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Dolan T.J. — Fusion Research: Principles, Experiments and Technology |
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Kmetyk, L.N. 548
Knight, L.V. 345 346 349
Knock-on atoms 680
Knoepfel, H. 252 271 383 385 386 392 619 623 625 626 635
Knudsen number 574
Koepperdoerfer, W. 720
Kolesnichenko, Ya. I. 390 392
Kolm, H. 619 635
Komarov, A.D. 547
Kornelsen, E.V. 595
Kostoff, R.N. 549 831 847
Krakowski, R.A. 15 96 100 329 348 440 539 540 541 548 558 570 571 661 833 847
Krall, N.A. 109 119 138 167 215 235 548
Kramer, D. 718 719
Kramer, D.C. 705
Krapchev, V.B. 392
Krawczonek, W.M. 440 660
Kreischer, K. 235 236
Krenz, J.H. 15
Kreshchuk, A.P. 348
Kristiansen, M. 215
Krowcsonek, W.M. 677
Kruckewitt, T.W. 397 437
Kruer, W.L. 453 479
Krupke, W.F. 492
Kruskal — Shafranov limit 191
Kruskal, M. 167
Kubota, Y. 439 546
Kulcinski, G.L. 523 571 680 681 682 713 716 718 819
Kumazawa, R. 546
Kummer, D.L. 757 765 826 827 829
Kunkel, W.B. 138 235 307 310
Kunz, W. 272
Kunzler, J.E. 640 659
Kurtmullaev, R.Kh. 348
Lafferty, J.M. 580 582 583 587 588
LaHaye, R.J. 392
Lam, K.L. 439
Landmark, B.J. 138
Langmuir plasma oscillations 128
Langmuir probe 238 239
LaPelle, R.R. 595
Laquer, H.L. 677
Larbalestier, D.C. 571
Large Coil Test Facility (LCTF) 653
Larmor radius 152
Larmor radius of electrons 155
Larsen, E.M. 571 828
Larsen, J.M. 547
Laser fluence limitations 482
Laser frequency shifting 486
Laser gain 490
Laser-plasma interactions 450
LASNEX computer code 466
Lats'ko, P.M. 438
Laukhin, Ya.N. 348
Laux, M. 720
Lavi, A. 15
Lavi, G.H. 15
Lavrent'ev, O.A. 536 547
Lawson criteria 11 86
Lawson, J.D. 86 100
Lax, B. 619 635
Lazan, B.J. 692 693
Lazar, N.H. 436 440
Leak detection 592
Leber, R.L. 660
Lebrun, J.L. 272
Lee, J.C. 421
Lee, J.D. 841 842 847
Lee, P. 439
Lee, Y.C. 407 408 437 438
Legendre polynomials 780
Lehmberg, R.H. 480
Lehnert, B. 160 167 321 408 409 438 734 745
Leighton, R.B. 659
Lengyel, B.A. 482 522
Lengyel, L.L. 746
Leonard, B.R., Jr. 719
Leonard, S.L. 241 270
Leontovich, M.A. 138 215
Lesage, A. 272
Leung, K.N. 310
Levine, M.A. 307 310
Levitated rings 408
Levitron 316 407
Lewin, G. 586 595 713
Li, C.Y. 719
Li, X.Z. 309 571
Lichtenberg, A.J. 301 309
Lidsky, L.M. 403 438 828 847
Lieberman, M.A. 301 309
Lieurance, D.W. 440
Liewer, P.C. 548
Light ion beams 501
Lightfoot, E.J. 828
Ligou, J. 442 479
Like particles 24
Lillie, R.A. 800
Lilliequist, C.G. 348
Limit cycles 346
Limiter 561
Limiter-reflectors 737
Lindmar, E.L. 480
Lindstrom, R.S. 677
Line radiation 63
Linear induction accelerator 511
Linear theta pinch 316
Linearized MHD equations 181
Linford, R.K. 348 349
Lingertat, J. 720
Linhard reduced energy 697
Linnebur, E.J. 479
Lipinski, W.C. 100
Lipner, M.H. 390
Lipschultz, B. 389 392
Lipson, J. 327 348
Liquefaction 668
Liquid helium system of MFTF 673
Liquid metal fast breeder reactors (LMFBR's) 831
Lisak, M. 213 216 745
Lithium 10
Little, E.M. 348
Livingood, J.J. 510 523
Load leveling 657
Local thermodynamic equilibrium 60
Loeb, L.B. 142 150
Logan, B.G. 100 308 853
London penetration depth 639
London, F. 638 659
London, H. 638 659
Long, D. 264
Long-pulse mode 727
Longitudinal invariant 160
Longitudinal waves 127
Lorentz force 107
Lorentzian shape 251
Lorrain, P. 139 619
Loss boundaries for tandem mirror plug ions 285
Loss cone 160
Lovberg, R.H. 100 216 272
Lowenthal, D.D. 259 272
Lower hybrid frequency 129
Lubell, M.S. 659
Luhnann, M.C., Jr. 272
Lyman, T. 719
Lynch, S.J. 235 391
Ma, C.H. 272
