plate bending elements 183
Patch tests, quadrilateral mixed elements 185
Patch tests, simple count 187
Patch tests, thick plate elements 203
Patch tests, triangular mixed elements 186
Patches: four-element 190
Patches: single-element 190
Path dependent behaviour 35
Paul, D.K. 70 106
Pawsey, S.F. 179 212; 280 283 286
Peano, A. 154 170
Penalty functions 261 350
Penalty multiplier 261
Penalty parameters 175
Penzien, J. 244 264
Peraire, J. 93 96 110
Percy J.H. 244 248 264
Perforated plate: plane strain solutions 73
Perforated plate: plane stress solutions 72
Peric, D. 93 110
Perturbing a Lagrange multiplier form 406
Perzyna, P. 79 83 107
Peterson, F.E. 45 104
Petocz, E.G. 397 411
Phillips, D.V. 84 108
Pian — Sumihara elements 199 334
Pica, A. 34 37
Picard iteration 29
Pietruszczak, S.T. 89 90 91 109
Pietrzak, G. 355 363
Pijaudier-Cabot, G. 90 91 92 93 109
Piola — Kirchhoff stress 317 320 328 333 339 345 368 369
Piola — Kirchhoff stress matrix 321
Pipe penetration 284
Pister, K.S. 4 21; 45 46 104
Plan, T.H.H. 31 36; 171; 248 255 264; 361; 395
Plane element stiffness 218
Plane strain solutions, perforated plate 73
Plane stress 165
Plane stress solutions, perforated plate 72
Plane stress, 66
Plastic behaviour 48
Plastic computation, examples of 71
Plastic correction 58
Plastic deformation, sustained 51
Plastic deviatoric strain rates 64
Plastic flow rule potential 51
Plastic localization calculation 96
Plastic material, hardening/softening of 48
Plastic mechanisms 93
Plastic potentials, additional 88
Plastic strain rate 51 54
Plastic stress-strain relations 54
Plastic yield surfaces 87
Plasticity models 343
Plasticity models, finite deformation 358
Plasticity models, isotropic 61
Plasticity: associative 52 60
Plasticity: constitutive model construction 54
Plasticity: non-associated 91
Plasticity: non-associative 52 60
Plasticity: rate form equations 64
Plasticity: time-independent theory 48
Plasticity: upper and lower bound theorems 52
Plate bending, initial stress matrix for 381
Plate elements 157
Plates: bending 111
Plates: bending elements 183
Plates: bending stiffness 114
Plates: bending strains 117
Plates: bending triangles 151
Plates: boundary conditions 116
Plates: circular, bending 262
Plates: clamped 175 384
Plates: composites 118
Plates: cylindrical bending 113 114
Plates: definition 1
Plates: discrete exact thin limit 202
Plates: displacement formulation 122
Plates: equilibrium equations 115
Plates: governing equations 113
Plates: homogeneous 158
Plates: hybrid 157
Plates: in-plate plate stiffness 114
Plates: internal/external virtual work 121
Plates: isotropic elasticity 118
Plates: isotropic homogeneous 380
Plates: large deflection problems 383
Plates: large displacement theory 375
Plates: large displacement theory, Reissner — Mindlin 173
Plates: large displacement theory, Reissner — Mindlin, and shells 277
Plates: large displacement theory, thin 111 112
Plates: large displacement theory, thin irreducible approximation 120
Plates: large displacement theory, transverse shear group strains 117
Plates: large displacement theory, twisting moments 118
Plates: non-homogeneous 158
Plates: non-linear formulation 379
Plates: point loads 176
Plates: rectangular 125
Plates: square simply supported 278
Plates: square with clamped edges 136 139
Plates: strain components in 165
Plates: thick 173 180 203
Plates: with flexure 296
Pnezien, J. 244 264
Point collocation of nodes 193
Point loads on plates 176
Point numbering 222
Poisson ratio operator 48
Poisson's ratio 67 73 114 118 272
Polak, E. 34 37
Polar decomposition of the deformation gradient 398
Polygonal shape approximation, to a curved shell 249
Polynomials: area coordinate 130
Polynomials: complete linear 129
Polynomials: Hermitian 152 296
Polynomials: Legendre 256
Polynomials: Postulates, Reissner — Mindlin 111
Polynomials: quintic 153
Popov, E.P. 70 106; 264
Poster, K.S. 4 21
Potential energy principle 193
Power station, underground 84
Prager, W. 51 52 53 62 104 106
Prakash, A. 54 105
Pramono, E. 90 109
Prandtl — Reuss equations 63
Prandtl — Reuss-strain relations 65
Pratt, C. 217 241
Press, W.H. 413 430; 436
Pressure approximations 11
Pressure loads, and deformation dependent forces 336
Principal stretches, logarithmic form 342
Principal tensile stresses, elimination of 84
Principles: constrained potential energy 193
Principles: d’Alembert 323
Principles: Hellinger — Reissner 156
Prismatic bar 292
Procedures: discretization 176
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