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Dolan T.J. — Fusion Research: Principles, Experiments and Technology
Dolan T.J. — Fusion Research: Principles, Experiments and Technology

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Название: Fusion Research: Principles, Experiments and Technology

Автор: Dolan T.J.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1981

Количество страниц: 934

Добавлена в каталог: 02.07.2010

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Electron diamagnetic drift velocity      202
Electron drag      278
Electron energy loss time, nonradiative      74
Electron injection into toruses      413
Electron pairing      636
Electron plasma frequency      122
Electron rings      411
Electron temperature in EBT      433
Electronuclear breeders      831
Electrostatic confinement      631
Electrostatic plugging      533
Electrostatic potential      106
Electrostatic potential in EBT      434
Electrostatic tokamak      413
Electrostatic waves      127
Elliott, W.P.      15
Elliptic integrals      601
Ellis, W.R.      317 347
Elmo Bumpy Torus (EBT)      414
Elongated plasma      320
Emissivities      757
Emittance      507
Emmert, G.A.      133 139 571 732 745
Energy      1
Energy absorption coefficient of microwaves      423
Energy confinement time in EBT      435
Energy confinement time, non-radiative      75
Energy conservation equations      74 119
Energy consumption rate      4
Energy contents of material      3
Energy conversion efficiencies      747
Energy costs      14
Energy cycle      79
Energy demand      1
Energy flows      79 81 84 367
Energy gain      444 450
Energy gain ratio      80
Energy gap      634
Energy loss mechanisms      170
Energy principle      181 187
Energy relaxation      42
energy release      8
Energy sources      4 7
Energy storage systems      626
Energy usage      3
Energy uses      1
Energy, electric field      2
Energy, electrostatic potential      2
Energy, food system      3
Energy, forms of      2
Energy, magnetic field      2
Energy, stored in capacitor      2
Energy, stored in inductance      2
Englemann, F.      745
Enthalpies      665
Environment      801
environmental considerations      802
Environmental effects      821
Equation of motion      119
Equilibration time      42
Equilibrium      75
Equilibrium conditions      60
Equipe TFR (TFR Group)      235 241 249 253 255 263 264 270 358 370 387 392
Erents, S.K.      707
Ergodic field line      172
Erickson, C.W.      438
Erickson, J.L.      100
Error in neutron transport calculations      783
Es'kov, A.G.      328 348
Escalation      822
Essmann, U.      640
Estes, R.D.      365 390
Estimated time to next failure (ETNF)      632
Estrine, E.A.      847
Eterno, C.T.      775 828 829
Eubank, H.P.      235 241 245 247 270 271 374 375 391
Evans, R.D.      9
Evans, R.P.      547
Everett, C.J.      799
Excitation      49 57
Expanding-radius tokamak      225
Exploding foil switch      630
Exploding pushers      465
Extraordinary wave      129 130
EXTRAP      321
Eylon, S.      301 309
Eyssa, Y.M.      656 657 661
Fabrication      687
Fabry      596
Failure rate      632
Fairbanks, E.S.      397
Far-infrared interferometers      259
Far-infrared spectroscopy      253
Faraday rotation      129 261 485
Faraday's law      105
Farnsworth, A.V., Jr.      480
Fast liner experiment      315
Fatigue      692
Fault conditions      648
Fault detection      649
Feedback stabilization      259
Felber, F.S.      746
Ferendeci, A.M.      72
Ferguson, H.R.P.      345 346 349
Fermi energy      447
Fernbach, S.      139
Ferrari, E.      523
Ferrer, J.C.      549
Fertile      830
Feynman, R.P.      659
Fickett, F.R.      716 720
Field emission      146
Field errors      612
Field intensified ionization      142
Field line      172
Field particles      35
Field reversal      411
Field reversed mirrors      296
Field-reversal ratio      337
Field-reversed theta pinch      323
Filamentation      459
Filamentation instability      514
File, J.      643 645 677
Filling factor      485
Fillo, J.A.      772 773 775 776 800
Film coefficient      757
Finch, F.T.      479
Finite difference equations      134
Fink, J.H.      100 235
Finn, J.M.      326 348
Finn, P.A.      828
First Townsend coefficient      142
First wall      683
Fisch, N.J.      392
Fisher, J.L.      390
Fissile      830
Fissile fuel cost      842
Fission explosions      442
Fleischmann, H.H.      412 439 522
Fleuss      572