Mach — Zehnder interferometer 257
| Machta, L. 15
Mackenzie, K.R. 310
Maddock, B.J. 660
Maeda, H. 733 745
Maeda, K. 776
Maglich, B.C. 542 549
Magnet coil power 612
Magnetic axis 173
Magnetic field calculations 597
Magnetic field diffusion 624
Magnetic field gradient force 155
Magnetic fields in laser-produced plasmas 459
Magnetic flutter 365
Magnetic flux 172
Magnetic flux compression 631
Magnetic flux measurements 240
Magnetic helicity 329
Magnetic insulation 498
Magnetic islands 194 356 357
Magnetic mirror 45
Magnetic mirror fields 169
Magnetic mirrors 159
magnetic moment 158
Magnetic piston 220
Magnetic pitch 338
Magnetic pressure 174
Magnetic quadrupole lens 513
Magnetic Reynolds number 196 355
Magnetic shear 172
Magnetic shielding 408
Magnetic surfaces 172 173 178 397
Magnetic surfaces of stellarators 395
Magnetic vector potential 106 598
Magnetic well 419
Magnetic well depth 396
Magnetically protected walls 518
Magnetically-insulated diode 502
Magnetron gage 588
Magnets, STARFIRE 564
Maintenance 554 557
Major axis 172
Major radius 161 172
Maki, K. 745
Malone, R.C. 315 348 548
Malyutin, A.I. 348
Manheimer, W.M. 216 390
Manickam, J. 389
Maniscalco, J. 523
Mansur, L.K. 718
Mantz, H.C. 571
Marable, J.H. 745
Markin, A.I. 348
Markvoort, J.A. 745
Marmar, E.S. 705 720 745
Maroni, V.A. 720 775 828
Marr, G.V. 60 72 271
Marshall, J. 314 315 348 349 548
Marshall, L.C. 522 547
Marshall, T.C. 272
Martin, R.L. 511 514
Martin, T. 523
Marty, D.A. 389
Martyushov, B.N. 348
Marx charging 630
Marx generator 497
Marx, K.D. 392 548
Mascheroni, L. 548
Maslov, V.A. 547
Mason, R.J. 479
Mass conservation equation 119
Mass per nucleon 9
Mass transfer 686
Massey, H.S.W. 53
Massey, R.S. 348
Masuzaki, M. 439
Materials development 711
Materials program 679
Materials requirements 819
Materials shortages 818
Matsuda, K. 236 720 746
Matsumoto, Y. 745
Mau, T.K. 271
Maurer, W. 571
Max, C.E. 479
Maximum beta 331
Maxwell equations 105
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution law 60
Maxwell, J.C. 596
Maxwellian distribution 17
Maxwellian energy distribution 19
Maxwellian reaction rate parameters 28
May, D.C. 789 800
May, R.P. 12
Maynard, C.W. 571 847
Mazarakis, M.G. 549
Maziasz, P.J. 695 719
McAlees, D.G. 416
McClintock, M. 666 677
McClintock, R.M. 677
McCoy, M.G. 392
McCracken, G.M. 707 711 720
McDaniel, E.W. 72 150
McDowell, M.R.C. 72
McElroy, R.J. 696
McGowan, J.W. 150
McGuire, K. 389
McIntosh, G.E. 661
McKee, C.F. 479
McKenna, K.F. 327 348 349
McKone, T.E. 828
McLean, E.A. 458 480
Mcleod gage 586
McLeod, H. 572
McMahon, J.M. 480
McNally, J.H. 523
McNally, J.R., Jr. 100
McNamara, B. 215
Mead, W.C. 479
Meade, D.M. 72 100 438
Mean 17
mean free paths 26 44 47 55
Mechanical behavior 687
Mechanical pumps 580
Meek, J.M. 150
Meeker, D.J. 532 547
Meier, W. 523
Meissner, W. 638 659
Melin, G.M. 307
Menasian, S.C. 549
Mense, A.T. 139 225 235 391 732 745 746
MFTF magnets 653
MFTF-B 292
MHD equations 118 120
MHD instabilities 170 179
MHD stability of tokamaks 350
Microinstabilities 170 197 203
Microwave heterodyne system 253
Microwave interferometers 255
Microwave reflection 254
Migma 542
Mikhailovskii, A.B. 216
Mikhajlovskaya, L.V. 745
Mikic, B.B. 800
Miley, G.H. 15 27 28 29 48 57 58 69 72 83 100 164 282 296 309 442 464 465 466 467 468 474 479 480 481 522 712 729 749 755 764 772 775
Miller, B. 235
Miller, G. 348
Miller, R.L. 57 58 72 540 541 548
Miller, W.F., Jr. 216
Mills, R. 619 635
Mills, R.G. 792 793 794 795 796 800 847
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