Flow chart for Monte Carlo      784
Flowing blanket designs      765
Fluid equation      110
Fluorescence      264
Flute instability      189
Flux distribution      791
Flux jump      642
Flux quantization      639
Flux surface invariant      160
flux tubes      188 189
Fluxon      640
Foil activation      245
Fokker — Planck collision term      207
Fokker — Planck expression      109
Folomkin, I.P.      264 272
Foner, S.      637 660
Fong, J.T.      692 719
Foote, J.H.      277 307 308
Foote, V.      264
Force-free equilibrium      329
Force-reduced coils      611
Ford, R.D.      548
Fossil fuels      7
Foster, C.A.      741 742 746
Fourier series      192
Fowler, T.K.      308 828 852 853
Fraas, A.P.      684 719 749 761 762 764 769 775 808 813 828
Fraction of alpha particle energy transferred to ions      45
Fraley, G.S.      479
Franck — Condon neutrals      50 53
Franck — Condon principle      53
Frank, T.G.      479 517 518 523
Freeman, J.R.      522
Freeman, R.L.      54 56 58 72
Freiwald, D.A.      479
Frequency-shift interferometer      260
Fresnel zone plate      476
Freund, J.E.      800
Friction factor      614
Frictional drag force      108
Friedberg, J.P.      318 319 439
Fringe pattern      257
Fringes      256
Fritscher, U.      800
Frozen flux lines      195
FRX-C experiment      328
Fuel production      773
Fueling      738
Fujita, J.      271 272
Fujiwara, M.      415 419 440
Fukagawa, T.      546
Fukao, M.      439
Fuller, G.M.      571 829
Fundamental resonance      422
Furth, H.P.      15 322 333 335 349 852
Furusawa, A.      471
Fusion Engineering Device      11
Fusion engineering problems      550
Fusion fuels      7 9
Fusion power density      93
Fusion power density, volume-averaged      96
Fusion power gain      92
Fusion power plant      12
Fusion probability      91
Fusion reaction rate      26
Fusion reaction rate parameters, empirical equations      30
Fusion reactions      8
Fusion reactor design problems      551
Fusion reactor, requirements for      10
Fusion torch      13
Fusion-fission hybrids      830
Futch, A.H., Jr.      89 100 307 308
Gabriel, T.A.      681 718
Gaede, W.      572
Galileo      572
Gamma 6 tandem mirror      291
Garabedian, P.      215 401 437
Gardner, A.L.      547
Gardner, J.H.      345 346 349
Gas discharge      140
Gas efficiency      225
Gas production rates      681
Gas puffing      368
Gas turbine system      748
Gas-filled proportional counters      243
Gas-protected walls      519
Gasdynamic windows      488
Gaussian distribution      250
Generalized ohm's law      119
Generic connectors      554
George, E.V.      492
Georgievskij, A.V.      745
Gerber, K.A.      234
Gerdin, G.      440
Gerwin, R.A.      348 548
getters      584
Ghose, S.K.      829
Gibson, A.      745
Gilbody, H.B.      72
Gilligan, J.G.      15
Gilmore, J.M.      571
Glaser, P.E.      15 671 672 677
Glass lasers      482
Glasstone, S.      48 100 799
Glaze, J.A.      483
Glow discharge      146
Glowienka, J.C.      271 434 439
Godlove, T.F.      511 512 513 514 523
Godwin, R.O.      483
Goedheer, W.J.      745
Gold, R.E.      718 719
Gold, S.H.      480
Goldenbaum, G.C.      332 333
Goldfinger, R.C.      424 439 440
Goldston, R.J.      364 390 719
Golovin, I.N.      745
Gondhalekar, A.      372
Good curvature      189
Goodman, R.K.      307 308
Gordeev, Yu.S.      59 62
Gormezano, C.      307 308
Grad — Shafranov equation      177
Gralnick, S.L.      612 619 847
graphite      711
Graumann, D.W.      236 571
Gray, W.J.      720
Green, G.W.      595
Greene, B.J.      392
Greene, J.M.      389
Gregory, B.C.      547
Gridded electrostatic energy analyzer      242
Griem, H.R.      60 72 216 271 272
Grimes, W.R.      844 845 846 847
Grimm, R.C.      389
Groebner, R.J.      392
Gross national product      4
Gross, R.A.      235 538 548
Grossbeck, M.L.      719
Grossman, J.G.      260 272
Group velocity      126
Growth rate      180
Grubb, D.P.      307 308
Grun, J.      480
Guiding center approximation      153
Guthrie, A.      580 588 595
Gyroradius      152
Haas, R.A.      492 493
Haberstich, A.      348
Haefele, W.      6 7 15
Hagen, W.F.      483
Hagenson, R.L.      329 348
Haggmark, L.G.      697 719 720
Hagler, M.O.      215
Haines, M.G.      305 307 310
Half-life      802
Halle, J.H.      438
Hamasaki, S.      348 541 548
Hamberger, S.M.      399
Hamilton, G.W.      100 235 772 775
Hammer, D.A.      234
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